Planned Parenthood continues to lobby to kill ever older children....

They put young women who have live babies in bathroom and kill them after birth, in prison.

Why should the law be any different for anyone else, and in particular, people who are health care providers?
If a hospital botches an abortion like that and the law says that the mother must then accept that as a live birth and her child,

then the hospital should be liable for 100% of the expenses of raising that child at least until it's 18.
No, they should only be charged the amount of their service so that the mother should not have to pay for bad service.

The care of the child is the parent's responsibility. The sperm donor is also liable for the child's care. That is the price for doing what it takes to have a baby. The parents should be grateful for the new life they were given that dared to not die in the face of a grave threat to its life. The baby should go into a foster home until the parents opt for custody. Otherwise, they pay for the child's needs, not the state.
If a hospital botches an abortion like that and the law says that the mother must then accept that as a live birth and her child,

then the hospital should be liable for 100% of the expenses of raising that child at least until it's 18.
No, they should only be charged the amount of their service so that the mother should not have to pay for bad service.

The care of the child is the parent's responsibility. The sperm donor is also liable for the child's care. That is the price for doing what it takes to have a baby. The parents should be grateful for the new life they were given that dared to not die in the face of a grave threat to its life. The baby should go into a foster home until the parents opt for custody. Otherwise, they pay for the child's needs, not the state.

The woman had a right to an abortion. An abortion results in a dead fetus; it's not some sort of lottery where if some doctor screws up you win a baby you didn't want.
No, she doesn't have a *right* to an abortion.

And if the abortion ends up in a live baby, the baby has a right to care.
ya know, the weird part about that video?

It was seeing that it was a number of politicians had more humanity in their pinky toes than that vile pp twat has or will have in her entire life.
If a hospital botches an abortion like that and the law says that the mother must then accept that as a live birth and her child,

then the hospital should be liable for 100% of the expenses of raising that child at least until it's 18.
No, they should only be charged the amount of their service so that the mother should not have to pay for bad service.

The care of the child is the parent's responsibility. The sperm donor is also liable for the child's care. That is the price for doing what it takes to have a baby. The parents should be grateful for the new life they were given that dared to not die in the face of a grave threat to its life. The baby should go into a foster home until the parents opt for custody. Otherwise, they pay for the child's needs, not the state.

The woman had a right to an abortion. An abortion results in a dead fetus; it's not some sort of lottery where if some doctor screws up you win a baby you didn't want.

You sick fuck. Unbelievably vile.
I don't care if you like abortion or not. What you like has nothing to do with anything. Nazis were reviled not because of their politics, but because of their willingness to kill innocents in the name of creating ideal babies, in ideal circumstances.

Which is exactly what progressives believe in

(My bold)

Nope, a complete misreading of history. Liberals believe that a wanted baby - by his/her parents - will have much better outcomes in life than a baby who is not wanted. Early bonding with caregivers is important to children, although the lack of it can be mitigated to some extent - but that takes expert care in a carefully controlled setting.

The Nazis were willing to kill because those babies were not "Aryan", whatever that means - presumably blonde over blue, but if there ever was a rigorous definition, it died with the practitioners, & just as well. The Nazi scheme can be characterized as a monstrous distortion of the liberal impulse as far as wanting a good outcome for a wanted baby.

But that's all it is/was - a monstrous distortion. & note that the Nazis were not concerned about individual babies - they wanted to punch them out, as if babies were an industrial product. Indeed, the Nazis managed to militarize/industrialize a lot of ordinary German life - so much the worse for them, & the society they infected.

The Liberal impulse as far as child rearing does not extend to exterminating children because they are of the wrong "race", ethnic group, religion & so on. The history of the US has been an extension of the franchise, education, opening the professions, the possibility of owning land - to a larger & larger polity.

& you're welcome, thank you v. much.
If a hospital botches an abortion like that and the law says that the mother must then accept that as a live birth and her child,

then the hospital should be liable for 100% of the expenses of raising that child at least until it's 18.
No, they should only be charged the amount of their service so that the mother should not have to pay for bad service.

The care of the child is the parent's responsibility. The sperm donor is also liable for the child's care. That is the price for doing what it takes to have a baby. The parents should be grateful for the new life they were given that dared to not die in the face of a grave threat to its life. The baby should go into a foster home until the parents opt for custody. Otherwise, they pay for the child's needs, not the state.

The woman had a right to an abortion. An abortion results in a dead fetus; it's not some sort of lottery where if some doctor screws up you win a baby you didn't want.

