Please Remember the January 6 Political Prisoners and their Families This Christmas

In the name of the Lord, where is the crime for most of these people? If enough Democrats of goodwill and faith write to their congressman that these are still your countrymen, they will release them.

They stopped being my fellow citizens when they tried to overthrow the election I voted in.

I wait for the happy day when Trump joins them in prison.
First things first.

He killed two federal agents.

He killed two federal agents.


Leonard Peltier sits in a federal prison because of FBI misconduct. His incarceration has kept him from his family and his community for over 40 years. Based on FBI-supplied false affidavits, wholesale fabrications, and buried exculpatory evidence, Peltier was convicted of aiding and abetting the first degree murder of two FBI agents.
They chose to believe what they chose to believe.
Indeed. We agree. That's their choice.

That is what personal responsibility is all about. Something you obviously don't believe in.
And yet I brought that up, clearly and simply, in the post you quoted.

"They are adults, responsible for their actions."
It's right there. On your computer screen.

I can't help you with your reading comprehension skills. Sorry.
So they're innocent victims who merely expressed an opposing political view, and the government has total control over all facets of economic production and distribution.

Well, I do believe that you believe that. What I wonder about is the combination and volume of misinformation you have consumed and chosen to believe that has led you to that conclusion.

I'm not asking. I'm just wondering.
If you believe in the process the J6 investigators used, and if you believe in the process used to imprison the protestors, then it's understandable why you would think you're qualified to judge what I consume as misinformation. That's what totalitarians do.
They stopped being my fellow citizens when they tried to overthrow the election I voted in.

I wait for the happy day when Trump joins them in prison.
I am certain that when the more honorable Progs send us all 10-thousand-dollar checks to start from their evil legislations we can start to move on.
In the name of the Lord, where is the crime for most of these people?

They made a riot and tried to eliminate the political system of the USA. Some people had to die because of their weird actions. Main ringleader behind this coup had been Donald Trump who illegally tried to stay to be president of the USA.
Leonard Peltier sits in a federal prison because of FBI misconduct. His incarceration has kept him from his family and his community for over 40 years. Based on FBI-supplied false affidavits, wholesale fabrications, and buried exculpatory evidence, Peltier was convicted of aiding and abetting the first degree murder of two FBI agents.

Not really seeing the issue here. his case was appealled numerous times and his conviction upheld. Presidents Clinton and Obama both refused to give him clemency or even commute his sentence.

I'd have more sympathy for him if he expressed even the slightest bit of remorse for the deaths of these two agents.

Let him rot.
He killed two federal agents.


Good grief. This remembers me to the Easter slogan "Give Barrabas free": .. How weird are all this people who try to wake the impression they are Christians? Nothing was more absurde than Donald Trump raging with a bible in the hands. A wonder if all the letters in this bible did not try to flee so he had to press this poor book very hard.
Back when the Tea Party split off the Republican party (but before they knew what Tea Bagger was) I was on a very conservative forum that proudly called themselves tea baggers. I said then I thought the TBers were not even Americans anymore, they are Republicans. As time went on and they became more radicalized Trump came along and proved my point. These traitors were pretty much undercharged. They should have thought about Christmas before they tried to overthrow their (and mine) government.
It is completely fucked up that those people have been stripped of their Constitutional rights to a trial for their actions.
I predict that they will eventually be able to sue for this....

I predict that in a way. You are right. However they won’t win.

What is shocking to you all is that this is the system we have had in place for a very long time. What is funny to me is that where these defendants are concerned. And only them, you all are recycling the arguments of the Liberals you detest. Only you don’t know it.

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