Planned Parenthood Staffers Talk About Ripping Out Babies Body Parts Joke About Eyeballs Rolling Out

I would support 1 free abortion with public funds, but in order to get the free abortion, you have to have a simultaneous tubal ligation.

That's fair. You get 1 freebie, then you don't have to worry about it ever again.

I've got a great idea--why don't you just get Neutered? There are reasons for an abortion. And every abortion has it's own circumstance. Women really do not use abortion as a birth control measure--not when they're having to pay $1500--$1800 out of pocket for one.

1. So is the Republican party going to tell a woman who may have 2 kids at home to raise, along with a husband that she needs to die to give birth to a baby?
2. Is the Republican party going to tell a lucky to be alive a woman--who was brutally attacked that she needs to keep a rape baby until full term, when she is just tryiing to put her own life back together who may also have a family that she is raising and also a husband that may object to her carrying a rape baby to full term.
3. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl who has been repeatedly raped by a relative that their daughter needs to risk her life to give birth to a baby?

The U.S. Supreme Court has made a decision and they made it 45 years ago. And it's says YOU have no RIGHT to interfere into the very personal private decisions that women and their famiies make. Roe v Wade is here to stay, and Niel Gorsuch the new U.S. Supreme Court justice informed you of that.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'


There are options:

1) Have your child and provide for it.
2) Abort your child and pay for the abortion.
3) Don't get pregnant if you don't want the child.
4) If the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest, the person in jail has to pay for the abortion.

There shouldn't be punch cards for abortion clinics. Abortion isn't birth control.

1. It's NONE of your BUSINESS
2. It's NONE of your BUSINESS
3. It's NONE of your BUSINESS
4. It's NONE of your BUSINESS

And the U.S. Supreme court is here to make certain it is NEVER any of your business.
As a conservative I support funding for those who need help with children. But if you are saying it is none of my business then quit taking my money, I will give it to charity.
I would support 1 free abortion with public funds, but in order to get the free abortion, you have to have a simultaneous tubal ligation.

That's fair. You get 1 freebie, then you don't have to worry about it ever again.

I've got a great idea--why don't you just get Neutered? There are reasons for an abortion. And every abortion has it's own circumstance. Women really do not use abortion as a birth control measure--not when they're having to pay $1500--$1800 out of pocket for one.

1. So is the Republican party going to tell a woman who may have 2 kids at home to raise, along with a husband that she needs to die to give birth to a baby?
2. Is the Republican party going to tell a lucky to be alive a woman--who was brutally attacked that she needs to keep a rape baby until full term, when she is just tryiing to put her own life back together who may also have a family that she is raising and also a husband that may object to her carrying a rape baby to full term.
3. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl who has been repeatedly raped by a relative that their daughter needs to risk her life to give birth to a baby?

The U.S. Supreme Court has made a decision and they made it 45 years ago. And it's says YOU have no RIGHT to interfere into the very personal private decisions that women and their famiies make. Roe v Wade is here to stay, and Niel Gorsuch the new U.S. Supreme Court justice informed you of that.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'


There are options:

1) Have your child and provide for it.
2) Abort your child and pay for the abortion.
3) Don't get pregnant if you don't want the child.
4) If the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest, the person in jail has to pay for the abortion.

There shouldn't be punch cards for abortion clinics. Abortion isn't birth control.

1. It's NONE of your BUSINESS
2. It's NONE of your BUSINESS
3. It's NONE of your BUSINESS
4. It's NONE of your BUSINESS

And the U.S. Supreme court is here to make certain it is NEVER any of your business.

The Supreme Court is changing.

We are making it our business and there is not any fucking thing you are going to do about it.
Fetuses aren't children. They aren't even babies. And newborns are neonates. They aren't babies either. We have different names for different things.

Your denials have already been defeated REPEATEDLY by the passing of over several dozens of fetal HOMICIDE laws which LEGALLY DEFINE a child in the womb as CHILDREN.

Bad laws cannot be helped but that doesn't change the facts. The laws were passed by anti-abortion idiots - like you.
While I am on this topic--here are the Democrats that voted for Niel Gorsuch in 2006--a G.W, Bush appointee to the Federal District Court--that they could have easily rejected--as Democrats owned the Senate back then.


The Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in '06

Niel Gorsuch is the first U.S. Supreme Court nominee that stated Roe V Wade is precedent--meaning set in stone to you.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'
Ah yes...the one thing that trumpettes say has been accomplished....Justice Gorsuch...who has stated that Roe v Wade is set law now.

Plessy v. Ferguson was also "settled Law" as was Dredd Scott......good to know you support those racist Supreme Court decisions....

MAKING FAKE VIDEO'S HAS IT'S CONSEQUENCES. -like what happened in Colorado Springs last year where 1 police officer with 3 kids at home was killed along with two other innocent people--when a nutcase went after a Planned Parenthood office there because of the Fake baby video's.

Now out of all the women YOU claim that have abortions each and every year--I find it very odd that you can't drag up one single woman that will state that taxpayer dollars paid for hers?

In fact a Democrat legislator in Texas decided to write her own bill--recently. Men are to be fined $100.00 for masterbation.

"A Texas lawmaker has proposed a bill that would fine a man $100 each time he masturbates.
The bill also imposes a 24-hour waiting period if a guy wants a colonoscopy or a vasectomy, or if he's in the market for some Viagra.

Rep. Jessica Farrar, a Democrat, knows her bill isn't going to get very far. But she proposed it last week to make a point and give male lawmakers a taste of their own medicine.
Farrar has long been an advocate of women's health in a state that has made it extremely difficult for women to get abortions. And the bill, by pointing out a sexist double standard, is meant to shine a light on the obstacles women deal with when it comes to their health care.
"Let's look at what Texas has done to women," Farrar told CNN. "What if men had to undergo the same intrusive procedures?"
Texas bill would fine men $100 each time they masturbate -


Recently a Bush 1 Federal district court Judge in Texas was interviewed and stated he is tired of seeing all these abortion bills that he is continually having to overrule. When asked why he thought he got so many--he stated that it's because most Republican state legilators are men, and really have NO business interfering into Women's issues.

Mike Pence has the same issues--signing a state abortion bill into law that was immediately overturned by a Federal District Court. It's really a waste of taxpayer dollars and could easily result in class action law suits that the taxpayers would end up on the hook for.
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer
Federal Judge Blocks Pence's "Extreme" Anti-Abortion Indiana Law
Amazing how the left feel the need to make up outlandish lies just so they can yank the limbs off of babies.

It's not the left who's lying here. These people were arrested for this lie and a good police officer killed.

Just like the Pizzagate shooting, only in this case someone died unnecessarily.

The filmmakers have been arrested and face 15 felony counts. Their video was heavily edited. The original questions and answers were cut to make it appear that they were talking about selling baby parts.

These people are rabid anti abortion crusaders who have no morals and feel that any low act is acceptable if they can stop abortions.

I hope they go to a nice federal prison where they are raped repeatedly.
You can pretend it is all a lie. At least your willingness to create a fantasy scenario to deny reality shows you have some humanity left in you.

But fact remains. Tens of thousands of babies will be killed by having their limbs ripped off this week. And studies show, they feel it.
I would support 1 free abortion with public funds, but in order to get the free abortion, you have to have a simultaneous tubal ligation.

That's fair. You get 1 freebie, then you don't have to worry about it ever again.

I've got a great idea--why don't you just get Neutered? There are reasons for an abortion. And every abortion has it's own circumstance. Women really do not use abortion as a birth control measure--not when they're having to pay $1500--$1800 out of pocket for one.

1. So is the Republican party going to tell a woman who may have 2 kids at home to raise, along with a husband that she needs to die to give birth to a baby?
2. Is the Republican party going to tell a lucky to be alive a woman--who was brutally attacked that she needs to keep a rape baby until full term, when she is just tryiing to put her own life back together who may also have a family that she is raising and also a husband that may object to her carrying a rape baby to full term.
3. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl who has been repeatedly raped by a relative that their daughter needs to risk her life to give birth to a baby?

The U.S. Supreme Court has made a decision and they made it 45 years ago. And it's says YOU have no RIGHT to interfere into the very personal private decisions that women and their famiies make. Roe v Wade is here to stay, and Niel Gorsuch the new U.S. Supreme Court justice informed you of that.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'


There are options:

1) Have your child and provide for it.
2) Abort your child and pay for the abortion.
3) Don't get pregnant if you don't want the child.
4) If the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest, the person in jail has to pay for the abortion.

