Planned Parenthood continues to lobby to kill ever older children....

So you can dish it out, but then you squeal like a sissy when you get the same tactics tossed back at you.

Ho-hum. Yet another gutless hypocrite pro-lifer.

By the way, is there any different between the pro-life crowd and the PETA crowd? I can't see one. Both of them fabricate a whackaloon definition of "person" that's never been used before in all of history, and then declare anyone who doesn't accept that definition is a murderer. Henceforth, I will refer to them together as PETAProlife, since they're the same group.

Gee you're 11 years behind the times. You really should get up to speed.


This bill was passed in 2002." Person " has been defined. By the Federal Government. What you think really doesn't matter since this has become law.

Born-Alive Infants Protection Act
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002 ("BAIPA" Pub.L. 107–207, 116 Stat. 926, enacted August 5, 2002, 1 U.S.C. § 8) is an Act of Congress.

It extends legal protection to an infant born alive after a failed attempt at induced abortion. It was signed by President George W. Bush, a Republican.


Interpretation of the Bill

Defines a "Born alive infant" as "Person, human being, Child, Individual"

Gives rights as a human to any child born within the United States.

"Born Alive" is defined as the complete expulsion of an infant at any stage of development that has a heartbeat, pulsation of the umbilical cord, breath, or voluntary muscle movement, no matter if the umbilical cord has been cut or if the expulsion of the infant was natural, induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion

Born-Alive Infants Protection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The one thing the bill does not do is specify at which point birth is considered complete.
Fully separated from the mother is the logical definition.
Liberals hate logic.
They theorize that birth is when the cord is cut, or some say upon delivery of the placenta, barbera Boxer insists that birth is not complete until the infant srrives home from the hospital( often 2 days after it is born).
They can't seem to agree amongst themselves.

Well liberals may not agree with each other but the federal bill BAIPA is specific in its definition.

"Born Alive" is defined as the complete expulsion of an infant at any stage of development that has a heartbeat, pulsation of the umbilical cord, breath, or voluntary muscle movement, no matter if the umbilical cord has been cut or if the expulsion of the infant was natural, induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion

Born-Alive Infants Protection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abortion has gone from the tool of desperate women to the merely gruesome for entertainment's sake.
Yup. And watch ghouls like nitroz and joe line up for their latest whack-off material whenever it's discussed.
Yup. And watch ghouls like nitroz and joe line up for their latest whack-off material whenever it's discussed.

Frankly, I'd be happy to never discuss this issue again.

But no matter how many times you Zealots are slapped down at the ballot box, you stink up forums with this nonsense on an argument you lost 40 years ago.

You actually believe that what the Planned Parenthood rep is advocating is nonsense?
Infanticide is now nonsense to liberals?


No one has lost the argument whether a baby born alive after a botched abortion has the right to medical attention.

BAIPA was passed in 2002. It's law.
Yup. And watch ghouls like nitroz and joe line up for their latest whack-off material whenever it's discussed.

Frankly, I'd be happy to never discuss this issue again.

But no matter how many times you Zealots are slapped down at the ballot box, you stink up forums with this nonsense on an argument you lost 40 years ago.

You actually believe that what the Planned Parenthood rep is advocating is nonsense?
Infanticide is now nonsense to liberals?


No one has lost the argument whether a baby born alive after a botched abortion has the right to medical attention.

BAIPA was passed in 2002. It's law.

A law that is effectively unenforcable...

You have an abortionist and a patient who both want that fetus done in... and usually a fetus that is in such bad shape, terminating it is a mercy.

So how many prosecutions have there been under BAIPA?

This from the Jill Stanik's website.

To date there has not been one federal prosecution under BAIPA, even though I know law enforcement is aware of such instances.
In hospitals and abortion clinics across the country babies are still surviving their abortions and either being shelved to die or killed outright, probably today more than 10 years ago.
And it is so odd

Only to dumb-ass zealots...
The same folks that want minimal limits on a doctor's negligence liability believe conservative Republicans will place limits on them performing "illegal" abortions.
When will you folks wake the hell up and KNOW that NO LAW stops abortion.
Doctors have that much power. YOU worship them and they get what they want.
Frankly, I'd be happy to never discuss this issue again.

But no matter how many times you Zealots are slapped down at the ballot box, you stink up forums with this nonsense on an argument you lost 40 years ago.

You actually believe that what the Planned Parenthood rep is advocating is nonsense?
Infanticide is now nonsense to liberals?


No one has lost the argument whether a baby born alive after a botched abortion has the right to medical attention.

BAIPA was passed in 2002. It's law.

A law that is effectively unenforcable...

You have an abortionist and a patient who both want that fetus done in... and usually a fetus that is in such bad shape, terminating it is a mercy.

So how many prosecutions have there been under BAIPA?

This from the Jill Stanik's website.

To date there has not been one federal prosecution under BAIPA, even though I know law enforcement is aware of such instances.
In hospitals and abortion clinics across the country babies are still surviving their abortions and either being shelved to die or killed outright, probably today more than 10 years ago.
And it is so odd

Only to dumb-ass zealots...

Gosnell is charged with murder. That's a good thing. Doesn't have to be under BAIPA.

Two doctors who would travel to Maryland were charged with murder. Lots of late term babies in a freezer as evidence. Over 30 I think it was.

Don't have a list at hand tonight.

I'm happy with murder charges. :)

Why is it I get the distinct feeling you bawled your eyes out and sobbed uncontrollably when Tiller was killed?
There is not one pro choicer here who believes it okay to murder a baby already born simply because the abortion failed.


