Pity the South

I lived in California for better than thirty years. I've lived in Ohio, New Mexico, Texas, and now make my home in South Carolina. I have traveled extensively through the southern states, met hundreds of people.

All I can say is, I've read a lot of posts in this thread by people who obviously know nothing of the south or its people.
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I guess I pity them as well...but not for economic reasons. The endless hatred spewed by many from the South..for Americans who disagree w them ...and our POTUS ....
This saddens me. They must hate themselves to hate so much..and to see hatred in those who bear them no ill will..like our first lady. She has done nothing but be positive since her hubby took office...both at home and abroad.

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This is the first time moochelle has felt proud of her country. So I guess she's found nothing to be proud of in our first few centuries of existence? Fucken Racist bitch.

Thank u for proving my point...A statement made by Mischelle during the prez campaign that she is "finally proud" of her country is sufficient to keep ur HATE reservoir for her and the prez filled 6 years later...
Do u even recognize what u do?

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Another lefty who bristles at the notion of personal responsibility. :rolleyes: They were her words, now they have to live with them.
If the South is so bad, why are you fucking Yankees moving here in droves?

Retiring (boom) in the South is cheap-----cheap because lifelong southerners are content to live with less-on-less and-----and retired people have lived long enough to not worry about the low life expectancy caused by southern attitude, lifestyle, polluted water, tainted seafood, et al.

Map of US states by life expectancy at birth (years)

Retiring (boom) in the South is cheap-----cheap because lifelong southerners are content to live with less-on-less and-----and retired people have lived long enough to not worry about the low life expectancy caused by southern attitude, lifestyle, polluted water, tainted seafood, et al.[sic]

That is an incorrect use of "et al.," you ignorant dope.
I guess I pity them as well...but not for economic reasons. The endless hatred spewed by many from the South..for Americans who disagree w them ...and our POTUS ....
This saddens me. They must hate themselves to hate so much..and to see hatred in those who bear them no ill will..like our first lady. She has done nothing but be positive since her hubby took office...both at home and abroad.

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This is the first time moochelle has felt proud of her country. So I guess she's found nothing to be proud of in our first few centuries of existence? Fucken Racist bitch.

Thank u for proving my point...A statement made by Mischelle during the prez campaign that she is "finally proud" of her country is sufficient to keep ur HATE reservoir for her and the prez filled 6 years later...
Do u even recognize what u do?

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If you dont find her statement insulting you shouldnt live here. Or maybe you're just a partisan hack.
The South is actually doing much better than the north. Texas particularly is booming with all the business it got from California.

Pull the foxwool from your eyes. Jobs aren't leaving CA but the housing bubble has forced lower income people to seek cheap, minimum wage lifestyles in southern states.

As usual when conservatives are able to cite a few individual cases they jump on that bandwagon while simultaneously ignoring the big picture - TX is spending a ton-o-dough to lure CA businesses to TX but-----but CA's job creation outperformed TX for much of 2012... and-----and the educated, high performing, high income Californians are not only not leaving CA but are increasing in number.

...Texas tries to lure California businesses - SFGate

Andrew S. Ross, Chronicle Columnist
February 6, 2013

"Barely a fart," said Gov. Jerry Brown, dismissing Texas Gov. Rick Perry's latest pitch for California businesses to move to the Lone Star State.

An expensive fart, he could have added.

The $24,000 ad campaign running on Bay Area and other radio stations this week - "Building a business in California is next to impossible," etc. - is part of the $19 billion Texas is estimated to spend annually on tax breaks and other incentives to keep Texas businesses happy and lure companies from other states, especially California.


Like, are Texas' taxpayer-funded efforts really paying off?

According to numerous studies, the economic needle between California and Texas has barely moved in the past few years. There have been relatively few corporate relocations in either direction. From 2003 to 2009, Texas saw a net job gain of just 28,000 from out-of-state companies moving to or setting up branches in Texas, according to one recent survey. For much of 2012, California outpaced Texas in terms of job creation. Despite a Texas "wide open for business" website boasting of all manner of California companies heading its way...


If the South is so bad, why are you fucking Yankees moving here in droves?

Because it's cheaper and warmer.

And since the Yankees have the money, the rebs will eventually bend to their will.

Ever been around a yankee that has been in the south for a while? They sound and act more southern. Sure, bring your money down here. We'll teach you to be southern.

:lol: I still say " Appreciate Ya" and catch myself saying "I'm fixin to go to...."
Retiring (boom) in the South is cheap-----cheap because lifelong southerners are content to live with less-on-less and-----and retired people have lived long enough to not worry about the low life expectancy caused by southern attitude, lifestyle, polluted water, tainted seafood, et al.[sic]

That is an incorrect use of "et al.," you ignorant dope.

I might-----might not think you're an idiot if you can 'splain why you put quotation marks around your comma - thanks in advance! but-----but I used "et al" exactly the way I intended to use et al and-----and is the reason you think you know what others are thinking is because-----because the Republican way is to project your own stinkin' thinkin' into other peoples messages, thoughts, writtings and----and----and uh, et al?

