Pocahontas Now Denies Indian Heritage

They gorge themselves on government benefits … they take and take and take … and then actually they have the cheek to complain about the system that keeps them in welfare dollars and Medicaid checks.

I am speaking, of course, of the red states.
How is the economy for most people? I think other than consumer confidence, most people are living the exact same life they were living in 2016. So if you are bragging about how things are better, and people aren't seeing it as being better, they will show up to vote against the out of touch party.

And there are a lot of energized people who are going to show up and vote against Republicans. I'm hearing a lot of Republicans and independents aren't going to show up. Similar to how Obama lost 2010.

I'm talking about all the people who didn't vote last time but hate trump. Women, hispanics, blacks, gays, muslims, all the people who didn't think he would win so they didn't show up in 2016. They will now

All the young people who want gun legislation.

People who don't want pre existing conditions to come back.

People who want social security and medicare and hear Mitch is going to cut those programs to pay for the tax breaks.
Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
I know you don't care about facts. I know nothing I say will wake you up. I know you don't realize that it's conservative business' in rural America that are hiring illegals. You're a god damn fool.

Cristhian Rivera, charged in Mollie Tibbetts' death, worked at a farm owned by a prominent Iowa Republican family

Cristhian Rivera, charged in Mollie Tibbetts' death, worked at a farm owned by a prominent Iowa Republican family

And all these illegals have to do is give these illegal employers fake ID's and they get hired. The owners know they're getting fake ID's. You know it. I know it. But you won't go after these people. They say, "they gave us a fake ID" and that's all the explanation you need you stupid cock sucker.

And it turns out they didn't E-Verify this guy. They said they did at first but then it turned out THEY LIED. Imagine that. But still you accept their explanation just like Trump explains the Saudi Kings explanation of what went down. This is what corrupt administrations look like. Fuck the facts right? It's all fake news.

You are the typical dumb American fuck.

Arrest and prosecute the farmers for employing an illegal. Isn't that the law?

Do you think I don't want the laws enforced?

You are the typcial dumb cvnt liberal.
I agree with the first part. LOL
Lying about being under sniper fire is not as bad as colluding with Russia and conspiring to rig our elections and democracy.

But hey, it's the people's fault. If the voters let Trump get away with it I won't blame him I'll blame you.

I'll be fine even in a conservative America. Will you? Probably not. You will probably need your social security and when cuts hurt you, you'll complain but you'll blame Democrats.

Have you been living under a rock this past year? Not even Progressives are mentioning the word colluding since the whole investigation has exploded in their own faces.

Get away with what?
They gorge themselves on government benefits … they take and take and take … and then actually they have the cheek to complain about the system that keeps them in welfare dollars and Medicaid checks.

I am speaking, of course, of the red states.
How is the economy for most people? I think other than consumer confidence, most people are living the exact same life they were living in 2016. So if you are bragging about how things are better, and people aren't seeing it as being better, they will show up to vote against the out of touch party.

And there are a lot of energized people who are going to show up and vote against Republicans. I'm hearing a lot of Republicans and independents aren't going to show up. Similar to how Obama lost 2010.

I'm talking about all the people who didn't vote last time but hate trump. Women, hispanics, blacks, gays, muslims, all the people who didn't think he would win so they didn't show up in 2016. They will now

All the young people who want gun legislation.

People who don't want pre existing conditions to come back.

People who want social security and medicare and hear Mitch is going to cut those programs to pay for the tax breaks.
Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
I know you don't care about facts. I know nothing I say will wake you up. I know you don't realize that it's conservative business' in rural America that are hiring illegals. You're a god damn fool.

Cristhian Rivera, charged in Mollie Tibbetts' death, worked at a farm owned by a prominent Iowa Republican family

Cristhian Rivera, charged in Mollie Tibbetts' death, worked at a farm owned by a prominent Iowa Republican family

And all these illegals have to do is give these illegal employers fake ID's and they get hired. The owners know they're getting fake ID's. You know it. I know it. But you won't go after these people. They say, "they gave us a fake ID" and that's all the explanation you need you stupid cock sucker.

And it turns out they didn't E-Verify this guy. They said they did at first but then it turned out THEY LIED. Imagine that. But still you accept their explanation just like Trump explains the Saudi Kings explanation of what went down. This is what corrupt administrations look like. Fuck the facts right? It's all fake news.

You are the typical dumb American fuck.

Arrest and prosecute the farmers for employing an illegal. Isn't that the law?

