Pocahontas Now Denies Indian Heritage

...I laugh at you dumbasses. Warren never tried to use her heritage to get a job or promotion. That is a proven fact. Warren was always very clear in how she came to say she was part Native American. It was through family stories. Her Native American ancestry has never been proven either way. Record keeping years ago in OK was not that great. I understand that Elizabeth Warren is so =much more intelligent than your orange buddy that she scares the fuck out of both of you.
1. If you have to burn-up bandwidth explaining the situation (her playing the N.A. card) then you've already lost the argument

2. Did not Warren use her so-called Native American heritage to defraud the government with respect to funding for her education?

No. She didn't start claiming to be "Native American" until after she was already a professor, apparently.
To claim you have ancestry is not the same as being one.

OK, UnrealDave, I get it that Warren had been told many times as a kid that some great grandparent had been American Indian. And based on that she claimed she was also native american. But for like the 1024th time, the problem is that it was her great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandparent, which means you'd need a pair of tweezers and a tunneling electron microscope to find the Indian DNA in her!

So, she DOESN'T have high cheekbones! At least not relating in any way to the vestigial trace of DNA in her. She's a European. White. 99.999% so. Her own DNA test said it. She has about as much native american blood in her as if Chief Running Bear kissed her on the mouth.
Obama is a Muslim. Ask any Muslim. According to Islam, if your father is a Muslim then you're a Muslim.
Jesus fuck. The Islam religion does not dictate a person's beliefs. You & your butt buddy Doc are dumber than shit.
Yes, the Islam religion has certain beliefs. Islam teaches that if your father is a muslim, then you are born a muslim. Do some research.
Again, You & your butt buddy Doc are saying that because a religion say something, you must follow it. People have no choices.

You have no knowledge of Islam son. My degree is in Comparative Religion, you don't want to go there with me ;) Let me help you kid, when I mention Islam in a disparaging way it's radical Islam speaking of. Unfortunately Radical Islam is true Islam. Moderate Islam is apostasy in a true Islamic culture. Set your emotion and ego aside kid.

Wow, some college actually awarded a dumbass like you a degree? Really?

Look, whether Obama is a Christian or Muslim is a factor solely on him.

You are being a total asshole because Islam deems him a Muslim (by birth) makes Obama a Muslim./ Only in the eyes of Islam. Not anywhere else.

That is the point you are too fucking ignirant to get.

Actually that's where you are wrong. You are just not intelligent enough to understand how much of a fool you've been made of. It's ok, you are the first dumb ass not to smell a trap.

Rump isn't a Christian because you say he isn't based on nothing more than your hatred and emotion.
Obambi isn't a Muslim despite dressing in their garb and what was put down on his registration in a Muslim School. (Which you also denied to ever have happened.

I don't know if Rump is a Christian or not, neither do I know if Obambi is a Muslim or not.

The point is kid that neither do you.

Here's what we all DO know though.
I proved he went an Islamic School.
I proved Warren claimed to be Cherokee.
To claim you have ancestry is not the same as being one.

OK, UnrealDave, I get it that Warren had been told many times as a kid that some great grandparent had been American Indian. And based on that she claimed she was also native american. But for like the 1024th time, the problem is that it was her great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandparent, which means you'd need a pair of tweezers and a tunneling electron microscope to find the Indian DNA in her!

So, she DOESN'T have high cheekbones! At least not relating in any way to the vestigial trace of DNA in her. She's a European. White. 99.999% so. Her own DNA test said it. She has about as much native american blood in her as if Chief Running Bear kissed her on the mouth.

Warren may likly been hired if there was no affirmative action. We won't know. She claimed the status in order to cement herself in. Harvard isn't going to get an unqualified instructor. If they had got a real affirmative action hire that hire would have been triple sharp. She got the seat of someone equally qualified minority. Warren is a racist thief.

These affirmative action are never supposed to go to someone unqualified. Affirmative action means you get people who have been disadvantaged. She stole this from someone who deserved it.
Lying fuck. Warren never identified her ancestry in applying anywhere.
She identified at both penn and Harvard. If you are going to lie till you are blue in the face I can't help you.

Having debates on a forum like this supposes that both sides are going to tell the truth as to facts, as much as the differ in interpetation. She identified as indian at Penn and as a non tenured prof at Harvard. She dropped it once she achieved tenure. that is immutable. She can say it was not part of the hiring process. well,about that we will never know for sure.

Your lying like this makes you just a person I can safely ignore.

She called herself indian on official documents at both instatutions at times it would have served her well. The documents are there. Saying they aren't demolloises your character, it doesn't change the facts on the ground
I never cared for Warren but I have to hand it to her, she has proven it doesn't take much to keep conservatives entertained.
Immaterial to the point that Senator Elizabeth Warren claimed Native American ancestry which was scientifically proven to be negligible.
I never cared for Warren but I have to hand it to her, she has proven it doesn't take much to keep conservatives entertained.
Immaterial to the point that Senator Elizabeth Warren claimed Native American ancestry which was scientifically proven to be negligible.

If no one has read this yet, this is the most accurate reporting of Warren's DNA testing I've yet read to date which sets some facts clear:

Analysis | Just about everything you’ve read on the Warren DNA test is wrong
I think most Americans know what an American Indian looks like. They wear lots of feathers and say "ugh" a lot.
I never cared for Warren but I have to hand it to her, she has proven it doesn't take much to keep conservatives entertained.
Immaterial to the point that Senator Elizabeth Warren claimed Native American ancestry which was scientifically proven to be negligible.