There shouldn't be punch cards for abortion clinics. Abortion isn't birth control.

1. It's NONE of your BUSINESS
2. It's NONE of your BUSINESS
3. It's NONE of your BUSINESS
4. It's NONE of your BUSINESS

And the U.S. Supreme court is here to make certain it is NEVER any of your business.

Funny that you cvnts make it your business what soda sizes are legal to sell.
I would support 1 free abortion with public funds, but in order to get the free abortion, you have to have a simultaneous tubal ligation.

That's fair. You get 1 freebie, then you don't have to worry about it ever again.

I've got a great idea--why don't you just get Neutered? There are reasons for an abortion. And every abortion has it's own circumstance. Women really do not use abortion as a birth control measure--not when they're having to pay $1500--$1800 out of pocket for one.

1. So is the Republican party going to tell a woman who may have 2 kids at home to raise, along with a husband that she needs to die to give birth to a baby?
2. Is the Republican party going to tell a lucky to be alive a woman--who was brutally attacked that she needs to keep a rape baby until full term, when she is just tryiing to put her own life back together who may also have a family that she is raising and also a husband that may object to her carrying a rape baby to full term.
3. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl who has been repeatedly raped by a relative that their daughter needs to risk her life to give birth to a baby?

The U.S. Supreme Court has made a decision and they made it 45 years ago. And it's says YOU have no RIGHT to interfere into the very personal private decisions that women and their famiies make. Roe v Wade is here to stay, and Niel Gorsuch the new U.S. Supreme Court justice informed you of that.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'


There are options:

1) Have your child and provide for it.
2) Abort your child and pay for the abortion.
3) Don't get pregnant if you don't want the child.
4) If the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest, the person in jail has to pay for the abortion.

There shouldn't be punch cards for abortion clinics. Abortion isn't birth control.

1. It's NONE of your BUSINESS
2. It's NONE of your BUSINESS
3. It's NONE of your BUSINESS
4. It's NONE of your BUSINESS

And the U.S. Supreme court is here to make certain it is NEVER any of your business.

Funny that you cvnts make it your business what soda sizes are legal to sell.

You'll have to pull a link out of your ass for that one. If you can't stfu
I would support 1 free abortion with public funds, but in order to get the free abortion, you have to have a simultaneous tubal ligation.

That's fair. You get 1 freebie, then you don't have to worry about it ever again.

I've got a great idea--why don't you just get Neutered? There are reasons for an abortion. And every abortion has it's own circumstance. Women really do not use abortion as a birth control measure--not when they're having to pay $1500--$1800 out of pocket for one.

1. So is the Republican party going to tell a woman who may have 2 kids at home to raise, along with a husband that she needs to die to give birth to a baby?
2. Is the Republican party going to tell a lucky to be alive a woman--who was brutally attacked that she needs to keep a rape baby until full term, when she is just tryiing to put her own life back together who may also have a family that she is raising and also a husband that may object to her carrying a rape baby to full term.
3. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl who has been repeatedly raped by a relative that their daughter needs to risk her life to give birth to a baby?

The U.S. Supreme Court has made a decision and they made it 45 years ago. And it's says YOU have no RIGHT to interfere into the very personal private decisions that women and their famiies make. Roe v Wade is here to stay, and Niel Gorsuch the new U.S. Supreme Court justice informed you of that.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'


There are options:

1) Have your child and provide for it.
2) Abort your child and pay for the abortion.
3) Don't get pregnant if you don't want the child.
4) If the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest, the person in jail has to pay for the abortion.

There shouldn't be punch cards for abortion clinics. Abortion isn't birth control.

1. It's NONE of your BUSINESS
2. It's NONE of your BUSINESS
3. It's NONE of your BUSINESS
4. It's NONE of your BUSINESS

And the U.S. Supreme court is here to make certain it is NEVER any of your business.

Funny that you cvnts make it your business what soda sizes are legal to sell.

