Pocahontas Now Denies Indian Heritage

Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
”We are $20 trillion in debt.”

So what? Since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt?? :dunno:

Ya didn’t when Reagan nearly triple it. Ya didn’t when Bush Sr. was on pace to more than double it. Ya didn’t when his son nearly doubled it. And now it’s approaching $22 trillion under trump and all I hear from the right is 4 more years!

How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.

Still being the little luing POS & blaming Obama for the Bush recession.


Bush did two rounds of unfunded tax cuts during two unfunded wars while putting in a high unfunded expansion to Medicare, lead the housing collapse & the near financial meltdown.

If you studied where the debt originated under Obama, most points to Republican efforts.

The ACA that the Democrats passed was fully funded.
Na, not really
Socialism is for fuck ups
Trump was accused of raping a 13 year old girl. Since when do you rightards believe the president over the accusations levied against them??

When? Since all the unfounded, disgusting allegations lodged against him and anyone around him. See Justice Kavanaugh.

As for your pathetic effort at smearing. It's just that, pathetic.

Here is the real story on your uninformed false allegation.

"As of now, all of the information about this lawsuit comes solely from the complaint filed by “Katie Johnson,” and no one has as yet located, identified, or interviewed her. She was scheduled to appear at a press conference on 2 November 2016 but didn’t show up, claiming that threats to her life kept her away. She reportedly dropped the lawsuit again on 4 November 2016 for the same reason.

A status conference for the lawsuit was scheduled to be held on 16 December 2016."


Oh poor Dave, did I say she ever claimed a particular percentage? I just posted the most thorough, accurate accounting of her testing. Why is your every thought always a strawman argument? She has some native DNA in her. The best DNA types they had to match it up against were Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian samples that all have significant indigenous blood in them. The only problem which admittedly Warren didn't know herself and couldn't have known is that it is just a trace, a very small amount. Less than a fraction of a percent. Enough to say you have some indigenous Indian blood in you, but not enough to call yourself a "Native American." By THEIR definition.

If you are going to make a post,. at least have the guts not to run away from it.

Are you too fucking stupid to know what you posted.

You were mocking Warren & calling her a liar because you think her NA ancestry is too distant.
You know it. Quit being a fucking coward for once in your miserable little life.

Warren never claimed to be a certain percent NA so how the fuck is she lying about it,

When did Warren say anything outside of having NA ancestry?

BTW, the test said 6-10 generations. DO why do you assume 10?

It could be 6. Making you a dishobest fuck.
Actually, Warren said a family member, 5 generations earlier, was a Native American Indian. Her DNA test confirmed that when it stated a family member, ”likely” 6-10 generations earlier, was a Native American Indian.

So the test was off by one generation.

Warren was telling the truth.

In politics, if you're explaining, you're losing.

So by all means, keep explaining multiple times every day that, "No, really, you THINK you heard Warren lie, but HERE'S what you should believe she said." You're doing a bang-up job. Honest.
I’m still waiting for you to quote her..,,

I'm still waiting for you to acknowledge the multiple times many people, myself included, have done so, rather than just ignoring it or trying to parse it out of existence.
To claim you have ancestry is not the same as being one.

OK, UnrealDave, I get it that Warren had been told many times as a kid that some great grandparent had been American Indian. And based on that she claimed she was also native american. But for like the 1024th time, the problem is that it was her great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandparent, which means you'd need a pair of tweezers and a tunneling electron microscope to find the Indian DNA in her!Apple

So, she DOESN'T have high cheekbones! At least not relating in any way to the vestigial trace of DNA in her. She's a European. White. 99.999% so. Her own DNA test said it. She has about as much native american blood in her as if Chief Running Bear kissed her on the mouth.


Oh poor Dave, did I say she ever claimed a particular percentage? I just posted the most thorough, accurate accounting of her testing. Why is your every thought always a strawman argument? She has some native DNA in her. The best DNA types they had to match it up against were Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian samples that all have significant indigenous blood in them. The only problem which admittedly Warren didn't know herself and couldn't have known is that it is just a trace, a very small amount. Less than a fraction of a percent. Enough to say you have some indigenous Indian blood in you, but not enough to call yourself a "Native American." By THEIR definition.

