Pocahontas Now Denies Indian Heritage

Not a proven fact, either way. Harvard touted her as an American Indian. At the time Harvard was under pressure for having too many white males, they touted they hired a female Indian.

Make all the excuses you want, bottom line she is she has lied

PROVE that.

Oh wait that's right ------------- you can't.
Yes, he is right. Affirmative action at work.

Yyyyyyyyeah ummmm..... sorry, just posting "yes it is" on a message board does not constitute "proof".

What the fuck kind of floor wax have y'all been snorting that leads you to believe you can just manufacture fake facts by typing them?
Then why did she claim she was part Indian, when she isn't?

Once AGAIN --- prove she isn't.

Are we flummoxed by the meaning of the word "prove" or what?
This forum is about her backing up that claim.
Not a proven fact, either way. Harvard touted her as an American Indian. At the time Harvard was under pressure for having too many white males, they touted they hired a female Indian.

Make all the excuses you want, bottom line she is she has lied

PROVE that.

Oh wait that's right ------------- you can't.
Yes, he is right. Affirmative action at work.

Yyyyyyyyeah ummmm..... sorry, just posting "yes it is" on a message board does not constitute "proof".

What the fuck kind of floor wax have y'all been snorting that leads you to believe you can just manufacture fake facts by typing them?
Then why did she claim she was part Indian, when she isn't?

Once AGAIN --- prove she isn't.

Are we flummoxed by the meaning of the word "prove" or what?
This Tempest in a teapot is all about her family's mythology about her great-grandmother take a f****** break you brainwashed morons. Meanwhile you jackasses think the rich pay too much in taxes and Hillary is evil and corrupt without any evidence. The country is going to hell for 35 years now idiots.
The squaw senator from Mass. is now trying to shed her identity as a native American:

Elizabeth Warren’s surprise address this month on her disputed Native American heritage was just one piece of a concerted campaign by the Massachusetts senator and potential 2020 hopeful to put the controversy behind her.

Derisively nicknamed “Pocahontas” by President Donald Trump over allegations that she used claims of Native American heritage to get a head start in her job search — a claim she and former colleagues strongly deny — Warren has met with close to a dozen tribal leaders and prominent activists recently.

She has also signed onto at least six bills directly related to Native American policy. It’s clearly an organized effort: Four of those co-sponsorships came within two days of her speech, and Warren endorsed two bills around that time even though they’d been introduced months earlier.

Elizabeth Warren's stealth campaign to shed 'Pocahontas'
I laugh at you dumbasses.

Warren never tried to use her heritage to get a job or promotion. That is a proven fact.

Warren was always very clear in how she came to say she was part Native American. It was through family stories.

Her Native American ancestry has never been proven either way. Record keeping years ago in OK was not that great.

I understand that Elizabeth Warren is so =much more intelligent than your orange buddy that she scares the fuck out of both of you.

Not a proven fact, either way. Harvard touted her as an American Indian. At the time Harvard was under pressure for having too many white males, they touted they hired a female Indian.

Make all the excuses you want, bottom line she is she has lied and now is trying to right the ship so the issue doesn't come up during her 2020 campaign. Just more politics and yes both parties do it. It is sad.
You know every lie about Warren
She's a disgrace. Another Hillary Clinton. She represents everything folks hate about Politicians. But hey, y'all go ahead and run her. Whatever.
Wow, younpeople asre so easily duped.

Anyone who voted for Trump has no place calling anyone else a disgrace.

'You pissed on America when you voted for Trump.

'So really, you FEAR Elizabeth Warren because she is intelligent & works for helping real, everyday people.
No, we voted to take our country back.
For the greedy idiot corrupt rich brainwashers, superdupe.
My God dude, you are stupid. All Americans are making more money. The economy is doing great, and we have a president that loves America. Instead of the transvestite, that hated America.
Yes and the rich and giant corporations are especially making more money or keeping it because of lower taxes that will lead to Giant deficits in Good Times just like with Reagan and w so stupid. The economy is no better than it was under Obama it's just your propaganda, stupid. And here comes another GOP corrupt bubble, dumbass. I don't mind the narcissist in Chief, just all his ridiculous policies and lies. All you had to do to get elected was to repeat the garbage character assassination and Bs from Fox and Rush for you idiots. That's the danger the country is in.
That why under Obama they got $40, under Trump they get thousands and raises. Lol, you're a dupe.
PROVE that.

Oh wait that's right ------------- you can't.
Yes, he is right. Affirmative action at work.

