Pocahontas Now Denies Indian Heritage

You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
”We are $20 trillion in debt.”

So what? Since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt?? :dunno:

Ya didn’t when Reagan nearly triple it. Ya didn’t when Bush Sr. was on pace to more than double it. Ya didn’t when his son nearly doubled it. And now it’s approaching $22 trillion under trump and all I hear from the right is 4 more years!

How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.
Obama had to get us out of Bush's great recession. Had Obama been handed what Bush or Trump were handed, he'd have a surplus just like Clinton did. Fact.
Na, not really
Socialism cannot even support ir own weight. Dumbass

Not with ignorant citizens like you. In fact because of you our own ISM is fucked up. Capitalism.
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
”We are $20 trillion in debt.”

So what? Since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt?? :dunno:

Ya didn’t when Reagan nearly triple it. Ya didn’t when Bush Sr. was on pace to more than double it. Ya didn’t when his son nearly doubled it. And now it’s approaching $22 trillion under trump and all I hear from the right is 4 more years!

How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.

Still being the little luing POS & blaming Obama for the Bush recession.


Bush did two rounds of unfunded tax cuts during two unfunded wars while putting in a high unfunded expansion to Medicare, lead the housing collapse & the near financial meltdown.

If you studied where the debt originated under Obama, most points to Republican efforts.

The ACA that the Democrats passed was fully funded.
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?

Republicans use a sound bite that the federal debt doubled under Obama. In looking at the numbers that is close to being numerically correct but falls short of being 100%. However when you take into account the Great Recession, making W. Bush’s temporary tax cuts permanent, increased Social Security and Medicare spending as more Baby Boomers retire and become 65 years old and the Afghanistan and Iraq wars he inherited the story is quite different.

Don't Blame Obama For Doubling The Federal Deficit
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
”We are $20 trillion in debt.”

So what? Since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt?? :dunno:

Ya didn’t when Reagan nearly triple it. Ya didn’t when Bush Sr. was on pace to more than double it. Ya didn’t when his son nearly doubled it. And now it’s approaching $22 trillion under trump and all I hear from the right is 4 more years!

How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.
Obama had to get us out of Bush's great recession. Had Obama been handed what Bush or Trump were handed, he'd have a surplus just like Clinton did. Fact.

The government can't buy it's way out of a recession....dumbass.
It has before. Many times.

After the Republican Great Depression, FDR put this nation back to work, in part by raising taxes on income above $3 to $4 million a year (in today's dollars) to 91 percent, and corporate taxes to over 50% of profits. The revenue from those income taxes built dams, roads, bridges, sewers, water systems, schools, hospitals, train stations, railways, an interstate highway system, and airports. It educated a generation returning from World War II. It acted as a cap on the rare but occasional obsessively greedy person taking so much out of the economy that it impoverished the rest of us.

Through the 1950s, though, more and more loopholes for the rich were built into the tax code, so much so that JFK observed in his second debate with Richard Nixon that dropping the top tax rate to 70% but tightening up the loopholes would actually be a tax increase.

JFK pushed through that tax increase to take us back toward FDR/Truman/Eisenhower revenue levels, and we continued to build infrastructure in the US, and even put men on the moon. Health care and college were cheap and widely available. Working people could raise a family and have security in their old age. Every billion dollars (a half-week in Iraq) invested in infrastructure in America created 47,000 good-paying jobs as Americans built America.

But the rich fought back, and won big-time in 1980 when Reagan

Roll Back the Reagan Tax Cuts
”We are $20 trillion in debt.”

So what? Since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt?? :dunno:

Ya didn’t when Reagan nearly triple it. Ya didn’t when Bush Sr. was on pace to more than double it. Ya didn’t when his son nearly doubled it. And now it’s approaching $22 trillion under trump and all I hear from the right is 4 more years!

How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.
Is it my fault you’re too dumb to comprehend English?

Re-read,”since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt??” a few dozen more times and then ask me again if you still don’t understand why I left Obama out.....

”We are $20 trillion in debt.” ….dumbass.
Aww, you poor thing. You still don’t get it? Have a clue.

Who was the only president you righties bitched about?

Hmmm...the fricken loser that raised debt more than all the others combined?
Did you complain when Reagan tripled it or when gwb doubled it ??
How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.
Is it my fault you’re too dumb to comprehend English?

Re-read,”since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt??” a few dozen more times and then ask me again if you still don’t understand why I left Obama out.....

