Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

Cover what costs? They receive OVER ONE HALF BILLION a year from the Fed! and they do over 330,000 abortions a year...even figuring LOW at $30 a shot, that comes to over $1 million! Your so called EXPERTS have a VESTED INTEREST in PP.... how stupid of you to even rely on this?

None of the federal money is allowed to be used for abortions. The 400k PAP smears, 500k breast exams, and over 1 million STD testings and treatments take care of the federal money.

Here are 3 experts in the field discussing the money charged by PP for the donated tissues:

"We also asked experts in the use of human tissue for research about the potential for profit.Sherilyn J. Sawyer, the director of Harvard University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s “biorepository,” told us that “there’s no way there’s a profit at that price.” She continued in an email:

Sawyer, July 20: In reality, $30-100 probably constitutes a loss for [Planned Parenthood]. The costs associated with collection, processing, storage, and inventory and records management for specimens are very high. Most hospitals will provide tissue blocks from surgical procedures (ones no longer needed for clinical purposes, and without identity) for research, and cost recover for their time and effort in the range of $100-500 per case/block. In the realm of tissues for research $30-100 is completely reasonable and normal fee.

Jim Vaught, president of the International Society for Biological and Environmental Repositories and formerly the deputy director of the National Cancer Institute’s Office ofBiorepositories and Biospecimen Research, told us in an email that “$30 to $100 per sample is a reasonable charge for clinical operations to recover their costs for providing tissue.” In fact, he said, the costs to a clinic are often much higher, but most operations that provide this kind of tissue have “no intention of fully recovering [their] costs, much less making a profit.”

Carolyn Compton, the chief medical and science officer of Arizona State University’s National Biomarkers Development Alliance and a former director of biorepositories and biospecimen research at the National Cancer Institute, agreed that this was “a modest price tag for cost recovery.” Compton told us in an email: ” ‘Profit’ is out of the question, in my mind. I would say that whoever opined about ‘profit’ knows very little about the effort and expense involved in providing human biospecimens for research purposes.”

from: Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

It should not be an either or, but how much would it cost the tax payer to care for the pregnant mother through her pregnancy? who much to raise the child in the system? How many of those in the system will unfortunately commit a crime in their lifetime? How much to process them through the legal process and jail them? How many millions of children and infants in the world need homes right now? Do you expect even a tenth of them to actually find homes? And the rest?

Do you really understand the support system helping would be mothers through their pregnancy just to give up the children? And if they actually kept the child? Where is the moral and financial support for them? It is a highly insufficient, but you expect taxpayers to be more concerned with a life not yet viable over that of those struggling right now? What of the suffering of the woman that give up a child even for the best reasons? It is easier to loose a child than to know there is one out there that has to be given to someone else or that exists in a failing system.

If girls/women had better education and more access to birth control option the need for abortions might be reduced but never be eliminated. Force men to be the ones responsible for not producing pregnancies till both parents are fully ready for the commitment.

Put an end to all abuse and suffering of the living and ever other social problem. Don't interfere with a woman's right over her body.
Another series of lies to justify the murder of the vulnerable. Nazis also sold the murder of defenseless ppl based on their consideration as a burden. You baby killing pigs are disgusting.

no this is killing baby pigs
View attachment 46452

A woman has the right to choose what happens to be body..........not you or outsiders
You choose for your body, not everyone else's body
Try to kill a child in front of me and see what happens. I choose to defend the helpless, vulnerable and innocent from those who seek to hurt them. If their parents try to hurt them, I will choose to protect them from their parents.
Then why are you posting here and not using your super hero powers at abortion clinics?
Your fist statement cannot coexis with your last.

Essentially - you just said that the decision to abort is ONLY about the mother.

THEN you agreed that it was a balancing act. Those 2 thoughts are in disagreement. IF it is only the mother in question then the rights of the unborn are immaterial and are not considered. CLEARLY this is not the case. Do you disagree with late term abortion restrictions?

That would, of course, tie into your statement that you claim to have already addressed the reality that it is illegal to have late term abortions in some jurisdictions. I have not seen you actually address that.

Ya, you are right - when I read it through again, it doesn't make sense.
Third trimester abortions are severely restricted and I support those restrictions - once a fetus is viable then it's not just her decision except if the pregnancy endangers her health or life or severe fetal defects that were undetectable earlier. I think at that point the fetus has rights that can't be denied. I have said that on multiple occassions - maybe not in this thread though.

