Pocahontas Now Denies Indian Heritage

How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Sniper fire is way worse.....but when did Trump lie about his birthplace. Obama produced the documentation (years after he ran) and Trump let it go....it's you tards on the left that bring that shit up. Trump never lied about it.....he made Obama prove it...which he did......move along!

pst, got any other lies?

Oh what is worse about lying about dodging sniper fire than lying about the sitting president’s birthplace?

And of course he lied about it .... for 5 years, until just before the 2016 election when he finally admitted that Obama really was born in Hawaii.
No he didn't, Obama has said he was born in Kenya....you act like people had no right to question it...they did....he produced the proof, then people went away.....duh!
And yes saying you were under sniper fire is a much worse lie than saying where a President was born.

Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

So why was he touted as being born in Kenya for his book tour?

Because the editor goofed on her fact checking.

You GOPers never learn, do ya? This is old news and you still haven’t learned.
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?

Lets look at the sniper fire.
1) It as just an amusing story told for laughs.
2) It was not done to dupe people or lie about others
3) They actually landed under the threat of sniper fire.
4) You had to go back ten years for your lie. Trump lies every fucking day & you don't care,.

Trump lied about Warren in order to destroy her political career.

Even a Trump scrotum licking Piece of shit like you should see the difference.

Trump lied? Maybe you are also from the moonbatfeather tribe to? You are way to emotional over this.

Trump said Warren was not of Native American ancestry. A lie.
She isn't. The Cherokee Nation says she's a fraud. The DNA test proved she has less Native blood than the average American. Also, Obama may have been born in the USA, but he openly admitted his faith is Islam. It slipped out during an interview. He pretended to be a Christian as a candidate in 2008. Warren and Obama are both frauds.
Well, you are full of shit.

The Cherokee Nation said they do not like the idea she got the dna test blood percentage does not determine membership in their tribe.

Warren never said she was a member of any Tribe,.

Yuri fat assed orange buddy said she did not have NA ancestry. He lied. Period.

Obama is a Christian. HI know that interview and no, he did not say he was a Muslim.
She said she was part Cherokee.....I mean do you guys ever use google?

The facts: Elizabeth Warren and her Native American ties

Warren’s central offense dates back to the mid 1980s, when she first formally notified law school administrators that her family tree includes Native Americans. Warren said she grew up with family stories about both grandparents on her mother’s side having some Cherokee or Delaware blood
But what about her mom who was the product of two different injun tribes? What would PeePaw say? What a stupid twat Warren is. First off, she is weak. Look how little the Donald has to do to get that idiot to bite. Not only bite, but double and triple down on the lie. Had she just said all this same shit months ago this never would have made a news cycle.

You are such a fucking idiot. So if you profess be have italian & Irish ancestry that means your mom was fucked by both a Irish,an & a Italian guy & somehow their sperm intermixed & fertilized the egg at the same time?

And My Misogynist piece of shit, just because Waaren is not as bloviating asshole does not mean she is weak.
She is weak, she's a moron.
You treat it like 1/1024 is full blood...it's not, it's a joke, just like you lefties.

Now that 1/1024 is the same as full blood, we can now get all the benefits of a minority.....so we get affirmative action too!!!

Why are you so hung up on 'blood'? Something you need to tell the group?
And diga me Tonto, exactly what ass are y'all pulling this fraction `1/1024' from?
Uh we're hung up on blood, because Warren took a blood test to "prove" her claim. And the 1/1024 is the likely hood of her blood and that's for Hispanic blood, not even native American blood.....it's hilarious
Stop lying. The test showed she has Native American blood in her heritage.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing at all to post.
Love it! Let's keep this Pocahontas thread alive. I don't care if she's toast.
Yeah, but in fairness to Obama, this ain't the Muslim world. This is America, where we believe in individualism rather than group identity. If he chooses not to embrace Islamic beliefs, then I recognize and respect his choice.

That being said, his behavior appears that he doesn't believe in anything beyond himself.
Agree. Personally, I don't believe Obama is a Christian. I believe he will be whatever he has to be at any given time.

