Pocahontas Now Denies Indian Heritage

She clearly never lied about being a minority to receive a lucrative job. Makes you the liar. Funny, a liar using a lie to call someone else a liar. Does it get more pathetic than that?

It DOES get more pathetic than that....she claimed she was a dirt-worshiper to get into Harvard Law School. You'd have to be a damn fool....oh, it's Camp so that goes without saying....that was her launch-pad into politics and the Senate.

Yeah, she needs to be investigated more thoroughly. If her lie resulted in her receiving any Taxpayer-support, whether it be by receiving a job or financial aid for school. If it's proven she lied, she should be forced to apologize and pay restitution.

Meh, impossible to prove or disprove, let it go. But, we can still have fun poking fun at Squanto.

Do we have her school records? I'd be interested in seeing them. Was Taxpayer $ involved? But i do hear ya. Who really cares? She's a moron.
People from Harvard that did the hiring said it was no factor.

But hey, what the fuck do they know, right? If Rush Limbaugh or your orange POS buddy says it, by God, it must be true.

Here you are, Bitching about Warren while you actually voted for the biggest piece of shit ever to run for President.

Trump or Rush never claimed to be Indians to get ahead, Dumb Ass...
Fact of Nature...

All liberals claim to be something their not...
Once AGAIN --- prove she isn't.

Are we flummoxed by the meaning of the word "prove" or what?
This Tempest in a teapot is all about her family's mythology about her great-grandmother take a f****** break you brainwashed morons. Meanwhile you jackasses think the rich pay too much in taxes and Hillary is evil and corrupt without any evidence. The country is going to hell for 35 years now idiots.

No one pays enough in taxes that is why we are in debt. We need higher taxes and less spending, no one running for office will ever run on that platform but that is what is best for this country.
Democrats run on it every year, Dupe. But only the rich and Giant corporations need their taxes raised... After 35 years of Pander to the rich GOP tax rates, they are bloated beyond all recognition...

I don't know of any Democrat that advocates shrinking the budget, they all want the government to expand. We need to do both, raising taxes and growing spending will continue to hurt this country and in short order we will lose our bond rating, interest rate will raise, inflation will rise and the middle class will be feeling the squeeze.
Actually every time a Democrat is in the White House the federal budget goes down, dupe, while Reagan and Bush tripled and doubled the deficit....

Name the President the last President that reduced the debt, during their term. I like how you play word games, but we are in a lot of trouble in the near future if we don’t pay it down.
This Tempest in a teapot is all about her family's mythology about her great-grandmother take a f****** break you brainwashed morons. Meanwhile you jackasses think the rich pay too much in taxes and Hillary is evil and corrupt without any evidence. The country is going to hell for 35 years now idiots.

No one pays enough in taxes that is why we are in debt. We need higher taxes and less spending, no one running for office will ever run on that platform but that is what is best for this country.
Democrats run on it every year, Dupe. But only the rich and Giant corporations need their taxes raised... After 35 years of Pander to the rich GOP tax rates, they are bloated beyond all recognition...

I don't know of any Democrat that advocates shrinking the budget, they all want the government to expand. We need to do both, raising taxes and growing spending will continue to hurt this country and in short order we will lose our bond rating, interest rate will raise, inflation will rise and the middle class will be feeling the squeeze.
Actually every time a Democrat is in the White House the federal budget goes down, dupe, while Reagan and Bush tripled and doubled the deficit....
Well Obama degraded our credit rating for the first time in our history.
He doesn’t really care, facts are useless to him unless it agrees with his beliefs.
This Tempest in a teapot is all about her family's mythology about her great-grandmother take a f****** break you brainwashed morons. Meanwhile you jackasses think the rich pay too much in taxes and Hillary is evil and corrupt without any evidence. The country is going to hell for 35 years now idiots.

No one pays enough in taxes that is why we are in debt. We need higher taxes and less spending, no one running for office will ever run on that platform but that is what is best for this country.
Democrats run on it every year, Dupe. But only the rich and Giant corporations need their taxes raised... After 35 years of Pander to the rich GOP tax rates, they are bloated beyond all recognition...

