Planned parenthood needs you now, please help by donating your child to science

Yet God has killed the most children in human history and they say not a word.

That would be the God you demand doesn't exist, Comrade?
There are some 4200 plus religions on this planet. Some 4000 plus, their gods
'/lords'never show their faces, to prove they are gods etc.
Just some, claims by a Con Men long ago, for land, free room, and board,
food and transportation. The other 200 plus are self-appointed or elected
human gods etc.. Some of these 200 have no god/lords at all, They could be a
Tree, an Ordure pile in a field or like Scientology, none at all. They were dropped
shipped here by aliens, and get tax-exempt status for being a devotee.

So the point here is, So many gods' and lords'. Can't say a few/some
could show us their powers in person these days?

btw: Of the 5-6 Major Religions, that SCAMS most of the peoples on this planet.
That be some 5.8-6.5 plus billion peoples There are only 7.6B here now. None of
their gods/lords/prophets show there stinky, sick ordure faces on this planet.
Why is that? Why are all these gods/lords/ prophets using SAME patterns?
Explains this, if you can?

So, that would be the God you claim doesn't exist then, right Commie bastard?

Don't claim they don't exist. Its the simple fact. THEY DON'T.
I'm winning always. As always on this subject. AS you folks
can never make them show up for anythang. Out of 4000 plus
of them.
Some Crazy religious based stuff here.

Don't claim they don't exist. Its the simple fact. THEY DON'T.
I'm winning always. As always on this subject. AS you folks
can never make them show up for anythang. Out of 4000 plus
of them.

So, in one fart you claim that "God kills more babies than anyone," then in the next fart you claim "God does not exist."

You have a bit of schizophrenia there, Commie boi.

Hey, I get it. You're a paid troll who posts idiocy in an attempt to subvert American elections. What are you, North Korean? Chinese? Which dictatorship pays you to troll the web?

Nice art work. Which ever foreign government is paying you employs a full team to support your subversive trolling.

No doubt you cover a couple hundred sites like this with shit each day to earn your pay. We can't expect you to be rational or consistent.
All videos are edited. That in no way changes the FACT that the PP ghouls were in fact selling the body parts of their victims, in pure Mengele style.
Still waiting on the proof that my links are inaccurate?
Liberal monsters like you should know that even though you ask for proof, if given you just keep trolling spinning a lying. It's a classic lib troll tactic that quite frankly is tired and worn out. Planned Parenthood are monsters like all abortionists. Isn't it funny how all things bad like this have deceptive names? You know, like "Affordable health care", and "shared responsibility".
Says the guy with the avi that is spinning.
You can't even lie truthfully.
I can stand truthfully.
"Liberal monsters" only become "monsters" for folks like you, when the truth is exposed and you can't say or do anything about it. It's a cowards game to resort to name calling when nothing else is left.
Don't claim they don't exist. Its the simple fact. THEY DON'T.
I'm winning always. As always on this subject. AS you folks
can never make them show up for anythang. Out of 4000 plus
of them.

So, in one fart you claim that "God kills more babies than anyone," then in the next fart you claim "God does not exist."

You have a bit of schizophrenia there, Commie boi.

Hey, I get it. You're a paid troll who posts idiocy in an attempt to subvert American elections. What are you, North Korean? Chinese? Which dictatorship pays you to troll the web?

Nice art work. Which ever foreign government is paying you employs a full team to support your subversive trolling.

No doubt you cover a couple hundred sites like this with shit each day to earn your pay. We can't expect you to be rational or consistent.

No, you say IT/THEY exists, so I'm telling you. IT/THEY kills the most peoples. From your rewritten bibles some 26 times now at least.
IT/THEY killed this planet off by drowning them all. Some were pregnant with goo in their ovens. And also made in this world flood,
the first few Boat Peoples in the process. Some were humping the animals.
For me I'm telling you there are NO gods.
Still waiting on the proof that my links are inaccurate?
Liberal monsters like you should know that even though you ask for proof, if given you just keep trolling spinning a lying. It's a classic lib troll tactic that quite frankly is tired and worn out. Planned Parenthood are monsters like all abortionists. Isn't it funny how all things bad like this have deceptive names? You know, like "Affordable health care", and "shared responsibility".
Says the guy with the avi that is spinning.
You can't even lie truthfully.
I can stand truthfully.
"Liberal monsters" only become "monsters" for folks like you, when the truth is exposed and you can't say or do anything about it. It's a cowards game to resort to name calling when nothing else is left.

