Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

If you know some of these abortion wing nuts invite them over for some fried chicken....when they show up give them fried eggs,,,if they say "hey this is not fried chicken its fried eggs"...tell them its the same thing a fetus is the same as a baby............
And of course as a voluntary measure, abortion never works to eliminate undesirables because most women just aren't that interested in killing their babies. So you know what the next step is.....think China and dragging pregnant women, screaming, to the abbatoirs.

Hyperbole much?
Yes, I know. It's such a huge leap from changing the procedure in the abortion abbatoirs to accommodate organ harvests without the knowledge of the women undergoing the dangerous the thought that those people might actually want to force women they think shouldn't be having children to undergo the procedure.
Honey, since you seem to not know, the vast majority of eggs sold to be eaten have not been fertilized.
If you know some of these abortion wing nuts invite them over for some fried chicken....when they show up give them fried eggs,,,if they say "hey this is not fried chicken its fried eggs"...tell them its the same thing a fetus is the same as a baby............
Yes, selling baby parts is a humanitarian effort on the part of PP, lol.

"Aborted pregnancy tissue donation and research are humanitarian undertakings..."
“Undertakings”? Oh, my. Perhaps someone needs a new thesaurus, but “undertakings” is exactly the business of Planned Parenthood in the hundreds of thousands a year. That language underscores the hypocrisy of claiming to conduct “humanitarian” activities based on the destruction of human beings. It’s a ghastly and ghoulish argument even if no money changed hands, but especially so when the organization’s top medical officer cooly discusses cash exchanges for intact organs while sipping wine with her lunch. And let’s not forget the dichotomy of claiming that aborted babies are nothing but “clumps of cells” on one hand, and marketing intact organs on the other."

PP: I think for affiliates, at the end of the day, they’re a non-profit, they just don’t want to—they want to break even. And if they can do a little better than break even, and do so in a way that seems reasonable, they’re happy to do that."


"Nucatola’s description of Planned Parenthood training demonstrates a violation of federal law:


"Nucatola describes how she herself violates this law, and how Planned Parenthood trains providers to do so as well:
Buyer: So, I guess cell viability is a concern right? So, some of the intactness of the specimens is a pretty big deal.
PP: Yea, so that’s where we kind of get into an ethical situation, because what I think most providers don’t want to have do, they don’t want- In terms of the steps and the preparation, and getting them to the actual procedure, you know, if you really want an intact specimen, the more dilation, the better. Is the clinic gonna you know, put in another set of laminaria to do something different? I think they’d prefer not to. For example, what I’m dealing with now, if I know what they’re looking for, I’ll just keep it in the back of my mind, and try to at least keep that part intact. But, I generally don’t do extra dilation. I won’t put in an extra set of laminaria, or add an extra day, that’s going to add significant cost of expense to everybody."

"According to Nucatola, Planned Parenthood trains its staff to change the procedures when they need to transfer fetal organs — and whether one considers that a sale or a paid-for donation, that in itself violates federal law. Nucatola’s inadvertent deposition exposes a great deal of wrongdoing. Even the best PR flacks can’t cover this up."

New Planned Parenthood spin Organ harvesting sales a humanitarian undertaking Hot Air
It amazes me the lack of knowledge democrats,liberals and progressives have on Sanger. She was an evil, evil woman

Ya. So evil she liberated women from the slavery of perpetual pregnancy.


Perpetual pregnancy is vile.
"Perpetual pregnancy"
It amazes me the lack of knowledge democrats,liberals and progressives have on Sanger. She was an evil, evil woman

Ya. So evil she liberated women from the slavery of perpetual pregnancy.


Perpetual pregnancy is vile.
Human Biology 101 says you are full of shit.

Human Biology 101 says that is impossible.

Why do you have issues with women controlling their ability to get pregnant or, by extension, being able to enjoy sex on the same level that men do?

Obviously they are not controlling their ability to get pregnant, or they wouldn't get pregnant.
And if you can't enjoy sex without an abortion clinic on every corner, you're doing it wrong.
And Muhammed said your perpetual pregnancy argument is full of shit. How do you twist that into him having issues with woman enjoying sex?
It's that twisting that Americans are so sick of. Here is a perfect example:
Trump- some Mexicans crossing the border are bad people.
Liberals- Trump hates all Mexicans.