You'll have to pull a link out of your ass for that one. If you can't stfu
New York's Mayor Declares War on Soda
Interesting to see libtarded denials and coping systems working simultaneously in real time. I'll be saving this thread for reference - for the next time I see libtardz talking about how much they care about children.

Fetuses are not children. If they were, the Constitution as it's written would give them equal rights.

You mean children don't have equal rights as well under the Constitution, like voting and being able to marry dolt?
Interesting to see libtarded denials and coping systems working simultaneously in real time. I'll be saving this thread for reference - for the next time I see libtardz talking about how much they care about children.

Fetuses are not children. If they were, the Constitution as it's written would give them equal rights.

You mean children don't have equal rights as well under the Constitution, like voting and being able to marry dolt?
Neither marriage nor voting are specifically mentioned in the Constitution.

As with abortion and privacy, the right is implied.
I've got a great idea--why don't you just get Neutered? There are reasons for an abortion. And every abortion has it's own circumstance. Women really do not use abortion as a birth control measure--not when they're having to pay $1500--$1800 out of pocket for one.

1. So is the Republican party going to tell a woman who may have 2 kids at home to raise, along with a husband that she needs to die to give birth to a baby?
2. Is the Republican party going to tell a lucky to be alive a woman--who was brutally attacked that she needs to keep a rape baby until full term, when she is just tryiing to put her own life back together who may also have a family that she is raising and also a husband that may object to her carrying a rape baby to full term.
3. Is the Republican party going to tell the parents of a young girl who has been repeatedly raped by a relative that their daughter needs to risk her life to give birth to a baby?

The U.S. Supreme Court has made a decision and they made it 45 years ago. And it's says YOU have no RIGHT to interfere into the very personal private decisions that women and their famiies make. Roe v Wade is here to stay, and Niel Gorsuch the new U.S. Supreme Court justice informed you of that.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'


There are options:

1) Have your child and provide for it.
2) Abort your child and pay for the abortion.
3) Don't get pregnant if you don't want the child.
4) If the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest, the person in jail has to pay for the abortion.

There shouldn't be punch cards for abortion clinics. Abortion isn't birth control.

1. It's NONE of your BUSINESS
2. It's NONE of your BUSINESS
3. It's NONE of your BUSINESS
4. It's NONE of your BUSINESS

And the U.S. Supreme court is here to make certain it is NEVER any of your business.

Funny that you cvnts make it your business what soda sizes are legal to sell.

You'll have to pull a link out of your ass for that one. If you can't stfu
New York's Mayor Declares War on Soda
And, it died. Was pretty much DOA.

Big sodas must be allowed but not the rights of women to control their own bodies, and what develops within them.
Fetuses aren't children. They aren't even babies. And newborns are neonates. They aren't babies either. We have different names for different things.

Your denials have already been defeated REPEATEDLY by the passing of over several dozens of fetal HOMICIDE laws which LEGALLY DEFINE a child in the womb as CHILDREN.

Bad laws cannot be helped but that doesn't change the facts. The laws were passed by anti-abortion idiots - like you.
Interesting to see libtarded denials and coping systems working simultaneously in real time. I'll be saving this thread for reference - for the next time I see libtardz talking about how much they care about children.

Fetuses are not children. If they were, the Constitution as it's written would give them equal rights.

You mean children don't have equal rights as well under the Constitution, like voting and being able to marry dolt?
Neither marriage nor voting are specifically mentioned in the Constitution.

As with abortion and privacy, the right is implied.

Read my signature.

Show me where any person has the Constitutional right to violate the rights of another.
Ah yes...the one thing that trumpettes say has been accomplished....Justice Gorsuch...who has stated that Roe v Wade is set law now.

Plessy v. Ferguson was also "settled Law" as was Dredd Scott......good to know you support those racist Supreme Court decisions....

MAKING FAKE VIDEO'S HAS IT'S CONSEQUENCES. -like what happened in Colorado Springs last year where 1 police officer with 3 kids at home was killed along with two other innocent people--when a nutcase went after a Planned Parenthood office there because of the Fake baby video's.

Now out of all the women YOU claim that have abortions each and every year--I find it very odd that you can't drag up one single woman that will state that taxpayer dollars paid for hers?

In fact a Democrat legislator in Texas decided to write her own bill--recently. Men are to be fined $100.00 for masterbation.

