Planned parenthood needs you now, please help by donating your child to science

This is so unbelievably stupid.

But true.

The filthy Liberal zeal to kill the children and then sell the body parts to buy a sports car is, unfortunately, the world we live in.

You seriously have a problem with honesty and critical thinking/research skills. Look in a Biology book and quote to us all on this forum the definition of "body parts" and "fetal tissue". If you are honest, you will present the exact Biological terms for both to this forum. If you are not, we will know that when we find out you never returned to this thread? I suspect the latter?

Report, p 376:

“… human fetal tissue has never been used to make the polio vaccine.”

Fact: Virologists at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden used fetal cells to propagate a polio vaccine in the mid-1950s; it was given to some 2000 schoolchildren. In 1967 and 1968, Yugoslavia conducted a mass polio vaccination campaign using polio virus propagated in WI-38 cells; Sweden and Switzerland had already run trials of the same vaccine. In the early 1970s, Pfizer launched a polio vaccine propagated in WI-38 cells in the United States. And the French vaccinemaker Sanofi Pasteur uses MRC-5 cells to make polio vaccine to this day.

Blackburn’s office did not respond to a request for comment on the errors. In a statement responding to the report, Planned Parenthood noted that three other congressional investigations and 13 state-level probes of the group, including one by a grand jury in Texas, have cleared Planned Parenthood of wrongdoing.

This came from Science Mag. fact checking congress. This one stands out for me the most. Because of fetal tissue research, millions of lives were/are being saved from Polio. Lol! And you folks want to bitch about abortions and body part sales that don't exist. Are you folks retarded? We are talking about saving millions of lives through tissue and stem cell research that cured Polio. A person would have to be totally retarded or high on drugs not to see the benefits of this research.

The reason why I say Liberals are ignorant of biology is because (unbelievably) I have heard some of the idiots say on this forum and other places that a humans fetus, regardless of age, is a zygote. How stupid is that?

Liberals deny the humanity of a fetus, which is either absolute batshit crazy or absolute ignorance.

They don't know a damn thing about biology, along with economics, history, climate science, the Constitution or ethics.
Since you seem to have dominion over Biology, at what point does the humanity of the Fetus begin? And if you do not answer the question, then your whole post is based on your own made up lies.

You are worh a second of my time. Let me know if you have ever seen an aborted baby. On second thought, I don't give a damn what a person like yourself has to say. Even if you actually saw an aborted baby, it would not have any effect on an asshole like you.

What I do know is you are ignorant ass. Please, tell us again how the dossier is legitmate. This debate is over.

Thanks for proving to us all that you have zero information to counter mine, beyond your own classlessness for name calling, which speaks volumes on just how badly you were hammered in this debate. You've presented nothing of substance just as the rest of these pro-birthers.
Liberals, in their zeal to kill the children, dehumanize them just like the Nazis dehumanized their mass murder victims.
Debunked by who? Debunked by Leftist Moonbat supporters of Planned Parenthood.
Politifact; The Planned Parenthood video in context No body parts sold.

Get back with me when you have a debunking counter argument. If not, I accept your concession. Thanks!

Politifact are Leftist biased, so nobody pays attention to them and here's Ben Shapiro with one example of their Leftist bias:

That doesn't change the facts on the ground. You just lost this argument with your unrelated example. Lol! And you want to play down other folks I.Q. You're great for name calling, but your pretty weak on the fact checking. Try again! /

Lost the argument because you said :NUHN UHN?"

Fact is, you ghouls were caught dead to rights. No amount of lies by you or Politifraud alter what is on the video.

The video was edited by these goons and they got caught. Politifact and confirmed it. You are the one lying because you have not proved these links wrong.

The video speaks for itself, dumbass. Even the filthy Moon Bat spin and denial of facts can't hide it by claiming it was "edited", or whatever. They got caught red handed being assholes selling aborted body parts. Abortionists are scum just like anybody who supports the despicable murder of a million American children each year for the sake of convenience.
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Planned Parenthood needs you.

Yea, this is what the World needs, more dead babies...........
What dead babies?

The ones Planned Parenthood sells for body parts.

SHOCK VIDEO: Planned Parenthood sells dead baby body parts

The ghouls of the left are the true monsters of this world.
You do know that video was debunked years ago right? No one is selling body parts.

Debunked by who? Debunked by Leftist Moonbat supporters of Planned Parenthood.
Politifact; The Planned Parenthood video in context No body parts sold.