If you are going to make a post,. at least have the guts not to run away from it.

Are you too fucking stupid to know what you posted.

You were mocking Warren & calling her a liar because you think her NA ancestry is too distant.
You know it. Quit being a fucking coward for once in your miserable little life.

Warren never claimed to be a certain percent NA so how the fuck is she lying about it,

When did Warren say anything outside of having NA ancestry?

BTW, the test said 6-10 generations. DO why do you assume 10?

It could be 6. Making you a dishobest fuck.
Actually, Warren said a family member, 5 generations earlier, was a Native American Indian. Her DNA test confirmed that when it stated a family member, ”likely” 6-10 generations earlier, was a Native American Indian.

So the test was off by one generation.

Warren was telling the truth.

Even she is running as fast as she can from her decades of lies and REAL Native Americans are angry with her too. Another Socialist loser.
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
”We are $20 trillion in debt.”

So what? Since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt?? :dunno:

Ya didn’t when Reagan nearly triple it. Ya didn’t when Bush Sr. was on pace to more than double it. Ya didn’t when his son nearly doubled it. And now it’s approaching $22 trillion under trump and all I hear from the right is 4 more years!

How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.
Is it my fault you’re too dumb to comprehend English?

Re-read,”since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt??” a few dozen more times and then ask me again if you still don’t understand why I left Obama out.....

”We are $20 trillion in debt.” ….dumbass.
Aww, you poor thing. You still don’t get it? Have a clue.

Who was the only president you righties bitched about?
Trump was accused of raping a 13 year old girl. Since when do you rightards believe the president over the accusations levied against them??

When? Since all the unfounded, disgusting allegations lodged against him and anyone around him. See Justice Kavanaugh.

As for your pathetic effort at smearing. It's just that, pathetic.

Here is the real story on your uninformed false allegation.

"As of now, all of the information about this lawsuit comes solely from the complaint filed by “Katie Johnson,” and no one has as yet located, identified, or interviewed her. She was scheduled to appear at a press conference on 2 November 2016 but didn’t show up, claiming that threats to her life kept her away. She reportedly dropped the lawsuit again on 4 November 2016 for the same reason.

A status conference for the lawsuit was scheduled to be held on 16 December 2016."


Since when do you rightards give a shit if rape accusations are credible or not?? :dunno:

Do I really need to remind you yahoos that you’ve been calling Clinton a rapist for 20 years now based on women who insisted he hadn’t raped them?
Oh poor Dave, did I say she ever claimed a particular percentage? I just posted the most thorough, accurate accounting of her testing. Why is your every thought always a strawman argument? She has some native DNA in her. The best DNA types they had to match it up against were Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian samples that all have significant indigenous blood in them. The only problem which admittedly Warren didn't know herself and couldn't have known is that it is just a trace, a very small amount. Less than a fraction of a percent. Enough to say you have some indigenous Indian blood in you, but not enough to call yourself a "Native American." By THEIR definition.

If you are going to make a post,. at least have the guts not to run away from it.

Are you too fucking stupid to know what you posted.

You were mocking Warren & calling her a liar because you think her NA ancestry is too distant.
You know it. Quit being a fucking coward for once in your miserable little life.

Warren never claimed to be a certain percent NA so how the fuck is she lying about it,

When did Warren say anything outside of having NA ancestry?

BTW, the test said 6-10 generations. DO why do you assume 10?

It could be 6. Making you a dishobest fuck.
Actually, Warren said a family member, 5 generations earlier, was a Native American Indian. Her DNA test confirmed that when it stated a family member, ”likely” 6-10 generations earlier, was a Native American Indian.

So the test was off by one generation.

Warren was telling the truth.

In politics, if you're explaining, you're losing.

