Please Read and Opine

They should be ashamed for what their country did
Just like all Americans should be

Only telling the kids the good stuff while hiding the negative is not helping them

How do you tell kids about the Civil War or Martin Luther King day without touching on racism?
Idiot. I never said only tell the good stuff. I said don’t teach CRT or other crap like the Holocaust until High School. Kids should not be ashamed of anything. They are kids you fat dolt. Every country has some sins in its past? Should kids in Sweden be ashamed because of Viking raids? Should kids in Japan be ashamed? Kids in Russia? Kids in Germany? They are kids you fat moron.
You really are an angry, lost soul, aren't you? I hope your life gets better some day. Don't rule out counseling.
Ha ha ha ha. Why did you come into the thread with an ad hominem? You didn’t want an honest debate. You wanted a mud slinging contest and now you cower. Evil leftist scumbag.
Of course I am. Now log off and go lie down, you'll feel better after a nap.
I am 41, old man. Not 75 like you. Still bitter at the world because you wasted your life and now suffer from severe TDS. You tried to divert the thread. Just be honest you waste of life prancing Nancy boy.
Idiot. I never said only tell the good stuff. I said don’t teach CRT or other crap like the Holocaust until High School. Kids should not be ashamed of anything. They are kids you fat dolt. Every country has some sins in its past? Should kids in Sweden be ashamed because of Viking raids? Should kids in Japan be ashamed? Kids in Russia? Kids in Germany? They are kids you fat moron.

Should Jewish kids only learn about the Holocaust when they reach High School?
Should children only learn about slavery or Civil Rights once they reach High School?
Should Native American children get their views of how their ancestors were treated from old Cowboy movies?

Kids need to understand the evils of racism at a young age. Waiting till High School is too late
What is so difficult for you to understand?
These kids are Americans.
All Americans should be ashamed of some of the human rights violations in our history.

And hate to tell you, all kids should be taught the good and the bad of our history

We are not China where we rewrite history to hide the bad stuff
What human rights violations ???

You trying to use today's laws on the past?
Should Jewish kids only learn about the Holocaust when they reach High School?
Should children only learn about slavery or Civil Rights once they reach High School?
Should Native American children get their views of how their ancestors were treated from old Cowboy movies?

Kids need to understand the evils of racism at a young age. Waiting till High School is too late
My kids are Jewish kids you loser and yes. They know something bad happened but until they reach HS I wont even let them watch Schindlers List and kids in Germany, kids you idiot leftist, don’t have anything to be ashamed of. You are mentally ill.

Dividing kids by race in elementary school is racist and evil. Glad you finally learned that. You said ASHAMED. Learn what that word means.
My kids are Jewish kids you loser and yes. They know something bad happened but until they reach HS I wont even let them watch Schindlers List and kids in Germany, kids you idiot leftist, don’t have anything to be ashamed of. You are mentally ill.

Dividing kids by race in elementary school is racist and evil. Glad you finally learned that. You said ASHAMED. Learn what that word means.
High School is too late to learn about the evils of racism and what can happen.
High School is too late to learn about the evils of racism and what can happen.
Kids are 14 when they enter high school. Why is it too late? You want to teach a 5 yr old about the Klan? About how blacks sold other blacks to whites? Or about Colonialism of Spain, Italy, France and GB? About Hitler and the Holocaust? You need psychological help.
You had 13?

Shit, You had a fancy youth!
There were thirteen authorized VHF channels. Even Los Angeles only had six: the three networks" two four and seven, and the independants: channels five, eleven and thirteen. I doubt any city in the US had more.
There were thirteen authorized VHF channels. Even Los Angeles only had six: the three networks" two four and seven, and the independants: channels five, eleven and thirteen. I doubt any city in the US had more.

9 was an independent channel too.
We should be truthful about our History no matter how dark it was.

When discussing the slavery, genocide and so on we should discuss it all and have detailed discussion and not just “ White Society is Evil “ discussion.

We should discuss that Blacks also owned slaves even if it was not regular or how the Natives of the Country were Genocide.

We should also discuss about the mistreatment of Japanese-Americans in World War II, how the Irish, Germans and Italians were looked down on and treated less than human, or how Chinese were treated also less than human.

Many times we don’t want to discuss the bad with the good but we must because then we prevent a repeat of history, well hopefully…
I agree. I have never believed that the "White society is evil" and don't think that claim gets us anywhere. I do believe that since we were all created equal, the idea of one group being superior to another is an evil one. Correct that many groups, such as those you mentioned were treated as less than human. And what right does anyone have to treat anyone that way?

In Montgomery, Alabama there is a Memorial for Peace and Justice. These words are in bronze letters on the wall:
For the hanged and the beaten
For the shot, drowned and burned.
For the tortured, tormented and terrorized.
For those abandoned by the rule of law.
We will remember.
With hope because hopelessness is the enemy of justice.
With courage because peace requires bravery.
With persistence because justice is a constant struggle.
With faith because we shall overcome.

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