Pocahontas Is Running For President

It's about time we had a Native American President.

Yes it is "their" turn, just like it was Hillary's turn because she was a woman. Gays are next. If the Dems could only run a female, lesbian, black woman they'd be golden. Maybe Kamala Harris can turn lesbian. No, she's used married Men sexually to get ahead, so doubt she can pull that off.

Surely this is photoshopped. She doesn't look THAT retarted in real life.
Yes she does.

How many times have we heard this dingbat say she's NOT running?

Trump can help her out, send her a 23andme kit and tell her she can pass the results on to the Tribal Council.

Elizabeth Warren will 'take hard look at running for president' in 2020


What about Trump?

During a presser with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, President Donald Trump claimed that his father was "born in a very wonderful place in Germany" while discussing the country's military spending.

"My father is German," Trump told reporters. "Right. Was German. And born in a very wonderful place in Germany and so I have a great feeling for Germany."

Facts First: This is untrue. Trump's father, Fred Trump, was born in the Bronx.

Please show us what a hypocrite you are when you give Trump a pass for his lie.

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