Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

Yes...and a lie.....the company that takes the murdered baby parts picks up the remains without cost. They are killing babies and selling their body parts....what part of that is too hard for you morons to understand?

So they are getting a whopping $30.00 for a tissue sample, and you think this is a big business or something?

Fetuses aren't babies, and if they are performing an abortion at 20 weeks, it's usually because the fetus is deformed.

Well isn't a fucking "tissue sample" she said hearts, livers, lungs.......that means a baby...not a zygote, not tissue, a baby human being is killed and then cut up for parts..........

This nimrod thinks word play will lie it away
We have a new James O'Keefe heavily edited video....the new O'Keefe is edited in order to frame Planned Parenthood with "selling baby parts" is a smear and it is also coordinated with the Jindal campaign.........

Origins: On 14 July 2015, The Center for Medical Progress posted a video purportedly showing a leading Planned Parenthood doctor, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, admitting to a pair of actors pretending to be buyers from a human biologics company that Planned Parenthood sells organs from aborted fetuses:
it opens with a news report and footage of Planned Parenthood president Gloria Feldt condemning “inappropriate behavior,” presented in a manner that made Feldt’s statement seem like she was commenting on the current issue even though the quote was actually more than a decade old. [ O'keefe style creative editing ]

When Planned Parenthood faced similar accusations in 2003, Feldt, who was president of the organization from 1996 to 2005 (and not at any time during the alleged three-year investigation referenced here), appeared on the ABC show 20/20 to discuss “alleged abuses by private sector tissue and organ procurement companies”

...the “smoking gun” of the original video occurs at the 12:24:00 mark when Nucatola states a price of “$30 to $100,” but it’s unclear exactly what she is talking about....... [ O'keefe style creative editing ]It’s possible that Nucatola is merely outlining the costs (e.g., labor, shipping) of that process, which allows “reasonable payments associated with the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation quality control, or storage of human fetal tissue.”

In a press release issued in response to the video,
Planned Parenthood asserted that this was the case:
As reported by The Hill, Planned Parenthood released a second statement about the video in which the organization noted that affiliates can legally receive reimbursement for expenses related to tissue donation procedures:

“Deborah Nucatela was speculating on the range of reimbursement that patients can receive after stating they wish to donate any tissue after a procedure,” the organization wrote in a report.

An individual named
David Daleiden has been widely credited as the “leader” of the Center for Medical Progress. While Daleiden’s online footprint is minimal, a 2009 Claremont University article (penned by fellow conservative activist Chuck Johnson) reported:

James O’Keefe is a friend of David Daleiden’s. O’Keefe and Hannah Giles have been going coast to coast documenting instances of ACORN employees willingly giving advice on how to avoid paying taxes and shielding a would be pimp (running for congress) and a prostitutent from the watchful eye of the law. They’ve brought their investigation to New York City, Washington D.C., and Baltimore.

Read more at Baby Parts for Sale

It’s not illegal to donate tissue, but the sale of it is definitely illegal. The costs to which Ferraro alludes would not apply in abortions, since that is a paid-for procedure by the mother. Transportation costs would almost certainly not apply on a body-part basis either, especially with the wide disparities of price noted by PP’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola in the video.

The context of the video was clearly not reimbursement for transportation of random tissue. Nucatola talks extensively about the demand for specific body parts in relation to price. “A lot of people want liver,” Nucatola states, and then explains how they train their staff to perform these abortions so that PP clinics can harvest organs to meet specific demand, and then make the sale. At one point, Nucatola even talks about body parts being on a “menu.”

Besides, if this was all business as usual, why does Nucatola discuss the strategic policies of the corporate office to have the affiliates front these sales? The reporter posing as a buyer asks Nucatola why he can’t just coordinate the sales with the national office. “We have a Litigation and Law Department which just really doesn’t want us to be the middle people for this issue right now,” and that their lawyers consider it “too touchy” for the national office. “But I will tell you that behind these closed doors,” Nucatola explains further, “these conversations are happening with the affiliates.”
Is anyone surprised that it has reached this point.........? When you kill babies for convenience, lying about what they are to do it, is is any wonder that they just become a commodity.....that is the end result of are simply a part in the machine...a very disposable part of that machine......

again, your whole premise falls apart when you use the word 'baby' to describe a fetus.

they aren't the same thing in terms of science, the law or even religion.