A politician misrepresented the truth, I'm shocked! I suppose you swallow Trump's claim he was only provided a piddly $1 million loan by his old man?
...I laugh at you dumbasses. Warren never tried to use her heritage to get a job or promotion. That is a proven fact. Warren was always very clear in how she came to say she was part Native American. It was through family stories. Her Native American ancestry has never been proven either way. Record keeping years ago in OK was not that great. I understand that Elizabeth Warren is so =much more intelligent than your orange buddy that she scares the fuck out of both of you.
1. If you have to burn-up bandwidth explaining the situation (her playing the N.A. card) then you've already lost the argument

2. Did not Warren use her so-called Native American heritage to defraud the government with respect to funding for her education?

No. She didn't start claiming to be "Native American" until after she was already a professor, apparently.

That's an odd claim since there are recollections from her college classmates. Or perhaps it was high school. But of course if you're counting selectively you ignore those. Don't you.
Warren may likly been hired if there was no affirmative action. We won't know. She claimed the status in order to cement herself in. Harvard isn't going to get an unqualified instructor. If they had got a real affirmative action hire that hire would have been triple sharp. She got the seat of someone equally qualified minority. Warren is a racist thief.

These affirmative action are never supposed to go to someone unqualified. Affirmative action means you get people who have been disadvantaged. She stole this from someone who deserved it.
Lying fuck. Warren never identified her ancestry in applying anywhere.
She identified at both penn and Harvard. If you are going to lie till you are blue in the face I can't help you.

Having debates on a forum like this supposes that both sides are going to tell the truth as to facts, as much as the differ in interpetation. She identified as indian at Penn and as a non tenured prof at Harvard. She dropped it once she achieved tenure. that is immutable. She can say it was not part of the hiring process. well,about that we will never know for sure.

Your lying like this makes you just a person I can safely ignore.

She called herself indian on official documents at both instatutions at times it would have served her well. The documents are there. Saying they aren't demolloises your character, it doesn't change the facts on the ground

No, she did not. The official documents we know of show she listed "white" under ethnicity and checked "No" when asked if she wanted to apply for minority consideration.

So you're directly contradicting known facts, apparently because you can't handle them.

Go ahead and try to show the class these "official documents" you claim exist.
Warren may likly been hired if there was no affirmative action. We won't know. She claimed the status in order to cement herself in. Harvard isn't going to get an unqualified instructor. If they had got a real affirmative action hire that hire would have been triple sharp. She got the seat of someone equally qualified minority. Warren is a racist thief.

These affirmative action are never supposed to go to someone unqualified. Affirmative action means you get people who have been disadvantaged. She stole this from someone who deserved it.
Lying fuck. Warren never identified her ancestry in applying anywhere.
She identified at both penn and Harvard. If you are going to lie till you are blue in the face I can't help you.

Having debates on a forum like this supposes that both sides are going to tell the truth as to facts, as much as the differ in interpetation. She identified as indian at Penn and as a non tenured prof at Harvard. She dropped it once she achieved tenure. that is immutable. She can say it was not part of the hiring process. well,about that we will never know for sure.

Your lying like this makes you just a person I can safely ignore.

She called herself indian on official documents at both instatutions at times it would have served her well. The documents are there. Saying they aren't demolloises your character, it doesn't change the facts on the ground

No, she did not. The official documents we know of show she listed "white" under ethnicity and checked "No" when asked if she wanted to apply for minority consideration.

So you're directly contradicting known facts, apparently because you can't handle them.

Go ahead and try to show the class these "official documents" you claim exist.

LOL...is this where you play stupid? Oh wait, you're not playing?
I never cared for Warren but I have to hand it to her, she has proven it doesn't take much to keep conservatives entertained.
Immaterial to the point that Senator Elizabeth Warren claimed Native American ancestry which was scientifically proven to be negligible.

Warren never ever said to be any percentage.

The tert said between 6 & 10 generations ago.

She was right. She said she was told her grandmother was part NA.

When wll you trumpettes ever just admit your orange buddy was wring. He lied. He welshed on a bet like the dishonest cheat he has always been.
Warren may likly been hired if there was no affirmative action. We won't know. She claimed the status in order to cement herself in. Harvard isn't going to get an unqualified instructor. If they had got a real affirmative action hire that hire would have been triple sharp. She got the seat of someone equally qualified minority. Warren is a racist thief.

These affirmative action are never supposed to go to someone unqualified. Affirmative action means you get people who have been disadvantaged. She stole this from someone who deserved it.
Lying fuck. Warren never identified her ancestry in applying anywhere.
She identified at both penn and Harvard. If you are going to lie till you are blue in the face I can't help you.

Having debates on a forum like this supposes that both sides are going to tell the truth as to facts, as much as the differ in interpetation. She identified as indian at Penn and as a non tenured prof at Harvard. She dropped it once she achieved tenure. that is immutable. She can say it was not part of the hiring process. well,about that we will never know for sure.

Your lying like this makes you just a person I can safely ignore.

She called herself indian on official documents at both instatutions at times it would have served her well. The documents are there. Saying they aren't demolloises your character, it doesn't change the facts on the ground
She never did on any applications. When will you quit lying about this?

"Of 71 current Law School professors and assistant professors, 11 are women, five are black, one is Native American and one is Hispanic, said Mike Chmura, spokesperson for the Law School.

Although the conventional wisdom among students and faculty is that the Law School faculty includes no minority women, Chmura said Professor of Law Elizabeth Warren is Native American."

Survey: Diversity Lacking At HLS | News | The Harvard Crimson

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