So by all means, keep explaining multiple times every day that, "No, really, you THINK you heard Warren lie, but HERE'S what you should believe she said." You're doing a bang-up job. Honest.
I’m still waiting for you to quote her..,,

I'm still waiting for you to acknowledge the multiple times many people, myself included, have done so, rather than just ignoring it or trying to parse it out of existence.
The only quote I’ve seen you post was the one where you falsely attributed her as claiming to have high cheekbones.

And in that very same video where she actually says nothing about her cheekbones, she also mentions how her great-great-great grandmother was Cherokee— and now she’s released a DNA report that says she might be off by one generation.

She didn’t lie. I know that pains you sycophants, but that only serves as fodder.
OK, UnrealDave, I get it that Warren had been told many times as a kid that some great grandparent had been American Indian. And based on that she claimed she was also native american. But for like the 1024th time, the problem is that it was her great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandparent, which means you'd need a pair of tweezers and a tunneling electron microscope to find the Indian DNA in her!Apple

So, she DOESN'T have high cheekbones! At least not relating in any way to the vestigial trace of DNA in her. She's a European. White. 99.999% so. Her own DNA test said it. She has about as much native american blood in her as if Chief Running Bear kissed her on the mouth.


Oh poor Dave, did I say she ever claimed a particular percentage? I just posted the most thorough, accurate accounting of her testing. Why is your every thought always a strawman argument? She has some native DNA in her. The best DNA types they had to match it up against were Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian samples that all have significant indigenous blood in them. The only problem which admittedly Warren didn't know herself and couldn't have known is that it is just a trace, a very small amount. Less than a fraction of a percent. Enough to say you have some indigenous Indian blood in you, but not enough to call yourself a "Native American." By THEIR definition.

If you are going to make a post,. at least have the guts not to run away from it.

Are you too fucking stupid to know what you posted.

You were mocking Warren & calling her a liar because you think her NA ancestry is too distant.
You know it. Quit being a fucking coward for once in your miserable little life.

Warren never claimed to be a certain percent NA so how the fuck is she lying about it,

When did Warren say anything outside of having NA ancestry?

BTW, the test said 6-10 generations. DO why do you assume 10?

It could be 6. Making you a dishobest fuck.
Actually, Warren said a family member, 5 generations earlier, was a Native American Indian. Her DNA test confirmed that when it stated a family member, ”likely” 6-10 generations earlier, was a Native American Indian.

So the test was off by one generation.

Warren was telling the truth.

Even she is running as fast as she can from her decades of lies and REAL Native Americans are angry with her too. Another Socialist loser.
And by “running as fast as she can” you mean — telling trump to man up, honor his word, and pay her the million dollars he said he would?
I am no longer posting on this thread. The test was taken, Warren is pasrty Native American, Trump lied.
End of story
How is the economy for most people? I think other than consumer confidence, most people are living the exact same life they were living in 2016. So if you are bragging about how things are better, and people aren't seeing it as being better, they will show up to vote against the out of touch party.

And there are a lot of energized people who are going to show up and vote against Republicans. I'm hearing a lot of Republicans and independents aren't going to show up. Similar to how Obama lost 2010.

I'm talking about all the people who didn't vote last time but hate trump. Women, hispanics, blacks, gays, muslims, all the people who didn't think he would win so they didn't show up in 2016. They will now

All the young people who want gun legislation.

People who don't want pre existing conditions to come back.

People who want social security and medicare and hear Mitch is going to cut those programs to pay for the tax breaks.
Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
”We are $20 trillion in debt.”

So what? Since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt?? :dunno:

Ya didn’t when Reagan nearly triple it. Ya didn’t when Bush Sr. was on pace to more than double it. Ya didn’t when his son nearly doubled it. And now it’s approaching $22 trillion under trump and all I hear from the right is 4 more years!

How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.
Obama had to get us out of Bush's great recession. Had Obama been handed what Bush or Trump were handed, he'd have a surplus just like Clinton did. Fact.
Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
”We are $20 trillion in debt.”

So what? Since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt?? :dunno:

Ya didn’t when Reagan nearly triple it. Ya didn’t when Bush Sr. was on pace to more than double it. Ya didn’t when his son nearly doubled it. And now it’s approaching $22 trillion under trump and all I hear from the right is 4 more years!