They are selling hearts, lungs, livers and who knows what else......they are killing babies and selling the parts....and this is just what they caught on video...imagine what they are doing that we have yet to find out about.......kermit goznell is going to turn out to not be alone.........
Planned Parenthood Anti-abortion group s video twists facts TheHill

Planned Parenthood: Anti-abortion group's video twists facts..fiercely disputes that the conversation was about selling body parts

“Deborah Nucatela was speculating on the range of reimbursement that patients can receive after stating they wish to donate any tissue after a procedure,” the organization wrote in a report prepared by its PR firm.
Planned Parenthood Anti-abortion group s video twists facts TheHill

Planned Parenthood: Anti-abortion group's video twists facts..fiercely disputes that the conversation was about selling body parts

“Deborah Nucatela was speculating on the range of reimbursement that patients can receive after stating they wish to donate any tissue after a procedure,” the organization wrote in a report prepared by its PR firm.

What a fucking lie, the patients received nothing. This has been established
Planned Parenthood Anti-abortion group s video twists facts TheHill

Planned Parenthood: Anti-abortion group's video twists facts..fiercely disputes that the conversation was about selling body parts

“Deborah Nucatela was speculating on the range of reimbursement that patients can receive after stating they wish to donate any tissue after a procedure,” the organization wrote in a report prepared by its PR firm.

They killed babies and sold their hearts, lungs livers......
wow, we are now no better than animals who sometimes EATS their own young.

we have GONE TO HELL as a Society
If someone "killed babies and sold their hearts , lungs and livers" that is totally wrong and against the law.......
“Deborah Nucatela was speculating on the range of reimbursement that patients can receive after stating they wish to donate any tissue after a procedure,” the organization wrote in a report prepared by its PR firm.

“The promotional video mischaracterizing Planned Parenthood’s mission and services is made by a long time anti-abortion activist that has used deceptive and unethical video editing, and that has created a fake medical website as well as a fake human tissue website that purports to provide services to stem cell researchers,” the group wrote in a two-page statement.

It also provided several pages of background research about the organization’s use of donated fetal tissue, which it describes as “humanitarian undertaking that hold the potential to cure disease, save lives, and ameliorate suffering.”

The statement explains that Planned Parenthood affiliates can legally receive reimbursement from a tissue donation procedure for the “additional expenses related tissue donation, which can vary based on individual circumstance,”
Do you have the name and dates of birth of the babies ??

Lets get this straight ...big nut bag James O';Keefe is known for being a sleazy video misinform er...he is behind this video ...

Romney Invested in a Fetus-Disposal Company -- NYMag
wow, we are now no better than animals who sometimes EATS their own young.

we have GONE TO HELL as a Society

Not all of us, but anyone that supports murdering the most innocent of all most certainly has some issues
wow, we are now no better than animals who sometimes EATS their own young.

we have GONE TO HELL as a Society

Not all of us, but anyone that supports murdering the most innocent of all most certainly has some issues

YEP, I meant to add that. ANYONE who is standing up for this nasty baby killing industry is as scummy as they are. and we know that is the LEFT/the democrat party, Obama , Hillary, etc
If someone "killed babies and sold their hearts , lungs and livers" that is totally wrong and against the law.......
“Deborah Nucatela was speculating on the range of reimbursement that patients can receive after stating they wish to donate any tissue after a procedure,” the organization wrote in a report prepared by its PR firm.

“The promotional video mischaracterizing Planned Parenthood’s mission and services is made by a long time anti-abortion activist that has used deceptive and unethical video editing, and that has created a fake medical website as well as a fake human tissue website that purports to provide services to stem cell researchers,” the group wrote in a two-page statement.

