Planned Parenthood continues to lobby to kill ever older children....

92 percent of down's syndrome .... are killed via late-term abortion.

And this is bad, why?

If you had ever met a person with down syndrome you would know that they are the most loving of all people. They are incable of hate. They are beautiful sweet happy and loving. That's why it's not only bad but stupid because it's robbing the world of true pure love.
"So, um, it is just really hard for me to even ask you this question because I’m almost in disbelief," said Rep. Jim Boyd. "If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that is struggling for life?”
"We believe that any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician," said Planned Parenthood lobbyist Snow.
Rep. Daniel Davis then asked Snow, "What happens in a situation where a baby is alive, breathing on a table, moving. What do your physicians do at that point?”
"I do not have that information," Snow replied. "I am not a physician, I am not an abortion provider. So I do not have that information.”
Rep. Jose Oliva followed up, asking the Planned Parenthood official, "You stated that a baby born alive on a table as a result of a botched abortion that that decision should be left to the doctor and the family. Is that what you’re saying?”
Again, Snow replied, “That decision should be between the patient and the health care provider.”

Video: Planned Parenthood Official Argues for Right to Post-Birth Abortion | The Weekly Standard

Progressive utopia...slaughtered babies everywhere, all women screwing like bunnies with no inconvenient bumps...

I disagree with her, and I imagine most pro choicers will, too. If the baby is born alive, if it can be saved, then save it. You cannot leave it to die, no matter what the mother wants. She lost the right to decide what happens when the baby came out breathing.


So you think it's okay to make an attempt at ending a baby's life, yet if for some reason it fails and the baby survives, then it's okay to try and revive it?

Why would it be okay to make an attempt at the baby's life in the first place?

This is what I find sickening from many of you people on the left. Very, very sickening.
"So, um, it is just really hard for me to even ask you this question because I’m almost in disbelief," said Rep. Jim Boyd. "If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that is struggling for life?”
"We believe that any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician," said Planned Parenthood lobbyist Snow.
Rep. Daniel Davis then asked Snow, "What happens in a situation where a baby is alive, breathing on a table, moving. What do your physicians do at that point?”
"I do not have that information," Snow replied. "I am not a physician, I am not an abortion provider. So I do not have that information.”
Rep. Jose Oliva followed up, asking the Planned Parenthood official, "You stated that a baby born alive on a table as a result of a botched abortion that that decision should be left to the doctor and the family. Is that what you’re saying?”
Again, Snow replied, “That decision should be between the patient and the health care provider.”

Video: Planned Parenthood Official Argues for Right to Post-Birth Abortion | The Weekly Standard

Progressive utopia...slaughtered babies everywhere, all women screwing like bunnies with no inconvenient bumps...

You obviously really have a deep need to believe that in order to justify murdering children.

Just as pro-lifers obviously only want more children around for their own very deviant purposes.

And I have as much evidence for that bizarre fabricated slur as Katz had for his.

I wasn't serious about it, so I don't have to apologize. The pro-lifers on this thread are serious about their vile sicko accusations, and they really do need to apologize for such awful behavior.
92 percent of down's syndrome .... are killed via late-term abortion.

And this is bad, why?

If you had ever met a person with down syndrome you would know that they are the most loving of all people. They are incable of hate. They are beautiful sweet happy and loving. That's why it's not only bad but stupid because it's robbing the world of true pure love.

Funny, what I see is a person struggling needlessly against a horrible disease that never should have happened, being cheated out of the ability to function in society, only dependent upon the charity of others.
And this is bad, why?

If you had ever met a person with down syndrome you would know that they are the most loving of all people. They are incable of hate. They are beautiful sweet happy and loving. That's why it's not only bad but stupid because it's robbing the world of true pure love.

Funny, what I see is a person struggling needlessly against a horrible disease that never should have happened, being cheated out of the ability to function in society, only dependent upon the charity of others.

That description fits a bunch of other people besides those with Downs syndrome. My own son, for example.
If you had ever met a person with down syndrome you would know that they are the most loving of all people. They are incable of hate. They are beautiful sweet happy and loving. That's why it's not only bad but stupid because it's robbing the world of true pure love.

Funny, what I see is a person struggling needlessly against a horrible disease that never should have happened, being cheated out of the ability to function in society, only dependent upon the charity of others.

That description fits a bunch of other people besides those with Downs syndrome. My own son, for example.

ANd people who raise children with any kind of disability or serious condition are brave souls. No argument there.

But when you have the technology to keep that from happening to start with, you use it.

Maybe I am a bit cold-blooded, but the thing is, we can now detect DS, Tay-Sachs, Spina Bifida, etc.

I certainly have more sympathy for women who abort under those circumstances than I do for the woman who aborts because her boyfriend wasn't good father material, and she knew that going in.
Aren't there a few people out there, those put into power by Obama, that believe in abortion up to two years old? I think they believe a child could be aborted up to the age when the child becomes aware of their own existence.

I don't have a link or anything, just wondering if anyone else heard about this.
That's the standard belief of Obama and most of his henchmen..including his medical czar.
Aren't there a few people out there, those put into power by Obama, that believe in abortion up to two years old? I think they believe a child could be aborted up to the age when the child becomes aware of their own existence.

I don't have a link or anything, just wondering if anyone else heard about this.

No, there aren't, but I know you guys have to believe this...