How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.
Obama had to get us out of Bush's great recession. Had Obama been handed what Bush or Trump were handed, he'd have a surplus just like Clinton did. Fact.
Na, not really
Socialism cannot even support ir own weight. Dumbass
Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
”We are $20 trillion in debt.”

So what? Since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt?? :dunno:

Ya didn’t when Reagan nearly triple it. Ya didn’t when Bush Sr. was on pace to more than double it. Ya didn’t when his son nearly doubled it. And now it’s approaching $22 trillion under trump and all I hear from the right is 4 more years!

How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.

Still being the little luing POS & blaming Obama for the Bush recession.


Bush did two rounds of unfunded tax cuts during two unfunded wars while putting in a high unfunded expansion to Medicare, lead the housing collapse & the near financial meltdown.

If you studied where the debt originated under Obama, most points to Republican efforts.

The ACA that the Democrats passed was fully funded.
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?
I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
”We are $20 trillion in debt.”

So what? Since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt?? :dunno:

Ya didn’t when Reagan nearly triple it. Ya didn’t when Bush Sr. was on pace to more than double it. Ya didn’t when his son nearly doubled it. And now it’s approaching $22 trillion under trump and all I hear from the right is 4 more years!

How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.
Is it my fault you’re too dumb to comprehend English?

Re-read,”since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt??” a few dozen more times and then ask me again if you still don’t understand why I left Obama out.....

”We are $20 trillion in debt.” ….dumbass.
Aww, you poor thing. You still don’t get it? Have a clue.

Who was the only president you righties bitched about?

Hmmm...the fricken loser that raised debt more than all the others combined?
Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
”We are $20 trillion in debt.”

So what? Since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt?? :dunno:

Ya didn’t when Reagan nearly triple it. Ya didn’t when Bush Sr. was on pace to more than double it. Ya didn’t when his son nearly doubled it. And now it’s approaching $22 trillion under trump and all I hear from the right is 4 more years!

How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.
Obama had to get us out of Bush's great recession. Had Obama been handed what Bush or Trump were handed, he'd have a surplus just like Clinton did. Fact.

The government can't buy it's way out of a recession....dumbass.
Oh poor Dave, did I say she ever claimed a particular percentage? I just posted the most thorough, accurate accounting of her testing. Why is your every thought always a strawman argument? She has some native DNA in her. The best DNA types they had to match it up against were Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian samples that all have significant indigenous blood in them. The only problem which admittedly Warren didn't know herself and couldn't have known is that it is just a trace, a very small amount. Less than a fraction of a percent. Enough to say you have some indigenous Indian blood in you, but not enough to call yourself a "Native American." By THEIR definition.

If you are going to make a post,. at least have the guts not to run away from it.

Are you too fucking stupid to know what you posted.

You were mocking Warren & calling her a liar because you think her NA ancestry is too distant.
You know it. Quit being a fucking coward for once in your miserable little life.

Warren never claimed to be a certain percent NA so how the fuck is she lying about it,

When did Warren say anything outside of having NA ancestry?

BTW, the test said 6-10 generations. DO why do you assume 10?

It could be 6. Making you a dishobest fuck.
Actually, Warren said a family member, 5 generations earlier, was a Native American Indian. Her DNA test confirmed that when it stated a family member, ”likely” 6-10 generations earlier, was a Native American Indian.

So the test was off by one generation.

Warren was telling the truth.

In politics, if you're explaining, you're losing.

So by all means, keep explaining multiple times every day that, "No, really, you THINK you heard Warren lie, but HERE'S what you should believe she said." You're doing a bang-up job. Honest.
I’m still waiting for you to quote her..,,

I'm still waiting for you to acknowledge the multiple times many people, myself included, have done so, rather than just ignoring it or trying to parse it out of existence.

I'm still watiing --- a week later --- for you to back up your claim of my using Composition Fallacies with any evidence whatsoever.

OK technically I'm not waiting for that since I already knew you couldn't do it. I'm waiting for you to woman up and acknowledge you can't do it.

Surprise me.

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