Pocahontas Now Denies Indian Heritage

I never cared for Warren but I have to hand it to her, she has proven it doesn't take much to keep conservatives entertained.
Immaterial to the point that Senator Elizabeth Warren claimed Native American ancestry which was scientifically proven to be negligible.

Warren never ever said to be any percentage.

The tert said between 6 & 10 generations ago.

She was right. She said she was told her grandmother was part NA.

When wll you trumpettes ever just admit your orange buddy was wring. He lied. He welshed on a bet like the dishonest cheat he has always been.

Certainly not sufficient to claim such heritage in-substance in order to obtain academic or professional preference, eh?

Certainly not. Which is probably why she never did so.

You have to wonder how the mythmongers expect to sell mythologies when the realities that make them mythological are fully known.

Doesn't matter what Cadet Bone Spurs has done with his feckless, corrupt, dishonorable actions.

We're not talking about him.

We're talking about YOUR girl.

The one who lied in saying that she was substantively Native American.

And she used this predicate adjective ----------- where again?

Hell, real American Indians have asked her to shut-the-phukk-up because she's harming their interests.

Have they now / is she now.

Link then?

Let the record show this was never answered.

Not that one was expected, just sayin', the silence is eloquent.
Did you not read her DNA results? She's 1/1024 "Indian". She self pwned
Then she has some Indian in her.

It’s funny trump can lie 1000 times but hillary says she’s under sniper fire and you crucify her and Elizabeth warren says something about having Indian in her and you can’t let it go.

Trumps the king liar. Why don’t you mind? Ahhh it’s politics. You’re just playing politics.
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?
How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Everything about the Clintons is about lying... That is their job
That doesn’t bother righties who couldn’t care less that trump has lied thousands of times.
To claim you have ancestry is not the same as being one.

OK, UnrealDave, I get it that Warren had been told many times as a kid that some great grandparent had been American Indian. And based on that she claimed she was also native american. But for like the 1024th time, the problem is that it was her great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandparent, which means you'd need a pair of tweezers and a tunneling electron microscope to find the Indian DNA in her!Apple

So, she DOESN'T have high cheekbones! At least not relating in any way to the vestigial trace of DNA in her. She's a European. White. 99.999% so. Her own DNA test said it. She has about as much native american blood in her as if Chief Running Bear kissed her on the mouth.


Oh poor Dave, did I say she ever claimed a particular percentage? I just posted the most thorough, accurate accounting of her testing. Why is your every thought always a strawman argument? She has some native DNA in her. The best DNA types they had to match it up against were Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian samples that all have significant indigenous blood in them. The only problem which admittedly Warren didn't know herself and couldn't have known is that it is just a trace, a very small amount. Less than a fraction of a percent. Enough to say you have some indigenous Indian blood in you, but not enough to call yourself a "Native American." By THEIR definition.

If you are going to make a post,. at least have the guts not to run away from it.

Are you too fucking stupid to know what you posted.

You were mocking Warren & calling her a liar because you think her NA ancestry is too distant.
You know it. Quit being a fucking coward for once in your miserable little life.

Warren never claimed to be a certain percent NA so how the fuck is she lying about it,

When did Warren say anything outside of having NA ancestry?

BTW, the test said 6-10 generations. DO why do you assume 10?

It could be 6. Making you a dishobest fuck.
Actually, Warren said a family member, 5 generations earlier, was a Native American Indian. Her DNA test confirmed that when it stated a family member, ”likely” 6-10 generations earlier, was a Native American Indian.

So the test was off by one generation.

Warren was telling the truth.

In politics, if you're explaining, you're losing.

So by all means, keep explaining multiple times every day that, "No, really, you THINK you heard Warren lie, but HERE'S what you should believe she said." You're doing a bang-up job. Honest.
Obama didn't realize how a pussy grabber would appeal to you republicans

Former President Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton was never accused of being a pussy grabber. Trump admitted it.

Bill Clinton was accused of BEING A RAPIST. Speaking as someone with a vagina, I consider rape to be worse than being grabbed, thanks so very much.
Rumps wife accused him of rape She wanted no part of that AH's dick
A study released Tuesday morning by the Indiana Fiscal Policy Institute shows residents in metropolitan counties subsidize their rural counterparts by paying more in state taxes than they receive in benefits.

While the results may not be unexpected, they demonstrate for the first time in Indiana the disparity in state tax collections and distributions among urban and rural counties, IFPI President John Ketzenberger said.

“The outcome is not surprising, but it does show what has long been suspected,” he said. “And there’s some value in that.”

Overall, taxpayers in 46 metropolitan counties paid 82.5 percent of the taxes, or $11.3 billion, and received 76.7 percent, or $10.5 billion in expenditures, the study said.