I'm very wary of ever speaking about someone else's relationship with God. It's not only a sin, it's hubristic, since only God can know for sure.

That's why I phrased it as "his behavior appears". Maybe he IS a Christian; I have no idea. If he is, he's doing it really badly.
Is Trump a Christian?

Is there some part of "I'm not God, I don't speak to other people's relationships with Him" that's confusing you?
Nice dodge. Does he act like a Christian?
Well how does a Christian act?
Trump lied? Maybe you are also from the moonbatfeather tribe to? You are way to emotional over this.

Trump said Warren was not of Native American ancestry. A lie.
She isn't. The Cherokee Nation says she's a fraud. The DNA test proved she has less Native blood than the average American. Also, Obama may have been born in the USA, but he openly admitted his faith is Islam. It slipped out during an interview. He pretended to be a Christian as a candidate in 2008. Warren and Obama are both frauds.
Well, you are full of shit.

The Cherokee Nation said they do not like the idea she got the dna test blood percentage does not determine membership in their tribe.

Warren never said she was a member of any Tribe,.

Yuri fat assed orange buddy said she did not have NA ancestry. He lied. Period.

Obama is a Christian. HI know that interview and no, he did not say he was a Muslim.

Warren's words:
""As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. What kid would? But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee and part Delaware, so my parents had to elope," she said."

Here's the deal with Elizabeth Warren's Native American heritage - CNNPolitics

What she said was shown to be true. How fucking stupid are yopu?
How? By using the DNA of a Mexican, that proves you're Cherokee?
She isn't. The Cherokee Nation says she's a fraud. The DNA test proved she has less Native blood than the average American. Also, Obama may have been born in the USA, but he openly admitted his faith is Islam. It slipped out during an interview. He pretended to be a Christian as a candidate in 2008. Warren and Obama are both frauds.
Well, you are full of shit.

The Cherokee Nation said they do not like the idea she got the dna test blood percentage does not determine membership in their tribe.

Warren never said she was a member of any Tribe,.

Yuri fat assed orange buddy said she did not have NA ancestry. He lied. Period.

Obama is a Christian. HI know that interview and no, he did not say he was a Muslim.

Wanna bet kid?

Sure, he was cut off & never finished his thought. Assholes like you were calling him a Muslim. He was responding to that.
Obama is a Muslim. Ask any Muslim. According to Islam, if your father is a Muslim then you're a Muslim.
Jesus fuck. The Islam religion does not dictate a person's beliefs. You & your butt buddy Doc are dumber than shit.
Yeah, Muslisms are known for their tolerance, it's not like they have committees to approve of things like televisions and stuff.....What planet do you live on?
You are such a fucking idiot. So if you profess be have italian & Irish ancestry that means your mom was fucked by both a Irish,an & a Italian guy & somehow their sperm intermixed & fertilized the egg at the same time?

And My Misogynist piece of shit, just because Waaren is not as bloviating asshole does not mean she is weak.
She is weak, she's a moron.
You treat it like 1/1024 is full blood...it's not, it's a joke, just like you lefties.

Now that 1/1024 is the same as full blood, we can now get all the benefits of a minority.....so we get affirmative action too!!!

Why are you so hung up on 'blood'? Something you need to tell the group?
And diga me Tonto, exactly what ass are y'all pulling this fraction `1/1024' from?
Uh we're hung up on blood, because Warren took a blood test to "prove" her claim. And the 1/1024 is the likely hood of her blood and that's for Hispanic blood, not even native American blood.....it's hilarious
Stop lying. The test showed she has Native American blood in her heritage.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing at all to post.

No it didn't...it showed she had a small amount of Mexican or Columbian heritage.......you guys really don't worry about facts do you?
Fuck you, ya lying con.

Results from the test...


The largest segment identified as having Native American ancestry is on chromosome 10. This segment is 13.4 centiMorgans in genetic length, and spans approximately 4,700,000 DNA bases. Based on a principal components analysis (Novembre et al., 2008), this segment is clearly distinct from segments of European ancestry (nominal p-value 7.4 x 10-7, corrected p-value of 2.6 x 10-4) and is strongly associated with Native American ancestry.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing at all to post.
Warren may likly been hired if there was no affirmative action. We won't know. She claimed the status in order to cement herself in. Harvard isn't going to get an unqualified instructor. If they had got a real affirmative action hire that hire would have been triple sharp. She got the seat of someone equally qualified minority. Warren is a racist thief.