Get back with me when you have a debunking counter argument. If not, I accept your concession. Thanks!
Politifact are known lib troll liars.
Politifact are Leftist biased, so nobody pays attention to them and here's Ben Shapiro with one example of their Leftist bias:

That doesn't change the facts on the ground. You just lost this argument with your unrelated example. Lol! And you want to play down other folks I.Q. You're great for name calling, but your pretty weak on the fact checking. Try again! /

Lost the argument because you said :NUHN UHN?"

Fact is, you ghouls were caught dead to rights. No amount of lies by you or Politifraud alter what is on the video.

The video was edited by these goons and they got caught. Politifact and confirmed it. You are the one lying because you have not proved these links wrong.

All videos are edited. That in no way changes the FACT that the PP ghouls were in fact selling the body parts of their victims, in pure Mengele style.

Still waiting on the proof that my links are inaccurate?

Liberal monsters like you should know that even though you ask for proof, if given you just keep trolling spinning a lying. It's a classic lib troll tactic that quite frankly is tired and worn out. Planned Parenthood are monsters like all abortionists. Isn't it funny how all things bad like this have deceptive names? You know, like "Affordable health care", and "shared responsibility".
That doesn't change the facts on the ground. You just lost this argument with your unrelated example. Lol! And you want to play down other folks I.Q. You're great for name calling, but your pretty weak on the fact checking. Try again! /

Lost the argument because you said :NUHN UHN?"

Fact is, you ghouls were caught dead to rights. No amount of lies by you or Politifraud alter what is on the video.
The video was edited by these goons and they got caught. Politifact and confirmed it. You are the one lying because you have not proved these links wrong.

All videos are edited. That in no way changes the FACT that the PP ghouls were in fact selling the body parts of their victims, in pure Mengele style.
Still waiting on the proof that my links are inaccurate?
Liberal monsters like you should know that even though you ask for proof, if given you just keep trolling spinning a lying. It's a classic lib troll tactic that quite frankly is tired and worn out. Planned Parenthood are monsters like all abortionists. Isn't it funny how all things bad like this have deceptive names? You know, like "Affordable health care", and "shared responsibility".
Says the guy with the avi that is spinning.
Lost the argument because you said :NUHN UHN?"

Fact is, you ghouls were caught dead to rights. No amount of lies by you or Politifraud alter what is on the video.
The video was edited by these goons and they got caught. Politifact and confirmed it. You are the one lying because you have not proved these links wrong.

All videos are edited. That in no way changes the FACT that the PP ghouls were in fact selling the body parts of their victims, in pure Mengele style.
Still waiting on the proof that my links are inaccurate?
Liberal monsters like you should know that even though you ask for proof, if given you just keep trolling spinning a lying. It's a classic lib troll tactic that quite frankly is tired and worn out. Planned Parenthood are monsters like all abortionists. Isn't it funny how all things bad like this have deceptive names? You know, like "Affordable health care", and "shared responsibility".
Says the guy with the avi that is spinning.
You can't even lie truthfully.
The video was edited by these goons and they got caught. Politifact and confirmed it. You are the one lying because you have not proved these links wrong.

All videos are edited. That in no way changes the FACT that the PP ghouls were in fact selling the body parts of their victims, in pure Mengele style.
Still waiting on the proof that my links are inaccurate?
Liberal monsters like you should know that even though you ask for proof, if given you just keep trolling spinning a lying. It's a classic lib troll tactic that quite frankly is tired and worn out. Planned Parenthood are monsters like all abortionists. Isn't it funny how all things bad like this have deceptive names? You know, like "Affordable health care", and "shared responsibility".
Says the guy with the avi that is spinning.
You can't even lie truthfully.
I can stand truthfully.
Liberals, in their zeal to kill the children, dehumanize them just like the Nazis dehumanized their mass murder victims.
This liberal raised 4 kids that he conceived, looks like you are a liar.

...and a million American children were murdered on demand because of your idiotic support for abortion. Shame on you!

You may not have killed children (thank goodness) but you and your Liberal asshole buddies supported the murder of other children.
Liberals, in their zeal to kill the children, dehumanize them just like the Nazis dehumanized their mass murder victims.
This liberal raised 4 kids that he conceived, looks like you are a liar.

Pro-Life points are just retarded. Well, Just :lmao::cuckoo::dunno:

1) Stage of growth is an issue for them.
2) UnBorn Goo parasites must grow no matter what.
3) Pro- Prisoner execution
4) ISIS Drone strikes on the whole Family is a must. Yep! Kids.
5) They are Pro-KILL anythang that has been BORN.