The disparity is equally pronounced in the 10-county Indianapolis metropolitan area. Residents there paid 33.5 percent, or $4.6 billion, of total state taxes and received 28 percent, or $3.8 billion, back.

Still, William J. Rieber, an economics professor at Butler University’s College of Business, said the method in which states distribute tax dollars is justified.

“Rural areas don’t have the same infrastructure as urban areas do, so they often need additional help,” Rieber said. “To some extent, we’re in the same state, and we’re all in this together.”

The Indiana study is consistent with the results from other states that examined the distribution of state government finances, the fiscal policy institute said in its report.

DROP MIC AND Shut the fuck up with that bullshit that rural America is doing well without us. Without us they'd be so poor they wouldn't know what the fuck to do.

I wish to god we would stop subsidizing these racist stupid white hick mother fuckers who've been fooled into believing the government is the enemy when they suck the government tit more than anyone.

You're a fucking loser dude.

What is your point in this nearly nine-year-old study which says:

“Rural areas don’t have the same infrastructure as urban areas do, so they often need additional help,” Rieber said. “To some extent, we’re in the same state, and we’re all in this together.”

The Indiana study is consistent with the results from other states that examined the distribution of state government finances, the fiscal policy institute said in its report.

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?
How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Everything about the Clintons is about lying... That is their job
And yet Trump lied more and yet you seem ok with it. Tell us why Rusty
No one can compare to the immorality of the Clintons on the planet

Then she has some Indian in her.

It’s funny trump can lie 1000 times but hillary says she’s under sniper fire and you crucify her and Elizabeth warren says something about having Indian in her and you can’t let it go.

Trumps the king liar. Why don’t you mind? Ahhh it’s politics. You’re just playing politics.
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?
How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Everything about the Clintons is about lying... That is their job
That doesn’t bother righties who couldn’t care less that trump has lied thousands of times.

It's a good thing no one has made a drinking game out of "Every time Faun shoehorns 'TTTTRRRRUUUUMMMMPPPP!!!!' into a conversation, take a shot", or we'd all have alcohol poisoning.
I wonder if Trump will be a 1 term president.
It all depends on the economy... stupid

Sound familiar?
How is the economy for most people? I think other than consumer confidence, most people are living the exact same life they were living in 2016. So if you are bragging about how things are better, and people aren't seeing it as being better, they will show up to vote against the out of touch party.

And there are a lot of energized people who are going to show up and vote against Republicans. I'm hearing a lot of Republicans and independents aren't going to show up. Similar to how Obama lost 2010.

I'm talking about all the people who didn't vote last time but hate trump. Women, hispanics, blacks, gays, muslims, all the people who didn't think he would win so they didn't show up in 2016. They will now

All the young people who want gun legislation.

People who don't want pre existing conditions to come back.

People who want social security and medicare and hear Mitch is going to cut those programs to pay for the tax breaks.
Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
”We are $20 trillion in debt.”

So what? Since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt?? :dunno:

Ya didn’t when Reagan nearly triple it. Ya didn’t when Bush Sr. was on pace to more than double it. Ya didn’t when his son nearly doubled it. And now it’s approaching $22 trillion under trump and all I hear from the right is 4 more years!
Bill Clinton was never accused of being a pussy grabber. Trump admitted it.

Wow! Former President Bill Clinton RAPED WOMEN. Which is worse? A couple guys bs with each other or a man paying off scores of women?

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)



Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine
Trump was accused of raping a 13 year old girl. Since when do you rightards believe the president over the accusations levied against them?? :dunno:
It all depends on the economy... stupid

Sound familiar?
How is the economy for most people? I think other than consumer confidence, most people are living the exact same life they were living in 2016. So if you are bragging about how things are better, and people aren't seeing it as being better, they will show up to vote against the out of touch party.

And there are a lot of energized people who are going to show up and vote against Republicans. I'm hearing a lot of Republicans and independents aren't going to show up. Similar to how Obama lost 2010.

I'm talking about all the people who didn't vote last time but hate trump. Women, hispanics, blacks, gays, muslims, all the people who didn't think he would win so they didn't show up in 2016. They will now

All the young people who want gun legislation.

People who don't want pre existing conditions to come back.

People who want social security and medicare and hear Mitch is going to cut those programs to pay for the tax breaks.
Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
”We are $20 trillion in debt.”

So what? Since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt?? :dunno:

Ya didn’t when Reagan nearly triple it. Ya didn’t when Bush Sr. was on pace to more than double it. Ya didn’t when his son nearly doubled it. And now it’s approaching $22 trillion under trump and all I hear from the right is 4 more years!

How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.

Are you REALLY stupid, or are you disingenuous?