These affirmative action are never supposed to go to someone unqualified. Affirmative action means you get people who have been disadvantaged. She stole this from someone who deserved it.
Lying fuck. Warren never identified her ancestry in applying anywhere.
She identified at both penn and Harvard. If you are going to lie till you are blue in the face I can't help you.

Having debates on a forum like this supposes that both sides are going to tell the truth as to facts, as much as the differ in interpetation. She identified as indian at Penn and as a non tenured prof at Harvard. She dropped it once she achieved tenure. that is immutable. She can say it was not part of the hiring process. well,about that we will never know for sure.

Your lying like this makes you just a person I can safely ignore.

She called herself indian on official documents at both instatutions at times it would have served her well. The documents are there. Saying they aren't demolloises your character, it doesn't change the facts on the ground

No, she did not. The official documents we know of show she listed "white" under ethnicity and checked "No" when asked if she wanted to apply for minority consideration.

So you're directly contradicting known facts, apparently because you can't handle them.

Go ahead and try to show the class these "official documents" you claim exist.
So then how did Harvard have her listed as Native American?
She is weak, she's a moron.
You treat it like 1/1024 is full blood...it's not, it's a joke, just like you lefties.

Now that 1/1024 is the same as full blood, we can now get all the benefits of a minority.....so we get affirmative action too!!!

Why are you so hung up on 'blood'? Something you need to tell the group?
And diga me Tonto, exactly what ass are y'all pulling this fraction `1/1024' from?
Uh we're hung up on blood, because Warren took a blood test to "prove" her claim. And the 1/1024 is the likely hood of her blood and that's for Hispanic blood, not even native American blood.....it's hilarious
Stop lying. The test showed she has Native American blood in her heritage.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing at all to post.

No it didn't...it showed she had a small amount of Mexican or Columbian heritage.......you guys really don't worry about facts do you?
Fuck you, ya lying con.

Results from the test...


The largest segment identified as having Native American ancestry is on chromosome 10. This segment is 13.4 centiMorgans in genetic length, and spans approximately 4,700,000 DNA bases. Based on a principal components analysis (Novembre et al., 2008), this segment is clearly distinct from segments of European ancestry (nominal p-value 7.4 x 10-7, corrected p-value of 2.6 x 10-4) and is strongly associated with Native American ancestry.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing at all to post.

What Does Elizabeth Warren's DNA Test Prove? - The Atlantic

Geneticists, however, have historically had a fraught relationship with American Indian tribes, and few members in North America have given samples for these databases. Instead, Bustamante compared Warren’s DNA with that of indigenous peoples in Mexico, Colombia, and Peru. Critics of Warren have already seized on this to question the validity of her DNA test—ironically, mirroring some of the skepticism of those who have been criticizing Republicans’ insistence that Warren get a DNA test all along.
I never cared for Warren but I have to hand it to her, she has proven it doesn't take much to keep conservatives entertained.
Immaterial to the point that Senator Elizabeth Warren claimed Native American ancestry which was scientifically proven to be negligible.

Warren never ever said to be any percentage.

The tert said between 6 & 10 generations ago.

She was right. She said she was told her grandmother was part NA.

When wll you trumpettes ever just admit your orange buddy was wring. He lied. He welshed on a bet like the dishonest cheat he has always been.

Certainly not sufficient to claim such heritage in-substance in order to obtain academic or professional preference, eh?

Doesn't matter what Cadet Bone Spurs has done with his feckless, corrupt, dishonorable actions.

We're not talking about him.

We're talking about YOUR girl.

The one who lied in saying that she was substantively Native American.

Hell, real American Indians have asked her to shut-the-phukk-up because she's harming their interests.

You know it's got to be pretty damned bad when even American Indians tell Democrats to shut up.