I ignore grammer and spelling errors but-----but thanks for opening the door and giving me the opportunity to spank your error(s).
Retiring (boom) in the South is cheap-----cheap because lifelong southerners are content to live with less-on-less and-----and retired people have lived long enough to not worry about the low life expectancy caused by southern attitude, lifestyle, polluted water, tainted seafood, et al.[sic]

That is an incorrect use of "et al.," you ignorant dope.

I might-----might not think you're an idiot if you can 'splain [sic] why you put quotation marks around your comma - thanks in advance! but-----but I used "et al" [sic] exactly the way I intended to use et al [sic] and-----and is the reason you think you know what others are thinking is because-----because the Republican way is to project your own stinkin' thinkin' [sic]into other peoples messages, thoughts, writtings [sic] and----and----and uh, et al [sic]?

I ignore grammer [sic] and spelling errors but-----but thanks for opening the door and giving me the opportunity to spank your error(s).

You used it incorrectly, moron. Learn the language or get out of my country.
I might-----might not think you're an idiot if you can 'splain why you put quotation marks around your comma

Because that's where they belong in American English, you ignorant dope.
Because it's cheaper and warmer.

And since the Yankees have the money, the rebs will eventually bend to their will.

Ever been around a yankee that has been in the south for a while? They sound and act more southern. Sure, bring your money down here. We'll teach you to be southern.

:lol: I still say " Appreciate Ya" and catch myself saying "I'm fixin to go to...."

Those are catchy, aren't they? Well, let me help you out a little.

When y'all wanna see how we live, git out from up yonder and head down here. I'm fixin to cook up a mess o' greens, so supper will be ready. Grab a tall glass of tea, sit on the porch, and I'll hollar when its ready.
If the South is so bad, why are you fucking Yankees moving here in droves?

Retiring (boom) in the South is cheap-----cheap because lifelong southerners are content to live with less-on-less and-----and retired people have lived long enough to not worry about the low life expectancy caused by southern attitude, lifestyle, polluted water, tainted seafood, et al.

Map of US states by life expectancy at birth (years)


I wonder if they actually live a whole 3 or 4 years longer (on average), or does it just seem that way?
If the South is so bad, why are you fucking Yankees moving here in droves?

Retiring (boom) in the South is cheap-----cheap because lifelong southerners are content to live with less-on-less and-----and retired people have lived long enough to not worry about the low life expectancy caused by southern attitude, lifestyle, polluted water, tainted seafood, et al.

Map of US states by life expectancy at birth (years)


I wonder if they actually live a whole 3 or 4 years longer (on average), or does it just seem that way?

I'm really glad you're happy with your life in Florida, I'm sure I will be very happy when I follow a couple of friends and move to The Villages within the next couple of years but-----but our personal lives are only a tiny part (at most) of the overall inability of southerners to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, get themselves healthy, get educated, and demand an end to the de facto plantation mentality that is keeping the southern working poor and middle class from participating in American upward mobility.

Northerners can help but-----but it's up to southerners pull off the yoke of plutocracy. Until southerners decide to get out from under the thumb of the plutocrats, get off the northern teat and demand the ability to earn a piece of the American pie - southerners will continue to be the unhappiest Americans...

Happiest Cities In America - Business Insider

Julie Zeveloff
March 25, 2014


Here are the U.S. communities with the highest rates of wellbeing, according to Gallup. They tend to be spread across the northeast, northwest, and California.



unHappiest Cities In America - Business Insider

On the flip side are the cities with the lowest rates of wellbeing. Last year, Charleston, W. Va. came in last. This year, it was displaced by Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY-OH, which was second-from-the-bottom on last year's ranking.

Many of the cities at the bottom of the ranking are located in the northeast and south.


:beer:Soon as I retire I'll be heading south !!

The saying nowadays is, make your fortune in the north, then retire in the south.

Incredibly low real estate prices (you should see the freaking mansion my brother bought in Texas last year for $279K !!!! Absolutely beyond belief !!

Great weather ! Low taxes ! Great food !

Absolutely cannot wait to say goodbye to the liberal snobs and shithole weather, taxes, prices !!!

Yeah baby !!! :dance::dance:
We can't wait to welcome you down south! How much longer you gotta wait?
Feel free to pity the south if you want. I love living here.

While there may be more poverty, the lower cost of living means it is an easier place to be poor. I have access to some top quality health care, and my insurance dollars go farther. I make a nationally competitive salary in my field, and with the lower cost of living I can enjoy it and still save for retirement. Smoking is a choice people make, it is not my problem.

But it is not just those things, but the genuine friendliness I enjoy down here. I have travelled and worked all over the US. And there are friendly people everywhere. But no where has the volume of smiling friendly people you find in the south. People wave as you drive by. They chat in the checkout lines at the grocery store. When I was coming back down from working up north I could always tell when I was "Home" again. If I stopped for gas and a cold drink and the clerk just said, "$32.00 please", I wasn't close. When they said, "Hi, how ya doin? Sure is a pretty day (or cold day or whatever) That'll be $32.00. Drive safe now", I knew I was closer to home.

Pity us if you want. I'll take little old ladies saying "Bless her heart", tall glasses of sweet tea, the smell of magnolia blossoms, college football tailgating, and miles of dirt roads over a slightly higher standard of living for everyone else.

EXACTLY! I have lived outside the south and I HATED IT! I absolutely LOVE the south. I love living in Dixie and can never leave her.

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