Do you think I don't want the laws enforced? Exceute the murderers, and hold the farmers accountable for the hiring of an illegal to the full extent of the law. I don't GAF what party they are affilated with.

You are the typcial dumb cvnt liberal.
Funny how the Republicans never go after the illegal employers, isn't it, silly dupe? And just go on about a wall that won't work and unconstitutional laws that harass illegals. Make their racist Base feel great but does nothing. Pass the national ID card like other countries have or enforce E-verify.
I wonder if Trump will be a 1 term president.
It all depends on the economy... stupid

Sound familiar?
How is the economy for most people? I think other than consumer confidence, most people are living the exact same life they were living in 2016. So if you are bragging about how things are better, and people aren't seeing it as being better, they will show up to vote against the out of touch party.

And there are a lot of energized people who are going to show up and vote against Republicans. I'm hearing a lot of Republicans and independents aren't going to show up. Similar to how Obama lost 2010.

I'm talking about all the people who didn't vote last time but hate trump. Women, hispanics, blacks, gays, muslims, all the people who didn't think he would win so they didn't show up in 2016. They will now

All the young people who want gun legislation.

People who don't want pre existing conditions to come back.

People who want social security and medicare and hear Mitch is going to cut those programs to pay for the tax breaks.
Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
And you keep voting Republican. Ummmm.

You can't be a Republican supporter & bitch about the debt.
Hannity is a slob and a joke ...and a republican ,,,,but I repeat myself

Then please share with us which of the items listed are not true. Or, are you acknowledging the list is 100% accurate and all a desperate person like yourself has left is another boring personal attack?
It all depends on the economy... stupid

Sound familiar?
How is the economy for most people? I think other than consumer confidence, most people are living the exact same life they were living in 2016. So if you are bragging about how things are better, and people aren't seeing it as being better, they will show up to vote against the out of touch party.

And there are a lot of energized people who are going to show up and vote against Republicans. I'm hearing a lot of Republicans and independents aren't going to show up. Similar to how Obama lost 2010.

I'm talking about all the people who didn't vote last time but hate trump. Women, hispanics, blacks, gays, muslims, all the people who didn't think he would win so they didn't show up in 2016. They will now

All the young people who want gun legislation.

People who don't want pre existing conditions to come back.

People who want social security and medicare and hear Mitch is going to cut those programs to pay for the tax breaks.
Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
And you keep voting Republican. Ummmm.

You can't be a Republican supporter & bitch about the debt.

How did Obama do with the debt? Just straight numbers.

Who had Congress when we balanced the budget? Just straight Party?

Real Dave is REAL dumb.
And you keep voting Republican. Ummmm.

You can't be a Republican supporter & bitch about the debt.

Why would that be relevant today?

It certainly didn't faze you when failed former President Barack Hussein Obama doubled our National Debt from $10 TRILLION to $20 TRILLION in only eight years.
He's already there. The only reason Obama isn't the worst ever is because he doesn't forsee Michelle running. God I hope she does.
She has no appeal to Rural America...

This asshole is trying to say there are no LEVELS of morality.

If someone ran a stop sign and someone else molested a child....to DIMMS "THEY BOTH BROKE THE LAW!!!!"

They are disingenuos cvnts.

I don't care WHAT Trump did, he is better than Hillary. Fuck her.....twice.
No that's what you are saying fool. You are saying Hillary is a bad evil liar but if you examine all her lies, half truths, mostly trues, etc... you'll see she isn't nearly the liar that Trump is.

In fact you'll find that she's one of the most honest people in Washington. And Trump is the most dishonest.

So you keep pretending that Trump's lies are not bad lies when they are all really bad lies. You may not think so because for some reason you think this country going more conservative will benefit you. Well I can tell you if you aren't rich it won't.

But you won't notice because most of you are stupid broke fools who actually do better because of liberal policies.

And most of you don't even realize it. Most of you rwnj's claim that you have never taken anything from the government. But when we analyze that we see that's not true for most of you.

One stupid cock sucker just said something about rural america not liking urban America but then we find this out

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Blue states already subsidize red states. Now red states want even more.

yes, I want all of California's money to come to Florida. That's what I want.

YOu've rolled tis bullshit out before. It's racist and embarassing.
Rural America is 73% brainwashed GOP d u p e s...

I ,ive in one of those areas
How is the economy for most people? I think other than consumer confidence, most people are living the exact same life they were living in 2016. So if you are bragging about how things are better, and people aren't seeing it as being better, they will show up to vote against the out of touch party.

And there are a lot of energized people who are going to show up and vote against Republicans. I'm hearing a lot of Republicans and independents aren't going to show up. Similar to how Obama lost 2010.

