Planned Parenthood continues to lobby to kill ever older children....

Let's see the stats to back that up.

Actually, that's one of the rare times Kosergirll actually got a fact and figure right.
Koshergrl gets her facts right, Joe. And she doesn't let people get away with trying to change them through obfuscation, character assassination, or spin.

Allie is a delusional religious zealot with anger management issues...

But even a broken clock is right twice a day.

The reality is, 92% of people who find out they are going to have a Down Syndrome baby abort. That includes -REPUBLICANS- CHRISTIANS -CONSERVATIVES and even PRO-LIFE types.
92 percent of down's syndrome babies are killed via late-term abortion.

Let's see the stats to back that up.

Fuck you, bode. You troll these threads demanding the stats you've been slapped with before. What a loser you are....

""An estimated 92 percent of all women who receive a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome choose to terminate their pregnancies, according to research reviewed by Dr. Brian Skotko, a pediatric geneticist at Children's Hospital Boston."

Down Syndrome Births Drop in U.S. as More Women Abort - ABC News

somehow, I don't see a stampede of anti-choicers falling over eachother to adopt those 92% :doubt:
red state anti-choicers in action:
The governor pretty much signed everything they threw at him. “Folded like a tent in a blizzard,” said an editorial in Fargo’s daily paper. Opponents pointed out that while the House was busy protecting fetuses, it had killed a bill providing free milk or juice to impoverished schoolchildren who had actually been born. The Senate rectified that embarrassment, sort of.
Aren't there a few people out there, those put into power by Obama, that believe in abortion up to two years old?.

That's the standard pro-life belief, so long as the child was conceived by rape or incest. They say abortion is murder, but they say the murder is okay in cases of rape or incest. Since they say an embryo is exactly the same as a two-year-old, they also must support killing 2-year-olds who were conceived by rape or incest.

That is, it would be that way if they were consistent. But these are pro-lifers, the masters of relative morality, so they don't need consistency. A little flipflop on their core principles is fine, so long as it provides them excuses to demonize everyone but themselves.
No, they should only be charged the amount of their service so that the mother should not have to pay for bad service.

The care of the child is the parent's responsibility. The sperm donor is also liable for the child's care. That is the price for doing what it takes to have a baby. The parents should be grateful for the new life they were given that dared to not die in the face of a grave threat to its life. The baby should go into a foster home until the parents opt for custody. Otherwise, they pay for the child's needs, not the state.

The woman had a right to an abortion. An abortion results in a dead fetus; it's not some sort of lottery where if some doctor screws up you win a baby you didn't want.
The hospital did not precipitate the screwing. The parents did. You have to make a life for your own kid if it refuses to die.

That's the bald faced fact. An infant cannot protect itself from the world. That's why it's the progenitor's responsibility for the event of birth.

I personally regret observing a lifetime of letting parents off the hook since Roe v. Wade for their behavior.

The first event of parenting is a glint in the eye.

And what would you propose to put them ‘on the hook’?
"An estimated 92 percent of all women who receive a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome choose to terminate their pregnancies,"

One nitpick -- this doesn't mean a late-term abortion. Down Syndrome and other chromosomal defects are spotted by amnio at 15-20 weeks, meaning mid-term abortions.

And another nitpick -- It's "Down Syndrome", not "Down's Syndrome".
"An estimated 92 percent of all women who receive a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome choose to terminate their pregnancies,"

One nitpick -- this doesn't mean a late-term abortion. Down Syndrome and other chromosomal defects are spotted by amnio at 15-20 weeks, meaning mid-term abortions.

And another nitpick -- It's "Down Syndrome", not "Down's Syndrome".

And a Constitutional nit-pick: one is not required to justify the exercising of a fundamental right as some sort of ‘prerequisite’ to do so; the state must be consistent with regard to restrictions concerning privacy rights in accordance with undue burden doctrine. When a women elects to have an abortion in compliance with her state’s law, the state may not interfere with that decision, regardless the motive.
"Post birth abortion" is murder. I can't believe we're even discussing this.

It is the natural evolution of abortion. It is easily justified. There is no reason why a woman's right to choose is cut off by birth. She can kill it minutes before birth, while it is being born so why not after the child is born. Start with denying it is human as long as the umbilical is attached and go from there.
"Post birth abortion" is murder. I can't believe we're even discussing this.

The lifers are trying to convince you that those who support abortion have no issue at all with killing babies after they have been born.
That is how sick they are.
"Post birth abortion" is murder. I can't believe we're even discussing this.

It is the natural evolution of abortion. It is easily justified. There is no reason why a woman's right to choose is cut off by birth. She can kill it minutes before birth, while it is being born so why not after the child is born. Start with denying it is human as long as the umbilical is attached and go from there.

Please show some evidence to suggest that a woman is allowed to terminate a pregnancy while she is in the process of giving birth?
"Post birth abortion" is murder. I can't believe we're even discussing this.

The lifers are trying to convince you that those who support abortion have no issue at all with killing babies after they have been born.
That is how sick they are.

Yeah, show your evidence. I can see you're learning at Joe's knee. He's an acknowledged liar and sick fuck in general.
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Yeah, show you're evidence. I can see you're learning at Joe's knee. He's an acknowledged liar and sick fuck in general.

So you can dish it out, but then you squeal like a sissy when you get the same tactics tossed back at you.

Ho-hum. Yet another gutless hypocrite pro-lifer.

By the way, is there any different between the pro-life crowd and the PETA crowd? I can't see one. Both of them fabricate a whackaloon definition of "person" that's never been used before in all of history, and then declare anyone who doesn't accept that definition is a murderer. Henceforth, I will refer to them together as PETAProlife, since they're the same group.
Don't forget these same simpering limp wristed liberals think circumcising one of these babies is abuse, but killing it is "choice"
"Post birth abortion" is murder. I can't believe we're even discussing this.

Indeed, no one wants to discuss the sick fetishes of the pro-lifers. We want you guys to get a room, and just keep it among yourselves. I don't care what you do behind close doors, but please do it behind closed doors.
Probably because liberals think circumcision is abuse but killing a baby is "choice"

So where did you get this notion that the anti-circumcision movement is somehow "liberal"?

And given you know we don't think abortion kills a baby, why are you deliberately lying about what we supposedly believe? If you'll lie that readily, how can anyone trust a single word you say on any topic?

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