Planned Parenthood continues to lobby to kill ever older children....

Un-freaking believable! Of course the lefts dear leader is on record opposing medical care for the child on these occasions. There will be a very special place in hell for these folks.

If anyone is having an abortion that late, the fetus is so horribly deformed putting it out of its misery is a mercy.

The biggest problem with this debate is how BOTH sides use disingenous arguments about extreme cases to make their points.

Fact is, late (Third Trimester) abortions are only performed less than 1% of the time, and usually when something has gone horribly wrong with the pregnancy. Conversely, abortions performed for rape and incest make up less than 1% of all abortions performed.
92 percent of down's syndrome babies are killed via late-term abortion.
"So, um, it is just really hard for me to even ask you this question because I’m almost in disbelief," said Rep. Jim Boyd. "If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that is struggling for life?”
"We believe that any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician," said Planned Parenthood lobbyist Snow.
Rep. Daniel Davis then asked Snow, "What happens in a situation where a baby is alive, breathing on a table, moving. What do your physicians do at that point?”
"I do not have that information," Snow replied. "I am not a physician, I am not an abortion provider. So I do not have that information.”
Rep. Jose Oliva followed up, asking the Planned Parenthood official, "You stated that a baby born alive on a table as a result of a botched abortion that that decision should be left to the doctor and the family. Is that what you’re saying?”
Again, Snow replied, “That decision should be between the patient and the health care provider.”

Video: Planned Parenthood Official Argues for Right to Post-Birth Abortion | The Weekly Standard

Progressive utopia...slaughtered babies everywhere, all women screwing like bunnies with no inconvenient bumps...

Quit trying to make the 1950s happen again. The 1950s aren't gonna happen again, mkay? And we're better off because of it.
If a hospital botches an abortion like that and the law says that the mother must then accept that as a live birth and her child,

then the hospital should be liable for 100% of the expenses of raising that child at least until it's 18.

The wrongful birth cause of action has been heavily litigated in the courts and the decision has thus far been unanimous. It doesn't exist.
Suppose a woman has a baby and immediately after it's born she realizes she didn't want the child and wants an abortion. Is it okay to kill it then? How about a two month old whose mama decides she doesn't really want the burden. It is okay to kill it then?
Suppose a woman has a baby and immediately after it's born she realizes she didn't want the child and wants an abortion. Is it okay to kill it then? How about a two month old whose mama decides she doesn't really want the burden. It is okay to kill it then?

At that point, she can hand it off to a state agency.

When it's in her body, she can't.

Again, you folks on the Whacky right are being completely disingenous. When late abortions are performed, it's because something has gone horribly wrong.
Suppose a woman has a baby and immediately after it's born she realizes she didn't want the child and wants an abortion. Is it okay to kill it then? How about a two month old whose mama decides she doesn't really want the burden. It is okay to kill it then?

At that point, she can hand it off to a state agency.

When it's in her body, she can't.

Again, you folks on the Whacky right are being completely disingenous. When late abortions are performed, it's because something has gone horribly wrong.

Obviously not. It's what you need to believe so you do. There are thousands of healthy, productive and loved people who are abortion survivors. And the mothers are doing just as well. There is even an organization for them, The Abortion Survivor's Network.
Abortion Survivors & Their Stories - The Abortion Survivors Network
Suppose a woman has a baby and immediately after it's born she realizes she didn't want the child and wants an abortion. Is it okay to kill it then? How about a two month old whose mama decides she doesn't really want the burden. It is okay to kill it then?

At that point, she can hand it off to a state agency.

When it's in her body, she can't.

Again, you folks on the Whacky right are being completely disingenous. When late abortions are performed, it's because something has gone horribly wrong.

Obviously not. It's what you need to believe so you do. There are thousands of healthy, productive and loved people who are abortion survivors. And the mothers are doing just as well. There is even an organization for them, The Abortion Survivor's Network.
Abortion Survivors & Their Stories - The Abortion Survivors Network

Well, let's look at that...

there are only a small number of abortion survivors who speak publicly about their experiences.

yeah, because the rest are horribly deformed...
At that point, she can hand it off to a state agency.