I'll ask you what I asked the other troll: Is there any limit to abortion for you? 9th month? Post birth as Obama advocates? Anything?
No, you say IT/THEY exists, so I'm telling you. IT/THEY kills the most peoples. From your rewritten bibles some 26 times now at least.
IT/THEY killed this planet off by drowning them all. Some were pregnant with goo in their ovens. And also made in this world flood,
the first few Boat Peoples in the process. Some were humping the animals.
For me I'm telling you there are NO gods.

Oh, I said that did I trollbot?

No, you say IT/THEY exists, so I'm telling you. IT/THEY kills the most peoples. From your rewritten bibles some 26 times now at least.
IT/THEY killed this planet off by drowning them all. Some were pregnant with goo in their ovens. And also made in this world flood,
the first few Boat Peoples in the process. Some were humping the animals.
For me I'm telling you there are NO gods.

Oh, I said that did I trollbot?

Genesis 7:12 And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights.

Liberal monsters like you should know that even though you ask for proof, if given you just keep trolling spinning a lying. It's a classic lib troll tactic that quite frankly is tired and worn out. Planned Parenthood are monsters like all abortionists. Isn't it funny how all things bad like this have deceptive names? You know, like "Affordable health care", and "shared responsibility".
Says the guy with the avi that is spinning.
You can't even lie truthfully.
I can stand truthfully.
"Liberal monsters" only become "monsters" for folks like you, when the truth is exposed and you can't say or do anything about it. It's a cowards game to resort to name calling when nothing else is left.

I'll ask you what I asked the other troll: Is there any limit to abortion for you? 9th month? Post birth as Obama advocates? Anything?
There is no limit. Why? We must consider the life of the mother in the event of complications, or the fact that the Fetus is no longer advancing in the womb, jeopardizing the life of the mother. Anytime before birth, the fetus and the brain have still not fully developed. This is a woman's body. No man or woman has a right to decide what other men or women should do with their body. You and the rest of your ilk aren't God, thank God.
Says the guy with the avi that is spinning.
You can't even lie truthfully.
I can stand truthfully.
"Liberal monsters" only become "monsters" for folks like you, when the truth is exposed and you can't say or do anything about it. It's a cowards game to resort to name calling when nothing else is left.

I'll ask you what I asked the other troll: Is there any limit to abortion for you? 9th month? Post birth as Obama advocates? Anything?
There is no limit. Why? We must consider the life of the mother in the event of complications, or the fact that the Fetus is no longer advancing in the womb, jeopardizing the life of the mother. Anytime before birth, the fetus and the brain have still not fully developed. This is a woman's body. No man or woman has a right to decide what other men or women should do with their body. You and the rest of your ilk aren't God, thank God.
I think you are just flat out lying.
Politifact; The Planned Parenthood video in context No body parts sold.

Get back with me when you have a debunking counter argument. If not, I accept your concession. Thanks!

Politifact are Leftist biased, so nobody pays attention to them and here's Ben Shapiro with one example of their Leftist bias:

That doesn't change the facts on the ground. You just lost this argument with your unrelated example. Lol! And you want to play down other folks I.Q. You're great for name calling, but your pretty weak on the fact checking. Try again! /

Lost the argument because you said :NUHN UHN?"

Fact is, you ghouls were caught dead to rights. No amount of lies by you or Politifraud alter what is on the video.

The video was edited by these goons and they got caught. Politifact and confirmed it. You are the one lying because you have not proved these links wrong.

The video speaks for itself, dumbass. Even the filthy Moon Bat spin and denial of facts can't hide it by claiming it was "edited", or whatever. They got caught red handed being assholes selling aborted body parts. Abortionists are scum just like anybody who supports the despicable murder of a million American children each year for the sake of convenience.

These criminals got caught trying to frame PP and admitted to it; Daleiden Admits to Deceptively Editing Videos. And there is nothing you can say or do to change that. So, not only did they edit it, they admitted to wrong doing. No body parts sold. Again, you lose. And name calling will never change that fact. But ha, thanks for playing.
Politifact are Leftist biased, so nobody pays attention to them and here's Ben Shapiro with one example of their Leftist bias:

That doesn't change the facts on the ground. You just lost this argument with your unrelated example. Lol! And you want to play down other folks I.Q. You're great for name calling, but your pretty weak on the fact checking. Try again! /

Lost the argument because you said :NUHN UHN?"

Fact is, you ghouls were caught dead to rights. No amount of lies by you or Politifraud alter what is on the video.

The video was edited by these goons and they got caught. Politifact and confirmed it. You are the one lying because you have not proved these links wrong.

The video speaks for itself, dumbass. Even the filthy Moon Bat spin and denial of facts can't hide it by claiming it was "edited", or whatever. They got caught red handed being assholes selling aborted body parts. Abortionists are scum just like anybody who supports the despicable murder of a million American children each year for the sake of convenience.