Till the fetus is living and breathing apart from the mother's body, it is still up to her what happens to her body. If she is willing to male the commitment of her body for carrying the fetus and to give birth, that is her choice. If not, that too is her choice. Fetus does not live without her cooperation.
Late term is not simple thing to consider but when the life of the woman or the imminent suffering and death of the fetus is involved, it should be a decision she and her doctor make. Government and outsiders should not be a part of the decision.
There is no shortage of infants and children that need good homes in the world. Telling a woman she has no choice and has to carry and give birth is not your right and should never be. We are not a population of the verge of extinction that woman should be forced to be baby making machines. We are horrified by puppy mills but that is what you would force a women to be?
So it is a question on when it can live on it's own?

If the mother was willing and the fetus could be safely removed and transplanted.............but that is not yet a viable option yet. It is still the woman's seed and up to her if she would give it up. And if she was to be compensated for giving up tissue?

There are other causes to get involved in rather than a woman's right to choose if she is ready to be a mother or not. At what age, education level does she have or loose that right? If she is raped, does she have to carry the fetus? If she is undergoing medical treatment, does she have to give that up? What if she is in school or beginning a new job? What if there are other circumstances that make it the wrong time or just wrong for her? When is a woman's body her own? When do others have no say in what a woman can or chooses what is best for her physically, mentally, financially or moral for her? Religion should have no place in the law or a woman's right to choose.
So terry chiavo wasn't viable to eat without a tube... Therefore husband had every right to remove it?
Yes, he did. That's why it was removed.
They can be when you don't know how much the expenses are. She can't even afford a tune up on a Lamborghini, no less purchasing one, making a few dollars on such a transaction.

Yeah, because God knows, PP only butchers a few babies here and there. It's not like they're doing a ghastly volume business in fetal corpses, or anything.
Your strawman aside, the woman from PP in that video intimated she was somewhat removed from the costs of those services. It's highly plausible she was indeed not up to date with the current costs involved.

Riiiight. So now your lame argument is that Planned Parenthood is such an inefficient and unprofessional organization that they have people taking meetings about topics they aren't qualified to address? All the more reason not to give them our tax money.
So don't pay your taxes. Then your money won't go to them.

Wow, your posts are actually getting dumber and more irrelevant exponentially. At this rate, we're going to have to rewrite the laws of physics.
And yet, despite your inane rhetoric, the videos still do not depict the sale of embryonic tissue. Carry on. :rolleyes:
The videos do not demonstrate what you claim. There is no proof among them that body parts were being sold. What is demonstrated was PP provided donated body parts where a prospective buyer was asked to cover the expenses related to the donation.

Dude, those videos could have shown the president of Planned Parenthood standing on an auction block taking bids and you'd still post the same line. Your "arguments" are nothing more than mindless partisan kneejerking.
Regardless of your hyperbole, the videos do not indicate what you claim. Again, they indicate charges to cover costs. The specimens are donated, not sold.

"Squawk! The memo told me I believe this! Squawk! Polly want an abortion! Squawk!"

You'd make a better argument if your lips weren't so firmly planted on any liberal ass that presents itself, just FYI. Your complete abdication of any and all dignity in pursuit of political agenda makes me sad to know that you exist.
You shouldn't get so frustrated cause you can't prove your delusions. There is no memo. I watched the videos. There is no sale indicated in them; only donations. You can bitch and moan all you want -- that will not make a discussion of a sale magically appear in them.

But don't let go of your hopes & dreams. There are purportedly more incriminating videos yet to be released. Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky.

"Not true! My ability to say it makes it so!"

Your ability to say it does no such thing. Hell, you have the ability to say you saw flying pigs in the video. Your need to say it only serves to reveal you suffer from advanced delusionary schizophrenia with involuntary narcissistic rage. :thup:
I have the right and the obligation to protect the weak and vulnerable from those who seek to harm and kill them. The human right to life supercedes a woman's non existent right to 'not be told what to do'. I know you think women have the right to kill their children. I know you think PP ghouls have the right to abuse, lie to, damage and kill women under a false banner of choice. I know you think people have the right to coerce and force women to submit to late term abortion, and I know you believe husbands have the right to kill wives who become a burden. You're despicable, and of no consequence. People like me will always number in the majority. Anti social serial killing monsters should not be allowed to walk about free, and we are quickly approaching a time, again, when they will not.