Another lying POS Trumpette now claims that Warren said her NA ancestry was substantial.

Prove it or STFU

The Cherokee Nation condemns the use of blood tests. The CN does not admit members based on blood tests.

If you & your butt buddy Trump knew anything, you would quit embarrassing yourselves.

And Real Dave
believes Shaun King and Rachel Dolenz are black
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?

Lets look at the sniper fire.
1) It as just an amusing story told for laughs.
2) It was not done to dupe people or lie about others
3) They actually landed under the threat of sniper fire.
4) You had to go back ten years for your lie. Trump lies every fucking day & you don't care,.

Trump lied about Warren in order to destroy her political career.

Even a Trump scrotum licking Piece of shit like you should see the difference.

Trump lied? Maybe you are also from the moonbatfeather tribe to? You are way to emotional over this.

Trump said Warren was not of Native American ancestry. A lie.

She isn't. so someone with 1/1024 black in them can apply for affirmative action and black scholarships? Is that what you're saying?

If she has a native american ancestor, she didn't lie. She didn't say anything about applying for scholarships or affirmative action. Harvard tried to put her down as a diversity hire because she checked the box. She was already hired. And she is 1/64th. You're picking the far end of the spectrum. She may be 1/64th. Why don't you quote that number?
You are such a fucking idiot. So if you profess be have italian & Irish ancestry that means your mom was fucked by both a Irish,an & a Italian guy & somehow their sperm intermixed & fertilized the egg at the same time?

And My Misogynist piece of shit, just because Waaren is not as bloviating asshole does not mean she is weak.
She is weak, she's a moron.
You treat it like 1/1024 is full blood...it's not, it's a joke, just like you lefties.

Now that 1/1024 is the same as full blood, we can now get all the benefits of a minority.....so we get affirmative action too!!!

Why are you so hung up on 'blood'? Something you need to tell the group?
And diga me Tonto, exactly what ass are y'all pulling this fraction `1/1024' from?
Uh we're hung up on blood, because Warren took a blood test to "prove" her claim. And the 1/1024 is the likely hood of her blood and that's for Hispanic blood, not even native American blood.....it's hilarious
Stop lying. The test showed she has Native American blood in her heritage.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing at all to post.

No it didn't...it showed she had a small amount of Mexican or Columbian heritage.......you guys really don't worry about facts do you?
Show us this.
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?

Lets look at the sniper fire.
1) It as just an amusing story told for laughs.
2) It was not done to dupe people or lie about others
3) They actually landed under the threat of sniper fire.
4) You had to go back ten years for your lie. Trump lies every fucking day & you don't care,.

Trump lied about Warren in order to destroy her political career.

Even a Trump scrotum licking Piece of shit like you should see the difference.

Trump lied? Maybe you are also from the moonbatfeather tribe to? You are way to emotional over this.

Trump said Warren was not of Native American ancestry. A lie.

She isn't. so someone with 1/1024 black in them can apply for affirmative action and black scholarships? Is that what you're saying?

If she has a native american ancestor, she didn't lie. She didn't say anything about applying for scholarships or affirmative action. Harvard tried to put her down as a diversity hire because she checked the box. She was already hired. And she is 1/64th. You're picking the far end of the spectrum. She may be 1/64th. Why don't you quote that number?
Ok, lets go with 1/64th, the best possible scenarios for her being Mexican. How does that giver her the right to call herself that?
and 1/64th now allows you to claim that you are a certain heritage....lefties aren't known for being honest or consistent, so lets see if we can nail this one down.
She is weak, she's a moron.
You treat it like 1/1024 is full blood...it's not, it's a joke, just like you lefties.

Now that 1/1024 is the same as full blood, we can now get all the benefits of a minority.....so we get affirmative action too!!!

Why are you so hung up on 'blood'? Something you need to tell the group?
And diga me Tonto, exactly what ass are y'all pulling this fraction `1/1024' from?
Uh we're hung up on blood, because Warren took a blood test to "prove" her claim. And the 1/1024 is the likely hood of her blood and that's for Hispanic blood, not even native American blood.....it's hilarious
Stop lying. The test showed she has Native American blood in her heritage.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing at all to post.