Then they are 100% American Terrorist Gun Nutters

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Liberals, in their zeal to kill the children, dehumanize them just like the Nazis dehumanized their mass murder victims.
This liberal raised 4 kids that he conceived, looks like you are a liar.
Pro-Life points are just retarded.
1) Stage of growth is an issue for them.
2) UnBorn Goo parasites most grow no matter what.
3) Pro- Prisoner execution
4) ISIS Drone strike on the whole Family is a must.
5) They are Pro-KILL any Born.

Then they are 100% American Terrorist Gun Nutters

View attachment 193190
Yet God has killed the most children in human history and they say not a word.
Liberals, in their zeal to kill the children, dehumanize them just like the Nazis dehumanized their mass murder victims.
This liberal raised 4 kids that he conceived, looks like you are a liar.
Pro-Life points are just retarded.
1) Stage of growth is an issue for them.
2) UnBorn Goo parasites most grow no matter what.
3) Pro- Prisoner execution
4) ISIS Drone strike on the whole Family is a must.
5) They are Pro-KILL any Born.

Then they are 100% American Terrorist Gun Nutters

View attachment 193190
Yet God has killed the most children in human history and they say not a word.
Forgot that part.... :oops8:
Some gods plan all abortions. We are made in its image.
This liberal raised 4 kids that he conceived, looks like you are a liar.

How many endangered species in the Amazon went extinct because of your selfishness?

Mentor of the democrat party, Josef Stalin also had children, yet he sure enjoyed killing other people's children. One of the left's favorite things...
This liberal raised 4 kids that he conceived, looks like you are a liar.

How many endangered species in the Amazon went extinct because of your selfishness?

Mentor of the democrat party, Josef Stalin also had children, yet he sure enjoyed killing other people's children. One of the left's favorite things...
Ah, another one short of brains that rolls everyone into a ball to flush easier...
Ah, another one short of brains that rolls everyone into a ball to flush easier...

Well, not all can reach the single digit IQ you have

If you indeed had 4 children, IF, then you know full well that the baby a woman carries is not "a blob" or "parasitic goo" as the vicious Stalinist scum who is your bestist buddy claims.

Tell me Comrade, is there a limit for abortion with you? As the baby crests? Directly after birth? 5 years old?
Yet God has killed the most children in human history and they say not a word.

That would be the God you demand doesn't exist, Comrade?
There are some 4200 plus religions on this planet. Some 4000 plus, their gods
'/lords'never show their faces, to prove they are gods etc.
Just some, claims by a Con Men long ago, for land, free room, and board,
food and transportation. The other 200 plus are self-appointed or elected
human gods etc.. Some of these 200 have no god/lords at all, They could be a
Tree, an Ordure pile in a field or like Scientology, none at all. They were dropped
shipped here by aliens, and get tax-exempt status for being a devotee.

So the point here is, So many gods' and lords'. Can't say a few/some
could show us their powers in person these days?

btw: Of the 5-6 Major Religions, that SCAMS most of the peoples on this planet.
That be some 5.8-6.5 plus billion peoples There are only 7.6B here now. None of
their gods/lords/prophets show there stinky, sick ordure faces on this planet.
Why is that? Why are all these gods/lords/ prophets using SAME patterns?
Explains this, if you can?
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Yet God has killed the most children in human history and they say not a word.

That would be the God you demand doesn't exist, Comrade?
There are some 4200 plus religions on this planet. Some 4000 plus, their gods
'/lords'never show their faces, to prove they are gods etc.
Just some, claims by a Con Men long ago, for land, free room, and board,
food and transportation. The other 200 plus are self-appointed or elected
human gods etc.. Some of these 200 have no god/lords at all, They could be a
Tree, an Ordure pile in a field or like Scientology, none at all. They were dropped
shipped here by aliens, and get tax-exempt status for being a devotee.

So the point here is, So many gods' and lords'. Can't say a few/some
could show us their powers in person these days?

btw: Of the 5-6 Major Religions, that SCAMS most of the peoples on this planet.
That be some 5.8-6.5 plus billion peoples There are only 7.6B here now. None of
their gods/lords/prophets show there stinky, sick ordure faces on this planet.
Why is that? Why are all these gods/lords/ prophets using SAME patterns?
Explains this, if you can?

So, that would be the God you claim doesn't exist then, right Commie bastard?

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