"Planned Parenthood": very name is a lie, an abortion isnt the result of planning anything

it has been laid out to you, rationally

true to your cowardly self you choose to just ignore it and cry that others are being mean and ignorant

fine, link to the post where someone made a rational argument against women having a legal, safe window of opportunity to terminate a pregnancy.

all of them idiot. because nobody is preventing them from that by not wanting to fund Planned Parenthood

try again............................

So now no one believes that life begins at conception and because of that abortion should be illegal?


AGAIN, nobody HERE made that argument, though you are applying that motive to people here

because you're an intellectual coward

it's that simple

really? you didn't support the insane personhood laws that the 110th congress put forth as it's first bill?

has nothing to do with abortion

like i said you dont even belong here

1. If SHE wants the abortion, SHE should pay for it.

2. SHE should not have the right to have an abortion at ANY stage of the pregnancy, as most Liberals seem to want. Despite what Liberals say - which a 'fetus' is not a baby at ANY time until it is completely out of the mother's womb - babies capable of surviving outside the womb - babies with a heartbeat, brain activity, capable of felling pain - are no longer 'fetuses' and their lives should be protected.

Roe v Wade gives women a right to an abortion but not an 'any time' right.

most liberals believe that a late-term abortion which occurs very rarely, should be a decision made by a woman and her doctor, not a wingnut politician.

you're correct about Roe v Wade not giving the right to an abortion at any state. it was a very careful balancing act which you people have been trying to undermine since the '70's.

you can still make that decision idiot

just pay for your mistake
So now no one believes that life begins at conception and because of that abortion should be illegal?


SOME believe life starts at conception, but this can not be scientifically proven to be a living being. What can NOT be disproven is that there is a point when the BABY has a heartbeat, brain activity, can feel pain, even a point where BABIES are capable of surviving outside the womb...and even PAST this point, as far as the 8 1/2 month term limit many liberals STILL demand to have the right to kill the BABY at this point. That barbaric practice needs to stop!


it's alive when she goes in there

it's dead and in the garbage when she leaves

it's also your own business....

stay out of other people's decisions. you aren't smart enough to impose your will on others
So now no one believes that life begins at conception and because of that abortion should be illegal?


SOME believe life starts at conception, but this can not be scientifically proven to be a living being. What can NOT be disproven is that there is a point when the BABY has a heartbeat, brain activity, can feel pain, even a point where BABIES are capable of surviving outside the womb...and even PAST this point, as far as the 8 1/2 month term limit many liberals STILL demand to have the right to kill the BABY at this point. That barbaric practice needs to stop!


it's alive when she goes in there

it's dead and in the garbage when she leaves

it's also your own business....

stay out of other people's decisions. you aren't smart enough to impose your will on others

it is when it involves killing innocent humans dont you think?

i guess y ou think a woman's "choice" includes murder of a viable human fetus???
most liberals believe that a late-term abortion which occurs very rarely, should be a decision made by a woman and her doctor, not a wingnut politician.

Sorry, but the option to perform a Partial Birth Abortion on a BABY capable of surviving outside the womb should not even be an option! Again, anyone willing to argue that an 8th month term baby is NOT a baby as long as they can keep the head inside the mother so they can ram a scissor inside its head and kill it is a sick, irrational nutjob that has no respect for human life!

When Conservatives requested that a woman in such a case have to see a sonogram of the BABY they were about to do this to so she could see what she was doing, the Libs went nuts because they did not want 'emotion' regarding the murder of this baby sway her! They KNOW that once a mother actually SEES the living, breathing BABY inside her they are about to murder she would most probably change her mind.

At this point, if the mother doesn't want the baby, what would it cost to choose to have it and give it up for adoption at this point? Oh yeah, it would cost Planned Parenthood cash and perhaps a Lamborghini!
So now no one believes that life begins at conception and because of that abortion should be illegal?


SOME believe life starts at conception, but this can not be scientifically proven to be a living being. What can NOT be disproven is that there is a point when the BABY has a heartbeat, brain activity, can feel pain, even a point where BABIES are capable of surviving outside the womb...and even PAST this point, as far as the 8 1/2 month term limit many liberals STILL demand to have the right to kill the BABY at this point. That barbaric practice needs to stop!


it's alive when she goes in there

it's dead and in the garbage when she leaves

it's also your own business....

stay out of other people's decisions. you aren't smart enough to impose your will on others

you made it the business of others when you demanded others pay for it....................idiot
it's also your own business....

stay out of other people's decisions. you aren't smart enough to impose your will on others

Sorry, when you commit the murder of a baby capable of surviving
outside the womb it is society's business. YOU made it my business as well when 'you' argued that it should not be the responsibility of the one who got pregnant and that I should have to pay for it!

Want me to stay out of it - YOU pay for YOUR own abortions!
it's also your own business....

stay out of other people's decisions. you aren't smart enough to impose your will on others

Sorry, when you commit the murder of a baby capable of surviving
outside the womb it is society's business. YOU made it my business as well when 'you' argued that it should not be the responsibility of the one who got pregnant and that I should have to pay for it!

Want me to stay out of it - YOU pay for YOUR own abortions!

why don't wingers understand that murder is a term legally defined by statute.

abortion is not included in that definition and is LEGAL and CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED.