No it didn't...it showed she had a small amount of Mexican or Columbian heritage.......you guys really don't worry about facts do you?
Show us this.
Post 989
Why are you so hung up on 'blood'? Something you need to tell the group?
And diga me Tonto, exactly what ass are y'all pulling this fraction `1/1024' from?
Uh we're hung up on blood, because Warren took a blood test to "prove" her claim. And the 1/1024 is the likely hood of her blood and that's for Hispanic blood, not even native American blood.....it's hilarious
Stop lying. The test showed she has Native American blood in her heritage.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing at all to post.

No it didn't...it showed she had a small amount of Mexican or Columbian heritage.......you guys really don't worry about facts do you?
Fuck you, ya lying con.

Results from the test...


The largest segment identified as having Native American ancestry is on chromosome 10. This segment is 13.4 centiMorgans in genetic length, and spans approximately 4,700,000 DNA bases. Based on a principal components analysis (Novembre et al., 2008), this segment is clearly distinct from segments of European ancestry (nominal p-value 7.4 x 10-7, corrected p-value of 2.6 x 10-4) and is strongly associated with Native American ancestry.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing at all to post.

What Does Elizabeth Warren's DNA Test Prove? - The Atlantic

Geneticists, however, have historically had a fraught relationship with American Indian tribes, and few members in North America have given samples for these databases. Instead, Bustamante compared Warren’s DNA with that of indigenous peoples in Mexico, Colombia, and Peru. Critics of Warren have already seized on this to question the validity of her DNA test—ironically, mirroring some of the skepticism of those who have been criticizing Republicans’ insistence that Warren get a DNA test all along.

Republicans will question the science unless they like the results.

When a gaggle of reporters asked Kellyanne Conway about Warren’s DNA test on Monday, she seemed to acknowledge as much: “I know that everybody likes to pick their junk science or sound science depending on the conclusion.”

The videos that Warren unveiled along with her DNA test also feature interviews with students and former colleagues attesting to her abilities as a teacher. Her web page links to a trove of employment documents showing ethnicity was not a factor in her professional rise. The point of all this is to counter the underlying charge that she benefited professionally from identifying as American Indian.

By coincidence, the Los Angeles Timespublished a story Sunday that the family of House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, benefited from a program for minorities despite disputed ancestry.

In his attacks, Trump has managed two unprecedented political feats, getting Elizabeth Warren to take a DNA test and Barack Obama to release his birth certificate. Does the proof actually matter? Who does care?
Uh we're hung up on blood, because Warren took a blood test to "prove" her claim. And the 1/1024 is the likely hood of her blood and that's for Hispanic blood, not even native American blood.....it's hilarious
Stop lying. The test showed she has Native American blood in her heritage.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing at all to post.

No it didn't...it showed she had a small amount of Mexican or Columbian heritage.......you guys really don't worry about facts do you?
Fuck you, ya lying con.

Results from the test...


The largest segment identified as having Native American ancestry is on chromosome 10. This segment is 13.4 centiMorgans in genetic length, and spans approximately 4,700,000 DNA bases. Based on a principal components analysis (Novembre et al., 2008), this segment is clearly distinct from segments of European ancestry (nominal p-value 7.4 x 10-7, corrected p-value of 2.6 x 10-4) and is strongly associated with Native American ancestry.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing at all to post.

What Does Elizabeth Warren's DNA Test Prove? - The Atlantic

Geneticists, however, have historically had a fraught relationship with American Indian tribes, and few members in North America have given samples for these databases. Instead, Bustamante compared Warren’s DNA with that of indigenous peoples in Mexico, Colombia, and Peru. Critics of Warren have already seized on this to question the validity of her DNA test—ironically, mirroring some of the skepticism of those who have been criticizing Republicans’ insistence that Warren get a DNA test all along.

Republicans will question the science unless they like the results.

When a gaggle of reporters asked Kellyanne Conway about Warren’s DNA test on Monday, she seemed to acknowledge as much: “I know that everybody likes to pick their junk science or sound science depending on the conclusion.”