"A Texas lawmaker has proposed a bill that would fine a man $100 each time he masturbates.
The bill also imposes a 24-hour waiting period if a guy wants a colonoscopy or a vasectomy, or if he's in the market for some Viagra.

Rep. Jessica Farrar, a Democrat, knows her bill isn't going to get very far. But she proposed it last week to make a point and give male lawmakers a taste of their own medicine.
Farrar has long been an advocate of women's health in a state that has made it extremely difficult for women to get abortions. And the bill, by pointing out a sexist double standard, is meant to shine a light on the obstacles women deal with when it comes to their health care.
"Let's look at what Texas has done to women," Farrar told CNN. "What if men had to undergo the same intrusive procedures?"
Texas bill would fine men $100 each time they masturbate -


Recently a Bush 1 Federal district court Judge in Texas was interviewed and stated he is tired of seeing all these abortion bills that he is continually having to overrule. When asked why he thought he got so many--he stated that it's because most Republican state legilators are men, and really have NO business interfering into Women's issues.

Mike Pence has the same issues--signing a state abortion bill into law that was immediately overturned by a Federal District Court. It's really a waste of taxpayer dollars and could easily result in class action law suits that the taxpayers would end up on the hook for.
Pence signs new abortion restrictions into law with a prayer
Federal Judge Blocks Pence's "Extreme" Anti-Abortion Indiana Law
Amazing how the left feel the need to make up outlandish lies just so they can yank the limbs off of babies.

It's not the left who's lying here. These people were arrested for this lie and a good police officer killed.

Just like the Pizzagate shooting, only in this case someone died unnecessarily.

The filmmakers have been arrested and face 15 felony counts. Their video was heavily edited. The original questions and answers were cut to make it appear that they were talking about selling baby parts.

These people are rabid anti abortion crusaders who have no morals and feel that any low act is acceptable if they can stop abortions.

I hope they go to a nice federal prison where they are raped repeatedly.
You can pretend it is all a lie. At least your willingness to create a fantasy scenario to deny reality shows you have some humanity left in you.

But fact remains. Tens of thousands of babies will be killed by having their limbs ripped off this week. And studies show, they feel it.


Women do not use abortion as a common contraceptive. Not when they're paying out $1500.00 to $1800.00 to have an abortion.

Taxpayer dollars cannot be used for abortions: Proof of that: I find it astounding that out of all the abortions you claim happen each & every year that you have yet to come up with one single woman that will state that hers was paid for by the taxpayers.

Federal funding is for poor women--who can use Planned parenthood for pap smears and physicals--at reduced costs--can get referred out for mammograms--and for reduced costs on birth control contraceptives. You know those things that prevent abortions. In the Republican Health care bill (that won't make it through the senate anyway) they have cut funding for Planned Parenthood for one year--meaning if it were to pass the result would be more abortions.

Niel Gorsuch--Trump's pick for SCOTUS just stated that Roe v Wade is here to stay. Get over it!
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

You have pissed off a lot of women in this country--and that is more than evident with the massive protest the day after Trump was inaugurated.


They were in the millions and this was going on in every state across this country. For more pictures go to this link
Woman's march pictures
Last edited:
Fetuses aren't children. They aren't even babies. And newborns are neonates. They aren't babies either. We have different names for different things.

Your denials have already been defeated REPEATEDLY by the passing of over several dozens of fetal HOMICIDE laws which LEGALLY DEFINE a child in the womb as CHILDREN.

Bad laws cannot be helped but that doesn't change the facts. The laws were passed by anti-abortion idiots - like you.
Interesting to see libtarded denials and coping systems working simultaneously in real time. I'll be saving this thread for reference - for the next time I see libtardz talking about how much they care about children.

Fetuses are not children. If they were, the Constitution as it's written would give them equal rights.

You mean children don't have equal rights as well under the Constitution, like voting and being able to marry dolt?
Neither marriage nor voting are specifically mentioned in the Constitution.

As with abortion and privacy, the right is implied.

Read my signature.

Show me where any person has the Constitutional right to violate the rights of another.
I don't read or see sigs. And fetuses don't have constitutional rights. They have the rights of a tuna sandwich. Whether they live or die isn't up to you.
Fetuses aren't children. They aren't even babies. And newborns are neonates. They aren't babies either. We have different names for different things.