Muhammed is right. Bio.101 says you're full of shit.
And If you are perpetually pregnant, no wonder you don't enjoy sex. ;)
Last edited:
and hey if you know some OCD anti abortionist invite them over for some cookies and milk...when they show up serve them a lump of raw frozen cookie dough...when they go ..."what the heck is this"...tell them its a cookie same as a an embryo being a person...............
You pro lifers amaze me.

Your argument can be completely destroyed and exposed for the ingnorant hysteria it really is.....

Then like a boomarang, you can just forget that all happened, and relax in your hyperbole of hate.
You pro lifers amaze me.

Your argument can be completely destroyed and exposed for the ingnorant hysteria it really is.....

Then like a boomarang, you can just forget that all happened, and relax in your hyperbole of hate.
It hasn't been destroyed. It's not an argument, PP is racketeering. They're putting vulnerable women at risk in order to harvest babies for profit.
The two main liberal arguments for abortion, 1) It's just a clump of cells and 2) I'm "pro choice", not pro abortion just left the building. Gone, kaput, see you later

Pro-Aborts: Here Are Two Arguments You Can’t Make Anymore

Abortion is the highest sacrament in the Church of Liberalism.

The killing of children is considered even holier and more sacred to its disciples than gay marriage or genital mutilation. Like the primitive pagan cultures before them, liberalism looks upon the sacred rite of child sacrifice with a deep reverence. The liberal has a cult-like, religious devotion to sacrament of infanticide. Liberals will venerate it for the same reason Catholics venerate the Eucharist and Muslims the Koran — because it is the centerpiece of their worship, the core, the soul of the thing.

Once we understand this, we should not be surprised by the events of these last few days. To the outside observer — someone mercifully unfamiliar with the teachings of the liberal church — it might seem surprising, even remarkable, that the nation’s largest abortion provider was caught on tape selling the dismembered body parts and organs of dead children, and that liberals immediately and passionately defended the practice. The behavior on the part of Planned Parenthood shouldn’t shock us, as I said yesterday, but neither should the nauseating response from the media and various liberal pundits.

I say “response,” but naturally the response from much of the media was nothing but a blaring, deafening silence. Aside from Fox News, most of the cable and network channels dusted off their patented blackout strategy, last employed during the Kermit Gosnell trial, and ignored the scandal completely. In fairness, CNN did have more important things to talk about, like Kylie Jenner’s hairdo.

Meanwhile, liberal bloggers and commentators rushed to rescue the damsel Planned Parenthood from the evil clutches of the right wing conspiracy. In a moment of sheer dementia, Slate called the selling of dead baby organs “fluff,” and insisted that the real issue is simply that abortion is kind of “gross” — but no grosser than heart surgery or child birth.

Yes, giving birth to a child is as gross as crushing its skull and hawking its parts for cash.

Citizens, this is liberalism. Look upon its revolting face and weep.

Attention Pro-Aborts Here Are Two Arguments You Can t Make Anymore
You pro lifers amaze me.

Your argument can be completely destroyed and exposed for the ingnorant hysteria it really is.....

Then like a boomarang, you can just forget that all happened, and relax in your hyperbole of hate.

You pro baby murderers make me sick, I can't imagine what has happened to someone in their life that they would ever condone such an evil deed
The two main liberal arguments for abortion, 1) It's just a clump of cells and 2) I'm "pro choice", not pro abortion just left the building. Gone, kaput, see you later

Pro-Aborts: Here Are Two Arguments You Can’t Make Anymore

Abortion is the highest sacrament in the Church of Liberalism.

The killing of children is considered even holier and more sacred to its disciples than gay marriage or genital mutilation. Like the primitive pagan cultures before them, liberalism looks upon the sacred rite of child sacrifice with a deep reverence. The liberal has a cult-like, religious devotion to sacrament of infanticide. Liberals will venerate it for the same reason Catholics venerate the Eucharist and Muslims the Koran — because it is the centerpiece of their worship, the core, the soul of the thing.

