Poland saved Europe many times.

Look how prejudged you yourselves are toward Russia and its people

Tell that to Trizub he has long thought I was pro-Russia / pro- Russian.

You used to be. You always supported Russia over Ukraine, even after it invaded.

I've always attacked Russians, and Russia.
Liar. You didn't on Topix.

That's true. Limpy never attacked Russians or Russia on Topix. He even supported Russia's annexation of Crimea. He's a Ukrainophobe.

I always pointed out Russia's high murder rate, and Soviet crimes like Katyn Massacre, the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937-1938 & the Holodomor.
With Ryszard Kuklinski helped prevent WW3.

Ryszard Kukliński - Wikipedia

As well as Polish Solidarity helped collapse the Soviet Union.

Solidarity (Polish trade union) - Wikipedia

Helped saved Britain from Nazis in the Battle of Britain.

No. 303 Squadron RAF - Wikipedia

Saved Europe from Soviets in 1920.

Battle of Warsaw (1920) - Wikipedia
The British diplomat Edgar Vincent regards this event as one of the most important battles in history on his expanded list of most decisive battles, since the Polish victory over the Soviets stopped the spread of communism to Europe

Saved Ireland in the Irish Potato famine.

Polish explorer who saved over 200,000 during Irish Famine remembered in new exhibit

Saved Europe from Islamic Tatars, like at Hodow & long before.

Battle of Hodów - Wikipedia

Saved Europe from Islamic Ottoman Turks at Vienna, Khotyn, and else where.

Battle of Vienna - Wikipedia

Battle of Khotyn (1621) - Wikipedia

Helped Saved Europe from Mongols in Legnica.

Battle of Legnica - Wikipedia
Surrendered to the germans in a record 20 minutes

That's Czechoslovakia.
Poland lasted 1 month & 5 days against the 2 biggest countries in Europe at the time, Nazi Germany & the Soviet Union.

Only about about a week less than much bigger France
Who had help from Britain & didn't have Soviets also invade.
The polish air force was defeated in under an hour

Yes, Poland had failed to modernize their forces after WWI. They used both tactics and equipment for the 19th century. Even so, the Hussars drove fear into invading Russian troops who never expected mounted cavalry charges. Unfortunately, Nazi air power utterly destroyed the winged warriors.

With Ryszard Kuklinski helped prevent WW3.

Ryszard Kukliński - Wikipedia

As well as Polish Solidarity helped collapse the Soviet Union.

Solidarity (Polish trade union) - Wikipedia

Helped saved Britain from Nazis in the Battle of Britain.

No. 303 Squadron RAF - Wikipedia

Saved Europe from Soviets in 1920.

Battle of Warsaw (1920) - Wikipedia
The British diplomat Edgar Vincent regards this event as one of the most important battles in history on his expanded list of most decisive battles, since the Polish victory over the Soviets stopped the spread of communism to Europe

Saved Ireland in the Irish Potato famine.

Polish explorer who saved over 200,000 during Irish Famine remembered in new exhibit

Saved Europe from Islamic Tatars, like at Hodow & long before.

Battle of Hodów - Wikipedia

Saved Europe from Islamic Ottoman Turks at Vienna, Khotyn, and else where.

Battle of Vienna - Wikipedia

Battle of Khotyn (1621) - Wikipedia

Helped Saved Europe from Mongols in Legnica.

Battle of Legnica - Wikipedia
Surrendered to the germans in a record 20 minutes

That's Czechoslovakia.
Poland lasted 1 month & 5 days against the 2 biggest countries in Europe at the time, Nazi Germany & the Soviet Union.

Only about about a week less than much bigger France
Who had help from Britain & didn't have Soviets also invade.
The polish air force was defeated in under an hour

Yes, Poland had failed to modernize their forces after WWI. They used both tactics and equipment for the 19th century. Even so, the Hussars drove fear into invading Russian troops who never expected mounted cavalry charges. Unfortunately, Nazi air power utterly destroyed the winged warriors.


The Nazi German army was 80% Horse Drawn.

You ignorant A-Hole.
With Ryszard Kuklinski helped prevent WW3.

Ryszard Kukliński - Wikipedia

As well as Polish Solidarity helped collapse the Soviet Union.

Solidarity (Polish trade union) - Wikipedia

Helped saved Britain from Nazis in the Battle of Britain.

No. 303 Squadron RAF - Wikipedia

Saved Europe from Soviets in 1920.