The woman had a right to an abortion. An abortion results in a dead fetus; it's not some sort of lottery where if some doctor screws up you win a baby you didn't want.

Disgusting isn't it?

Doesn't mean he/she is okay with killing it if it is born alive. The woman has the legal right to an abortion, but her legal right ends if that baby is born alive.
Gee you're 11 years behind the times. You really should get up to speed.


This bill was passed in 2002." Person " has been defined. By the Federal Government. What you think really doesn't matter since this has become law.

Born-Alive Infants Protection Act
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002 ("BAIPA" Pub.L. 107–207, 116 Stat. 926, enacted August 5, 2002, 1 U.S.C. § 8) is an Act of Congress.

It extends legal protection to an infant born alive after a failed attempt at induced abortion. It was signed by President George W. Bush, a Republican.


Interpretation of the Bill

Defines a "Born alive infant" as "Person, human being, Child, Individual"

Gives rights as a human to any child born within the United States.

"Born Alive" is defined as the complete expulsion of an infant at any stage of development that has a heartbeat, pulsation of the umbilical cord, breath, or voluntary muscle movement, no matter if the umbilical cord has been cut or if the expulsion of the infant was natural, induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion

Born-Alive Infants Protection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So tell me why we are even debating this issue, when it is ILLEGAL to leave a baby to die, after being born alive after a botched abortion?

There are sadly those among us who truly do believe that a mother and physician have the right to make a decision whether a baby born alive after a botched abortion has the right to live.

Heading into the world of infanticide we have long past the "slippery slope" of abortion.

We've hit freaking bottom and are using a bloody backhoe to dig further down into such a depraved state that any person would use the term "post birth abortion" let alone actually believe it's a" woman's choice " to murder that infant in collusion with her doctor.

And who the hell is arguing that is okay? Because I sure as shit am not, but every time I say that, it seems to go over your bloody heads!
You aren't the only person opining on this topic. There are several (men, primarily) who have stated that they find it perfectly acceptable to kill babies who live through late term abortion.

Besides which, I have my doubts about you. Anyone who thinks that someone who believes in infanticide could EVER have a *good reason* for wanting to kill babies is just saying they, themselves, approve of killing babies in certain circumstances.
Abortion isn't my topic. I have no opinion on the subject and I find that odd. However, I am against vaccinations of children without parents consent which is what this thread is about.
You aren't the only person opining on this topic. There are several (men, primarily) who have stated that they find it perfectly acceptable to kill babies who live through late term abortion.

Besides which, I have my doubts about you. Anyone who thinks that someone who believes in infanticide could EVER have a *good reason* for wanting to kill babies is just saying they, themselves, approve of killing babies in certain circumstances.

I am okay with mercy killings - if the baby is born alive at a time when there is no chance of survival, it is pointless to try and save its life, and then it should be allowed to die naturally. If a baby is born and it is severely physically or mentally disabled, I am okay with a mercy killing if the parents and doctors consent.
But that is not what this discussion is about. This is about botched abortions, resulting in the birth of healthy babies who would survive if they were given medical treatment, and I believe that dumping them down on a table to die is just plain wrong.

If you have trouble believing that, given my pro choice views, then there is nothing else I can say to convince you.

Gosnell is charged with murder. That's a good thing. Doesn't have to be under BAIPA.

Two doctors who would travel to Maryland were charged with murder. Lots of late term babies in a freezer as evidence. Over 30 I think it was.

Don't have a list at hand tonight.

I'm happy with murder charges. :)

Why is it I get the distinct feeling you bawled your eyes out and sobbed uncontrollably when Tiller was killed?

Why do I think you "Pro-Life" people did a happy dance when he was killed. Frankly, when he was, a lot of so-called Right Wingers acted like they won the Super Bowl.

Gosnell is only being charged with "murder" because an adult woman died. sadly, the zealots are trying to bootstrap more charges on it.

My point is, after making a "federal case" over it, 11 years later, they haven't charged ONE PERSON under this federal law. Hmmmmm....

Which means either it wasn't happening all that often, OR...

the law is unenforceable.
If a hospital botches an abortion like that and the law says that the mother must then accept that as a live birth and her child,

then the hospital should be liable for 100% of the expenses of raising that child at least until it's 18.

You're the reason they started banning lead paint.

It's malpractice. Someone is liable.

Failing to kill a baby is malpractice :lol:

This fucking world is so fucked.

You obviously really have a deep need to believe that in order to justify murdering children. Once they are dead, you can say they were horribly deformed and there's no one to challenge that.

No, I just know that no one goes through 7 months of pregnancy and says, "aaaaah, fuck it!" unless something has gone horribly wrong.

Nonsense. You have no idea what other people think or what motivates them. You just have a need to justify your positions so you are choosing to think that no one goes through 7 months of pregnancy and says "aaaaaah fuck it". You need this, because the alternative is unthinkable. Women not only say aaaaah fuck it in their 7th, 8th and 9th month of pregnancy, but they say it during and immediately after the birth process. That's why we have so many babies found in trash cans. That's why we have safe haven laws to put a dent in the number of babies abandoned until they die. If a woman can "decide" to have an abortion 1/2 hour before the first labor pain, shouldn't they also "decide" they don't want the child once its born and can legally kill it or leave it in an alley wrapped in a plastic bag?

You of all people on this forum have no leg to stand on here. I've seen you play God so many fucking times with other situations that you just look like a fucking moron right now. Just shut up. You don't support abortion, we get it. You're cool. Just shut the fuck up and quit spitting hypocrisy.
Good grief, pick a personality and stick with it, you freak. You're making me dizzy.

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