Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

Wow. Wish I hadn't watched that. Gives a whole new meaning to the term, "Merchants of Death."

Yeah.....if you are gullible and believe anything you are told.

I watched the video, it seemed pretty self explanatory. Link me to another thread or another source, I'm open minded.

Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Planned Parenthood Responds to Undercover Video

Thanks. I did have my suspicions that something was off when the price was quoted as,

Nucatola replies, “You know, I would throw a number out, I would say it’s probably anywhere from $30 to $100, depending on the facility and what’s involved.” The fake rep then clarifies, “The $30 to $100 price range, that’s per specimen that we’re talking about, right?” Nucatola answers, “Per specimen. Yes.”
Planned Parenthood Responds to Undercover Video

In the free market, I was pretty certain stem cells go for a much higher cost to researchers than that. Something definitely did seem to be amiss. It makes much more sense that this was the cost for handling donations.

Still, we must keep in mind, this doesn't make what planned parenthood is doing exactly ethically right or morally proper. However, it's up to each flock to keep their own I suppose. As long as they stay away from minor girls and get no government funding they can do their evil in their own little corner of the world. This is America, right?
except that this patient had no say in whether or not they wanted to donate their body parts.

So are you an organ donor? If so, what's your blood type?

fetuses aren't people, and the women do sign off on the donations...

Argument fail.
Jusawful that women can donate something that would otherwise be incinerated -- that can go on to save and improve others lives.

Just awful.

No Planned Parenthood Is Not Selling Aborted Fetal Body Parts

"Except that, as Planned Parenthood told The Hill, its affiliates “can legally receive reimbursement from a tissue donation procedure for the ‘additional expenses related tissue donation, which can vary based on individual circumstance,’ but it does not go to staff members or providers.” These “additional expenses” might be the $10-30 it costs to transport the tissue being donated, which Planned Parenthood notes is “standard across the medical field.” And no, the patient donating the tissue doesn’t receive any financial reimbursement either.

In reality, the donation of fetal tissue is no different than any other situation in which a patient might donate tissue to scientific research. No money changes hands, and the donation could help pave the way to any number of medical breakthroughs."

Yes...and a lie.....the company that takes the murdered baby parts picks up the remains without cost. They are killing babies and selling their body parts....what part of that is too hard for you morons to understand?
Wow. Wish I hadn't watched that. Gives a whole new meaning to the term, "Merchants of Death."

Yeah.....if you are gullible and believe anything you are told.

I watched the video, it seemed pretty self explanatory. Link me to another thread or another source, I'm open minded.

Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Planned Parenthood Responds to Undercover Video

Thanks. I did have my suspicions that something was off when the price was quoted as,

Nucatola replies, “You know, I would throw a number out, I would say it’s probably anywhere from $30 to $100, depending on the facility and what’s involved.” The fake rep then clarifies, “The $30 to $100 price range, that’s per specimen that we’re talking about, right?” Nucatola answers, “Per specimen. Yes.”
Planned Parenthood Responds to Undercover Video

In the free market, I was pretty certain stem cells go for a much higher cost to researchers than that. Something definitely did seem to be amiss. It makes much more sense that this was the cost for handling donations.

Still, we must keep in mind, this doesn't make what planned parenthood is doing exactly ethically right or morally proper. However, it's up to each flock to keep their own I suppose. As long as they stay away from minor girls and get no government funding they can do their evil in their own little corner of the world. This is America, right?

What they are doing IS ethically right. According to MY moral compass, it is also "proper".

What isn't ethical nor moral is the fucking hit job video and the way it has been shoved through the echo chamber.
I'm not watching the video.
Does she really say "I sell dead babies"?!
That's just sick!
Yes...and a lie.....the company that takes the murdered baby parts picks up the remains without cost. They are killing babies and selling their body parts....what part of that is too hard for you morons to understand?

what was the name and date of birth of "the baby" killed ...? so dramatic and so dishonest and hypocritical

Planned Parenthood slams heavily edited video that falsely shows tissue donation as sale of body parts
Planned Parenthood said on Tuesday a secretly recorded video that surfaced on the Internet falsely portrayed the reproductive health group’s participation in the sale of tissue and body parts from aborted fetuses.
Yes...and a lie.....the company that takes the murdered baby parts picks up the remains without cost. They are killing babies and selling their body parts....what part of that is too hard for you morons to understand?

what was the name and date of birth of "the baby" killed ...? so dramatic and so dishonest and hypocritical

Planned Parenthood slams heavily edited video that falsely shows tissue donation as sale of body parts
Planned Parenthood said on Tuesday a secretly recorded video that surfaced on the Internet falsely portrayed the reproductive health group’s participation in the sale of tissue and body parts from aborted fetuses.