Your denials have already been defeated REPEATEDLY by the passing of over several dozens of fetal HOMICIDE laws which LEGALLY DEFINE a child in the womb as CHILDREN.

Bad laws cannot be helped but that doesn't change the facts. The laws were passed by anti-abortion idiots - like you.
Interesting to see libtarded denials and coping systems working simultaneously in real time. I'll be saving this thread for reference - for the next time I see libtardz talking about how much they care about children.

Fetuses are not children. If they were, the Constitution as it's written would give them equal rights.

You mean children don't have equal rights as well under the Constitution, like voting and being able to marry dolt?
Neither marriage nor voting are specifically mentioned in the Constitution.

As with abortion and privacy, the right is implied.

Read my signature.

Show me where any person has the Constitutional right to violate the rights of another.

You first have to let the 9 black robes interpret it out of the Constitution for you, much like they did with the Dred Scott Decision.
Interesting to see libtarded denials and coping systems working simultaneously in real time. I'll be saving this thread for reference - for the next time I see libtardz talking about how much they care about children.

Fetuses are not children. If they were, the Constitution as it's written would give them equal rights.

You mean children don't have equal rights as well under the Constitution, like voting and being able to marry dolt?
Neither marriage nor voting are specifically mentioned in the Constitution.

As with abortion and privacy, the right is implied.

Right, we have no rights until we are human, and we are not human until the birth fairy waves her magic wand over us when we exit the birth canal.

It's all so common sense.

Interesting to see libtarded denials and coping systems working simultaneously in real time. I'll be saving this thread for reference - for the next time I see libtardz talking about how much they care about children.

Fetuses are not children. If they were, the Constitution as it's written would give them equal rights.

You mean children don't have equal rights as well under the Constitution, like voting and being able to marry dolt?
Neither marriage nor voting are specifically mentioned in the Constitution.

As with abortion and privacy, the right is implied.

Right, we have no rights until we are human, and we are not human until the birth fairy waves her magic wand over us when we exit the birth canal.

It's all so common sense.

Not even that is enough to make one a human.
Interesting to see libtarded denials and coping systems working simultaneously in real time. I'll be saving this thread for reference - for the next time I see libtardz talking about how much they care about children.

Fetuses are not children. If they were, the Constitution as it's written would give them equal rights.

You mean children don't have equal rights as well under the Constitution, like voting and being able to marry dolt?

What? lol
Interesting to see libtarded denials and coping systems working simultaneously in real time. I'll be saving this thread for reference - for the next time I see libtardz talking about how much they care about children.

Fetuses are not children. If they were, the Constitution as it's written would give them equal rights.

You mean children don't have equal rights as well under the Constitution, like voting and being able to marry dolt?
Neither marriage nor voting are specifically mentioned in the Constitution.

As with abortion and privacy, the right is implied.

Right, we have no rights until we are human, and we are not human until the birth fairy waves her magic wand over us when we exit the birth canal.

It's all so common sense.


If you think we're ever going to give women the death penalty for using the morning after pill, you're the one in fairytale land.
Fetuses aren't children. They aren't even babies. And newborns are neonates. They aren't babies either. We have different names for different things.

Your denials have already been defeated REPEATEDLY by the passing of over several dozens of fetal HOMICIDE laws which LEGALLY DEFINE a child in the womb as CHILDREN.

Bad laws cannot be helped but that doesn't change the facts. The laws were passed by anti-abortion idiots - like you.
Interesting to see libtarded denials and coping systems working simultaneously in real time. I'll be saving this thread for reference - for the next time I see libtardz talking about how much they care about children.

Fetuses are not children. If they were, the Constitution as it's written would give them equal rights.

You mean children don't have equal rights as well under the Constitution, like voting and being able to marry dolt?
Neither marriage nor voting are specifically mentioned in the Constitution.

As with abortion and privacy, the right is implied.

Read my signature.

Show me where any person has the Constitutional right to violate the rights of another.

You first have to let the 9 black robes interpret it out of the Constitution for you, much like they did with the Dred Scott Decision.

Umpires get calls in baseball wrong too.

Show us how a baseball game without umpires would work.

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