Pocahontas Now Denies Indian Heritage


Fake White Privilege needed Real Native Privilege... even if whiter than Ivory Snow.

Bill Clinton was never accused of being a pussy grabber. Trump admitted it.

Wow! Former President Bill Clinton RAPED WOMEN. Which is worse? A couple guys bs with each other or a man paying off scores of women?

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)



Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine

The only rape accusation was by a woman that swore under oath that it never happened.

Two of those involved Clinton exposing himself & asking for sex.

If we are going to talk about consensual shit lets talk about Trump's affairs.

Thought we were supposed to "Believe women". Guess that's REALLY just "Believe women . . . who accuse people RealDumb doesn't like".
Bill Clinton was never accused of being a pussy grabber. Trump admitted it.

Wow! Former President Bill Clinton RAPED WOMEN. Which is worse? A couple guys bs with each other or a man paying off scores of women?

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)



Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine

The only rape accusation was by a woman that swore under oath that it never happened.

Two of those involved Clinton exposing himself & asking for sex.

If we are going to talk about consensual shit lets talk about Trump's affairs.

Thought we were supposed to "Believe women". Guess that's REALLY just "Believe women . . . who accuse people RealDumb doesn't like".
I believe Juanita Broaddrick...

"During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. Newspaper and tabloid reporters hounded me and my family, seeking corroboration of these tales. I repeatedly denied the allegations and requested that my family's privacy be respected. These allegations are untrue and I had hoped that they would no longer haunt me, or cause further disruption to my family." ~ Juanita Broaddrick
How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.
Is it my fault you’re too dumb to comprehend English?

Re-read,”since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt??” a few dozen more times and then ask me again if you still don’t understand why I left Obama out.....

”We are $20 trillion in debt.” ….dumbass.
Aww, you poor thing. You still don’t get it? Have a clue.

Who was the only president you righties bitched about?

Hmmm...the fricken loser that raised debt more than all the others combined?

What a flamin’ moron you are, eh?

The last “fricken loser” to raise the debt more than all other presidents before him combined was Ronald Reagan.


All other presidents combined:

$10.6 trillion


$9.3 trillion

And that’s even counting the period under Obama while we were still operating under Bush’s budget AND factoring in Bush’s Great Recession, which added trillions in debt.

Yeah, you stupid POS, you want to count the loose change.

Obama has added more to national debt than the previous 43 presidents combined, chain e-mail states
Reality Check: Has the U.S. borrowed more under Obama than all other presidents combined?
Is it my fault you’re too dumb to comprehend English?

Re-read,”since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt??” a few dozen more times and then ask me again if you still don’t understand why I left Obama out.....

”We are $20 trillion in debt.” ….dumbass.
Aww, you poor thing. You still don’t get it? Have a clue.

Who was the only president you righties bitched about?

Hmmm...the fricken loser that raised debt more than all the others combined?

What a flamin’ moron you are, eh?

The last “fricken loser” to raise the debt more than all other presidents before him combined was Ronald Reagan.


All other presidents combined:

$10.6 trillion


$9.3 trillion

And that’s even counting the period under Obama while we were still operating under Bush’s budget AND factoring in Bush’s Great Recession, which added trillions in debt.

Yeah, you stupid POS, you want to count the loose change.

Obama has added more to national debt than the previous 43 presidents combined, chain e-mail states
Reality Check: Has the U.S. borrowed more under Obama than all other presidents combined?
Dumbfuck, can you read?? Your own link says Obama didn’t add more debt than all other presidents combined.

”We are $20 trillion in debt.” ….dumbass.
Aww, you poor thing. You still don’t get it? Have a clue.

Who was the only president you righties bitched about?

Hmmm...the fricken loser that raised debt more than all the others combined?

What a flamin’ moron you are, eh?

The last “fricken loser” to raise the debt more than all other presidents before him combined was Ronald Reagan.


All other presidents combined:

$10.6 trillion


$9.3 trillion

And that’s even counting the period under Obama while we were still operating under Bush’s budget AND factoring in Bush’s Great Recession, which added trillions in debt.

Yeah, you stupid POS, you want to count the loose change.

Obama has added more to national debt than the previous 43 presidents combined, chain e-mail states
Reality Check: Has the U.S. borrowed more under Obama than all other presidents combined?
Dumbfuck, can you read?? Your own link says Obama didn’t add more debt than all other presidents combined.


Panties on a little too tight? Deny, deny, deny....dumbass.
Aww, you poor thing. You still don’t get it? Have a clue.