Once we understand this, we should not be surprised by the events of these last few days. To the outside observer — someone mercifully unfamiliar with the teachings of the liberal church — it might seem surprising, even remarkable, that the nation’s largest abortion provider was caught on tape selling the dismembered body parts and organs of dead children, and that liberals immediately and passionately defended the practice. The behavior on the part of Planned Parenthood shouldn’t shock us, as I said yesterday, but neither should the nauseating response from the media and various liberal pundits.

I say “response,” but naturally the response from much of the media was nothing but a blaring, deafening silence. Aside from Fox News, most of the cable and network channels dusted off their patented blackout strategy, last employed during the Kermit Gosnell trial, and ignored the scandal completely. In fairness, CNN did have more important things to talk about, like Kylie Jenner’s hairdo.

Meanwhile, liberal bloggers and commentators rushed to rescue the damsel Planned Parenthood from the evil clutches of the right wing conspiracy. In a moment of sheer dementia, Slate called the selling of dead baby organs “fluff,” and insisted that the real issue is simply that abortion is kind of “gross” — but no grosser than heart surgery or child birth.

Yes, giving birth to a child is as gross as crushing its skull and hawking its parts for cash.

Citizens, this is liberalism. Look upon its revolting face and weep.

Attention Pro-Aborts Here Are Two Arguments You Can t Make Anymore
Are there any of yourown words in this post? or are you just spamming?
Yes, selling baby parts is a humanitarian effort on the part of PP, lol.

"Aborted pregnancy tissue donation and research are humanitarian undertakings..."
“Undertakings”? Oh, my. Perhaps someone needs a new thesaurus, but “undertakings” is exactly the business of Planned Parenthood in the hundreds of thousands a year. That language underscores the hypocrisy of claiming to conduct “humanitarian” activities based on the destruction of human beings. It’s a ghastly and ghoulish argument even if no money changed hands, but especially so when the organization’s top medical officer cooly discusses cash exchanges for intact organs while sipping wine with her lunch. And let’s not forget the dichotomy of claiming that aborted babies are nothing but “clumps of cells” on one hand, and marketing intact organs on the other."

PP: I think for affiliates, at the end of the day, they’re a non-profit, they just don’t want to—they want to break even. And if they can do a little better than break even, and do so in a way that seems reasonable, they’re happy to do that."


"Nucatola’s description of Planned Parenthood training demonstrates a violation of federal law:


"Nucatola describes how she herself violates this law, and how Planned Parenthood trains providers to do so as well:
Buyer: So, I guess cell viability is a concern right? So, some of the intactness of the specimens is a pretty big deal.
PP: Yea, so that’s where we kind of get into an ethical situation, because what I think most providers don’t want to have do, they don’t want- In terms of the steps and the preparation, and getting them to the actual procedure, you know, if you really want an intact specimen, the more dilation, the better. Is the clinic gonna you know, put in another set of laminaria to do something different? I think they’d prefer not to. For example, what I’m dealing with now, if I know what they’re looking for, I’ll just keep it in the back of my mind, and try to at least keep that part intact. But, I generally don’t do extra dilation. I won’t put in an extra set of laminaria, or add an extra day, that’s going to add significant cost of expense to everybody."

"According to Nucatola, Planned Parenthood trains its staff to change the procedures when they need to transfer fetal organs — and whether one considers that a sale or a paid-for donation, that in itself violates federal law. Nucatola’s inadvertent deposition exposes a great deal of wrongdoing. Even the best PR flacks can’t cover this up."

New Planned Parenthood spin Organ harvesting sales a humanitarian undertaking Hot Air

Shitting Bull read that on Huffpo and is duped, as usual
The two main liberal arguments for abortion, 1) It's just a clump of cells and 2) I'm "pro choice", not pro abortion just left the building. Gone, kaput, see you later

Pro-Aborts: Here Are Two Arguments You Can’t Make Anymore

Abortion is the highest sacrament in the Church of Liberalism.

