Plantation operator Joe Biden tells Blacks how to vote.

Biden has been a racist all his life. How the hell are we supposed to believe he changed all that in a year. The man is a terminal racist as much as he's a terminal sniffer. And he's pretty stupid if he thinks picking a Black woman for a running mate will change that
Picking a black woman as his VP will ensure his defeat in Nov.

The vast majority of Americans are sick to death of this BLM bull shit and the absolute double standard for race, the white bashing and hate, the bending over backwards and blatant, pathetic pandering to blacks, it's all beyond what most Americans see as reasonable.
As stands now, Sniffy Joe wins easily. He may not get a lot blacks to come out an vote, but he won’t need them to beat Dumb Don.

Don’t worry cons, Joe is just like you.
Do you remember 2016? Apparently not.
Lol. You guys keep bringing that up failing to recognize that dumb Don has a track record now.
Blacks are not stupid. They know when they are being talked down to. When Trump asked: "What have got to lose?" They listened. All these criminals in the streets tearing down statues are not part of any Black movement. They are the same radical white element that exists jut below the surface in our democracy. Nixon popularized the term "silent majority". It is still there and Blacks that see their neighborhoods turned into war zones are quietly mobilizing to act in their own best interest. The Black vote will play a major role in Trump's re-election and pundits will talk about the phenomenon for years to come.
Trump will do worse this time around, with blacks.

Biden won’t do well with blacks either, particularly with young blacks.

Both candidates have plenty for blacks to criticize. Yet another similarity of the two crooks.

What % of black votes will go to each candidate?
Biden has been a racist all his life. How the hell are we supposed to believe he changed all that in a year. The man is a terminal racist as much as he's a terminal sniffer. And he's pretty stupid if he thinks picking a Black woman for a running mate will change that
Picking a black woman as his VP will ensure his defeat in Nov.

The vast majority of Americans are sick to death of this BLM bull shit and the absolute double standard for race, the white bashing and hate, the bending over backwards and blatant, pathetic pandering to blacks, it's all beyond what most Americans see as reasonable.
As stands now, Sniffy Joe wins easily. He may not get a lot blacks to come out an vote, but he won’t need them to beat Dumb Don.

Don’t worry cons, Joe is just like you.
Do you remember 2016? Apparently not.
Lol. You guys keep bringing that up failing to recognize that dumb Don has a track record now.
Blacks are not stupid. They know when they are being talked down to. When Trump asked: "What have got to lose?" They listened. All these criminals in the streets tearing down statues are not part of any Black movement. They are the same radical white element that exists jut below the surface in our democracy. Nixon popularized the term "silent majority". It is still there and Blacks that see their neighborhoods turned into war zones are quietly mobilizing to act in their own best interest. The Black vote will play a major role in Trump's re-election and pundits will talk about the phenomenon for years to come.
Trump will do worse this time around, with blacks.

Biden won’t do well with blacks either, particularly with young blacks.

Both candidates have plenty for blacks to criticize. Yet another similarity of the two crooks.

What % of black votes will go to each candidate?
Don’t know and don’t care. However I’m pretty sure dumb don won’t get many black votes.
Ocare was not a social program. It was crony capitalism for big pharma, hospital, and insurance. All big O donors.

If O was the crazed socialist cons believe him to be, why did he not pass universal HC in his first two years? He had complete control of Congress.

I’ll tell you why because just like Sniffy Joe, O is first and foremost a corporatist who only cares about pleasing his billionaire donors.

President's 'pass' nothing. Pelosi knew that universal healthcare was a bridge too far even for her tightly controlled other words, she didn't have the votes. O'Care was designed to be a Trojan horse. I do agree that it was primarily a 'bribe' for insurance companies with little or nothing to do with improving individual health care.

Whatever ism or ist Biden may be - laughable, affable, gaffable Joe is not a free-market capitalist. He is a long-entrenched establishment politician who has come to believe in his own 'manifest destiny' and superior judgment. He's helped shape policy in this country for decades.

I'll take the rough-edged pompous newcomer every. single. time.
Ocare was not a social program. It was crony capitalism for big pharma, hospital, and insurance. All big O donors.

If O was the crazed socialist cons believe him to be, why did he not pass universal HC in his first two years? He had complete control of Congress.

I’ll tell you why because just like Sniffy Joe, O is first and foremost a corporatist who only cares about pleasing his billionaire donors.

President's 'pass' nothing. Pelosi knew that universal healthcare was a bridge too far even for her tightly controlled other words, she didn't have the votes. O'Care was designed to be a Trojan horse. I do agree that it was primarily a 'bribe' for insurance companies with little or nothing to do with improving individual health care.

Whatever ism or ist Biden may be - laughable, affable, gaffable Joe is not a free-market capitalist. He is a long-entrenched establishment politician who has come to believe in his own 'manifest destiny' and superior judgment. He's helped shape policy in this country for decades.