Who was the only president you righties bitched about?

Hmmm...the fricken loser that raised debt more than all the others combined?

What a flamin’ moron you are, eh?

The last “fricken loser” to raise the debt more than all other presidents before him combined was Ronald Reagan.


All other presidents combined:

$10.6 trillion


$9.3 trillion

And that’s even counting the period under Obama while we were still operating under Bush’s budget AND factoring in Bush’s Great Recession, which added trillions in debt.

Yeah, you stupid POS, you want to count the loose change.

Obama has added more to national debt than the previous 43 presidents combined, chain e-mail states
Reality Check: Has the U.S. borrowed more under Obama than all other presidents combined?
Dumbfuck, can you read?? Your own link says Obama didn’t add more debt than all other presidents combined.


Panties on a little too tight? Deny, deny, deny....dumbass.

Deny what? That you’re a raving moron?

Check out the numbers for yourself...

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Obama ...... $9.3 trillion
All others ... $10.6 trillion

... or ...

Read your own fucking link ...

By January 2009, the United States had accumulated $10.6 trillion in debt. That's the net amount the country had borrowed from Washington through the Bush years.

The gross national debt now stands at $19.7 trillion. That's an increase of $9.1 trillion — not quite a doubling, but pretty close.

Hmmm...the fricken loser that raised debt more than all the others combined?

What a flamin’ moron you are, eh?

The last “fricken loser” to raise the debt more than all other presidents before him combined was Ronald Reagan.


All other presidents combined:

$10.6 trillion


$9.3 trillion

And that’s even counting the period under Obama while we were still operating under Bush’s budget AND factoring in Bush’s Great Recession, which added trillions in debt.

Yeah, you stupid POS, you want to count the loose change.

Obama has added more to national debt than the previous 43 presidents combined, chain e-mail states
Reality Check: Has the U.S. borrowed more under Obama than all other presidents combined?
Dumbfuck, can you read?? Your own link says Obama didn’t add more debt than all other presidents combined.


Panties on a little too tight? Deny, deny, deny....dumbass.

Deny what? That you’re a raving moron?

Check out the numbers for yourself...

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Obama ...... $9.3 trillion
All others ... $10.6 trillion

... or ...

Read your own fucking link ...

By January 2009, the United States had accumulated $10.6 trillion in debt. That's the net amount the country had borrowed from Washington through the Bush years.

The gross national debt now stands at $19.7 trillion. That's an increase of $9.1 trillion — not quite a doubling, but pretty close.

he gross national debt now stands at $19.7 trillion. That's an increase of $9.1 trillion — not quite a doubling, but pretty damn close. Dumbass.

What a flamin’ moron you are, eh?

The last “fricken loser” to raise the debt more than all other presidents before him combined was Ronald Reagan.


All other presidents combined:

$10.6 trillion


$9.3 trillion

And that’s even counting the period under Obama while we were still operating under Bush’s budget AND factoring in Bush’s Great Recession, which added trillions in debt.

Yeah, you stupid POS, you want to count the loose change.

Obama has added more to national debt than the previous 43 presidents combined, chain e-mail states
Reality Check: Has the U.S. borrowed more under Obama than all other presidents combined?
Dumbfuck, can you read?? Your own link says Obama didn’t add more debt than all other presidents combined.


Panties on a little too tight? Deny, deny, deny....dumbass.

Deny what? That you’re a raving moron?

Check out the numbers for yourself...

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

Obama ...... $9.3 trillion
All others ... $10.6 trillion

... or ...

Read your own fucking link ...

By January 2009, the United States had accumulated $10.6 trillion in debt. That's the net amount the country had borrowed from Washington through the Bush years.

The gross national debt now stands at $19.7 trillion. That's an increase of $9.1 trillion — not quite a doubling, but pretty close.

he gross national debt now stands at $19.7 trillion. That's an increase of $9.1 trillion — not quite a doubling, but pretty damn close. Dumbass.

Soooo ... not more than all other presidents combined.

Do you see now why you’re constantly laughed at?? :badgrin:
I still have my same doctor. Same as most Americans.

So what?

Crank up the Youtube and show us the videos of candidate Barack Hussein Obama proclaiming to his audiences that "MOST of you will be able to keep your doctor", or, MOST of you will be able to keep your insurance.

You'll be famous and I, for one am most eager to see them!