The killing of children is considered even holier and more sacred to its disciples than gay marriage or genital mutilation. Like the primitive pagan cultures before them, liberalism looks upon the sacred rite of child sacrifice with a deep reverence. The liberal has a cult-like, religious devotion to sacrament of infanticide. Liberals will venerate it for the same reason Catholics venerate the Eucharist and Muslims the Koran — because it is the centerpiece of their worship, the core, the soul of the thing.

Once we understand this, we should not be surprised by the events of these last few days. To the outside observer — someone mercifully unfamiliar with the teachings of the liberal church — it might seem surprising, even remarkable, that the nation’s largest abortion provider was caught on tape selling the dismembered body parts and organs of dead children, and that liberals immediately and passionately defended the practice. The behavior on the part of Planned Parenthood shouldn’t shock us, as I said yesterday, but neither should the nauseating response from the media and various liberal pundits.

I say “response,” but naturally the response from much of the media was nothing but a blaring, deafening silence. Aside from Fox News, most of the cable and network channels dusted off their patented blackout strategy, last employed during the Kermit Gosnell trial, and ignored the scandal completely. In fairness, CNN did have more important things to talk about, like Kylie Jenner’s hairdo.

Meanwhile, liberal bloggers and commentators rushed to rescue the damsel Planned Parenthood from the evil clutches of the right wing conspiracy. In a moment of sheer dementia, Slate called the selling of dead baby organs “fluff,” and insisted that the real issue is simply that abortion is kind of “gross” — but no grosser than heart surgery or child birth.

Yes, giving birth to a child is as gross as crushing its skull and hawking its parts for cash.

Citizens, this is liberalism. Look upon its revolting face and weep.

Attention Pro-Aborts Here Are Two Arguments You Can t Make Anymore
Are there any of yourown words in this post? or are you just spamming?

Try and stay on point, if not stop responding to me. I'm tired of the liberal spin and deflection and if you continue I'll simply ignore you
Did the unborn give consent to have his/her body donated? You can't take organs without explicit consent, and even then the family can stop it.

The fetus isn't a person.
African slaves were once considered less human than their white counterparts. Did it make them less human?

A fetus isn't a person.

Are you going to grant personhood to sperm now?
Why would anyone do that? Sperm is part of a person. A developing baby is not. Surely you can see the difference, or are you just trying to cloud the issue with hyperbole?

Sorry but a developing baby IS part of a person. It share's at least one half the DNA with it's host.
Conjoined twins share much more than that, yet no one says they are one person simply because they have a biological connection. In fact, a mother expecting conjoined twins is not told she is going to have a single baby. She's told she will have twins.
The two main liberal arguments for abortion, 1) It's just a clump of cells and 2) I'm "pro choice", not pro abortion just left the building. Gone, kaput, see you later
Pro-Aborts: Here Are Two Arguments You Can’t Make Anymore

Abortion is the highest sacrament in the Church of Liberalism.

The killing of children is considered even holier and more sacred to its disciples than gay marriage or genital mutilation. Like the primitive pagan cultures before them, liberalism looks upon the sacred rite of child sacrifice with a deep reverence. The liberal has a cult-like, religious devotion to sacrament of infanticide. Liberals will venerate it for the same reason Catholics venerate the Eucharist and Muslims the Koran — because it is the centerpiece of their worship, the core, the soul of the thing.

Once we understand this, we should not be surprised by the events of these last few days. To the outside observer — someone mercifully unfamiliar with the teachings of the liberal church — it might seem surprising, even remarkable, that the nation’s largest abortion provider was caught on tape selling the dismembered body parts and organs of dead children, and that liberals immediately and passionately defended the practice. The behavior on the part of Planned Parenthood shouldn’t shock us, as I said yesterday, but neither should the nauseating response from the media and various liberal pundits.

I say “response,” but naturally the response from much of the media was nothing but a blaring, deafening silence. Aside from Fox News, most of the cable and network channels dusted off their patented blackout strategy, last employed during the Kermit Gosnell trial, and ignored the scandal completely. In fairness, CNN did have more important things to talk about, like Kylie Jenner’s hairdo.