and yet you really do not know anything.
There are many that are weak and vulnerable but you are not helping them by standing in the way of a woman's right.
There are many real monsters that are walking free, many real killers, many real victims but you are consumed with arguing over denying a woman her right to choose what happens to her body.
You are not a majority. 63 percent are still in support of planned parenthood.
If the fetus cannot survive outside of a woman's body, the fetus does not superseded the woman's right to her own body. If it was a matter of her needing cancer treatment, would you tell her she has to carry the fetus instead of getting chemotherapy? Would you tell her she does not have the right to decide on her life over an unborn that will not have a mother? Where does your interference in her life end? Will you force her to marry? Force her to quit her school, her job, her privacy, her future because you want her to have a child? Will you tell her she has no rights? Who else will you deny rights to?
the bill attempting to defund PP failed. Trying to shut down PP will result in more abortions and more unwanted pregnancies, not fewer
the bill attempting to defund PP failed. Trying to shut down PP will result in more abortions and more unwanted pregnancies, not fewer
Lol there are other providers and far more ethical ones than PP lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
People like to pretend that there were no Hebrew scholars in hand to assist with the development of the kjv. History know-nothings actually believe that the best educated rulers of the past were as retarded as they are.

The best educated rulers of the past thought that bathing caused diseases and colds were caused by evil spirits and witches were a real thing.

Point was- there were no unicorns, even though the Bible mentions them.
THIS is what every state needs to do folks. Contact your STATE Representatives. THIS lowlife CONGRESS isn't going to do as you want. or start blowing the phones up for these baby killing supporters in Congress


Jindal: We've Canceled Medicaid Contract with Planned Parenthood
"It has become clear that this is not an organization that is worthy of receiving public assistance from the state."
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal issuedpress release Monday announcing that the state is terminating its Medicaid contract with the nation's leading abortion provider Planned Parenthood.

The announcement follows the release of four undercover expose videos (several more will likely be posted in the coming weeks) showing Planned Parenthood's high-level medical personnel negotiating prices for the sale of fetal body parts and explaining how their doctors alter the abortion procedure to better procure the "tissue," both potentially illegal activities.

After Jindal ordered the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals to investigate the embattled abortion provider's practices, DHH has now informed Planned Parenthood that it would know longer contract with them for Medicaid services.

A statement from Gov. Jindal's office Monday explained the state's decision to cancel its partnership with the organization, citing its legal right to "cancel the contract at will after providing written notice" and underscoring that cancellation of the contract "does not jeopardize" providing services to women across the state as Louisiana has contracts with several women's health providers.

Here's the complete press release:

all of it here:
Jindal We ve Canceled Medicaid Contract with Planned Parenthood Truth Revolt

This is what Planned Parenthood does......why do you hate women? Stephanie?

What services does Planned Parenthood offer? Planned Parenthood Fast facts and numbers Health - Home

According to organization, these are how their services break down:


Planned Parenthood says 3% of the services it provides are abortions. 327,653 abortions were performed in 2013, according to Planned Parenthood.

Sexual Education

Planned Parenthood says it provides sex education to 1.5 million people each year

Pregnancy Prevention and Birth Control

Planned Parenthood says it prevents an estimated 516,000 unintended pregnancies per year Contraception accounted for 34% of the services it provided, according to a GAO report released in March that looks at data from 2010 through 2012.

Further breakdown:

reversible contraception patients (2.1 million) emergency contraception kits (1.4 million) vasectomies (4,166) female sterilization procedures (822)

Pregnancy tests -- 1.1 million tests done in 2013

Prenatal care -- provided to 18,684 people in 2013

Sexually transmitted disease screening and treatment

Planned Parenthood say this accounts for 42% of the services provided. (The GAO calculates 41% in 2012 by affiliates) 4.5 million tests and treatments provided in 2013. This represents the largest proportion of medical services provided

Pap smears (cervical cancer screening) -- 400,000 per year

Breast exams -- 500,000 per year

Research -- Planned Parenthood says it participated in more than 70 research projects, according to its 2013-2014 annual report.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, publicly funded family planning in 2013 helped women avoid 2 million unintended pregnancies, by providing millions of women with access to contraceptive services they want and need. Without these services, the rates of unintended pregnancy, they say, unplanned birth and abortion would be 60% higher.
I have the right and the obligation to protect the weak and vulnerable from those who seek to harm and kill them. The human right to life supercedes a woman's non existent right to 'not be told what to do'. I know you think women have the right to kill their children. I know you think PP ghouls have the right to abuse, lie to, damage and kill women under a false banner of choice. I know you think people have the right to coerce and force women to submit to late term abortion, and I know you believe husbands have the right to kill wives who become a burden. You're despicable, and of no consequence. People like me will always number in the majority. Anti social serial killing monsters should not be allowed to walk about free, and we are quickly approaching a time, again, when they will not.

