Please Remember the January 6 Political Prisoners and their Families This Christmas


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012

In the name of the Lord, where is the crime for most of these people? If enough Democrats of goodwill and faith write to their congressman that these are still your countrymen, they will release them.


In the name of the Lord, where is the crime for most of these people? If enough Democrats of goodwill and faith write to their congressman that these are still your countrymen, they will release them.


If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.

In the name of the Lord, where is the crime for most of these people? If enough Democrats of goodwill and faith write to their congressman that these are still your countrymen, they will release them.


Oh please, this is total nonsense, there are laws in place, what they did is totally illegal and they deserve to be locked up.

However, the system is rotten to the core and also needs to be changed.

In the name of the Lord, where is the crime for most of these people? If enough Democrats of goodwill and faith write to their congressman that these are still your countrymen, they will release them.


Jesus said to visit the prisoners. I guess that includes the traitors too.
On one hand, these are people who love their country, but who have been manipulated into believing fantasies. In a way, they're victims.

On the other hand, they have to be held legally accountable for what they have done. They are adults, responsible for their actions.

It's just a sad, shitty situation with no winners and no good answers.
Sounds like you really should visit them. Jesus would.
sounds like your trapped by your words and are now doing the white liberal wiggle.
Please remember that
remember what? that post was as coherent as the one that got you into this mess
Pray that many others do too.
I'm atheist...
are you ever going to fess up and admit you have no idea who you meant or do you just want to keep running from it?
From the gift horse's own mouth:
Before 1931, there were many different depictions of Santa Claus around the world, including a tall gaunt man and an elf —there was even a scary Claus.

But in 1931, Coca-Cola commissioned illustrator Haddon Sundblom to paint Santa for Christmas advertisements. Those paintings established Santa as a warm, happy character with human features, including rosy cheeks, a white beard, twinkling eyes and laughter lines.
sounds like your
You're.. upset and determined to attack me personally simply for sharing my opinion during this holiday week. Well, bully for you, scary Einstein. Happy Holidays!
Btw, Jesus was also an atheist regarding others' religious beliefs.
On one hand, these are people who love their country, but who have been manipulated into believing fantasies. In a way, they're victims.

On the other hand, they have to be held legally accountable for what they have done. They are adults, responsible for their actions.

It's just a sad, shitty situation with no winners and no good answers.
The only way to get even is karma. It has to happen in some way. Whether the dictators when official do it to Prog voters or there are real hardliners voted in on the Republican side, it has to happen.
You're.. upset and determined to attack me personally simply for sharing my opinion during this holiday week. Well, bully for you, scary Einstein. Happy Holidays!
running it is
Btw, Jesus was also an atheist regarding others' religious beliefs.
you do know others are going to read what you post don't you? that's just craziness

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