Yyyyyyyyeah ummmm..... sorry, just posting "yes it is" on a message board does not constitute "proof".

What the fuck kind of floor wax have y'all been snorting that leads you to believe you can just manufacture fake facts by typing them?
Then why did she claim she was part Indian, when she isn't?

Once AGAIN --- prove she isn't.

Are we flummoxed by the meaning of the word "prove" or what?
This forum is about her backing up that claim.
No this thread is about how stupid and brainwashed misinformed and uninformed ignorant and ridiculous you GOP voters are.
PROVE that.

Oh wait that's right ------------- you can't.
Yes, he is right. Affirmative action at work.

Yyyyyyyyeah ummmm..... sorry, just posting "yes it is" on a message board does not constitute "proof".

What the fuck kind of floor wax have y'all been snorting that leads you to believe you can just manufacture fake facts by typing them?
Then why did she claim she was part Indian, when she isn't?

Once AGAIN --- prove she isn't.

Are we flummoxed by the meaning of the word "prove" or what?
This Tempest in a teapot is all about her family's mythology about her great-grandmother take a f****** break you brainwashed morons. Meanwhile you jackasses think the rich pay too much in taxes and Hillary is evil and corrupt without any evidence. The country is going to hell for 35 years now idiots.
Yeah and you idiots tout this trash.
PROVE that.

Oh wait that's right ------------- you can't.
Yes, he is right. Affirmative action at work.

Yyyyyyyyeah ummmm..... sorry, just posting "yes it is" on a message board does not constitute "proof".

What the fuck kind of floor wax have y'all been snorting that leads you to believe you can just manufacture fake facts by typing them?
Then why did she claim she was part Indian, when she isn't?

Once AGAIN --- prove she isn't.

Are we flummoxed by the meaning of the word "prove" or what?

I love the way the post that brought this canard up ventures out into the swamp of "she lied" ---- and the same post that ventures into that speculation itself started out with, quote:

Not a proven fact, either way.

Beginning of post: facts seem to matter.
Then two sentences later, they don't.

And yet --- no mention of the fact that the OP lied with his title, which evidence is sitting right here on the page.

Ya really can't make this place up.
This forum is about her backing up that claim.

Uhhh --- nnnno Sprinkles, this forum is about general political discussion. In this particular thread we have an OP who put up a lie of a false title and a subject who's accused of a lie of her own heritage. Yet only the first lie has an iota of proof.
Yes, he is right. Affirmative action at work.

Yyyyyyyyeah ummmm..... sorry, just posting "yes it is" on a message board does not constitute "proof".

What the fuck kind of floor wax have y'all been snorting that leads you to believe you can just manufacture fake facts by typing them?
Then why did she claim she was part Indian, when she isn't?

Once AGAIN --- prove she isn't.

Are we flummoxed by the meaning of the word "prove" or what?
This forum is about her backing up that claim.
No this thread is about how stupid and brainwashed misinformed and uninformed ignorant and ridiculous you GOP voters are.
Yes, he is right. Affirmative action at work.

Yyyyyyyyeah ummmm..... sorry, just posting "yes it is" on a message board does not constitute "proof".

What the fuck kind of floor wax have y'all been snorting that leads you to believe you can just manufacture fake facts by typing them?
Then why did she claim she was part Indian, when she isn't?

Once AGAIN --- prove she isn't.

Are we flummoxed by the meaning of the word "prove" or what?
This Tempest in a teapot is all about her family's mythology about her great-grandmother take a f****** break you brainwashed morons. Meanwhile you jackasses think the rich pay too much in taxes and Hillary is evil and corrupt without any evidence. The country is going to hell for 35 years now idiots.
Yeah and you idiots tout this trash.View attachment 179573
Nobody is talking about taking anyone's guns away, brainwashed functional morons.
Yyyyyyyyeah ummmm..... sorry, just posting "yes it is" on a message board does not constitute "proof".

What the fuck kind of floor wax have y'all been snorting that leads you to believe you can just manufacture fake facts by typing them?
Then why did she claim she was part Indian, when she isn't?

Once AGAIN --- prove she isn't.

Are we flummoxed by the meaning of the word "prove" or what?
This Tempest in a teapot is all about her family's mythology about her great-grandmother take a f****** break you brainwashed morons. Meanwhile you jackasses think the rich pay too much in taxes and Hillary is evil and corrupt without any evidence. The country is going to hell for 35 years now idiots.
Yeah and you idiots tout this trash.View attachment 179573
Nobody is talking about taking anyone's guns away, brainwashed functional morons.
It's the end game.
Yyyyyyyyeah ummmm..... sorry, just posting "yes it is" on a message board does not constitute "proof".