and yet you really do not know anything.
There are many that are weak and vulnerable but you are not helping them by standing in the way of a woman's right.
There are many real monsters that are walking free, many real killers, many real victims but you are consumed with arguing over denying a woman her right to choose what happens to her body.
You are not a majority. 63 percent are still in support of planned parenthood.
If the fetus cannot survive outside of a woman's body, the fetus does not superseded the woman's right to her own body. If it was a matter of her needing cancer treatment, would you tell her she has to carry the fetus instead of getting chemotherapy? Would you tell her she does not have the right to decide on her life over an unborn that will not have a mother? Where does your interference in her life end? Will you force her to marry? Force her to quit her school, her job, her privacy, her future because you want her to have a child? Will you tell her she has no rights? Who else will you deny rights to?
More nonsense. Hysterical jabbering of multiple, outlandish lies perpetuated by ppl who profit off the systematic abuse of women and murder of children.
THIS is what every state needs to do folks. Contact your STATE Representatives. THIS lowlife CONGRESS isn't going to do as you want. or start blowing the phones up for these baby killing supporters in Congress


Jindal: We've Canceled Medicaid Contract with Planned Parenthood
"It has become clear that this is not an organization that is worthy of receiving public assistance from the state."
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal issuedpress release Monday announcing that the state is terminating its Medicaid contract with the nation's leading abortion provider Planned Parenthood.

The announcement follows the release of four undercover expose videos (several more will likely be posted in the coming weeks) showing Planned Parenthood's high-level medical personnel negotiating prices for the sale of fetal body parts and explaining how their doctors alter the abortion procedure to better procure the "tissue," both potentially illegal activities.

After Jindal ordered the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals to investigate the embattled abortion provider's practices, DHH has now informed Planned Parenthood that it would know longer contract with them for Medicaid services.

A statement from Gov. Jindal's office Monday explained the state's decision to cancel its partnership with the organization, citing its legal right to "cancel the contract at will after providing written notice" and underscoring that cancellation of the contract "does not jeopardize" providing services to women across the state as Louisiana has contracts with several women's health providers.

Here's the complete press release:

all of it here:
Jindal We ve Canceled Medicaid Contract with Planned Parenthood Truth Revolt

This is what Planned Parenthood does......why do you hate women? Stephanie?

What services does Planned Parenthood offer? Planned Parenthood Fast facts and numbers Health - Home

According to organization, these are how their services break down:


Planned Parenthood says 3% of the services it provides are abortions. 327,653 abortions were performed in 2013, according to Planned Parenthood.

Sexual Education

Planned Parenthood says it provides sex education to 1.5 million people each year

Pregnancy Prevention and Birth Control

Planned Parenthood says it prevents an estimated 516,000 unintended pregnancies per year Contraception accounted for 34% of the services it provided, according to a GAO report released in March that looks at data from 2010 through 2012.

Further breakdown:

reversible contraception patients (2.1 million) emergency contraception kits (1.4 million) vasectomies (4,166) female sterilization procedures (822)

Pregnancy tests -- 1.1 million tests done in 2013

Prenatal care -- provided to 18,684 people in 2013

Sexually transmitted disease screening and treatment

Planned Parenthood say this accounts for 42% of the services provided. (The GAO calculates 41% in 2012 by affiliates) 4.5 million tests and treatments provided in 2013. This represents the largest proportion of medical services provided

Pap smears (cervical cancer screening) -- 400,000 per year

Breast exams -- 500,000 per year

Research -- Planned Parenthood says it participated in more than 70 research projects, according to its 2013-2014 annual report.

According to the Guttmacher Institute, publicly funded family planning in 2013 helped women avoid 2 million unintended pregnancies, by providing millions of women with access to contraceptive services they want and need. Without these services, the rates of unintended pregnancy, they say, unplanned birth and abortion would be 60% higher.
Planned Parenthood facilitates, hides, and participates in the abuse and murder of women and their children for profit.
More nonsense. Hysterical jabbering of multiple, outlandish lies perpetuated by ppl who profit off the systematic abuse of women and murder of children.

