Points made at the January 6th committee hearing on July 12th meeting

Cheney shot across the bow of trump's effort to influence witnesses. But has he already gone to far? Does the committee have evidence of witness tampering and holding it for the finale? Stay tuned.

Never underestimate the arrogance and impulsiveness of trump....

Cheney shot across the bow of trump's effort to influence witnesses. But has he already gone to far? Does the committee have evidence of witness tampering and holding it for the finale? Stay tuned.

Never underestimate the arrogance and impulsiveness of trump....

Does anyone around him know anything? Like, does he have any knowledgeable advisers left?
Not that you would know, because you haven't watched any of it and know nothing about it. These are just reflexive cult convulsions on your part.
Your abiding ignorance is in full display. Again. 😂🤣

Are you as fully stupid as to imagine that just because I don’t tune into the clown show that I can’t know what’s happening there?? Damn. You’re amazingly dim-witted.
Does anyone around him know anything? Like, does he have any knowledgeable advisers left?
I gotta think that the committee is saving some juicy stuff for their finale. I mean how many times does the J6 committee have to show that trump is a criminal piece of human waste?
I gotta think that the committee is saving some juicy stuff for their finale. I mean how many times does the J6 committee have to show that trump is a criminal piece of human waste?
Well they are apparently getting approached by people on a daily basis who are willing to testify under oath.
It sure was, but the next time the Democrat hatchet mongers want to scalp President Trump a year and two-thirds later, I think I'll do something else with my time. The last straw was Liz Cheney's massacre on President Trump who has always done the correct and right thing, and Democrats pick something that "looks" bad, but 2 years later it's proven that it was false and they were lying to make their base believe the lies. I want to thank all of them for driving more Democrats who realize they're being hoodwinked over to the conservative's disciplined honesty, because some of them know the ninth commandment of God, brought down from Sinai by Moses warns people not to bear false testimony in court. Omissions are rampant, any emotional response from a betrayed President is not a crime nor even an impeachable offense. I associate lying Democrats with vomitus, and I'm not the only one. Yes, that was an incredible lie designed to rile up people and make them mad while the Clinton war room, still active, achieves some more masterpiece half-truths to lynch President Trump and all Republicans and conservatives who believe in his success in bringing peace on earth while he was in office. I pray for President Trump and his family every day, and to God with gratitude with bringing to us a great man who endured the longest siege of evil women abusing their Congress seats, smearing him with lies, exaggerations, and false witness. Thanks to them, gas prices are through the roof and we have inflation as bad the Depression. And women who have murdered their babies since Roe v. Wade by engaging in a ritual of demonic witch history of murdering their babies, are doubling their wrongdoing by hammering down on the private lives of the Supreme Court justices that President Trump chose according to the Constitution and some of the most excellent legal advisers in America.

I hope the people in the state of Wyoming are as horrified by the lies told today as I was, and that they replace Witch Cheney immediately with someone who isn't so easily moved by clever lies and demonic attitudes toward innocent people. It takes a lot to make good people angry, so my prayers are with whatever the state decides to do, because the people are decent and kind there, and I know they will do what's best for the most as they are realists who are loaded with a love for friends and faithfulness to doing the right thing.
Well they are apparently getting approached by people on a daily basis who are willing to testify under oath.
Hand over the evidence to the DOJ. They have done a great job in exposing trump for the criminal we have all known he is.
Your abiding ignorance is in full display. Again. 😂🤣

Are you as fully stupid as to imagine that just because I don’t tune into the clown show that I can’t know what’s happening there?? Damn. You’re amazingly dim-witted.
A very successful day for the Committee
Lots of damaging testimony from ole trump supporters turned realists.

That’s gotta hurt.

It was a good day
BackAgain the douche had a terrible day and I love it.
A very successful day for the Committee
Lots of damaging testimony from ole trump supporters turned realists.

That’s gotta hurt.

It was a good day
BackAgain the douche had a terrible day and I love it.
The common thread?

Their radicalization came from listening to Trump. Trump had the power of the presidency behind his words. Had they not believed his lies, they would have behaved differently.
I've been married for 43 years.
Our fucking days are long over.

That's just plain sick.
An Arizona couple, both well into their 80's, go to a sex therapist's office.The doctor asks, 'What can I do for you?' The man says, 'Will you watch us have sexual intercourse?'The doctor raises both eyebrows, but he is so amazed that such an elderly couple is asking for sexual advice that he agrees.

When the couple finishes, the doctor says, 'There's absolutely nothing wrong with the way you have intercourse..' He thanks them for coming, he wishes them good luck, he charges them 50 and he says goodbye.

The next week, the same couple returns and asks the sex therapist to watch again. The sex therapist is a bit puzzled, but agrees. This happens several weeks in a row. The couple makes an appointment, has intercourse with no problems, pays the doctor, then leaves.

Finally, after 3 months of this routine, the doctor says, 'I'm sorry, but I have to ask. Just what are you trying to find out?'The man says, 'We're not trying to find out anything. She's married so we can't go to her house. I'm married and we can't go to my house.The Holiday Inn charges 98.The Hilton charges 139.We do it here for 50, and Medicare pays 43 of it, leaving my net cost of 7.
A very successful day for the Committee
Lots of damaging testimony from ole trump supporters turned realists.

That’s gotta hurt.

It was a good day
BackAgain the douche had a terrible day and I love it.

Too bad miketx is too much of a pussy to attend the events and fight but also sad that he denies that these ^^^^^ events happened.
A very successful day for the Committee
Lots of damaging testimony from ole trump supporters turned realists.

That’s gotta hurt.

It was a good day
BackAgain the douche had a terrible day and I love it.
trump has to be pulling his orange hair out.... :biggrin:

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