I'll take the rough-edged pompous newcomer every. single. time.
Lol. Who said Joe is a free market capitalistThat’s absurd. He’s a crony capitalist just like Ears.

It’s called leadership. O had just won big. Had he not been a fraud and a Wall Street toady, he could have gotten universal HC in 2009.

What does Sniffy say about universal HC? He says we can’t afford it. Just like an R would say. See?
Biden has been a racist all his life. How the hell are we supposed to believe he changed all that in a year. The man is a terminal racist as much as he's a terminal sniffer. And he's pretty stupid if he thinks picking a Black woman for a running mate will change that
Picking a black woman as his VP will ensure his defeat in Nov.

The vast majority of Americans are sick to death of this BLM bull shit and the absolute double standard for race, the white bashing and hate, the bending over backwards and blatant, pathetic pandering to blacks, it's all beyond what most Americans see as reasonable.
As stands now, Sniffy Joe wins easily. He may not get a lot blacks to come out an vote, but he won’t need them to beat Dumb Don.

Don’t worry cons, Joe is just like you.
Do you remember 2016? Apparently not.
Lol. You guys keep bringing that up failing to recognize that dumb Don has a track record now.
Blacks are not stupid. They know when they are being talked down to. When Trump asked: "What have got to lose?" They listened. All these criminals in the streets tearing down statues are not part of any Black movement. They are the same radical white element that exists jut below the surface in our democracy. Nixon popularized the term "silent majority". It is still there and Blacks that see their neighborhoods turned into war zones are quietly mobilizing to act in their own best interest. The Black vote will play a major role in Trump's re-election and pundits will talk about the phenomenon for years to come.
Trump will do worse this time around, with blacks.

Biden won’t do well with blacks either, particularly with young blacks.

Both candidates have plenty for blacks to criticize. Yet another similarity of the two crooks.

What % of black votes will go to each candidate?
Don’t know and don’t care. However I’m pretty sure dumb don won’t get many black votes.

That’s not a very detailed prediction.

Get many?

What does that mean?
Biden is fascinating.

He manages to be both a racist and a Marxist.

I love partisan absurdity....
Joe is about as Marxist as my dog, but cons easily get fooled.
Joe is whatever he's told to be. Right now, Marxists rule the Democrat party. Previously, Democrats exploited Blacks by keeping them poor, pissed off and dependent on government. Truth be told, nothing has changed. But now in addition to their economic war against the poor, they have introduced racism as a big part of what is wrong with conservatives. Kinda funny since Biden is demonstrably one of the biggest racists and elitists of the past 50 years. Screw Democratic Marxism-communism.
Lol. Who said Joe is a free market capitalistThat’s absurd. He’s a crony capitalist just like Ears. I said. Just another way of saying the same thing...
Whatever ism or ist Biden may be - laughable, affable, gaffable Joe is not a free-market capitalist.

It’s called leadership. O had just won big. Had he not been a fraud and a Wall Street toady, he could have gotten universal HC in 2009.

Perhaps more accurately called 'lack of leadership'. If he hadn't been a fraud and a toady he wouldn't have 'won big' as you put it.

What does Sniffy say about universal HC? He says we can’t afford it. Just like an R would say. See?

Medicare-for-all doesn't poll well along the basement campaign trail.

But a skunk by any other name...

'Biden's plan would launch a "public option" that his campaign says would be "like Medicare," with primary care covered with no co-payments.'

...just like a 'D' would say. See?
Lol. Who said Joe is a free market capitalistThat’s absurd. He’s a crony capitalist just like Ears. I said. Just another way of saying the same thing...
Whatever ism or ist Biden may be - laughable, affable, gaffable Joe is not a free-market capitalist.

It’s called leadership. O had just won big. Had he not been a fraud and a Wall Street toady, he could have gotten universal HC in 2009.

Perhaps more accurately called 'lack of leadership'. If he hadn't been a fraud and a toady he wouldn't have 'won big' as you put it.

What does Sniffy say about universal HC? He says we can’t afford it. Just like an R would say. See?

Medicare-for-all doesn't poll well along the basement campaign trail.

But a skunk by any other name...

'Biden's plan would launch a "public option" that his campaign says would be "like Medicare," with primary care covered with no co-payments.'

...just like a 'D' would say. See?
Silly. O did win big in 2008 dummy. He had huge majorities in both houses dummy.

Get informed before posting please.
When a politician says: “if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black” it is a stark admission that plantation politics rules a party. How can people not see this? This coming election is a national IQ test not just for Blacks but for all Americans. The election is a pass/fail event.

The coming election is a IQ test. The stupid people vote for Trump. The countrty fails if Trump is re-elected.

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