Leftists typically think the world revolves around them, and the sun shines out of their belly buttons. So when Obama said, "You'll be able to keep your doctor", they figured he was talking to them personally. Therefore, as long as THEY have things the way they want, it was the truth, because no one else exists.
The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'

But what about her mom who was the product of two different injun tribes? What would PeePaw say? What a stupid twat Warren is. First off, she is weak. Look how little the Donald has to do to get that idiot to bite. Not only bite, but double and triple down on the lie. Had she just said all this same shit months ago this never would have made a news cycle.

You are such a fucking idiot. So if you profess be have italian & Irish ancestry that means your mom was fucked by both a Irish,an & a Italian guy & somehow their sperm intermixed & fertilized the egg at the same time?

And My Misogynist piece of shit, just because Waaren is not as bloviating asshole does not mean she is weak.
She is weak, she's a moron.
You treat it like 1/1024 is full blood...it's not, it's a joke, just like you lefties.

Now that 1/1024 is the same as full blood, we can now get all the benefits of a minority.....so we get affirmative action too!!!

Why are you so hung up on 'blood'? Something you need to tell the group?
And diga me Tonto, exactly what ass are y'all pulling this fraction `1/1024' from?
Uh we're hung up on blood, because Warren took a blood test to "prove" her claim. And the 1/1024 is the likely hood of her blood and that's for Hispanic blood, not even native American blood.....it's hilarious
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?
How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Sniper fire is way worse.....but when did Trump lie about his birthplace. Obama produced the documentation (years after he ran) and Trump let it go....it's you tards on the left that bring that shit up. Trump never lied about it.....he made Obama prove it...which he did......move along!

pst, got any other lies?

Oh what is worse about lying about dodging sniper fire than lying about the sitting president’s birthplace?

And of course he lied about it .... for 5 years, until just before the 2016 election when he finally admitted that Obama really was born in Hawaii.
No he didn't, Obama has said he was born in Kenya....you act like people had no right to question it...they did....he produced the proof, then people went away.....duh!

Rump was still bringing it up EIGHT YEARS AFTER he produced the proof. Duh.
Even Whirled Nuts Daily had dropped the bullshit campaign by then.

It's a salient observation as it speaks volumes about his practice of self-delusion. Eight years after the BC is released he simply chooses not to believe it for the purpose of getting elected. Makes farting noises about "some very credible people (with no names) have told me it's fake". Then as soon as he gets the office and the ruse is no longer necessary he simply drops it and pretends it was never there. And Rumpbots don't even see the psychological red flags. Again --- the power of self-delusion.

And yes saying you were under sniper fire is a much worse lie than saying where a President was born.

Is it.
Where is "sniper fire" mentioned in the Constitutional requirements for President? Maybe I have an old copy.
He didn't run on Obama's birth during the campaign...jesus you guys are delusional.
Saying you were under sniper fire is mocking the people who have been, stolen valor is much worse than the place you are born.
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?
How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Sniper fire is way worse.....but when did Trump lie about his birthplace. Obama produced the documentation (years after he ran) and Trump let it go....it's you tards on the left that bring that shit up. Trump never lied about it.....he made Obama prove it...which he did......move along!

pst, got any other lies?

Oh what is worse about lying about dodging sniper fire than lying about the sitting president’s birthplace?

And of course he lied about it .... for 5 years, until just before the 2016 election when he finally admitted that Obama really was born in Hawaii.
No he didn't, Obama has said he was born in Kenya....you act like people had no right to question it...they did....he produced the proof, then people went away.....duh!

Rump was still bringing it up EIGHT YEARS AFTER he produced the proof. Duh.
Even Whirled Nuts Daily had dropped the bullshit campaign by then.

It's a salient observation as it speaks volumes about his practice of self-delusion. Eight years after the BC is released he simply chooses not to believe it for the purpose of getting elected. Makes farting noises about "some very credible people (with no names) have told me it's fake". Then as soon as he gets the office and the ruse is no longer necessary he simply drops it and pretends it was never there. And Rumpbots don't even see the psychological red flags. Again --- the power of self-delusion.

And yes saying you were under sniper fire is a much worse lie than saying where a President was born.

Is it.
Where is "sniper fire" mentioned in the Constitutional requirements for President? Maybe I have an old copy.
He didn't run on Obama's birth during the campaign...jesus you guys are delusional.
Saying you were under sniper fire is mocking the people who have been, stolen valor is much worse than the place you are born.
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?
How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Sniper fire is way worse.....but when did Trump lie about his birthplace. Obama produced the documentation (years after he ran) and Trump let it go....it's you tards on the left that bring that shit up. Trump never lied about it.....he made Obama prove it...which he did......move along!

pst, got any other lies?