Just like you make a huge deal out of the 1% of abortions performed for medical necessity that are late, because in an artist's conception, it looks like a baby.
"So, um, it is just really hard for me to even ask you this question because I’m almost in disbelief," said Rep. Jim Boyd. "If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that is struggling for life?”
"We believe that any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician," said Planned Parenthood lobbyist Snow.
Rep. Daniel Davis then asked Snow, "What happens in a situation where a baby is alive, breathing on a table, moving. What do your physicians do at that point?”
"I do not have that information," Snow replied. "I am not a physician, I am not an abortion provider. So I do not have that information.”
Rep. Jose Oliva followed up, asking the Planned Parenthood official, "You stated that a baby born alive on a table as a result of a botched abortion that that decision should be left to the doctor and the family. Is that what you’re saying?”
Again, Snow replied, “That decision should be between the patient and the health care provider.”

Video: Planned Parenthood Official Argues for Right to Post-Birth Abortion | The Weekly Standard

Progressive utopia...slaughtered babies everywhere, all women screwing like bunnies with no inconvenient bumps...

Quit trying to make the 1950s happen again. The 1950s aren't gonna happen again, mkay? And we're better off because of it.

:eusa_eh: czar...

Holdren apparently agrees with the Princeton University “ethicist” that infants up to the age of two or so are not really human beings, and so can be eliminated without qualms.
Holdren and company go so far as to argue that abortion is essentially an act of mercy for “unwanted children” because it spares them from “undesirable consequences,” such as illegitimacy, or growing up in a broken home, or being deemed unfit for military service, They conclude, drawing upon a study from Sweden, that “There seems little doubt that the forced bearing of unwanted children has undesirable consequences not only for the children themselves and their families but for society as well, apart from the problems of overpopulation.”

President Obama's Bizarre "Science Czar": Dr. John R Holdren, Professional Alarmist | Population Research Institute
92 percent of down's syndrome .... are killed via late-term abortion.

And this is bad, why?

If you had ever met a person with down syndrome you would know that they are the most loving of all people. They are incable of hate. They are beautiful sweet happy and loving. That's why it's not only bad but stupid because it's robbing the world of true pure love.

I used to think that all Down Syndrome babies should be aborted - until I attended karate class with a girl with Downs and saw how amazing she is.

Terminating a Downs Syndrome fetus may sound like a bad thing, but not everyone would be able to cope with a special needs child - and kids with Downs often have other illnesses, including heart troubles, that costs money.
Convinced that mankind faced a population apocalypse, Holdren went on to propose even more extreme measures in his next book, also co-authored with the Ehrlichs. Called Ecoscience, this 1977 book endorsed compulsory abortion, mass sterilization, child abduction, the sterilization and abortion of undesirables, and a “Planetary Regime” with the power to dictate life and death to Americans. I am not making this up, as you will see below.
You might think that no one in their right mind would suggest that American women, like their Chinese counterparts, could be forced to abort their children. Yet Holdren et al. wrote “t has been concluded that compulsory population control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society” (p. 837). Lest you be fooled by the passive voice (“it has been concluded”), let me point out that it was Holdren and the Ehrlichs themselves, who have not one whit of legal training among them, who “concluded” that there was nothing in the Constitution that forbade forced abortion."

President Obama's Bizarre "Science Czar": Dr. John R Holdren, Professional Alarmist | Population Research Institute
LITERALLY cut-them-off (of any taxpayer-funded assistance) once they emerge from the vajayjay (force them to go to a church :eusa_angel: ) when its a poor single mother :rolleyes: You anti-choicers crack me up.
Aren't there a few people out there, those put into power by Obama, that believe in abortion up to two years old? I think they believe a child could be aborted up to the age when the child becomes aware of their own existence.

I don't have a link or anything, just wondering if anyone else heard about this.

There is someone out there who believes this, and that person has so far been ignored by even the most ardent pro choicers.
I wish people wouldn't come in here IMMEDIATELY after shooting up. Give it a couple of hours at least...
Craz"edScotsman;7025011 said:
Aren't there a few people out there, those put into power by Obama, that believe in abortion up to two years old? I think they believe a child could be aborted up to the age when the child becomes aware of their own existence.

I don't have a link or anything, just wondering if anyone else heard about this.

There is someone out there who believes this, and that person has so far been ignored by even the most ardent pro choicers.

Obama's science czar:
Holdren apparently agrees with the Princeton University “ethicist” that infants up to the age of two or so are not really human beings, and so can be eliminated without qualms.
Holdren and company go so far as to argue that abortion is essentially an act of mercy for “unwanted children” because it spares them from “undesirable consequences,” such as illegitimacy, or growing up in a broken home, or being deemed unfit for military service, They conclude, drawing upon a study from Sweden, that “There seems little doubt that the forced bearing of unwanted children has undesirable consequences not only for the children themselves and their families but for society as well, apart from the problems of overpopulation.”

President Obama's Bizarre "Science Czar": Dr. John R Holdren, Professional Alarmist | Population Research Institute
Craz"edScotsman;7025011 said:
Aren't there a few people out there, those put into power by Obama, that believe in abortion up to two years old? I think they believe a child could be aborted up to the age when the child becomes aware of their own existence.

I don't have a link or anything, just wondering if anyone else heard about this.

There is someone out there who believes this, and that person has so far been ignored by even the most ardent pro choicers.

Obama's science czar:
Holdren apparently agrees with the Princeton University “ethicist” that infants up to the age of two or so are not really human beings, and so can be eliminated without qualms.
Holdren and company go so far as to argue that abortion is essentially an act of mercy for “unwanted children” because it spares them from “undesirable consequences,” such as illegitimacy, or growing up in a broken home, or being deemed unfit for military service, They conclude, drawing upon a study from Sweden, that “There seems little doubt that the forced bearing of unwanted children has undesirable consequences not only for the children themselves and their families but for society as well, apart from the problems of overpopulation.”

President Obama's Bizarre "Science Czar": Dr. John R Holdren, Professional Alarmist | Population Research Institute

I know I certainly don't agree with him, and I don't know anyone else who does, KG.

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