If you don't want one. don't have one. it's your CHOICE.

now isn't that easy?
One thing the progressive/democrats learned: is HOW to put a pretty sounding name on something that is either, disgusting, a lie, downright EVIL.

planned Parenthood isn't about FAMILY PLANNING. it's abort Extermination, Population control. and to see all of you who has fallen for it and Defends your own Offspring/ the children of this country's extermination is the saddest thing I've seen. and why I believe we are hopeless as a Society and country
Exactly.... if you planned parenthood, there'd be no need for abortions. The whole thing is a lie, but then again, that is progressivism, it is a lie.
why don't wingers understand that murder is a term legally defined by statute.

abortion is not included in that definition and is LEGAL and CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED.

If you don't want one. don't have one. it's your CHOICE.

now isn't that easy?

Oh I understand how Liberals have rabidly fought to ensure the definition of a fetus includes any baby with any part of it still remaining inside of the mother in order to justify and keep the right to perform Partial Birth Abortions. Despite what the Liberals have been able to maintain by THEIR definition, anyone who believes that an 8 month term baby capable of surviving outside the womb is NOT a baby is a f*ing NUTJOB who has no respect for human life but instead favors their right to murder babies at any stage of pregnancy more!

If I don't want an abortion don't have one? Fair enough - agreed!

Now YOU agree - if YOU want one, YOU pay for it!
the Left thinks people are animals with no intellect or powers of will, that need their base instincts tended to by others.
there was a time when people just waited. you can conjur up back-alley abortions but you will just be intellectually dishonest. there was a time where there were just less of these abortions, A LOT LESS.

idiots and hypocrites

Liberals are incapable of thinking. Some certainly do believe people are no better than animals, and most bed wetters believe all conservatives think in unison because libtards are themselves lemmings.

Take NYCrackheads' regurgitation of "forcing" a teenage girl to have a baby. There isn't a thought in his otherwise empty skull beyond that asinine statement. There's no consideration that the girl should be held accountable for her actions, or that the unwanted baby could easily be adopted.

Bed wetters like NYCrackhead are unwilling to deviate from the moonbat program. It's worse than just merely being born stupid, they're deliberately ignorant.

Wouldn't be a proper Pete post if you didn't use "bed wetter" at least once. Good job sheep.
Does that mean I shouldn't have to pay for our bloated military?

YOUR 'bloated military' (which has been cut down so much by a Liberal retard that me can no longer even fight a group like ISIS let alone be capable of fighting a major war in our nation's defense) is what currently protects your right to murder babies at any stage during the pregnancy.
I wasn't aware that the anti-abortion movement had a consensus for exempting the morning after pills from their opposition,

That's because Liberals always engage in Generalizations, believing that EVERY single Conservative believes the same thing, usually being wrong on what that 1 thing is.

For example, it SEEMS you and the other Liberals have NO FRIGGIN' CLUE why Anti-Abortionists want Planned Parenthood defunded and why they are so angry over those videos!

Not all Pro-Life proponents want to end all abortions. For example, we are NOT al against abortions if required to save the mother's life or other such life-saving situations and situations where the choice of getting pregnant or not - to have intercourse or not - was beyond their control.

In most cases we are FOR the 'Morning After' Pill. Your response made me think of another stupid F*ING Liberal: My under-aged daughter was drugged and raped. At the hospital that night the nurse asked if my wife and I wanted to use the Morning After Pill, When we said yes, this dumb Bi-@tch replied, "That's awesome. Some of these stupid Conservatives refuse to do so and force their kids to have the baby." I lit into her @$$, explaining how I am a Conservative but am smart enough to know that within the 1st 12 hours after a rape no baby had begun to form! I then told her she should keep her political comments to herself, especially when I was standing in the hospital after my daughter had just been brought in after having been drugged and raped! Good, God!

Also, many Pro-Abortionists so rabidly defend it that they argue for the right to kill the child at ANY stage! Pro-Abortionists have fought to define a living human child capable of surviving outside the womb, having been fully delivered from the mother EXCEPT for the head remaining inside the mother a 'FETUS' just so they can STILL justify the murder of the BABY at this point...and call it 'Partial Birth Abortion'. THIS IS BARBAIC AND SICK, the kind of thing we might expect from Joseph Mengele but not here in America!

No, not all Pro-Life people think the same. I believe we, and most DESCENT human beings, believe there is a certain point after which no abortion should be performed. There is a point when the BABY has a heart beat, brain function, and can feel pain, when the baby can survive outside the womb...but that is not good enough for many Pro-Abortionists! As pointed out, as long as the baby's head remains inside the mother, at any stage of the pregnancy, they want to have the right to murder the child. HELL, Obama once argued that a mother should still have the right to murder a living, breathing baby on the medical table that had survived a failed abortion! WTF, DUDE?! THAT is ISIS-Like' barbaric shi-ite!

Finally...I don't give a rat's arse how many abortions 'you' have...have as many as you want....but PAY FOR THEM YOURSELF! IT'S ELECTIVE SURGERY in the majority of cases, not for 'life-saving reasons! Liberals love to tell Pro-Life people that our beliefs should not be imposed on them...then they impose THEIRS on us by FORCING us to pay for THEIR abortions! $crew that! You want 'em, YOU pay for 'em!

Holy fucking irony. Are you serious?

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