It also provided several pages of background research about the organization’s use of donated fetal tissue, which it describes as “humanitarian undertaking that hold the potential to cure disease, save lives, and ameliorate suffering.”

The statement explains that Planned Parenthood affiliates can legally receive reimbursement from a tissue donation procedure for the “additional expenses related tissue donation, which can vary based on individual circumstance,”
Do you have the name and dates of birth of the babies ??

Lets get this straight ...big nut bag James O';Keefe is known for being a sleazy video misinform er...he is behind this video ...

Romney Invested in a Fetus-Disposal Company -- NYMag

They killed babies and sold their hearts, livers, lungs...........
I am on a list through the Dept of Motor Vehicles in my State so when I die my own organs can be harvested [donated]...............

In reality, the donation of fetal tissue is no different than any other situation in which a patient might donate tissue to scientific research. No money changes hands, and the donation could help pave the way to any number of medical breakthroughs.
No, Planned Parenthood Is Not Selling Aborted Fetal Body Parts

The Center for Medical Progress,which describes itself as“a group of citizen journalists dedicated to monitoring and reporting on medical ethics and advances.” Oddly enough, 10 of the the 11 total tweets made by the group’s Twitter account are from today, while the only two posts on its website seem to be about the Planned Parenthood video. And just like its Twitter account,the group’s Facebook page is only a few months old.

However,cached Google results reveal that way back in May of 2013, there were quite a few more posts on the group’s website. Trying to click on any of them now, though, brings you to this:

[LOL they covered their they lead to James O'Keefe..]
Here is a sample of her quotes:
Copyright © 2001 Diane S. Dew

Margaret Sanger (1883-1966)
On blacks, immigrants and indigents:

"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people
On sterilization & racial purification:
Sanger believed that, for the purpose of racial "purification," couples should be rewarded who chose sterilization. Birth Control in America, The Career of Margaret Sanger, by David Kennedy, p. 117, quoting a 1923 Sanger speech.
On the right of married couples to bear children:
Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child, she wrote in her "Plan for Peace." Birth Control Review, April 1932
On the purpose of birth control:
The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2)
On the rights of the handicapped and mentally ill, and racial minorities:
"More children from the fit, less from the unfit -- that is the chief aim of birth control." Birth Control Review, May 1919, p. 12

On religious convictions regarding sex outside of marriage:
"This book aims to answer the needs expressed in thousands on thousands of letters to me in
the solution of marriage problems... Knowledge of sex truths frankly and plainly presented cannot possibly injure healthy, normal, young minds. Concealment, suppression, futile attempts to veil the unveilable - these work injury, as they seldom succeed and only render those who indulge in them ridiculous. For myself, I have full confidence in the cleanliness, the open-mindedness, the promise of the younger generation." Margaret Sanger, Happiness in Marriage (Bretano's, New York, 1927)

On the extermination of blacks:
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.."

It amazes me the lack of knowledge democrats,liberals and progressives have on Sanger. She was an evil, evil woman

Ya. So evil she liberated women from the slavery of perpetual pregnancy.


Perpetual pregnancy is vile.
"Perpetual pregnancy"
Here is a sample of her quotes:
Copyright © 2001 Diane S. Dew

Margaret Sanger (1883-1966)
On blacks, immigrants and indigents:

"...human weeds,' 'reckless breeders,' 'spawning... human beings who never should have been born." Margaret Sanger, Pivot of Civilization, referring to immigrants and poor people
On sterilization & racial purification:
Sanger believed that, for the purpose of racial "purification," couples should be rewarded who chose sterilization. Birth Control in America, The Career of Margaret Sanger, by David Kennedy, p. 117, quoting a 1923 Sanger speech.
On the right of married couples to bear children:
Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child, she wrote in her "Plan for Peace." Birth Control Review, April 1932
On the purpose of birth control:
The purpose in promoting birth control was "to create a race of thoroughbreds," she wrote in the Birth Control Review, Nov. 1921 (p. 2)
On the rights of the handicapped and mentally ill, and racial minorities:
"More children from the fit, less from the unfit -- that is the chief aim of birth control." Birth Control Review, May 1919, p. 12