When it's in her body, she can't.

Again, you folks on the Whacky right are being completely disingenous. When late abortions are performed, it's because something has gone horribly wrong.

Obviously not. It's what you need to believe so you do. There are thousands of healthy, productive and loved people who are abortion survivors. And the mothers are doing just as well. There is even an organization for them, The Abortion Survivor's Network.
Abortion Survivors & Their Stories - The Abortion Survivors Network

Well, let's look at that...

there are only a small number of abortion survivors who speak publicly about their experiences.

yeah, because the rest are horribly deformed...

You obviously really have a deep need to believe that in order to justify murdering children. Once they are dead, you can say they were horribly deformed and there's no one to challenge that.

You obviously really have a deep need to believe that in order to justify murdering children. Once they are dead, you can say they were horribly deformed and there's no one to challenge that.

No, I just know that no one goes through 7 months of pregnancy and says, "aaaaah, fuck it!" unless something has gone horribly wrong.

Nonsense. You have no idea what other people think or what motivates them. You just have a need to justify your positions so you are choosing to think that no one goes through 7 months of pregnancy and says "aaaaaah fuck it". You need this, because the alternative is unthinkable. Women not only say aaaaah fuck it in their 7th, 8th and 9th month of pregnancy, but they say it during and immediately after the birth process. That's why we have so many babies found in trash cans. That's why we have safe haven laws to put a dent in the number of babies abandoned until they die. If a woman can "decide" to have an abortion 1/2 hour before the first labor pain, shouldn't they also "decide" they don't want the child once its born and can legally kill it or leave it in an alley wrapped in a plastic bag?

You obviously really have a deep need to believe that in order to justify murdering children. Once they are dead, you can say they were horribly deformed and there's no one to challenge that.

No, I just know that no one goes through 7 months of pregnancy and says, "aaaaah, fuck it!" unless something has gone horribly wrong.

Nonsense. You have no idea what other people think or what motivates them. You just have a need to justify your positions so you are choosing to think that no one goes through 7 months of pregnancy and says "aaaaaah fuck it". You need this, because the alternative is unthinkable. Women not only say aaaaah fuck it in their 7th, 8th and 9th month of pregnancy, but they say it during and immediately after the birth process. That's why we have so many babies found in trash cans. That's why we have safe haven laws to put a dent in the number of babies abandoned until they die. If a woman can "decide" to have an abortion 1/2 hour before the first labor pain, shouldn't they also "decide" they don't want the child once its born and can legally kill it or leave it in an alley wrapped in a plastic bag?

Good question...

You know, the law usually tends to be pretty lenient on women who do that. For instance, the girl who dropped her baby at the prom and dumped it- got all of 37 months..

They scream Post Partum Depression or some such shit and they usually get a pass.

The liberal impulse as far as child rearing doesn't extend to exterminating children of the wrong's actually worse. It extends to exterminating them if they are unwanted, if they are physically disfigured, if they are disabled. Further, they fully support the concept of yanking children away from parents they don't agree with...spend some time reading threads started by progressives who believe that those who dare to raise their children in CHURCH should be prosecuted and their children removed from their households. And that's just the tip of the ice burg.

(My bold)

I believe it's up the the prospective parents & attending doctor whether to abort or not, early on. After that, there need to be serious health or developmental problems with the fetus or the mother.

As for removing children from parents - children typically belong with the parents. If the parents are unfit - that requires court action; it's not as if vigilantes or the typical villager scene with pitchforks & torches storm the castle (a la Frankenstein) & make off with the child. As long as the courts are involved, I'm willing to let society decide who are fit parents. You don't trust the courts? You don't think the polity should act in defense of children?
Republicans desperately need these children to be born. In the past, they have been accused to only caring about the unborn and not the born. The truth is, they need targets and cannon fodder. Those assault weapons are designed to shoot people. Right wingers don't want those weapons to go unused. It wouldn't be "frugal".

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