I'm talking about all the people who didn't vote last time but hate trump. Women, hispanics, blacks, gays, muslims, all the people who didn't think he would win so they didn't show up in 2016. They will now

All the young people who want gun legislation.

People who don't want pre existing conditions to come back.

People who want social security and medicare and hear Mitch is going to cut those programs to pay for the tax breaks.
Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
And you keep voting Republican. Ummmm.

You can't be a Republican supporter & bitch about the debt.

How did Obama do with the debt? Just straight numbers.

Who had Congress when we balanced the budget? Just straight Party?

Real Dave is REAL dumb.
Bush inherited a balanced budget - left with a forecasted trillion plus deficit in 2009

Obama took office with an economy shrinking at a rare over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month and cut those deficits.

Your Orange Buddy is increasing deficits.

There is nothing more pathetic than blaming Obanma for the effects of the Bush recession.
And you keep voting Republican. Ummmm.

You can't be a Republican supporter & bitch about the debt.

Why would that be relevant today?

It certainly didn't faze you when failed former President Barack Hussein Obama doubled our National Debt from $10 TRILLION to $20 TRILLION in only eight years.
Wow, another dumbass blaming Obama for the effects of the Bush recession.

man up & take your blame. You voted for Bush. You voted for that Republican Congress, It is YOUR fault.
She has no appeal to Rural America...

This asshole is trying to say there are no LEVELS of morality.

If someone ran a stop sign and someone else molested a child....to DIMMS "THEY BOTH BROKE THE LAW!!!!"

They are disingenuos cvnts.

I don't care WHAT Trump did, he is better than Hillary. Fuck her.....twice.
No that's what you are saying fool. You are saying Hillary is a bad evil liar but if you examine all her lies, half truths, mostly trues, etc... you'll see she isn't nearly the liar that Trump is.

In fact you'll find that she's one of the most honest people in Washington. And Trump is the most dishonest.

So you keep pretending that Trump's lies are not bad lies when they are all really bad lies. You may not think so because for some reason you think this country going more conservative will benefit you. Well I can tell you if you aren't rich it won't.

But you won't notice because most of you are stupid broke fools who actually do better because of liberal policies.

And most of you don't even realize it. Most of you rwnj's claim that you have never taken anything from the government. But when we analyze that we see that's not true for most of you.

One stupid cock sucker just said something about rural america not liking urban America but then we find this out

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

Blue states already subsidize red states. Now red states want even more.

yes, I want all of California's money to come to Florida. That's what I want.

YOu've rolled tis bullshit out before. It's racist and embarassing.
Rural America is 73% brainwashed GOP d u p e s...

I ,ive in one of those areas
Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
And you keep voting Republican. Ummmm.

You can't be a Republican supporter & bitch about the debt.

How did Obama do with the debt? Just straight numbers.

Who had Congress when we balanced the budget? Just straight Party?

Real Dave is REAL dumb.
Bush inherited a balanced budget - left with a forecasted trillion plus deficit in 2009

Obama took office with an economy shrinking at a rare over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month and cut those deficits.

Your Orange Buddy is increasing deficits.

There is nothing more pathetic than blaming Obanma for the effects of the Bush recession.
I live in one of those areas, just about to reelect Chris Collins while under indictment. Love the dupes dearly, salt of the earth, but so misinformed...
They gorge themselves on government benefits … they take and take and take … and then actually they have the cheek to complain about the system that keeps them in welfare dollars and Medicaid checks.

I am speaking, of course, of the red states.
How is the economy for most people? I think other than consumer confidence, most people are living the exact same life they were living in 2016. So if you are bragging about how things are better, and people aren't seeing it as being better, they will show up to vote against the out of touch party.

And there are a lot of energized people who are going to show up and vote against Republicans. I'm hearing a lot of Republicans and independents aren't going to show up. Similar to how Obama lost 2010.

I'm talking about all the people who didn't vote last time but hate trump. Women, hispanics, blacks, gays, muslims, all the people who didn't think he would win so they didn't show up in 2016. They will now

All the young people who want gun legislation.

People who don't want pre existing conditions to come back.

People who want social security and medicare and hear Mitch is going to cut those programs to pay for the tax breaks.
Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
I know you don't care about facts. I know nothing I say will wake you up. I know you don't realize that it's conservative business' in rural America that are hiring illegals. You're a god damn fool.