These criminals got caught trying to frame PP and admitted to it; Daleiden Admits to Deceptively Editing Videos. And there is nothing you can say or do to change that. So, not only did they edit it, they admitted to wrong doing. No body parts sold. Again, you lose. And name calling will never change that fact. But ha, thanks for playing.

I wouldn't believe half of what they say.
You can't even lie truthfully.
I can stand truthfully.
"Liberal monsters" only become "monsters" for folks like you, when the truth is exposed and you can't say or do anything about it. It's a cowards game to resort to name calling when nothing else is left.

I'll ask you what I asked the other troll: Is there any limit to abortion for you? 9th month? Post birth as Obama advocates? Anything?
There is no limit. Why? We must consider the life of the mother in the event of complications, or the fact that the Fetus is no longer advancing in the womb, jeopardizing the life of the mother. Anytime before birth, the fetus and the brain have still not fully developed. This is a woman's body. No man or woman has a right to decide what other men or women should do with their body. You and the rest of your ilk aren't God, thank God.
I think you are just flat out lying.
And I know that you have nothing of any intelligent substance to debate.
I can stand truthfully.
"Liberal monsters" only become "monsters" for folks like you, when the truth is exposed and you can't say or do anything about it. It's a cowards game to resort to name calling when nothing else is left.

I'll ask you what I asked the other troll: Is there any limit to abortion for you? 9th month? Post birth as Obama advocates? Anything?
There is no limit. Why? We must consider the life of the mother in the event of complications, or the fact that the Fetus is no longer advancing in the womb, jeopardizing the life of the mother. Anytime before birth, the fetus and the brain have still not fully developed. This is a woman's body. No man or woman has a right to decide what other men or women should do with their body. You and the rest of your ilk aren't God, thank God.
I think you are just flat out lying.
And I know that you have nothing of any intelligent substance to debate.
Classic regressive liberal failure remark. You clowns need to get some new teachers, all your crap is worn out and weak. I wonder how you can take the shame of knowing you support the death of innocent babies in the womb? Monster is my guess, gruesome ghoulish monsters.
That doesn't change the facts on the ground. You just lost this argument with your unrelated example. Lol! And you want to play down other folks I.Q. You're great for name calling, but your pretty weak on the fact checking. Try again! /

Lost the argument because you said :NUHN UHN?"

Fact is, you ghouls were caught dead to rights. No amount of lies by you or Politifraud alter what is on the video.
The video was edited by these goons and they got caught. Politifact and confirmed it. You are the one lying because you have not proved these links wrong.

The video speaks for itself, dumbass. Even the filthy Moon Bat spin and denial of facts can't hide it by claiming it was "edited", or whatever. They got caught red handed being assholes selling aborted body parts. Abortionists are scum just like anybody who supports the despicable murder of a million American children each year for the sake of convenience.
These criminals got caught trying to frame PP and admitted to it; Daleiden Admits to Deceptively Editing Videos. And there is nothing you can say or do to change that. So, not only did they edit it, they admitted to wrong doing. No body parts sold. Again, you lose. And name calling will never change that fact. But ha, thanks for playing.
I wouldn't believe half of what they say.
Because you rely on your own stuck in the mud willful ignorance.

You can believe or not believe in whatever closet monsters you want to believe in. I'll stick to the science monsters. They have a unique way of pushing the closet monsters out, while the scientific facts move in.
"Liberal monsters" only become "monsters" for folks like you, when the truth is exposed and you can't say or do anything about it. It's a cowards game to resort to name calling when nothing else is left.

I'll ask you what I asked the other troll: Is there any limit to abortion for you? 9th month? Post birth as Obama advocates? Anything?
There is no limit. Why? We must consider the life of the mother in the event of complications, or the fact that the Fetus is no longer advancing in the womb, jeopardizing the life of the mother. Anytime before birth, the fetus and the brain have still not fully developed. This is a woman's body. No man or woman has a right to decide what other men or women should do with their body. You and the rest of your ilk aren't God, thank God.
I think you are just flat out lying.
And I know that you have nothing of any intelligent substance to debate.
Classic regressive liberal failure remark. You clowns need to get some new teachers, all your crap is worn out and weak. I wonder how you can take the shame of knowing you support the death of innocent babies in the womb? Monster is my guess, gruesome ghoulish monsters.
Lol! Have you noticed once again that your go to argument involves attacking the messenger instead of the message? I supplied the message, and you returned the favor with non-rebuttal arguing points. That is the true version for "weak". You are simply hog tied to carry on an intelligent debate, based on the facts the science presents.
Liberals, in their zeal to kill the children, dehumanize them just like the Nazis dehumanized their mass murder victims.
You still have presented nothing of an intelligent rebuttal. Try again!

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