They kill babies and sell their body parts..............
Yes...and a lie.....the company that takes the murdered baby parts picks up the remains without cost. They are killing babies and selling their body parts....what part of that is too hard for you morons to understand?

what was the name and date of birth of "the baby" killed ...? so dramatic and so dishonest and hypocritical

Planned Parenthood slams heavily edited video that falsely shows tissue donation as sale of body parts
Planned Parenthood said on Tuesday a secretly recorded video that surfaced on the Internet falsely portrayed the reproductive health group’s participation in the sale of tissue and body parts from aborted fetuses.

Yes...they have released the 3 hour video...

Planned Parenthood responds Nucatola s just talking about reimbursements Update Jindal orders LA probe halt to PP license Update Unedited 3-hour video added Hot Air

Update: Part of Planned Parenthood’s gripe is that the Center for Medical Progress published “a heavily edited, secretly recorded videotape.” News organizations do this all the time, of course, but if you want to see the whole almost-3-hour lunch, CMP has it available for viewing:
They kill babies and sell the parts....

It’s not illegal to donate tissue, but the sale of it is definitely illegal. The costs to which Ferraro alludes would not apply in abortions, since that is a paid-for procedure by the mother. Transportation costs would almost certainly not apply on a body-part basis either, especially with the wide disparities of price noted by PP’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola in the video.

The context of the video was clearly not reimbursement for transportation of random tissue. Nucatola talks extensively about the demand for specific body parts in relation to price. “A lot of people want liver,” Nucatola states, and then explains how they train their staff to perform these abortions so that PP clinics can harvest organs to meet specific demand, and then make the sale. At one point, Nucatola even talks about body parts being on a “menu.”

Besides, if this was all business as usual, why does Nucatola discuss the strategic policies of the corporate office to have the affiliates front these sales? The reporter posing as a buyer asks Nucatola why he can’t just coordinate the sales with the national office. “We have a Litigation and Law Department which just really doesn’t want us to be the middle people for this issue right now,” and that their lawyers consider it “too touchy” for the national office. “But I will tell you that behind these closed doors,” Nucatola explains further, “these conversations are happening with the affiliates.”
Is anyone surprised that it has reached this point.........? When you kill babies for convenience, lying about what they are to do it, is is any wonder that they just become a commodity.....that is the end result of are simply a part in the machine...a very disposable part of that machine......
Yes...and a lie.....the company that takes the murdered baby parts picks up the remains without cost. They are killing babies and selling their body parts....what part of that is too hard for you morons to understand?

So they are getting a whopping $30.00 for a tissue sample, and you think this is a big business or something?

Fetuses aren't babies, and if they are performing an abortion at 20 weeks, it's usually because the fetus is deformed.
Is anyone surprised that it has reached this point.........? When you kill babies for convenience, lying about what they are to do it, is is any wonder that they just become a commodity.....that is the end result of are simply a part in the machine...a very disposable part of that machine......

again, your whole premise falls apart when you use the word 'baby' to describe a fetus.

they aren't the same thing in terms of science, the law or even religion.
Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, this is as bad as it can get

Video catches Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts from illegal partial-birth abortions

An undercover video released this morning shows a national leader of Planned Parenthood admitting that the abortion provider uses the illegal partial birth abortion procedure to sell intact fetal body parts.

Awesome. Do you have the video without the editing? Not this video with select bits taken out of context where it sounds like lab costs that PP pays a profits.

No ones making any money for a $30 tissue sample.