Meanwhile, liberal bloggers and commentators rushed to rescue the damsel Planned Parenthood from the evil clutches of the right wing conspiracy. In a moment of sheer dementia, Slate called the selling of dead baby organs “fluff,” and insisted that the real issue is simply that abortion is kind of “gross” — but no grosser than heart surgery or child birth.

Yes, giving birth to a child is as gross as crushing its skull and hawking its parts for cash.

Citizens, this is liberalism. Look upon its revolting face and weep.

Attention Pro-Aborts Here Are Two Arguments You Can t Make Anymore
Are there any of yourown words in this post? or are you just spamming?

Try and stay on point, if not stop responding to me. I'm tired of the liberal spin and deflection and if you continue I'll simply ignore you
You're not supposed to cut-n-paste an article without at least making some kind of original comment of your own...or that's called spamming. It's a sign of a true parrot.

But while I have you. I am all for the killing of human babies during the first a second trimester of pregnancy, and that is legal too.

How is that for relevant to the topic?

Your attempt to demonize my position won't work on me.
Big Hoo-Hah brewing over the sale of aborted body parts!

The ordinary left wants them sold only by the pound.

The extreme, Obama (all things European are great!) element wants them sold only by the kilogram.

This has the potential to be an ugly battle that will so divide The Democrat Party that Trump will sweep to victory and they won't notice until he Executive-Orders this refined sort of cannibalism to be halted.
The two main liberal arguments for abortion, 1) It's just a clump of cells and 2) I'm "pro choice", not pro abortion just left the building. Gone, kaput, see you later
Pro-Aborts: Here Are Two Arguments You Can’t Make Anymore

Abortion is the highest sacrament in the Church of Liberalism.

The killing of children is considered even holier and more sacred to its disciples than gay marriage or genital mutilation. Like the primitive pagan cultures before them, liberalism looks upon the sacred rite of child sacrifice with a deep reverence. The liberal has a cult-like, religious devotion to sacrament of infanticide. Liberals will venerate it for the same reason Catholics venerate the Eucharist and Muslims the Koran — because it is the centerpiece of their worship, the core, the soul of the thing.

Once we understand this, we should not be surprised by the events of these last few days. To the outside observer — someone mercifully unfamiliar with the teachings of the liberal church — it might seem surprising, even remarkable, that the nation’s largest abortion provider was caught on tape selling the dismembered body parts and organs of dead children, and that liberals immediately and passionately defended the practice. The behavior on the part of Planned Parenthood shouldn’t shock us, as I said yesterday, but neither should the nauseating response from the media and various liberal pundits.

I say “response,” but naturally the response from much of the media was nothing but a blaring, deafening silence. Aside from Fox News, most of the cable and network channels dusted off their patented blackout strategy, last employed during the Kermit Gosnell trial, and ignored the scandal completely. In fairness, CNN did have more important things to talk about, like Kylie Jenner’s hairdo.

Meanwhile, liberal bloggers and commentators rushed to rescue the damsel Planned Parenthood from the evil clutches of the right wing conspiracy. In a moment of sheer dementia, Slate called the selling of dead baby organs “fluff,” and insisted that the real issue is simply that abortion is kind of “gross” — but no grosser than heart surgery or child birth.

Yes, giving birth to a child is as gross as crushing its skull and hawking its parts for cash.

Citizens, this is liberalism. Look upon its revolting face and weep.

Attention Pro-Aborts Here Are Two Arguments You Can t Make Anymore
Are there any of yourown words in this post? or are you just spamming?

Try and stay on point, if not stop responding to me. I'm tired of the liberal spin and deflection and if you continue I'll simply ignore you
You're not supposed to cut-n-paste an article without at least making some kind of original comment of your own...or that's called spamming. It's a sign of a true parrot.

But while I have you. I am all for the killing of human babies during the first a second trimester of pregnancy, and that is legal too.

How is that for relevant to the topic?

Your attempt to demonize my position won't work on me.

If you were a mod I'd be concerned, you're not so I'm not and I did add comment, you're too fucking stupid to realize it. You're also some old man and havbe no say in abortion. You're dismissed, scram, old man. You are irrelevant

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