”We are $20 trillion in debt.” ….dumbass.
Aww, you poor thing. You still don’t get it? Have a clue.

Who was the only president you righties bitched about?

Hmmm...the fricken loser that raised debt more than all the others combined?
Did you complain when Reagan tripled it or when gwb doubled it ??
No he blamed Democrats.
How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.
Is it my fault you’re too dumb to comprehend English?

Re-read,”since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt??” a few dozen more times and then ask me again if you still don’t understand why I left Obama out.....

”We are $20 trillion in debt.” ….dumbass.
Aww, you poor thing. You still don’t get it? Have a clue.

Who was the only president you righties bitched about?

Hmmm...the fricken loser that raised debt more than all the others combined?
Did you complain when Reagan tripled it or when gwb doubled it ??

Evidently math is not your strong suit.
Is it my fault you’re too dumb to comprehend English?

Re-read,”since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt??” a few dozen more times and then ask me again if you still don’t understand why I left Obama out.....

”We are $20 trillion in debt.” ….dumbass.
Aww, you poor thing. You still don’t get it? Have a clue.

Who was the only president you righties bitched about?

Hmmm...the fricken loser that raised debt more than all the others combined?
Did you complain when Reagan tripled it or when gwb doubled it ??

Evidently math is not your strong suit.

They'll spin it somehow.
”We are $20 trillion in debt.” ….dumbass.
Aww, you poor thing. You still don’t get it? Have a clue.

Who was the only president you righties bitched about?

Hmmm...the fricken loser that raised debt more than all the others combined?
Did you complain when Reagan tripled it or when gwb doubled it ??

Evidently math is not your strong suit.

They'll spin it somehow.
Sure There was no recession Just my imagination
I still have my same doctor. Same as most Americans.

So what?

Crank up the Youtube and show us the videos of candidate Barack Hussein Obama proclaiming to his audiences that "MOST of you will be able to keep your doctor", or, MOST of you will be able to keep your insurance.

You'll be famous and I, for one am most eager to see them!
I am no longer posting on this thread. The test was taken, Warren is pasrty Native American, Trump lied.
End of story

Ignorance is bliss, is it not?

Even the Cherokee Nation has disowned Elizabeth Warren and denounced her behavior all these decades.
I am no longer posting on this thread. The test was taken, Warren is pasrty Native American, Trump lied.
End of story

Ignorance is bliss, is it not?

Even the Cherokee Nation has disowned Elizabeth Warren and denounced her behavior all these decades.

What? Are you proposing to put this thread back on topic after umpteen pages of deflectionary bullshit??

OK then. In we go.

Cherokee Nation has not "disowned" anybody. Warren has never been part of Cherokee Nation, nor has she ever claimed to be or applied for it.

Go ahead and prove me wrong.
I am no longer posting on this thread. The test was taken, Warren is pasrty Native American, Trump lied.
End of story

Ignorance is bliss, is it not?

Even the Cherokee Nation has disowned Elizabeth Warren and denounced her behavior all these decades.

What? Are you proposing to put this thread back on topic after umpteen pages of deflectionary bullshit??

OK then. In we go.

Cherokee Nation has not "disowned" anybody. Warren has never been part of Cherokee Nation, nor has she ever claimed to be or applied for it.

Go ahead and prove me wrong.
Lighten up. This Pocahontas thing is just funny!
I am no longer posting on this thread. The test was taken, Warren is pasrty Native American, Trump lied.
End of story

Ignorance is bliss, is it not?

Even the Cherokee Nation has disowned Elizabeth Warren and denounced her behavior all these decades.

What? Are you proposing to put this thread back on topic after umpteen pages of deflectionary bullshit??

OK then. In we go.

Cherokee Nation has not "disowned" anybody. Warren has never been part of Cherokee Nation, nor has she ever claimed to be or applied for it.

Go ahead and prove me wrong.
Lighten up. This Pocahontas thing is just funny!

It's considered "funny" to pull bullshit out of one's ass and plop it on a message board now?

How far we've come. Ugh.
I am no longer posting on this thread. The test was taken, Warren is pasrty Native American, Trump lied.
End of story

Ignorance is bliss, is it not?

Even the Cherokee Nation has disowned Elizabeth Warren and denounced her behavior all these decades.

What? Are you proposing to put this thread back on topic after umpteen pages of deflectionary bullshit??

OK then. In we go.

Cherokee Nation has not "disowned" anybody. Warren has never been part of Cherokee Nation, nor has she ever claimed to be or applied for it.