Women voluntarily used the services of Planned Parenthood.....No one uses any services from "fetus Fetish Gangsters"

These crazy ass devious dishonest gangsters will stop at nothing to get their way .... "Pounding their bibles and relying on purely misleading and highly edited junk videos, far right anti-abortion activists, their elected congressional sycophants and whatever billionaires responsible for funding the series of sneak-videos, came up on the short end of a test vote to pull around $500 million from PPFA clinics throughout the nation, and by extension, the world."
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Planned parenthood partners with abusers, pimps, and traffickers to generate a supply of saleable dead babies.
I thought it was the evil Jews doing this...not good libs
When a child is born without hands and you give that child someone else's hands, someone who has died, do you say you're trafficking body parts?

When I think of trafficking body parts I think of stealing somebody's kidneys and selling it on the black market. These are just dead embryo that need to be experimented on. Wayne I'm sorry Gordie Howe almost died and had to be flown to California to receive stem cell research treatment that is illegal in Michigan because of religious reasons. Feel free to traffic those body parts all you want

I have addressed it already.

I've always said that it's a balancing of rights - at what point does the fetus' rights over-rule the mothers? The right of a person to control their own body is also a "most basic" of rights.
Your fist statement cannot coexis with your last.

Essentially - you just said that the decision to abort is ONLY about the mother.

THEN you agreed that it was a balancing act. Those 2 thoughts are in disagreement. IF it is only the mother in question then the rights of the unborn are immaterial and are not considered. CLEARLY this is not the case. Do you disagree with late term abortion restrictions?

That would, of course, tie into your statement that you claim to have already addressed the reality that it is illegal to have late term abortions in some jurisdictions. I have not seen you actually address that.

Ya, you are right - when I read it through again, it doesn't make sense.
Third trimester abortions are severely restricted and I support those restrictions - once a fetus is viable then it's not just her decision except if the pregnancy endangers her health or life or severe fetal defects that were undetectable earlier. I think at that point the fetus has rights that can't be denied. I have said that on multiple occassions - maybe not in this thread though.

Till the fetus is living and breathing apart from the mother's body, it is still up to her what happens to her body. If she is willing to male the commitment of her body for carrying the fetus and to give birth, that is her choice. If not, that too is her choice. Fetus does not live without her cooperation.
Late term is not simple thing to consider but when the life of the woman or the imminent suffering and death of the fetus is involved, it should be a decision she and her doctor make. Government and outsiders should not be a part of the decision.
There is no shortage of infants and children that need good homes in the world. Telling a woman she has no choice and has to carry and give birth is not your right and should never be. We are not a population of the verge of extinction that woman should be forced to be baby making machines. We are horrified by puppy mills but that is what you would force a women to be?
So it is a question on when it can live on it's own?

If the mother was willing and the fetus could be safely removed and transplanted.............but that is not yet a viable option yet. It is still the woman's seed and up to her if she would give it up. And if she was to be compensated for giving up tissue?

There are other causes to get involved in rather than a woman's right to choose if she is ready to be a mother or not. At what age, education level does she have or loose that right? If she is raped, does she have to carry the fetus? If she is undergoing medical treatment, does she have to give that up? What if she is in school or beginning a new job? What if there are other circumstances that make it the wrong time or just wrong for her? When is a woman's body her own? When do others have no say in what a woman can or chooses what is best for her physically, mentally, financially or moral for her? Religion should have no place in the law or a woman's right to choose.

whatever you do. don't call it a BABY. Don't you know women that goes around telling everyone. hey, we are going to have fetus. you people are sick in the head and they should use all the people who supports and works at PP as specimens for body parts. The brains won't be usable so they toss them in the garbage...... We'll refer to you as a fetus when we write about how heroic you were
One can participate in "body parts trafficking" by donating organs.. | Organ Donation: The Process

The phrase "body parts trafficking" is meant to elicit an affective [emotional] response as compared to a cognitive or thought out response...its meant to elicit images of shady folks in long bloody coats furtively cutting parts off people to make money...its cheap rhetorical theatrics...
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whatever you do. don't call it a BABY. Don't you know women that goes around telling everyone. hey, we are going to have fetus.

Yes women say "I am going to have a baby" not I have a baby ...people do not hold a fertilized chicken egg in hand and say Look a chicken

why would someone say we are going to have a fetus at the end of gestation when they are going to have a baby...?

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