The videos that Warren unveiled along with her DNA test also feature interviews with students and former colleagues attesting to her abilities as a teacher. Her web page links to a trove of employment documents showing ethnicity was not a factor in her professional rise. The point of all this is to counter the underlying charge that she benefited professionally from identifying as American Indian.

By coincidence, the Los Angeles Timespublished a story Sunday that the family of House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, benefited from a program for minorities despite disputed ancestry.

In his attacks, Trump has managed two unprecedented political feats, getting Elizabeth Warren to take a DNA test and Barack Obama to release his birth certificate. Does the proof actually matter? Who does care?

Not really we just like real science....not bogus studies or other bullshit.
She was tested with Mexican and Columbian DNA and it was still a very small percentage. it's just funny how it backfired on her as it should. My mom said I have some Cherokee in our family, but I don't claim it because I cant prove it AND I don't hang out with Cherokee...I don't know anything about their culture.....which is one of the really important things.
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?

Lets look at the sniper fire.
1) It as just an amusing story told for laughs.
2) It was not done to dupe people or lie about others
3) They actually landed under the threat of sniper fire.
4) You had to go back ten years for your lie. Trump lies every fucking day & you don't care,.

Trump lied about Warren in order to destroy her political career.

Even a Trump scrotum licking Piece of shit like you should see the difference.

Trump lied? Maybe you are also from the moonbatfeather tribe to? You are way to emotional over this.

Trump said Warren was not of Native American ancestry. A lie.

She isn't. so someone with 1/1024 black in them can apply for affirmative action and black scholarships? Is that what you're saying?

If she has a native american ancestor, she didn't lie. She didn't say anything about applying for scholarships or affirmative action. Harvard tried to put her down as a diversity hire because she checked the box. She was already hired. And she is 1/64th. You're picking the far end of the spectrum. She may be 1/64th. Why don't you quote that number?
There was a Greek at Custer's Last Stand. Surrounded be Indians, he was grabbed by one and as he lifted his tomahawk, the Greek cried "Manoula mou, manoula mou!", to which the Indian said,

"Ah, eisai Ellinas;!"

I don't doubt you're too stupid to get it.
Why are you so hung up on 'blood'? Something you need to tell the group?
And diga me Tonto, exactly what ass are y'all pulling this fraction `1/1024' from?
Uh we're hung up on blood, because Warren took a blood test to "prove" her claim. And the 1/1024 is the likely hood of her blood and that's for Hispanic blood, not even native American blood.....it's hilarious
Stop lying. The test showed she has Native American blood in her heritage.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing at all to post.

No it didn't...it showed she had a small amount of Mexican or Columbian heritage.......you guys really don't worry about facts do you?
Show us this.
Post 989

Warren did get tested and the results did find Native American ancestry. We asked four experts to review her report and they all found it credible.

"the results strongly support the existence of an unadmixed Native American ancestor in the individual’s pedigree, likely in the range of 6-10 generations ago."

In years, that would be anytime from 150 to 250 years ago, perhaps as far back as 1700.

We asked several top biological anthropologists to assess Bustamante’s methods. They all said they are sound.

"I have read the DNA test report closely, and think that the analysis described therein was conducted properly," said Theodore Schurr at the University of Pennsylvania.

"These are among the most robust methods today," said Deborah Bolnick at the University of Connecticut and past president of the American Association of Anthropological Genetics.

Bustamante found five DNA segments that he could say with 99 percent certainty were of Native American origin.

"Native Americans arose as a distinct population in Siberia some 17,000 to 23,000 years ago and then spread into the Americas around 16,000 years ago," Schurr said. "Indigenous populations share a common genomic make-up."

After six to 10 generations, that DNA would be very dilute, which was consistent with Bustamante’s finding that 95 percent of Warren’s DNA was European.

Researchers told us the test results fit with Warren’s account of her Native American ties. Warren has said that she was told her great-great-great-grandmother was Cherokee.

That doesn’t mean the woman was pure Cherokee. Counting back the generations, that woman would have been born roughly in the middle of the 1800s.