I don't know of any Democrat that advocates shrinking the budget, they all want the government to expand. We need to do both, raising taxes and growing spending will continue to hurt this country and in short order we will lose our bond rating, interest rate will raise, inflation will rise and the middle class will be feeling the squeeze.
Actually every time a Democrat is in the White House the federal budget goes down, dupe, while Reagan and Bush tripled and doubled the deficit....
Well Obama degraded our credit rating for the first time in our history.
Obama did you ridiculous brainwashed jack ass? W bush and the GOP started another corrupt World depression, twit. Luckily Obama got in immediately and averted a full-blown depression like the 30s. Only cost 8 trillion dollars...
No one pays enough in taxes that is why we are in debt. We need higher taxes and less spending, no one running for office will ever run on that platform but that is what is best for this country.
Democrats run on it every year, Dupe. But only the rich and Giant corporations need their taxes raised... After 35 years of Pander to the rich GOP tax rates, they are bloated beyond all recognition...

I don't know of any Democrat that advocates shrinking the budget, they all want the government to expand. We need to do both, raising taxes and growing spending will continue to hurt this country and in short order we will lose our bond rating, interest rate will raise, inflation will rise and the middle class will be feeling the squeeze.
Actually every time a Democrat is in the White House the federal budget goes down, dupe, while Reagan and Bush tripled and doubled the deficit....
Well Obama degraded our credit rating for the first time in our history.
He doesn’t really care, facts are useless to him unless it agrees with his beliefs.
Hilarious, brainwashed functional morons. Now Obama started that world depression? You are out of your tiny little Minds....
This Tempest in a teapot is all about her family's mythology about her great-grandmother take a f****** break you brainwashed morons. Meanwhile you jackasses think the rich pay too much in taxes and Hillary is evil and corrupt without any evidence. The country is going to hell for 35 years now idiots.

No one pays enough in taxes that is why we are in debt. We need higher taxes and less spending, no one running for office will ever run on that platform but that is what is best for this country.
Democrats run on it every year, Dupe. But only the rich and Giant corporations need their taxes raised... After 35 years of Pander to the rich GOP tax rates, they are bloated beyond all recognition...

I don't know of any Democrat that advocates shrinking the budget, they all want the government to expand. We need to do both, raising taxes and growing spending will continue to hurt this country and in short order we will lose our bond rating, interest rate will raise, inflation will rise and the middle class will be feeling the squeeze.
Actually every time a Democrat is in the White House the federal budget goes down, dupe, while Reagan and Bush tripled and doubled the deficit....

Name the President the last President that reduced the debt, during their term. I like how you play word games, but we are in a lot of trouble in the near future if we don’t pay it down.
The important thing is to reduce the debt in comparison to GDP which has been happening the last 7 years of Obama...
Didn't she receive a lucrative job by lying about being a 'Minority?' Were Taxpayer Dollars involved with her salary? Are we supposed to just forget she's a conniving thief?
Only in super dupe world, super dupe.

She's a disgrace. Another Hillary Clinton. She represents everything folks hate about Politicians. But hey, y'all go ahead and run her. Whatever.
You dupes are obsessed with this idiocy, while your greedy idiot Heroes rob you blind and wreck your lives... Idiots.

Meanwhile there is no evidence that Hillary or the foundation or Obama etc etc are corrupt or evil... How's the prosecution coming, brainwashed functional morons?

You are on Acid.....
There is no evidence the Hillary or the foundation or Bill or Obama or the Democrats are evil or corrupt. You have memorized a gigantic pile of total b*******from bought off High School grad cokehead GOP pundits, dumbass.
oh nooooooooooooo......the fake indian confesses.....she is NOT a pocahontas after all......

what is she? a liar?

yes she is

No one pays enough in taxes that is why we are in debt. We need higher taxes and less spending, no one running for office will ever run on that platform but that is what is best for this country.
Democrats run on it every year, Dupe. But only the rich and Giant corporations need their taxes raised... After 35 years of Pander to the rich GOP tax rates, they are bloated beyond all recognition...

