Please Remember the January 6 Political Prisoners and their Families This Christmas

It is completely fucked up that those people have been stripped of their Constitutional rights to a trial for their actions.
I predict that they will eventually be able to sue for this....
Really I didn't realize being convicted in court Wasn't enough to constitute Do process.
It is completely fucked up that those people have been stripped of their Constitutional rights to a trial for their actions.
I predict that they will eventually be able to sue for this....

The servants of the US now hold their masters as political hostages.

The only way to get even is karma. It has to happen in some way. Whether the dictators when official do it to Prog voters or there are real hardliners voted in on the Republican side, it has to happen.

Karma is delicious.

And retroactive.

Have you ever known a leftist vermin who is actually a truly HAPPY PERSON?

They abuse their children who grow up to abuse their children who grow up to abuse their children until there are four or five generations of deeply unhappy people. Just look at anything that has been on TV since about the late 80's.


In the name of the Lord, where is the crime for most of these people? If enough Democrats of goodwill and faith write to their congressman that these are still your countrymen, they will release them.
First things first.

They assaulted several police officers resulting in one of them having a stroke and dying at the scene, They took numerous weapons into the capital which is a felony in itself, And made several threats to kill members of Congress as well as the vice president.



Killed every member of Congress, they did. Managed to murder AOC three times!

Horribly bloody.

Oh, the humanity.

Burnt down all the buildings, too.

The only reason the gallows wouldn't have worked for Pence is that he was taller than two feet.


But keep twisting those pearls and maybe some day, when it's time to write this one down in the history books, they'll accept your fantasy unicorn story of the Brutal January 6 Insurrection.

Imprisoning political opponents is a hallmark of communist countries. That's exactly what our totalitarian Democrats have done. There's nothing confusing about it.
So they're innocent victims who merely expressed an opposing political view, and the government has total control over all facets of economic production and distribution.

Well, I do believe that you believe that. What I wonder about is the combination and volume of misinformation you have consumed and chosen to believe that has led you to that conclusion.

I'm not asking. I'm just wondering.
That may be true

But its not proven

I’ll settle for trespassing and a few weekends of community service

Anything more is dems and the Deep State weaponizing the law

Which is, of course, perfectly legal. Just ask 'em.


In the name of the Lord, where is the crime for most of these people? If enough Democrats of goodwill and faith write to their congressman that these are still your countrymen, they will release them.


a. the imagery is false and it is bull$hit

b. Insurrectionists deemed too dangerous for the public good
DESERVE to rot in prison

Sic semper proditoribus .
a. the imagery is false and it is bull$hit

b. Insurrectionists deemed too dangerous for the public good DESERVE to rot in prison

Sic semper proditoribus
And ANTIFA are insurrectionists just to start. Pure INSURRECTIONISTS. African American protests/riots/insurrections is a mixture.
On one hand, these are people who love their country, but who have been manipulated into believing fantasies. In a way, they're victims.

On the other hand, they have to be held legally accountable for what they have done. They are adults, responsible for their actions.

It's just a sad, shitty situation with no winners and no good answers.
People that shove people on Subway tracks should be held legally accountable....but at least they are offered a chance to defend themselves and a chance to post bond or bail.

As in the "manipulated into believing fantasies" part of one was manipulated. They chose to believe what they chose to believe.

That is what personal responsibility is all about. Something you obviously don't believe in.

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