What if NO TAXES WERE DEDUCTIBLE AT ALL? Walk me through that.

Blue states pay more in taxes, so when they lose thier deductions, it's going to hurt them more.


Thank you for your kind words about Florida but the statement is a bit wrong.

We have state taxes in Florida. By constitutional fiat, we do not have a state income tax. We are also one of the most fiscally stable states in the country compared with California with a state income tax and one of the least fiscally stable states.
OK, UnrealDave, I get it that Warren had been told many times as a kid that some great grandparent had been American Indian. And based on that she claimed she was also native american. But for like the 1024th time, the problem is that it was her great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandparent, which means you'd need a pair of tweezers and a tunneling electron microscope to find the Indian DNA in her!Apple

So, she DOESN'T have high cheekbones! At least not relating in any way to the vestigial trace of DNA in her. She's a European. White. 99.999% so. Her own DNA test said it. She has about as much native american blood in her as if Chief Running Bear kissed her on the mouth.


Oh poor Dave, did I say she ever claimed a particular percentage? I just posted the most thorough, accurate accounting of her testing. Why is your every thought always a strawman argument? She has some native DNA in her. The best DNA types they had to match it up against were Mexican/Colombian/Peruvian samples that all have significant indigenous blood in them. The only problem which admittedly Warren didn't know herself and couldn't have known is that it is just a trace, a very small amount. Less than a fraction of a percent. Enough to say you have some indigenous Indian blood in you, but not enough to call yourself a "Native American." By THEIR definition.

If you are going to make a post,. at least have the guts not to run away from it.

Are you too fucking stupid to know what you posted.

You were mocking Warren & calling her a liar because you think her NA ancestry is too distant.
You know it. Quit being a fucking coward for once in your miserable little life.

Warren never claimed to be a certain percent NA so how the fuck is she lying about it,

When did Warren say anything outside of having NA ancestry?

BTW, the test said 6-10 generations. DO why do you assume 10?

It could be 6. Making you a dishobest fuck.
Actually, Warren said a family member, 5 generations earlier, was a Native American Indian. Her DNA test confirmed that when it stated a family member, ”likely” 6-10 generations earlier, was a Native American Indian.

So the test was off by one generation.

Warren was telling the truth.

In politics, if you're explaining, you're losing.

So by all means, keep explaining multiple times every day that, "No, really, you THINK you heard Warren lie, but HERE'S what you should believe she said." You're doing a bang-up job. Honest.
I’m still waiting for you to quote her..,,
Bill Clinton was never accused of being a pussy grabber. Trump admitted it.

Wow! Former President Bill Clinton RAPED WOMEN. Which is worse? A couple guys bs with each other or a man paying off scores of women?

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)



Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine
Trump was accused of raping a 13 year old girl. Since when do you rightards believe the president over the accusations levied against them?? :dunno:
Face it faun Trump is a vile pig and those supporting him aren't much better
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?
How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Everything about the Clintons is about lying... That is their job
That doesn’t bother righties who couldn’t care less that trump has lied thousands of times.

It's a good thing no one has made a drinking game out of "Every time Faun shoehorns 'TTTTRRRRUUUUMMMMPPPP!!!!' into a conversation, take a shot", or we'd all have alcohol poisoning.

Shrieks the pussy who was just bitching about Bill Clinton. :lmao:
How is the economy for most people? I think other than consumer confidence, most people are living the exact same life they were living in 2016. So if you are bragging about how things are better, and people aren't seeing it as being better, they will show up to vote against the out of touch party.

And there are a lot of energized people who are going to show up and vote against Republicans. I'm hearing a lot of Republicans and independents aren't going to show up. Similar to how Obama lost 2010.

I'm talking about all the people who didn't vote last time but hate trump. Women, hispanics, blacks, gays, muslims, all the people who didn't think he would win so they didn't show up in 2016. They will now

All the young people who want gun legislation.

People who don't want pre existing conditions to come back.

People who want social security and medicare and hear Mitch is going to cut those programs to pay for the tax breaks.
Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
”We are $20 trillion in debt.”

So what? Since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt?? :dunno:

Ya didn’t when Reagan nearly triple it. Ya didn’t when Bush Sr. was on pace to more than double it. Ya didn’t when his son nearly doubled it. And now it’s approaching $22 trillion under trump and all I hear from the right is 4 more years!

How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.
Is it my fault you’re too dumb to comprehend English?

Re-read,”since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt??” a few dozen more times and then ask me again if you still don’t understand why I left Obama out.....
How is the economy for most people? I think other than consumer confidence, most people are living the exact same life they were living in 2016. So if you are bragging about how things are better, and people aren't seeing it as being better, they will show up to vote against the out of touch party.

