Pocahontas is politically finished


Warren falsely claimed her heritage wrong at the State Bar of Texas.

We should all apologize to Pocahontas now. Of course Goofy had been deflecting the obvious, while lying to the public about it going on two years. The democrat flip-flop shows up yet again.

Elizabeth Warren claimed ‘American Indian’ race on State Bar of Texas registration card
We should disbar her ass.


Warren falsely claimed her heritage wrong at the State Bar of Texas.

We should all apologize to Pocahontas now. Of course Goofy had been deflecting the obvious, while lying to the public about it going on two years. The democrat flip-flop shows up yet again.

Elizabeth Warren claimed ‘American Indian’ race on State Bar of Texas registration card

This article is quoting a report by the Washington Post. So this is clearly fake news.

How about the Boston Globe? Is that legitimate enough for you?

Warren apologizes for calling herself Native American - The Boston Globe

Do you really think CNN and MSNBC is going to touch a story like this?

Boston Globe? BWAHAHAHA! They're just as bad as CNN and MSNBC! Liberal rags, all of them! What next, are you going to toss out the New York Times as well!?!
Remember, she's always maintained that she did not advertise her "family lore" of being 1/1024th American Indian for purposes of swiping diversity slots from actual Indians.

Warren falsely claimed her heritage wrong at the State Bar of Texas.

We should all apologize to Pocahontas now. Of course Goofy had been deflecting the obvious, while lying to the public about it going on two years. The democrat flip-flop shows up yet again.

Elizabeth Warren claimed ‘American Indian’ race on State Bar of Texas registration card

This article is quoting a report by the Washington Post. So this is clearly fake news.

I guess Warren stopped giving WaPo staff blowjobs.....I mean shes one of the best looking lefties........its just sad
Help me, Lord, I can't stop laughing.

So the libtarded moonbat registered for the Texas Bar Association as "American Indian" in 1986.

She is a typical lying Libtard. At least that lying libtard Obama was half black.

Wow you cant make this stuff up.....another lie from.her.......the left is full of complete retsrds.
Remember, she's always maintained that she did not advertise her "family lore" of being 1/1024th American Indian for purposes of swiping diversity slots from actual Indians.

Yep, but the tard Democrats dont care.......I cant imagine to be that stupid
"Using an open records request during a general inquiry, for example, The Post obtained Warren’s registration card for the State Bar of Texas, providing a previously undisclosed example of Warren identifying as an “American Indian.”

Warren filled out the card by hand in neat blue ink and signed it. Dated April 1986, it is the first document to surface showing Warren making the claim in her own handwriting. Her office didn’t dispute its authenticity."

"The card shows her name, her gender and the address for the University of Texas law school in Austin, where she was working at the time.

On the line for “race,” Warren neatly printed, “American Indian.” She left blank lines for “National Origin” and “Physical handicap” and signed the document.

“The date coincided with her first listing as a “minority” by the Association of American Law Schools. Warren reported herself as minority in the directory every year starting in 1986 — when AALS first included a list of minority law professors — to 1995, when her name dropped off the list.

Warren also had her ethnicity changed from white to Native American in December 1989 while working at the University of Pennsylvania."

Elizabeth Warren has now decided to apologize for calling herself Native American.

Elizabeth Warren apologizes for calling herself Native American
Using an open records request during a general inquiry, The Washington Post obtained Elizabeth Warren’s
registration card for the State Bar of Texas, revealing Warren identified as an “American Indian.”

Read more at thegatewaypundit.com ..

She was manipulating fake “Affirmative Action” b.s. from the very beginning of her legal and academic career, right on through until recently when it became such an embarrassment plus she didn’t “need” it anymore.

Fauxcahontas is a joke!!
No doubt she is a fucked up loopy kunt... And she should be treated like the fucking piece of shit she is
She outright lied about not using the claim of being native American to further her career. Another lying POS. It's in her own handwriting and she signed it. Her office did not deny that she filled the registration. She decided to change her race from white to Native American and we know damn well it was for affirmative action purposes. From 1986 on, she was listed as a minority. So, yes, she used it to further her career.

She outright lied about not using the claim of being native American to further her career. Another lying POS. It's in her own handwriting and she signed it. Her office did not deny that she filled the registration. She decided to change her race from white to Native American and we know damn well it was for affirmative action purposes. From 1986 on, she was listed as a minority. So, yes, she used it to further her career.


