Planned Parenthood Videos Authenicated

lets see, Yes the videos are real and not tampered with, however it was a totally staged situation. They were not done in a PP office and those are not PP employees.
We would never act that way.. can we have money now?

That won't work either since the very first video was proven to feature a well known abortion doctor for Planned Parenthood and the news media went on to investigate her and detailed how much she had made over and above her salary. But don't stop there, come up with some other excuses.
hold on, this has not been covered in the talking points yet. Give me a few minutes before I read your post and respond
Let's start here, directly from the report:

The scope of Coalfire’s analysis did not cover or include:

- Validation of those individuals depicted in the video or audio, who recorded the video and audio files, the location where they were recorded, when they were recorded, or the purpose of the recordings;

- Providing an opinion on the chain of custody prior to receipt of source materials by Coalfire;

- Coalfire’s analysis was limited to only the source materials received from the Organization and did not include interviews of participants in the videos or audio.

Of course not. That was not their job. Their job was simply a technical one. The investigation of Planned Parenthood is an ongoing investigation.
The Left Wingnuts are scrambling. They are trying to come up with anything no matter how lame or insane it is to cover their butts because they have been screaming that the videos were fake.
The Left Wingnuts are scrambling. They are trying to come up with anything no matter how lame or insane it is to cover their butts because they have been screaming that the videos were fake.
Those scrambling are the ones who lied to get the videos, and then lied about what they had, which so far is jack-shit.

BTW, lying to the IRS and using fake IDs, bad idea, criminal in fact.
I suppose you think this will suddenly, magically, reverse the American people's 2 to 1 support for PP AND for its funding?

lol, delusional.

Yes.... it should at least. These practices are indefensible.

The videos didn't prove anything.

Nutjob, the forensics are only meant to prove the videos were authentic and not manipulated. Get a grip on yourself. This lab is not the FBI. It just did its job.

They didn't do the study, Coalfire did the study... as I stated, they are a very reputable firm.

Now, go back to sleep.

And I already posted the relevant Coalfire caveat.

At least make some small attempt at honesty and acknowledge that it was Coalfire who did the analysis. Of course I already know that you will only claim they are right wingers too. Anyone who catches you guys in a lie is a right winger.
Planned Parenthood operates as a slush fund for Democrats. Taxpayer money is sent to PP under the guise as serving the health needs of women. Planned Parenthood then turns around and contributes these taxpayer funds right back to Democrat candidates. PP is making out, Democrat candidates are making out - women and the taxpayer are getting the screws.
Planned Parenthood operates as a slush fund for Democrats. Taxpayer money is sent to PP under the guise as serving the health needs of women. Planned Parenthood then turns around and contributes these taxpayer funds right back to Democrat candidates. PP is making out, Democrat candidates are making out - women and the taxpayer are getting the screws.
500 million and they get back 400k? Guess they didn't teach math at your school...
Planned Parenthood Contributions to Federal Candidates, 2014 cycle | OpenSecrets
Planned Parenthood operates as a slush fund for Democrats. Taxpayer money is sent to PP under the guise as serving the health needs of women. Planned Parenthood then turns around and contributes these taxpayer funds right back to Democrat candidates. PP is making out, Democrat candidates are making out - women and the taxpayer are getting the screws.
500 million and they get back 400k? Guess they didn't teach math at your school...
Planned Parenthood Contributions to Federal Candidates, 2014 cycle | OpenSecrets

A couple of hundred thousand goes a long way in Hillary's campaign fund. That's the way it's done. You contribute to my campaign and I'll see your firm gets special treatment once I'm elected. I'm in your pocket.

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