And there are a lot of energized people who are going to show up and vote against Republicans. I'm hearing a lot of Republicans and independents aren't going to show up. Similar to how Obama lost 2010.

I'm talking about all the people who didn't vote last time but hate trump. Women, hispanics, blacks, gays, muslims, all the people who didn't think he would win so they didn't show up in 2016. They will now

All the young people who want gun legislation.

People who don't want pre existing conditions to come back.

People who want social security and medicare and hear Mitch is going to cut those programs to pay for the tax breaks.
Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
”We are $20 trillion in debt.”

So what? Since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt?? :dunno:

Ya didn’t when Reagan nearly triple it. Ya didn’t when Bush Sr. was on pace to more than double it. Ya didn’t when his son nearly doubled it. And now it’s approaching $22 trillion under trump and all I hear from the right is 4 more years!

How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.
There was a republican recession going on Where was your head ? I shouldn't have asked
Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
”We are $20 trillion in debt.”

So what? Since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt?? :dunno:

Ya didn’t when Reagan nearly triple it. Ya didn’t when Bush Sr. was on pace to more than double it. Ya didn’t when his son nearly doubled it. And now it’s approaching $22 trillion under trump and all I hear from the right is 4 more years!

How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.
Is it my fault you’re too dumb to comprehend English?

Re-read,”since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt??” a few dozen more times and then ask me again if you still don’t understand why I left Obama out.....

”We are $20 trillion in debt.” ….dumbass.
Then she has some Indian in her.

It’s funny trump can lie 1000 times but hillary says she’s under sniper fire and you crucify her and Elizabeth warren says something about having Indian in her and you can’t let it go.

Trumps the king liar. Why don’t you mind? Ahhh it’s politics. You’re just playing politics.
So lets compare lies, what has Trump said that was equivalent to "sniper fire"?
How on Earth do you quantify lying about dodging sniper fire with say, lying about the birthplace of a sitting president?
Everything about the Clintons is about lying... That is their job
That doesn’t bother righties who couldn’t care less that trump has lied thousands of times.
When it comes to lying Trump is a amateur compared to the Clintons...
How is the economy for most people? I think other than consumer confidence, most people are living the exact same life they were living in 2016. So if you are bragging about how things are better, and people aren't seeing it as being better, they will show up to vote against the out of touch party.

And there are a lot of energized people who are going to show up and vote against Republicans. I'm hearing a lot of Republicans and independents aren't going to show up. Similar to how Obama lost 2010.

I'm talking about all the people who didn't vote last time but hate trump. Women, hispanics, blacks, gays, muslims, all the people who didn't think he would win so they didn't show up in 2016. They will now

All the young people who want gun legislation.

People who don't want pre existing conditions to come back.

People who want social security and medicare and hear Mitch is going to cut those programs to pay for the tax breaks.
Rural America is doing well, thanks to the lack of regulations, gun laws and political correctness. Progressive controlled urban America is and always will be a shit show
You know how we always tell you stupid rural fucks that blue states pay for red states? Well guess what?

Study: Urban tax money subsidizes rural counties

I dont care about that study.

I don't care about liberal propoganda.

I know that we have MANY illegal aliens here.

The country needs secure borders and low taxes.

We are $20 trillion in debt.


The bottom 50% of workers pay 2% of the taxes. The top 1% pays over 20%.

People are FLEEING Califonia like it's on FIRE, because LIBERAL POLICIES DO NOT WORK.

To me, that is flawed.

Am I goig to believe you or my own lying eyes?
”We are $20 trillion in debt.”

So what? Since when do Republicans or Conservatives give a shit about the debt?? :dunno:

Ya didn’t when Reagan nearly triple it. Ya didn’t when Bush Sr. was on pace to more than double it. Ya didn’t when his son nearly doubled it. And now it’s approaching $22 trillion under trump and all I hear from the right is 4 more years!

How convenient, you mention Reagan and Bush, yet you don't mention Ears. So you're either ignorant or just plain stupid, you may want to look up how much Obama added to the debt.

Still being the little luing POS & blaming Obama for the Bush recession.


Bush did two rounds of unfunded tax cuts during two unfunded wars while putting in a high unfunded expansion to Medicare, lead the housing collapse & the near financial meltdown.

If you studied where the debt originated under Obama, most points to Republican efforts.

The ACA that the Democrats passed was fully funded.
Bill Clinton was never accused of being a pussy grabber. Trump admitted it.

Wow! Former President Bill Clinton RAPED WOMEN. Which is worse? A couple guys bs with each other or a man paying off scores of women?

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)



Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine

The only rape accusation was by a woman that swore under oath that it never happened.

Two of those involved Clinton exposing himself & asking for sex.

If we are going to talk about consensual shit lets talk about Trump's affairs.

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