Planned Parenthood continues to lobby to kill ever older children....

Once again to you brain dead naive and gullible dumb masses here and listen up because I am getting tired of having to school you time and time again on the real world for the last 350 years in America.
For the last 100 years when abortion was "illegal" all one had to have was a doctor, any doctor anywhere in any town or place in this great country to declare AFTER he gave the abortion IF HE GOT CAUGHT that "it was in the best interest of the health of the mother"
And guess what sports fans? NO OTHER DOCTOR WOULD DISPUTE THAT, EVER.
That was the way things were handled for a century.
So what was the net result of that?
And poor women also had abortions but used different means without a PAID doctor around.
And another news flash for you heads in the sand zealots:
Do the math. No law ever stops LEGAL abortion as long as there are doctors in this country.

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Yeah, show you're evidence. I can see you're learning at Joe's knee. He's an acknowledged liar and sick fuck in general.

So you can dish it out, but then you squeal like a sissy when you get the same tactics tossed back at you.

Ho-hum. Yet another gutless hypocrite pro-lifer.

By the way, is there any different between the pro-life crowd and the PETA crowd? I can't see one. Both of them fabricate a whackaloon definition of "person" that's never been used before in all of history, and then declare anyone who doesn't accept that definition is a murderer. Henceforth, I will refer to them together as PETAProlife, since they're the same group.

Really. Tell me what I haven't provided evidence for, death cultist.
Yeah, show you're evidence. I can see you're learning at Joe's knee. He's an acknowledged liar and sick fuck in general.

So you can dish it out, but then you squeal like a sissy when you get the same tactics tossed back at you.

Ho-hum. Yet another gutless hypocrite pro-lifer.

By the way, is there any different between the pro-life crowd and the PETA crowd? I can't see one. Both of them fabricate a whackaloon definition of "person" that's never been used before in all of history, and then declare anyone who doesn't accept that definition is a murderer. Henceforth, I will refer to them together as PETAProlife, since they're the same group.

Gee you're 11 years behind the times. You really should get up to speed.


This bill was passed in 2002." Person " has been defined. By the Federal Government. What you think really doesn't matter since this has become law.

Born-Alive Infants Protection Act
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002 ("BAIPA" Pub.L. 107–207, 116 Stat. 926, enacted August 5, 2002, 1 U.S.C. § 8) is an Act of Congress.

It extends legal protection to an infant born alive after a failed attempt at induced abortion. It was signed by President George W. Bush, a Republican.


Interpretation of the Bill

Defines a "Born alive infant" as "Person, human being, Child, Individual"

Gives rights as a human to any child born within the United States.

"Born Alive" is defined as the complete expulsion of an infant at any stage of development that has a heartbeat, pulsation of the umbilical cord, breath, or voluntary muscle movement, no matter if the umbilical cord has been cut or if the expulsion of the infant was natural, induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion

Born-Alive Infants Protection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aren't there a few people out there, those put into power by Obama, that believe in abortion up to two years old? I think they believe a child could be aborted up to the age when the child becomes aware of their own existence.

I don't have a link or anything, just wondering if anyone else heard about this.

(My bold)

I looked at my home dictionary & medical dictionary (online). Abortion is defined as expulsion of the products of conception from the woman's body.

Death imposed post-partum would be manslaughter, murder, etc. Not "abortion".

It's actually called post birth abortion. Abortion up to two years was the idea of John Holdren, a science and information advisor to obama. He's also a professor at Harvard. Post birth abortion is quite popular among intellectual ethicists who don't see a reason why birth should end a woman's right to choose whether or not she will be a mother. Alberto Giubilini with Monash University in Melbourne and Francesca Minerva at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics at the University of Melbourne write that in “circumstances occur[ing] after birth such that they would have justified abortion, what we call after-birth abortion should be permissible.”

In looking at it from the abortinists' perspective, the fact of birth alone should not cut off a woman's right to choose. If she has a right to choose, she not only has a right to choose whether or not to be pregnant, but whether or not to be a mother.