Dry up,old man. You have no credibility,none, zilch, you just spew nonsense and expect to be taken at face value. Oh, and if you support abortion you're just as guilty as the one murdering the innocents. That goes for any of you
It’s not illegal to donate tissue, but the sale of it is definitely illegal. The costs to which Ferraro alludes would not apply in abortions, since that is a paid-for procedure by the mother. Transportation costs would almost certainly not apply on a body-part basis either, especially with the wide disparities of price noted by PP’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola in the video.

I know the sciency stuff eludes you, Cleetus, but there is an expense involved in transporting tissues. The Tissues have to be packaged, preserved and delivered to the lab that is going to use them. And yes, some tissues are more delicate than others.

We actually had the debate on this 25 years ago when Bill Clinton lifted the ban on fetal tissue research back in 1993.
Dry up,old man. You have no credibility,none, zilch, you just spew nonsense and expect to be taken at face value. Oh, and if you support abortion you're just as guilty as the one murdering the innocents. That goes for any of you

As long as women make really bad relationship choices, we are always going to have abortion.


Now, if your side was serious about reducing the number of abortions, instead of just expressing your superstition and misogyny, there are ways to get there.

Improved sex education and birth control without any bullshit about abstinence.

Paid Family and Medical Leave.

Universal Health Care

That's what the Europeans do, and they have only half the number of abortions per capita that we have.

Until you have that discussion, abortion is just how the Plutocrats keep stupid people like you angry while they continue to steal the Middle Class away from you.
Update: Part of Planned Parenthood’s gripe is that the Center for Medical Progress published “a heavily edited, secretly recorded videotape.” News organizations do this all the time, of course, but if you want to see the whole almost-3-hour lunch, CMP has it available for viewing:

And when news organizations edit something dishonestly, like they did with Zimmerman, your side is the first to scream bloody murder over it.
Dry up,old man. You have no credibility,none, zilch, you just spew nonsense and expect to be taken at face value. Oh, and if you support abortion you're just as guilty as the one murdering the innocents. That goes for any of you

As long as women make really bad relationship choices, we are always going to have abortion.


Now, if your side was serious about reducing the number of abortions, instead of just expressing your superstition and misogyny, there are ways to get there.

Improved sex education and birth control without any bullshit about abstinence.

Paid Family and Medical Leave.

Universal Health Care

That's what the Europeans do, and they have only half the number of abortions per capita that we have.

Until you have that discussion, abortion is just how the Plutocrats keep stupid people like you angry while they continue to steal the Middle Class away from you.

STFU old man. You support it, you own it
STFU old man. You support it, you own it

actually, I used to be one of you wingnuts who got all upset about this.

Until I realized that Roe V. Wade was voted for by Republican justices (5 of the 7 who voted for it were appointed by Nixon and Ike) and maintained by Republican Justices (half the Republican Appointees since 1973 have affirmed Roe.)

I'm really sorry you are far too stupid to realize when you are being played. But religious people tend to be pretty gullible to start with.
STFU old man. You support it, you own it

actually, I used to be one of you wingnuts who got all upset about this.

Until I realized that Roe V. Wade was voted for by Republican justices (5 of the 7 who voted for it were appointed by Nixon and Ike) and maintained by Republican Justices (half the Republican Appointees since 1973 have affirmed Roe.)

I'm really sorry you are far too stupid to realize when you are being played. But religious people tend to be pretty gullible to start with.

Save your BS, old man. Nobody buys it. You support it, you own it. Millions murdered, sad, sad, sad. And YOU are part of it.
The video is a political hatchet job carried out and paid for by Wing Nut organizations affiliated with an organization created by the famous humanitarian William Casey head of the CIA

If there are babies getting killed for profit can you provide the Baby's name and date of birth ......

Lets take a look at the stalwarts who produced this video...I think the video was done on behalf of Bobby Jindal...its should carry a statement at the end "this video approved by Bobby Jindal

[William Casey is a former head of the CIA responsible for any number of murders assassinations and other wet affairs....]

Manhattan Institute | Center for Medical Progress

The Manhattan Institute(MI) is a right-wing501(c) (3) non-profit think tank founded in 1978 by William J. Casey, who later became President Ronald Reagan's CIA director.[1]It is an associate member of the State Policy Network.

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