I don't know of any Democrat that advocates shrinking the budget, they all want the government to expand. We need to do both, raising taxes and growing spending will continue to hurt this country and in short order we will lose our bond rating, interest rate will raise, inflation will rise and the middle class will be feeling the squeeze.
Actually every time a Democrat is in the White House the federal budget goes down, dupe, while Reagan and Bush tripled and doubled the deficit....

Name the President the last President that reduced the debt, during their term. I like how you play word games, but we are in a lot of trouble in the near future if we don’t pay it down.
The important thing is to reduce the debt in comparison to GDP which has been happening the last 7 years of Obama...

That hasn’t happened. 2011, is was 95% of GDP, in 2012 it was 99%, in 2013 it was 100%, in 2014 it was 102%, 2015 it was 101%, in 2016 it was 105% and in 2017 it was 104%.

So, we started at 95% in 2011 and now we are down to 104%? Is that your claim?
Democrats run on it every year, Dupe. But only the rich and Giant corporations need their taxes raised... After 35 years of Pander to the rich GOP tax rates, they are bloated beyond all recognition...

I don't know of any Democrat that advocates shrinking the budget, they all want the government to expand. We need to do both, raising taxes and growing spending will continue to hurt this country and in short order we will lose our bond rating, interest rate will raise, inflation will rise and the middle class will be feeling the squeeze.
Actually every time a Democrat is in the White House the federal budget goes down, dupe, while Reagan and Bush tripled and doubled the deficit....

Name the President the last President that reduced the debt, during their term. I like how you play word games, but we are in a lot of trouble in the near future if we don’t pay it down.
The important thing is to reduce the debt in comparison to GDP which has been happening the last 7 years of Obama...

That hasn’t happened. 2011, is was 95% of GDP, in 2012 it was 99%, in 2013 it was 100%, in 2014 it was 102%, 2015 it was 101%, in 2016 it was 105% and in 2017 it was 104%.

So, we started at 95% in 2011 and now we are down to 104%? Is that your claim?
Democrats run on it every year, Dupe. But only the rich and Giant corporations need their taxes raised... After 35 years of Pander to the rich GOP tax rates, they are bloated beyond all recognition...

I don't know of any Democrat that advocates shrinking the budget, they all want the government to expand. We need to do both, raising taxes and growing spending will continue to hurt this country and in short order we will lose our bond rating, interest rate will raise, inflation will rise and the middle class will be feeling the squeeze.
Actually every time a Democrat is in the White House the federal budget goes down, dupe, while Reagan and Bush tripled and doubled the deficit....

Name the President the last President that reduced the debt, during their term. I like how you play word games, but we are in a lot of trouble in the near future if we don’t pay it down.
The important thing is to reduce the debt in comparison to GDP which has been happening the last 7 years of Obama...

That hasn’t happened. 2011, is was 95% of GDP, in 2012 it was 99%, in 2013 it was 100%, in 2014 it was 102%, 2015 it was 101%, in 2016 it was 105% and in 2017 it was 104%.

So, we started at 95% in 2011 and now we are down to 104%? Is that your claim?
Okay I accept that... So it's holding steady. now it's going to get worse with Trump's tax cuts... Except in dupe world...
Democrats run on it every year, Dupe. But only the rich and Giant corporations need their taxes raised... After 35 years of Pander to the rich GOP tax rates, they are bloated beyond all recognition...

I don't know of any Democrat that advocates shrinking the budget, they all want the government to expand. We need to do both, raising taxes and growing spending will continue to hurt this country and in short order we will lose our bond rating, interest rate will raise, inflation will rise and the middle class will be feeling the squeeze.
Actually every time a Democrat is in the White House the federal budget goes down, dupe, while Reagan and Bush tripled and doubled the deficit....

Name the President the last President that reduced the debt, during their term. I like how you play word games, but we are in a lot of trouble in the near future if we don’t pay it down.
The important thing is to reduce the debt in comparison to GDP which has been happening the last 7 years of Obama...

That hasn’t happened. 2011, is was 95% of GDP, in 2012 it was 99%, in 2013 it was 100%, in 2014 it was 102%, 2015 it was 101%, in 2016 it was 105% and in 2017 it was 104%.