No. Birth is the dividing line. Once born, it is a baby human. It is alive, breathing and functioning on its own. Once born, it is a citizen with rights. There is no choice to be made post birth. If the mother doesn't want the child at that point, she should put it up for adoption. There is no such thing as post birth abortion. To kill a born, living human would be murder or manslaughter.
Yeah, show you're evidence. I can see you're learning at Joe's knee. He's an acknowledged liar and sick fuck in general.

So you can dish it out, but then you squeal like a sissy when you get the same tactics tossed back at you.

Ho-hum. Yet another gutless hypocrite pro-lifer.

By the way, is there any different between the pro-life crowd and the PETA crowd? I can't see one. Both of them fabricate a whackaloon definition of "person" that's never been used before in all of history, and then declare anyone who doesn't accept that definition is a murderer. Henceforth, I will refer to them together as PETAProlife, since they're the same group.

Gee you're 11 years behind the times. You really should get up to speed.


This bill was passed in 2002." Person " has been defined. By the Federal Government. What you think really doesn't matter since this has become law.

Born-Alive Infants Protection Act
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002 ("BAIPA" Pub.L. 107–207, 116 Stat. 926, enacted August 5, 2002, 1 U.S.C. § 8) is an Act of Congress.

It extends legal protection to an infant born alive after a failed attempt at induced abortion. It was signed by President George W. Bush, a Republican.


Interpretation of the Bill

Defines a "Born alive infant" as "Person, human being, Child, Individual"

Gives rights as a human to any child born within the United States.

"Born Alive" is defined as the complete expulsion of an infant at any stage of development that has a heartbeat, pulsation of the umbilical cord, breath, or voluntary muscle movement, no matter if the umbilical cord has been cut or if the expulsion of the infant was natural, induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion

Born-Alive Infants Protection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So tell me why we are even debating this issue, when it is ILLEGAL to leave a baby to die, after being born alive after a botched abortion?
What is legal and illegal is completely meaningless when there is no oversight.

And there is none.
Yes, there are.

Joe is one of them. Obviously, you haven't been reading the posts.
Read his posts. Why you would believe that is beyond me. It has absolutely nothing to do with reality. Your perception and reality have, once again, parted ways.
According to Noomi it's okay to be pro-infanticide if you have a REALLY GOOD REASON.
So you can dish it out, but then you squeal like a sissy when you get the same tactics tossed back at you.

Ho-hum. Yet another gutless hypocrite pro-lifer.

By the way, is there any different between the pro-life crowd and the PETA crowd? I can't see one. Both of them fabricate a whackaloon definition of "person" that's never been used before in all of history, and then declare anyone who doesn't accept that definition is a murderer. Henceforth, I will refer to them together as PETAProlife, since they're the same group.

Gee you're 11 years behind the times. You really should get up to speed.


This bill was passed in 2002." Person " has been defined. By the Federal Government. What you think really doesn't matter since this has become law.

Born-Alive Infants Protection Act
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002 ("BAIPA" Pub.L. 107–207, 116 Stat. 926, enacted August 5, 2002, 1 U.S.C. § 8) is an Act of Congress.

It extends legal protection to an infant born alive after a failed attempt at induced abortion. It was signed by President George W. Bush, a Republican.


Interpretation of the Bill

Defines a "Born alive infant" as "Person, human being, Child, Individual"

Gives rights as a human to any child born within the United States.

"Born Alive" is defined as the complete expulsion of an infant at any stage of development that has a heartbeat, pulsation of the umbilical cord, breath, or voluntary muscle movement, no matter if the umbilical cord has been cut or if the expulsion of the infant was natural, induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion

Born-Alive Infants Protection Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So tell me why we are even debating this issue, when it is ILLEGAL to leave a baby to die, after being born alive after a botched abortion?

There are sadly those among us who truly do believe that a mother and physician have the right to make a decision whether a baby born alive after a botched abortion has the right to live.

Heading into the world of infanticide we have long past the "slippery slope" of abortion.

We've hit freaking bottom and are using a bloody backhoe to dig further down into such a depraved state that any person would use the term "post birth abortion" let alone actually believe it's a" woman's choice " to murder that infant in collusion with her doctor.

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