Cristhian Rivera, charged in Mollie Tibbetts' death, worked at a farm owned by a prominent Iowa Republican family

Cristhian Rivera, charged in Mollie Tibbetts' death, worked at a farm owned by a prominent Iowa Republican family

And all these illegals have to do is give these illegal employers fake ID's and they get hired. The owners know they're getting fake ID's. You know it. I know it. But you won't go after these people. They say, "they gave us a fake ID" and that's all the explanation you need you stupid cock sucker.

And it turns out they didn't E-Verify this guy. They said they did at first but then it turned out THEY LIED. Imagine that. But still you accept their explanation just like Trump explains the Saudi Kings explanation of what went down. This is what corrupt administrations look like. Fuck the facts right? It's all fake news.

You are the typical dumb American fuck.

Arrest and prosecute the farmers for employing an illegal. Isn't that the law?

Do you think I don't want the laws enforced? Exceute the murderers, and hold the farmers accountable for the hiring of an illegal to the full extent of the law. I don't GAF what party they are affilated with.

You are the typcial dumb cvnt liberal.
I think you do and I think you vote for a party that doesn't, super duper.
And from what he's saying nothing we say or do is ever going to be good enough. We need to drop taxes even more, even though the rich pay nothing now, and we need to build that wall. Until we do reality will mean nothing to this fool.

That's most amusing. Did you really post that the rich pay nothing in income taxes? Don't you feel foolish about that post?
Bill Clinton was never accused of being a pussy grabber. Trump admitted it.

Wow! Former President Bill Clinton RAPED WOMEN. Which is worse? A couple guys bs with each other or a man paying off scores of women?

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)



Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine
Bill Clinton was never accused of being a pussy grabber. Trump admitted it.

Wow! Former President Bill Clinton RAPED WOMEN. Which is worse? A couple guys bs with each other or a man paying off scores of women?

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)



Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine
Trump raped his wife Even she knew he was a POS
It all depends on the economy... stupid

Sound familiar?
How is the economy for most people? I think other than consumer confidence, most people are living the exact same life they were living in 2016. So if you are bragging about how things are better, and people aren't seeing it as being better, they will show up to vote against the out of touch party.

And there are a lot of energized people who are going to show up and vote against Republicans. I'm hearing a lot of Republicans and independents aren't going to show up. Similar to how Obama lost 2010.

I'm talking about all the people who didn't vote last time but hate trump. Women, hispanics, blacks, gays, muslims, all the people who didn't think he would win so they didn't show up in 2016. They will now

All the young people who want gun legislation.

People who don't want pre existing conditions to come back.

People who want social security and medicare and hear Mitch is going to cut those programs to pay for the tax breaks.
Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
And you keep voting Republican. Ummmm.

You can't be a Republican supporter & bitch about the debt.

Yeah, because everyone knows if you want debt reduction, Democrat is the way to go.

To claim you have ancestry is not the same as being one.

OK, UnrealDave, I get it that Warren had been told many times as a kid that some great grandparent had been American Indian. And based on that she claimed she was also native american. But for like the 1024th time, the problem is that it was her great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandparent, which means you'd need a pair of tweezers and a tunneling electron microscope to find the Indian DNA in her!Apple

So, she DOESN'T have high cheekbones! At least not relating in any way to the vestigial trace of DNA in her. She's a European. White. 99.999% so. Her own DNA test said it. She has about as much native american blood in her as if Chief Running Bear kissed her on the mouth.


Oh poor Dave, did I say she ever claimed a particular percentage? I just posted the most thorough, accurate accounting of her testing. Why is your every thought always a strawman argument? She has some native DNA in her. The best DNA types they had to match it up against were Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian samples that all have significant indigenous blood in them. The only problem which admittedly Warren didn't know herself and couldn't have known is that it is just a trace, a very small amount. Less than a fraction of a percent. Enough to say you have some indigenous Indian blood in you, but not enough to call yourself a "Native American." By THEIR definition.

If you are going to make a post,. at least have the guts not to run away from it.

Are you too fucking stupid to know what you posted.

You were mocking Warren & calling her a liar because you think her NA ancestry is too distant.
You know it. Quit being a fucking coward for once in your miserable little life.

Warren never claimed to be a certain percent NA so how the fuck is she lying about it,

When did Warren say anything outside of having NA ancestry?

BTW, the test said 6-10 generations. DO why do you assume 10?

It could be 6. Making you a dishobest fuck.
Actually, Warren said a family member, 5 generations earlier, was a Native American Indian. Her DNA test confirmed that when it stated a family member, ”likely” 6-10 generations earlier, was a Native American Indian.

So the test was off by one generation.

Warren was telling the truth.

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