So, we started at 95% in 2011 and now we are down to 104%? Is that your claim?
No we started at 62 percent in 2008...
I don't know of any Democrat that advocates shrinking the budget, they all want the government to expand. We need to do both, raising taxes and growing spending will continue to hurt this country and in short order we will lose our bond rating, interest rate will raise, inflation will rise and the middle class will be feeling the squeeze.
Actually every time a Democrat is in the White House the federal budget goes down, dupe, while Reagan and Bush tripled and doubled the deficit....

Name the President the last President that reduced the debt, during their term. I like how you play word games, but we are in a lot of trouble in the near future if we don’t pay it down.
The important thing is to reduce the debt in comparison to GDP which has been happening the last 7 years of Obama...

That hasn’t happened. 2011, is was 95% of GDP, in 2012 it was 99%, in 2013 it was 100%, in 2014 it was 102%, 2015 it was 101%, in 2016 it was 105% and in 2017 it was 104%.

So, we started at 95% in 2011 and now we are down to 104%? Is that your claim?
Okay I accept that... So it's holding steady. now it's going to get worse with Trump's tax cuts... Except in dupe world...

You claimed it was reduced, you lied. Holding steady it didn’t, it went up.

I am also upset that Trump cut taxes and raised spending, we need to cut spending and raise taxes as I have said for quite sometime.
You don’t know how to read do you? Because I keep saying that both approaches are wrong and you claim I’m duped? By who, not the Republicans and not the Democrats. You partisan idiots are the problem because all you see is two views and neither is correct.
Actually every time a Democrat is in the White House the federal budget goes down, dupe, while Reagan and Bush tripled and doubled the deficit....

Name the President the last President that reduced the debt, during their term. I like how you play word games, but we are in a lot of trouble in the near future if we don’t pay it down.
The important thing is to reduce the debt in comparison to GDP which has been happening the last 7 years of Obama...

That hasn’t happened. 2011, is was 95% of GDP, in 2012 it was 99%, in 2013 it was 100%, in 2014 it was 102%, 2015 it was 101%, in 2016 it was 105% and in 2017 it was 104%.

So, we started at 95% in 2011 and now we are down to 104%? Is that your claim?
Okay I accept that... So it's holding steady. now it's going to get worse with Trump's tax cuts... Except in dupe world...

You claimed it was reduced, you lied. Holding steady it didn’t, it went up.

I am also upset that Trump cut taxes and raised spending, we need to cut spending and raise taxes as I have said for quite sometime.
You don’t know how to read do you? Because I keep saying that both approaches are wrong and you claim I’m duped? By who, not the Republicans and not the Democrats. You partisan idiots are the problem because all you see is two views and neither is correct.
No I was mistaken. I don't believe anybody's lying except your Heroes in the GOP propaganda machine. Look at Reagan's and W bushes deficits and get ready for Trump's. The GOP is a disgrace and only their propaganda machine keeps them going at all. Pathetic.
Actually every time a Democrat is in the White House the federal budget goes down, dupe, while Reagan and Bush tripled and doubled the deficit....

Name the President the last President that reduced the debt, during their term. I like how you play word games, but we are in a lot of trouble in the near future if we don’t pay it down.
The important thing is to reduce the debt in comparison to GDP which has been happening the last 7 years of Obama...

That hasn’t happened. 2011, is was 95% of GDP, in 2012 it was 99%, in 2013 it was 100%, in 2014 it was 102%, 2015 it was 101%, in 2016 it was 105% and in 2017 it was 104%.

So, we started at 95% in 2011 and now we are down to 104%? Is that your claim?
Okay I accept that... So it's holding steady. now it's going to get worse with Trump's tax cuts... Except in dupe world...

You claimed it was reduced, you lied. Holding steady it didn’t, it went up.

I am also upset that Trump cut taxes and raised spending, we need to cut spending and raise taxes as I have said for quite sometime.
You don’t know how to read do you? Because I keep saying that both approaches are wrong and you claim I’m duped? By who, not the Republicans and not the Democrats. You partisan idiots are the problem because all you see is two views and neither is correct.
If you don't know the Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich you must be in the GOP bubble of ignorance and idiocy.

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