Exactly how does affirmative action effect registration for the Texas State Bar? What advantage do you think this gave her?
The bitch lied and lied about using her claimed Native American ancestry to advance her career. Now there is proof. She can kiss her presidential ambitions goodby.

She speak-um with forked tongue one time too many, and now The Washington Post, of all places, has scalped her. The smoke signals went out last night — as early as 1986 she was lying on a Texas bar application that she was “American Indian.”

Lieawatha admit-um she talk with forked tongue, only she use white-eye language, calling it “furthering confusion.”

No confusion anywhere. You are an utter fraud. Fake Indian, you will have many moons to reflect on your serial lies. Never will you be great white father.

Never live-um in white tee-pee. Heap big fraud since buffalo roam the plain, blue-eyed squaw lie about DNA, to make-um more wampum.

So the Boston Globe story last fall claiming she’d never tried to pass as an honest injun, was as phony as a Kevin Cullen column. But hey, it’s the Globe — right, Mike Barnicle? Jason Blair? Patricia X. Smith? Why do you think the fake Indian went to a fake news rag to print her buffalo excrement?

Ugh. And that’s not the only bad news. The incredible bunko artist is busted on this morning. In an unrelated develop, Sen. Elizabeth Warren may be getting sued over some more of her despicable lies.

Because this time she put her shameful falsehoods in a tweet, not in an employment application to Harvard or UPenn law school. Hard to deep-six a tweet, especially one as perniciously false as the one she sent out last month about the Covington Catholic High School students who was accosted first by a group of Black Hebrew Israelites in D.C., and then by a nutty Indian — a real Indian, to be clear, but a fake Vietnam veteran, like Sen. Richard “Stolen Valor” Blumenthal.

Here is the smoke signal Lieawatha sent out:

“Omaha elder and Vietnam War veteran Nathan Phillips endured hateful taunts with dignity and strength, then urged us all to do better.”

After “Omaha elder,” almost every word in that tweet is a lie, including “and” and “the.”

But it’s the fake Indian, so what else is new?
She's issued an apology. She's toast as anything but a Commie, Massachusetts sock puppet.
The bitch lied and lied about using her claimed Native American ancestry to advance her career. Now there is proof. She can kiss her presidential ambitions goodby.

She speak-um with forked tongue one time too many, and now The Washington Post, of all places, has scalped her. The smoke signals went out last night — as early as 1986 she was lying on a Texas bar application that she was “American Indian.”

Lieawatha admit-um she talk with forked tongue, only she use white-eye language, calling it “furthering confusion.”

No confusion anywhere. You are an utter fraud. Fake Indian, you will have many moons to reflect on your serial lies. Never will you be great white father.

Never live-um in white tee-pee. Heap big fraud since buffalo roam the plain, blue-eyed squaw lie about DNA, to make-um more wampum.

So the Boston Globe story last fall claiming she’d never tried to pass as an honest injun, was as phony as a Kevin Cullen column. But hey, it’s the Globe — right, Mike Barnicle? Jason Blair? Patricia X. Smith? Why do you think the fake Indian went to a fake news rag to print her buffalo excrement?

Ugh. And that’s not the only bad news. The incredible bunko artist is busted on this morning. In an unrelated develop, Sen. Elizabeth Warren may be getting sued over some more of her despicable lies.

Because this time she put her shameful falsehoods in a tweet, not in an employment application to Harvard or UPenn law school. Hard to deep-six a tweet, especially one as perniciously false as the one she sent out last month about the Covington Catholic High School students who was accosted first by a group of Black Hebrew Israelites in D.C., and then by a nutty Indian — a real Indian, to be clear, but a fake Vietnam veteran, like Sen. Richard “Stolen Valor” Blumenthal.

Here is the smoke signal Lieawatha sent out:

“Omaha elder and Vietnam War veteran Nathan Phillips endured hateful taunts with dignity and strength, then urged us all to do better.”

After “Omaha elder,” almost every word in that tweet is a lie, including “and” and “the.”

But it’s the fake Indian, so what else is new?

Yikes. Actual documentation. Now the real issue is if she recieved any material benefit from this. If so, it's fraud (although probably outside the Statue of Limitations).

Even if not, it's documentation of her mis-representing her ethnic heritage.
She's issued an apology. She's toast as anything but a Commie, Massachusetts sock puppet.

I'm sick of all these "I-got-caught" apologies from the Democrats. If they had any honor they'd just get the hell out.

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