On religious convictions regarding sex outside of marriage:
"This book aims to answer the needs expressed in thousands on thousands of letters to me in
the solution of marriage problems... Knowledge of sex truths frankly and plainly presented cannot possibly injure healthy, normal, young minds. Concealment, suppression, futile attempts to veil the unveilable - these work injury, as they seldom succeed and only render those who indulge in them ridiculous. For myself, I have full confidence in the cleanliness, the open-mindedness, the promise of the younger generation." Margaret Sanger, Happiness in Marriage (Bretano's, New York, 1927)

On the extermination of blacks:
"We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population," she said, "if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.."

It amazes me the lack of knowledge democrats,liberals and progressives have on Sanger. She was an evil, evil woman

Ya. So evil she liberated women from the slavery of perpetual pregnancy.


Perpetual pregnancy is vile.
Human Biology 101 says you are full of shit.

Human Biology 101 says that is impossible.

Why do you have issues with women controlling their ability to get pregnant or, by extension, being able to enjoy sex on the same level that men do?
I went and looked at this video

.....and I am trying to find out what was illegal. Everything PP discussed was on the up and up. Also, I don't think this is any different from obtaining organs from a cadaver or organ donor.

Is it because we are talking about fetus that we should be outraged? Just wondering.

Did the unborn give consent to have his/her body donated? You can't take organs without explicit consent, and even then the family can stop it.

The fetus isn't a person.

African slaves were once considered less human than their white counterparts. Did it make them less human?

A fetus isn't a person.

Are you going to grant personhood to sperm now?

Why would anyone do that? Sperm is part of a person. A developing baby is not. Surely you can see the difference, or are you just trying to cloud the issue with hyperbole?

Sorry but a developing baby IS part of a person. It share's at least one half the DNA with it's host.
And of course as a voluntary measure, abortion never works to eliminate undesirables because most women just aren't that interested in killing their babies. So you know what the next step is.....think China and dragging pregnant women, screaming, to the abbatoirs.

Hyperbole much?
Honey, you seem not to realize you are seen by most as a propagandist here, and nothing more. Your posting style says it all. Facts, be damned.
If someone "killed babies and sold their hearts , lungs and livers" that is totally wrong and against the law.......
“Deborah Nucatela was speculating on the range of reimbursement that patients can receive after stating they wish to donate any tissue after a procedure,” the organization wrote in a report prepared by its PR firm.

“The promotional video mischaracterizing Planned Parenthood’s mission and services is made by a long time anti-abortion activist that has used deceptive and unethical video editing, and that has created a fake medical website as well as a fake human tissue website that purports to provide services to stem cell researchers,” the group wrote in a two-page statement.

It also provided several pages of background research about the organization’s use of donated fetal tissue, which it describes as “humanitarian undertaking that hold the potential to cure disease, save lives, and ameliorate suffering.”

The statement explains that Planned Parenthood affiliates can legally receive reimbursement from a tissue donation procedure for the “additional expenses related tissue donation, which can vary based on individual circumstance,”
Do you have the name and dates of birth of the babies ??

Lets get this straight ...big nut bag James O';Keefe is known for being a sleazy video misinform er...he is behind this video ...

Romney Invested in a Fetus-Disposal Company -- NYMag
So does an adult, which is separate from its 'host'. That qualifies nothing in your argument.
Did the unborn give consent to have his/her body donated? You can't take organs without explicit consent, and even then the family can stop it.

The fetus isn't a person.
African slaves were once considered less human than their white counterparts. Did it make them less human?

A fetus isn't a person.

Are you going to grant personhood to sperm now?
Why would anyone do that? Sperm is part of a person. A developing baby is not. Surely you can see the difference, or are you just trying to cloud the issue with hyperbole?

Sorry but a developing baby IS part of a person. It share's at least one half the DNA with it's host.
This is what happens to a society with atheist progressives force their agenda on the rest of us. I beg Sanger and her cohorts are chuckling with glee wherever they are - and I hope it's in the depth of hell where the rest of the PP butchers will end up.

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