

Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Old Landser (German Nationalist Band) song, quiete anti-polish, it disappeared completely everywhere from the net, either the media censored it or german nationalists changed their mind and took it down themselfes, because it is anti-white.

The song intro is funny and awesome... Morti revives Polakentango on the net because it is beautifully divisive hence anti-white, Morti as secret anti-white spy...

Wenn das Deutschlandlied auf der Marienburg erklingt....

Old Landser (German Nationalist Band) song, quiete anti-polish, it disappeared completely everywhere from the net, either the media censored it or german nationalists changed their mind and took it down themselfes, because it is anti-white.

The song intro is funny and awesome... Morti revives Polakentango on the net because it is beautifully divisive hence anti-white, Morti as secret anti-white spy...

Wenn das Deutschlandlied auf der Marienburg erklingt....

It is not anti-white, it just excludes Poles from the "white race". Funny thing is, how you know you got the song from a Polish bootleg: "Du lügst, du Polacke" has been cut out from the song intro, lol.
Also, it is available everywhere. You do´t even need to visit "white" websites.

It is not anti-white, it just excludes Poles from the "white race". Funny thing is, how you know you got the song from a Polish bootleg: "Du lügst, du Polacke" has been cut out from the song intro, lol.
Also, it is available everywhere. You do´t even need to visit "white" websites.

Another thing I noticed there are much less (almost none) "Skinhead" types anymore, with bomberjackets, boots, white power stickers, pitbull germany shirts etc. shaved heads etc. or maybe they didnt changed their mind just they are not as visible anymore because they changed their fashion and behaviour? Definitely much more in the 90s and 2000s.
Another thing I noticed there are much less (almost none) "Skinhead" types anymore, with bomberjackets, boots, white power stickers, pitbull germany shirts etc. shaved heads etc. or maybe they didnt changed their mind just they are not as visible anymore because they changed their fashion and behaviour? Definitely much more in the 90s and 2000s.
They grew into old people and figured out how stupid they looked.
Another thing I noticed there are much less (almost none) "Skinhead" types anymore, with bomberjackets, boots, white power stickers, pitbull germany shirts etc. shaved heads etc. or maybe they didnt changed their mind just they are not as visible anymore because they changed their fashion and behaviour? Definitely much more in the 90s and 2000s.
Yeah, the Skinhead cult is dead.
Morti is also a morbidly obese buffoon .

Oder , dummkopf , mein riesige kuhfladen .

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