Go ahead and prove me wrong.
Lighten up. This Pocahontas thing is just funny!

It's considered "funny" to pull bullshit out of one's ass and plop it on a message board now?

How far we've come. Ugh.
Pocahontas claiming to be an Indian is funny, yet a bit pathetic. I cannot understand people who have such low self-esteem so as to pull out bullshit about their ancestry and proudly proclaim they are something which they are clearly not.
I am no longer posting on this thread. The test was taken, Warren is pasrty Native American, Trump lied.
End of story

Ignorance is bliss, is it not?

Even the Cherokee Nation has disowned Elizabeth Warren and denounced her behavior all these decades.

What? Are you proposing to put this thread back on topic after umpteen pages of deflectionary bullshit??

OK then. In we go.

Cherokee Nation has not "disowned" anybody. Warren has never been part of Cherokee Nation, nor has she ever claimed to be or applied for it.

Go ahead and prove me wrong.
Lighten up. This Pocahontas thing is just funny!

It's considered "funny" to pull bullshit out of one's ass and plop it on a message board now?

How far we've come. Ugh.
Pocahontas claiming to be an Indian is funny, yet a bit pathetic. I cannot understand people who have such low self-esteem so as to pull out bullshit about their ancestry and proudly proclaim they are something which they are clearly not.

People should proudly proclaim what they are ----- as your name does.

Pocahontas actually was Indian. That's why she was taken to England to be shown off as a "specimen". That sort of exhibition was however "pathetic", I agree with that.
People should proudly proclaim what they are ----- as your name does.

Pocahontas actually was Indian. That's why she was taken to England to be shown off as a "specimen". That sort of exhibition was however "pathetic", I agree with that.
Yes, Pocahontas was Indian, but now "she's not. Most American blacks have far more white blood than "now" Pocahontas has Indian, but I don't see many claiming to be white.

Pocahontas is a pathetic characature of a middle-aged guilt-ridden white women. I we all choose our own heros and heroines so I guess you're free to choose your own. Don't much care.
People should proudly proclaim what they are ----- as your name does.

Pocahontas actually was Indian. That's why she was taken to England to be shown off as a "specimen". That sort of exhibition was however "pathetic", I agree with that.
Yes, Pocahontas was Indian, but now "she's not. Most American blacks have far more white blood than "now" Pocahontas has Indian, but I don't see many claiming to be white.

If you're trying to refer to Warren but it's just too hard a name to spell --- actually whether you're referring to the real one or not, you're just flat wrong. The report specifically compared her samples to known predominantly European samples from Britain, as well as ones from Utah where the general population scores slightly higher in NA genomes, and Warren's samples were measured to be more than ten times higher than both. So this "she has less NA content than most people" mythology was already taken to the cleaners before it was born.

I suppose you're free to choose your own mythologies but you can count on me to point out that that's all they are. Cheers.
”We are $20 trillion in debt.”

So what? Since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt?? :dunno:

Ya didn’t when Reagan nearly triple it. Ya didn’t when Bush Sr. was on pace to more than double it. Ya didn’t when his son nearly doubled it. And now it’s approaching $22 trillion under trump and all I hear from the right is 4 more years!

How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.
Is it my fault you’re too dumb to comprehend English?

Re-read,”since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt??” a few dozen more times and then ask me again if you still don’t understand why I left Obama out.....

”We are $20 trillion in debt.” ….dumbass.
Aww, you poor thing. You still don’t get it? Have a clue.

Who was the only president you righties bitched about?

Hmmm...the fricken loser that raised debt more than all the others combined?

What a flamin’ moron you are, eh?

The last “fricken loser” to raise the debt more than all other presidents before him combined was Ronald Reagan.


All other presidents combined:

$10.6 trillion


$9.3 trillion

And that’s even counting the period under Obama while we were still operating under Bush’s budget AND factoring in Bush’s Great Recession, which added trillions in debt.
Last edited:
That doesn’t bother righties who couldn’t care less that trump has lied thousands of times.

Yeah, about really serious things.

I still have my same doctor. Same as most Americans.

You mean most Americans in your trailer park? ….Dumbass.
'Millions' Lost Insurance - FactCheck.org
How Obamacare Leaves Some People Without Doctors | HuffPost
Opinion | Sorry, We Don’t Take Obamacare

Far many more millions kept their doctor. Plus the millions without insurance prior to ACA who finally got a doctor.

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