"There are not genetic markers that are specific to tribal nations," Bolnick said. "The genetic patterns don’t map on to tribal groups that we recognize today."

According to Schurr, the most that can safely be said is that Warren’s test results "may reflect a genetic contribution from a tribe living in what is now the United States."

The DNA test can’t prove every part of Warren’s family story, but the researchers we reached said it is consistent with her account.

Warren's DNA test: What it can and can't tell us
Uh we're hung up on blood, because Warren took a blood test to "prove" her claim. And the 1/1024 is the likely hood of her blood and that's for Hispanic blood, not even native American blood.....it's hilarious
Stop lying. The test showed she has Native American blood in her heritage.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing at all to post.

No it didn't...it showed she had a small amount of Mexican or Columbian heritage.......you guys really don't worry about facts do you?
Show us this.
Post 989

Warren did get tested and the results did find Native American ancestry. We asked four experts to review her report and they all found it credible.

"the results strongly support the existence of an unadmixed Native American ancestor in the individual’s pedigree, likely in the range of 6-10 generations ago."

In years, that would be anytime from 150 to 250 years ago, perhaps as far back as 1700.

We asked several top biological anthropologists to assess Bustamante’s methods. They all said they are sound.

"I have read the DNA test report closely, and think that the analysis described therein was conducted properly," said Theodore Schurr at the University of Pennsylvania.

"These are among the most robust methods today," said Deborah Bolnick at the University of Connecticut and past president of the American Association of Anthropological Genetics.

Bustamante found five DNA segments that he could say with 99 percent certainty were of Native American origin.

"Native Americans arose as a distinct population in Siberia some 17,000 to 23,000 years ago and then spread into the Americas around 16,000 years ago," Schurr said. "Indigenous populations share a common genomic make-up."

After six to 10 generations, that DNA would be very dilute, which was consistent with Bustamante’s finding that 95 percent of Warren’s DNA was European.

Researchers told us the test results fit with Warren’s account of her Native American ties. Warren has said that she was told her great-great-great-grandmother was Cherokee.

That doesn’t mean the woman was pure Cherokee. Counting back the generations, that woman would have been born roughly in the middle of the 1800s.

"There are not genetic markers that are specific to tribal nations," Bolnick said. "The genetic patterns don’t map on to tribal groups that we recognize today."

According to Schurr, the most that can safely be said is that Warren’s test results "may reflect a genetic contribution from a tribe living in what is now the United States."

The DNA test can’t prove every part of Warren’s family story, but the researchers we reached said it is consistent with her account.

Warren's DNA test: What it can and can't tell us

Ok, so at best she's 1/64th of something......point is she has no right to claim that heritage. She proved that.....I mean if we can claim that, then there is no need for identity politics......
Lets look at the sniper fire.
1) It as just an amusing story told for laughs.
2) It was not done to dupe people or lie about others
3) They actually landed under the threat of sniper fire.
4) You had to go back ten years for your lie. Trump lies every fucking day & you don't care,.

Trump lied about Warren in order to destroy her political career.

Even a Trump scrotum licking Piece of shit like you should see the difference.

Trump lied? Maybe you are also from the moonbatfeather tribe to? You are way to emotional over this.

Trump said Warren was not of Native American ancestry. A lie.

She isn't. so someone with 1/1024 black in them can apply for affirmative action and black scholarships? Is that what you're saying?

If she has a native american ancestor, she didn't lie. She didn't say anything about applying for scholarships or affirmative action. Harvard tried to put her down as a diversity hire because she checked the box. She was already hired. And she is 1/64th. You're picking the far end of the spectrum. She may be 1/64th. Why don't you quote that number?
There was a Greek at Custer's Last Stand. Surrounded be Indians, he was grabbed by one and as he lifted his tomahawk, the Greek cried "Manoula mou, manoula mou!", to which the Indian said,

"Ah, eisai Ellinas;!"

I don't doubt you're too stupid to get it.
I don't get it. Stupid Greeks.

From now on people should not say Greeks fight like hero's. It should be said that hero's fight like Greeks.

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