Please Remember the January 6 Political Prisoners and their Families This Christmas




Killed every member of Congress, they did. Managed to murder AOC three times!

Horribly bloody.

Oh, the humanity.

Burnt down all the buildings, too.

The only reason the gallows wouldn't have worked for Pence is that he was taller than two feet.


But keep twisting those pearls and maybe some day, when it's time to write this one down in the history books, they'll accept your fantasy unicorn story of the Brutal January 6 Insurrection.

they literally took videos of themselves, in the capital, attacking police and cheating things like "Hang Mike Pence" and posted it to their own social media.
And ANTIFA are insurrectionists just to start.

The difference being that the Race Rioters of mid-2020 did not assault the United States Congress whilst pursuing its Constitutional duty to certify a Presidential election.

The difference being that the Race Rioters of mid-2020 were not intentionally summoned and incited and unleashed by a sitting President of the United States.

For all I care you could have loosed cavalry ( mounted police, National Guard motorized units, etc.) on the Race Rioters and issued shoot-to-kill orders for arsonists and looters.

Stop trying to "sell" faux equivalencies between the actions of hood-rats and porch-monkeys of mid-2020 with your trailer trash attempting to foment a coup on Jan 6 2021.

Nobody outside of your Orange Baboon's shrinking fan-club base is buying it.

The difference being that the Race Rioters of mid-2020 did not assault the United States Congress whilst pursuing its Constitutional duty to certify a Presidential election.

The difference being that the Race Rioters of mid-2020 were not intentionally summoned and incited and unleashed by a sitting President of the United States.

For all I care you could have loosed cavalry ( mounted police, National Guard motorized units, etc.) on the Race Rioters and issued shoot-to-kill orders for arsonists and looters.

Stop trying to "sell" faux equivalencies between the actions of the hood-rats and porch-monkeys of mid-2020 with your trailer trash attempting to foment a coup on Jan 6 2021.

Nobody outside of your Orange Baboon's shrinking fan-club base is buying it.

Name one Congressional rep who was physically assaulted.

I mean, other than AOC. After dying three times in one day, the girl deserves a break.

they literally took videos of themselves, in the capital, attacking police and cheating things like "Hang Mike Pence" and posted it to their own social media.
The fact is that about 1/4 of these individuals have been sentenced, with most getting 45 days or less, for misdemeanors....The bulk of these people have been in DC jail for going on a year....This is a violation of their rights....Fact.
The fact is that about 1/4 of these individuals have been sentenced, with most getting 45 days or less, for misdemeanors....The bulk of these people have been in DC jail for going on a year....This is a violation of their rights....Fact.
The rights that the conservative-leaning Supreme Court-dissolved?
On one hand, these are people who love their country, but who have been manipulated into believing fantasies. In a way, they're victims.

On the other hand, they have to be held legally accountable for what they have done. They are adults, responsible for their actions.

It's just a sad, shitty situation with no winners and no good answers.
More importantly, the Buccaneers won. The heroic patriots should have their spirits boosted by that.

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