What the fuck kind of floor wax have y'all been snorting that leads you to believe you can just manufacture fake facts by typing them?
Then why did she claim she was part Indian, when she isn't?

Once AGAIN --- prove she isn't.

Are we flummoxed by the meaning of the word "prove" or what?
This forum is about her backing up that claim.
No this thread is about how stupid and brainwashed misinformed and uninformed ignorant and ridiculous you GOP voters are.
View attachment 179574
Ever consider the 5000 women used to die a year with illegal abortions. Now it would be 10,000. You are duped totally because the GOP gets your vote for this garbage and then don't even do anything about it when they are in power. Idiot. it's called wedge issues, for morons. Meanwhile we have the greatest inequality injustice crap jobs etc etc of any modern country.
Then why did she claim she was part Indian, when she isn't?

Once AGAIN --- prove she isn't.

Are we flummoxed by the meaning of the word "prove" or what?
This Tempest in a teapot is all about her family's mythology about her great-grandmother take a f****** break you brainwashed morons. Meanwhile you jackasses think the rich pay too much in taxes and Hillary is evil and corrupt without any evidence. The country is going to hell for 35 years now idiots.
Yeah and you idiots tout this trash.View attachment 179573
Nobody is talking about taking anyone's guns away, brainwashed functional morons.
It's the end game.
You are out of your tiny brain washed mind, Dupe.
Then why did she claim she was part Indian, when she isn't?

Once AGAIN --- prove she isn't.

Are we flummoxed by the meaning of the word "prove" or what?
This forum is about her backing up that claim.
No this thread is about how stupid and brainwashed misinformed and uninformed ignorant and ridiculous you GOP voters are.
View attachment 179574
Ever consider the 5000 women used to die a year with illegal abortions. Now it would be 10,000. You are duped totally because the GOP gets your vote for this garbage and then don't even do anything about it when they are in power. Idiot. it's called wedge issues, for morons. Meanwhile we have the greatest inequality injustice crap jobs etc etc of any modern country.
Science is proving that fetuses can feel pain, and 4d ultrasounds are proving to our youth that it's a baby.
Once AGAIN --- prove she isn't.

Are we flummoxed by the meaning of the word "prove" or what?
This Tempest in a teapot is all about her family's mythology about her great-grandmother take a f****** break you brainwashed morons. Meanwhile you jackasses think the rich pay too much in taxes and Hillary is evil and corrupt without any evidence. The country is going to hell for 35 years now idiots.
Yeah and you idiots tout this trash.View attachment 179573
Nobody is talking about taking anyone's guns away, brainwashed functional morons.
It's the end game.
You are out of your tiny brain washed mind, Dupe.
Yes, it's the end game. Liberals want complete power, and with no guns. You get it with an unarmed society.
PROVE that.

Oh wait that's right ------------- you can't.
Yes, he is right. Affirmative action at work.

Yyyyyyyyeah ummmm..... sorry, just posting "yes it is" on a message board does not constitute "proof".

What the fuck kind of floor wax have y'all been snorting that leads you to believe you can just manufacture fake facts by typing them?
Then why did she claim she was part Indian, when she isn't?

Once AGAIN --- prove she isn't.

Are we flummoxed by the meaning of the word "prove" or what?
This Tempest in a teapot is all about her family's mythology about her great-grandmother take a f****** break you brainwashed morons. Meanwhile you jackasses think the rich pay too much in taxes and Hillary is evil and corrupt without any evidence. The country is going to hell for 35 years now idiots.

No one pays enough in taxes that is why we are in debt. We need higher taxes and less spending, no one running for office will ever run on that platform but that is what is best for this country.
Yes, he is right. Affirmative action at work.

Yyyyyyyyeah ummmm..... sorry, just posting "yes it is" on a message board does not constitute "proof".

What the fuck kind of floor wax have y'all been snorting that leads you to believe you can just manufacture fake facts by typing them?
Then why did she claim she was part Indian, when she isn't?

Once AGAIN --- prove she isn't.

Are we flummoxed by the meaning of the word "prove" or what?
This Tempest in a teapot is all about her family's mythology about her great-grandmother take a f****** break you brainwashed morons. Meanwhile you jackasses think the rich pay too much in taxes and Hillary is evil and corrupt without any evidence. The country is going to hell for 35 years now idiots.