Oh what is worse about lying about dodging sniper fire than lying about the sitting president’s birthplace?

And of course he lied about it .... for 5 years, until just before the 2016 election when he finally admitted that Obama really was born in Hawaii.
No he didn't, Obama has said he was born in Kenya....you act like people had no right to question it...they did....he produced the proof, then people went away.....duh!
And yes saying you were under sniper fire is a much worse lie than saying where a President was born.

Besides, it's not a lie to say something you honestly think is true, even if it's wrong. I think Trump really thought Obama was born in Kenya when he talked about it. I know a lot of other people did.
I agree, it would have helped if the media actually vetted Obama instead of focusing so much effort on the private life of the republican vice presidential nominee.
How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Sniper fire is way worse.....but when did Trump lie about his birthplace. Obama produced the documentation (years after he ran) and Trump let it go....it's you tards on the left that bring that shit up. Trump never lied about it.....he made Obama prove it...which he did......move along!

pst, got any other lies?

Oh what is worse about lying about dodging sniper fire than lying about the sitting president’s birthplace?

And of course he lied about it .... for 5 years, until just before the 2016 election when he finally admitted that Obama really was born in Hawaii.
No he didn't, Obama has said he was born in Kenya....you act like people had no right to question it...they did....he produced the proof, then people went away.....duh!
And yes saying you were under sniper fire is a much worse lie than saying where a President was born.

Besides, it's not a lie to say something you honestly think is true, even if it's wrong.

--- which is precisely what the WDS wankers fail to apply to their "she lied" fantasy. Thank you.

Warren relayed what her family told her (as did her siblings and friends of the time), whether there's documentation of the family lore or not, message board wags can't sit on their ass and declare someone they've never met "lied" about her own fucking family experiences. I've been trying to drill that into obtuse heads for several years here.

I think Trump really thought Obama was born in Kenya when he talked about it. I know a lot of other people did.

Oh no you don't.

No one can say what he really thinks or thought but the indications are strongly otherwise. For one thing O'bama had already released his BC in June of 2008 without Rump saying a word until he thought it was politically advantageous to pretend it never happened, and for another thing as soon as it WASN'T politically expedient he dropped it like a hot potato, denied his own accusations, and went on as if he had never gone down that road. A second pretense replaced the first one in effect.

If it had been an actual issue that "an extremely credible source" (which he never named ---- and keep in mind this is the same assclown that took news media to task for using anonymous sources, yet gives himself a pass to do the same thing) brought up as an astounding revelation, it would have been equally an issue after Rump got the office as it was before.

So no, given his history of pathological lying, opportunism and demagoguery, PLUS these two inconvenient charades of behaviour, it's just not credible to believe Rump actually believed his own bullshit. And you know better than that anyway --- don't think I don't remember how you correctly called him out for his myriad bullshit during the campaign, because I do. Rump is transparent as a piece of (orange) glass and you're smart enough to see right through him now just as you did then. So don't start playing this game Missy.
No she did lie.....why?

Because she told people shit she couldn't prove to get a job. Accusing a politician of not being born in the US is NOT the same as saying I'm black, or native American. She said she was, but had zero proof. She took a job on that basis and Harvard PROMOTED their "diversity" because of it......it's a giant affirmative action scam.
Warren may likly been hired if there was no affirmative action. We won't know. She claimed the status in order to cement herself in. Harvard isn't going to get an unqualified instructor. If they had got a real affirmative action hire that hire would have been triple sharp. She got the seat of someone equally qualified minority. Warren is a racist thief.

These affirmative action are never supposed to go to someone unqualified. Affirmative action means you get people who have been disadvantaged. She stole this from someone who deserved it.
Lying fuck. Warren never identified her ancestry in applying anywhere.
So Harvard just made up her being a native American?
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?
How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Sniper fire is way worse.....but when did Trump lie about his birthplace. Obama produced the documentation (years after he ran) and Trump let it go....it's you tards on the left that bring that shit up. Trump never lied about it.....he made Obama prove it...which he did......move along!

pst, got any other lies?

Oh what is worse about lying about dodging sniper fire than lying about the sitting president’s birthplace?

And of course he lied about it .... for 5 years, until just before the 2016 election when he finally admitted that Obama really was born in Hawaii.
No he didn't, Obama has said he was born in Kenya....you act like people had no right to question it...they did....he produced the proof, then people went away.....duh!
And yes saying you were under sniper fire is a much worse lie than saying where a President was born.

Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

So why was he touted as being born in Kenya for his book tour?

So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?
How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Sniper fire is way worse.....but when did Trump lie about his birthplace. Obama produced the documentation (years after he ran) and Trump let it go....it's you tards on the left that bring that shit up. Trump never lied about it.....he made Obama prove it...which he did......move along!

pst, got any other lies?

Oh what is worse about lying about dodging sniper fire than lying about the sitting president’s birthplace?

And of course he lied about it .... for 5 years, until just before the 2016 election when he finally admitted that Obama really was born in Hawaii.
No he didn't, Obama has said he was born in Kenya....you act like people had no right to question it...they did....he produced the proof, then people went away.....duh!
And yes saying you were under sniper fire is a much worse lie than saying where a President was born.

As for which was worse. What Clinton said hurt no one & was not meant to.

Lying about where Obama was born was done to hurt Obama.,
Wait how did it hurt Obama? was he impeached?
And Stolen valor is much worse.....to say you were in combat when you weren't is very despicable.
The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'

But what about her mom who was the product of two different injun tribes? What would PeePaw say? What a stupid twat Warren is. First off, she is weak. Look how little the Donald has to do to get that idiot to bite. Not only bite, but double and triple down on the lie. Had she just said all this same shit months ago this never would have made a news cycle.

You are such a fucking idiot. So if you profess be have italian & Irish ancestry that means your mom was fucked by both a Irish,an & a Italian guy & somehow their sperm intermixed & fertilized the egg at the same time?

And My Misogynist piece of shit, just because Waaren is not as bloviating asshole does not mean she is weak.
She is weak, she's a moron.
You treat it like 1/1024 is full blood...it's not, it's a joke, just like you lefties.

Now that 1/1024 is the same as full blood, we can now get all the benefits of a minority.....so we get affirmative action too!!!

Why are you so hung up on 'blood'? Something you need to tell the group?
And diga me Tonto, exactly what ass are y'all pulling this fraction `1/1024' from?
Uh we're hung up on blood, because Warren took a blood test to "prove" her claim. And the 1/1024 is the likely hood of her blood and that's for Hispanic blood, not even native American blood.....it's hilarious
Stop lying. The test showed she has Native American blood in her heritage.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing at all to post.
Then she has some Indian in her.

It’s funny trump can lie 1000 times but hillary says she’s under sniper fire and you crucify her and Elizabeth warren says something about having Indian in her and you can’t let it go.

Trumps the king liar. Why don’t you mind? Ahhh it’s politics. You’re just playing politics.
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?

Lets look at the sniper fire.
1) It as just an amusing story told for laughs.
2) It was not done to dupe people or lie about others
3) They actually landed under the threat of sniper fire.
4) You had to go back ten years for your lie. Trump lies every fucking day & you don't care,.

Trump lied about Warren in order to destroy her political career.

Even a Trump scrotum licking Piece of shit like you should see the difference.

Trump lied? Maybe you are also from the moonbatfeather tribe to? You are way to emotional over this.

Trump said Warren was not of Native American ancestry. A lie.

She isn't. so someone with 1/1024 black in them can apply for affirmative action and black scholarships? Is that what you're saying?
But what about her mom who was the product of two different injun tribes? What would PeePaw say? What a stupid twat Warren is. First off, she is weak. Look how little the Donald has to do to get that idiot to bite. Not only bite, but double and triple down on the lie. Had she just said all this same shit months ago this never would have made a news cycle.

You are such a fucking idiot. So if you profess be have italian & Irish ancestry that means your mom was fucked by both a Irish,an & a Italian guy & somehow their sperm intermixed & fertilized the egg at the same time?

And My Misogynist piece of shit, just because Waaren is not as bloviating asshole does not mean she is weak.
She is weak, she's a moron.
You treat it like 1/1024 is full blood...it's not, it's a joke, just like you lefties.

Now that 1/1024 is the same as full blood, we can now get all the benefits of a minority.....so we get affirmative action too!!!

Why are you so hung up on 'blood'? Something you need to tell the group?
And diga me Tonto, exactly what ass are y'all pulling this fraction `1/1024' from?
Uh we're hung up on blood, because Warren took a blood test to "prove" her claim. And the 1/1024 is the likely hood of her blood and that's for Hispanic blood, not even native American blood.....it's hilarious
Stop lying. The test showed she has Native American blood in her heritage.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing at all to post.

No it didn't...it showed she had a small amount of Mexican or Columbian heritage.......you guys really don't worry about facts do you?

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