Ya...she had a right. But it looks like that baby didn't want to die. God didn't want that baby to die. If the child is born alive, it immoral to try killing it again! And it's murder.
I don't care if you like abortion or not. What you like has nothing to do with anything. Nazis were reviled not because of their politics, but because of their willingness to kill innocents in the name of creating ideal babies, in ideal circumstances.

Which is exactly what progressives believe in

(My bold)

Nope, a complete misreading of history. Liberals believe that a wanted baby - by his/her parents - will have much better outcomes in life than a baby who is not wanted. Early bonding with caregivers is important to children, although the lack of it can be mitigated to some extent - but that takes expert care in a carefully controlled setting.

The Nazis were willing to kill because those babies were not "Aryan", whatever that means - presumably blonde over blue, but if there ever was a rigorous definition, it died with the practitioners, & just as well. The Nazi scheme can be characterized as a monstrous distortion of the liberal impulse as far as wanting a good outcome for a wanted baby.

But that's all it is/was - a monstrous distortion. & note that the Nazis were not concerned about individual babies - they wanted to punch them out, as if babies were an industrial product. Indeed, the Nazis managed to militarize/industrialize a lot of ordinary German life - so much the worse for them, & the society they infected.

The Liberal impulse as far as child rearing does not extend to exterminating children because they are of the wrong "race", ethnic group, religion & so on. The history of the US has been an extension of the franchise, education, opening the professions, the possibility of owning land - to a larger & larger polity.

& you're welcome, thank you v. much.

The liberal impulse as far as child rearing doesn't extend to exterminating children of the wrong's actually worse. It extends to exterminating them if they are unwanted, if they are physically disfigured, if they are disabled. Further, they fully support the concept of yanking children away from parents they don't agree with...spend some time reading threads started by progressives who believe that those who dare to raise their children in CHURCH should be prosecuted and their children removed from their households. And that's just the tip of the ice burg.
Un-freaking believable! Of course the lefts dear leader is on record opposing medical care for the child on these occasions. There will be a very special place in hell for these folks.

People who support a woman's right to have a choice are left with little alternative when you have states like N. Dakota making laws that completely ban abortion, which of course will not hold up when it gets to the courts, but the point is that there will never be a middle ground on the abortion issue because everyone is stuck in an all or nothing fight.

Here's a hint; most people who are pro-choice also are against any late term abortion, but because pro-lifers want to ban abortion completely, we get two extremes fighting each other with no middle ground available.
Look up how Woman's rights was funded by the Rockefeller family. If you get more woman to work, then they pay more taxes to the government, megabanks, and the elite.

The movie, John Conner, gives you an idea how the global elite divide and conquer.

But, again, this is to hard for most to wrap their head around. Don't worry, ignorance is bliss.
Look up how Woman's rights was funded by the Rockefeller family. If you get more woman to work, then they pay more taxes to the government, megabanks, and the elite.

The movie, John Conner, gives you an idea how the global elite divide and conquer.

But, again, this is to hard for most to wrap their head around. Don't worry, ignorance is bliss.
If a hospital botches an abortion like that and the law says that the mother must then accept that as a live birth and her child,

then the hospital should be liable for 100% of the expenses of raising that child at least until it's 18.


"So, um, it is just really hard for me to even ask you this question because I’m almost in disbelief," said Rep. Jim Boyd. "If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that is struggling for life?”
"We believe that any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician," said Planned Parenthood lobbyist Snow.
Rep. Daniel Davis then asked Snow, "What happens in a situation where a baby is alive, breathing on a table, moving. What do your physicians do at that point?”
"I do not have that information," Snow replied. "I am not a physician, I am not an abortion provider. So I do not have that information.”
Rep. Jose Oliva followed up, asking the Planned Parenthood official, "You stated that a baby born alive on a table as a result of a botched abortion that that decision should be left to the doctor and the family. Is that what you’re saying?”
Again, Snow replied, “That decision should be between the patient and the health care provider.”

Video: Planned Parenthood Official Argues for Right to Post-Birth Abortion | The Weekly Standard

Progressive utopia...slaughtered babies everywhere, all women screwing like bunnies with no inconvenient bumps...

I disagree with her, and I imagine most pro choicers will, too. If the baby is born alive, if it can be saved, then save it. You cannot leave it to die, no matter what the mother wants. She lost the right to decide what happens when the baby came out breathing.

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