No one pays enough in taxes that is why we are in debt. We need higher taxes and less spending, no one running for office will ever run on that platform but that is what is best for this country.
Democrats run on it every year, Dupe. But only the rich and Giant corporations need their taxes raised... After 35 years of Pander to the rich GOP tax rates, they are bloated beyond all recognition...
Yyyyyyyyeah ummmm..... sorry, just posting "yes it is" on a message board does not constitute "proof".

What the fuck kind of floor wax have y'all been snorting that leads you to believe you can just manufacture fake facts by typing them?
Then why did she claim she was part Indian, when she isn't?

Once AGAIN --- prove she isn't.

Are we flummoxed by the meaning of the word "prove" or what?
This Tempest in a teapot is all about her family's mythology about her great-grandmother take a f****** break you brainwashed morons. Meanwhile you jackasses think the rich pay too much in taxes and Hillary is evil and corrupt without any evidence. The country is going to hell for 35 years now idiots.

No one pays enough in taxes that is why we are in debt. We need higher taxes and less spending, no one running for office will ever run on that platform but that is what is best for this country.
Democrats run on it every year, Dupe. But only the rich and Giant corporations need their taxes raised... After 35 years of Pander to the rich GOP tax rates, they are bloated beyond all recognition...

I don't know of any Democrat that advocates shrinking the budget, they all want the government to expand. We need to do both, raising taxes and growing spending will continue to hurt this country and in short order we will lose our bond rating, interest rate will raise, inflation will rise and the middle class will be feeling the squeeze.
Then why did she claim she was part Indian, when she isn't?

Once AGAIN --- prove she isn't.

Are we flummoxed by the meaning of the word "prove" or what?
This Tempest in a teapot is all about her family's mythology about her great-grandmother take a f****** break you brainwashed morons. Meanwhile you jackasses think the rich pay too much in taxes and Hillary is evil and corrupt without any evidence. The country is going to hell for 35 years now idiots.

No one pays enough in taxes that is why we are in debt. We need higher taxes and less spending, no one running for office will ever run on that platform but that is what is best for this country.
Democrats run on it every year, Dupe. But only the rich and Giant corporations need their taxes raised... After 35 years of Pander to the rich GOP tax rates, they are bloated beyond all recognition...

I don't know of any Democrat that advocates shrinking the budget, they all want the government to expand. We need to do both, raising taxes and growing spending will continue to hurt this country and in short order we will lose our bond rating, interest rate will raise, inflation will rise and the middle class will be feeling the squeeze.
Actually every time a Democrat is in the White House the federal budget goes down, dupe, while Reagan and Bush tripled and doubled the deficit....
Once AGAIN --- prove she isn't.

Are we flummoxed by the meaning of the word "prove" or what?
This Tempest in a teapot is all about her family's mythology about her great-grandmother take a f****** break you brainwashed morons. Meanwhile you jackasses think the rich pay too much in taxes and Hillary is evil and corrupt without any evidence. The country is going to hell for 35 years now idiots.

No one pays enough in taxes that is why we are in debt. We need higher taxes and less spending, no one running for office will ever run on that platform but that is what is best for this country.
Democrats run on it every year, Dupe. But only the rich and Giant corporations need their taxes raised... After 35 years of Pander to the rich GOP tax rates, they are bloated beyond all recognition...

I don't know of any Democrat that advocates shrinking the budget, they all want the government to expand. We need to do both, raising taxes and growing spending will continue to hurt this country and in short order we will lose our bond rating, interest rate will raise, inflation will rise and the middle class will be feeling the squeeze.
Actually every time a Democrat is in the White House the federal budget goes down, dupe, while Reagan and Bush tripled and doubled the deficit....
Well Obama degraded our credit rating for the first time in our history.
Didn't she receive a lucrative job by lying about being a 'Minority?' Were Taxpayer Dollars involved with her salary? Are we supposed to just forget she's a conniving thief?
Only in super dupe world, super dupe.

She's a disgrace. Another Hillary Clinton. She represents everything folks hate about Politicians. But hey, y'all go ahead and run her. Whatever.
You dupes are obsessed with this idiocy, while your greedy idiot Heroes rob you blind and wreck your lives... Idiots.

Meanwhile there is no evidence that Hillary or the foundation or Obama etc etc are corrupt or evil... How's the prosecution coming, brainwashed functional morons?

You are on Acid.....

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