Battle of Warsaw (1920) - Wikipedia
The British diplomat Edgar Vincent regards this event as one of the most important battles in history on his expanded list of most decisive battles, since the Polish victory over the Soviets stopped the spread of communism to Europe

Saved Ireland in the Irish Potato famine.

Polish explorer who saved over 200,000 during Irish Famine remembered in new exhibit

Saved Europe from Islamic Tatars, like at Hodow & long before.

Battle of Hodów - Wikipedia

Saved Europe from Islamic Ottoman Turks at Vienna, Khotyn, and else where.

Battle of Vienna - Wikipedia

Battle of Khotyn (1621) - Wikipedia

Helped Saved Europe from Mongols in Legnica.

Battle of Legnica - Wikipedia
Surrendered to the germans in a record 20 minutes

That's Czechoslovakia.
Poland lasted 1 month & 5 days against the 2 biggest countries in Europe at the time, Nazi Germany & the Soviet Union.

Only about about a week less than much bigger France
Who had help from Britain & didn't have Soviets also invade.
The polish air force was defeated in under an hour

Yes, Poland had failed to modernize their forces after WWI. They used both tactics and equipment for the 19th century. Even so, the Hussars drove fear into invading Russian troops who never expected mounted cavalry charges. Unfortunately, Nazi air power utterly destroyed the winged warriors.


The Nazi German army 80% Horse Drawn.

You ignorant AHole.


Horses were used for transport. The Nazis were not mounting cavalry charges. The Poles were, and they were effective against the Russians. But the Nazis changed the game by having the Luftwaffe simply slaughter the Hussars. It's hard to ride down an airplane.

You're just like Asslips, puffed up on racist hyperbole.
Surrendered to the germans in a record 20 minutes

That's Czechoslovakia.
Poland lasted 1 month & 5 days against the 2 biggest countries in Europe at the time, Nazi Germany & the Soviet Union.

Only about about a week less than much bigger France
Who had help from Britain & didn't have Soviets also invade.
The polish air force was defeated in under an hour

Yes, Poland had failed to modernize their forces after WWI. They used both tactics and equipment for the 19th century. Even so, the Hussars drove fear into invading Russian troops who never expected mounted cavalry charges. Unfortunately, Nazi air power utterly destroyed the winged warriors.


The Nazi German army 80% Horse Drawn.

You ignorant AHole.


Horses were used for transport. The Nazis were not mounting cavalry charges. The Poles were, and they were effective against the Russians. But the Nazis changed the game by having the Luftwaffe simply slaughter the Hussars. It's hard to ride down an airplane.

You're just like Asslips, puffed up on racist hyperbole.

What a dumb@$$.

German cavalry fought Polish cavalry.

Battle of Krasnobród (1939) - Wikipedia
That's Czechoslovakia.
Poland lasted 1 month & 5 days against the 2 biggest countries in Europe at the time, Nazi Germany & the Soviet Union.

Only about about a week less than much bigger France
Who had help from Britain & didn't have Soviets also invade.
The polish air force was defeated in under an hour

Yes, Poland had failed to modernize their forces after WWI. They used both tactics and equipment for the 19th century. Even so, the Hussars drove fear into invading Russian troops who never expected mounted cavalry charges. Unfortunately, Nazi air power utterly destroyed the winged warriors.


The Nazi German army 80% Horse Drawn.

You ignorant AHole.


Horses were used for transport. The Nazis were not mounting cavalry charges. The Poles were, and they were effective against the Russians. But the Nazis changed the game by having the Luftwaffe simply slaughter the Hussars. It's hard to ride down an airplane.

You're just like Asslips, puffed up on racist hyperbole.

What a dumb@$$.

German cavalry fought Polish cavalry.

Battle of Krasnobród (1939) - Wikipedia

Did you even read your own link?

{At approximately 7am a group of Polish cavalry of the Nowogródek Cavalry Brigade left the forests halfway between Zamość and Tomaszów Lubelski. The 25th Greater Poland Uhlan Regiment under Col. Bogdan Stachlewski formed the front guard of the formation and was entrusted with recapturing the pivotal town of Krasnobród. The German 8th Infantry Division}

They were fighting infantry.
The polish air force was defeated in under an hour

Yes, Poland had failed to modernize their forces after WWI. They used both tactics and equipment for the 19th century. Even so, the Hussars drove fear into invading Russian troops who never expected mounted cavalry charges. Unfortunately, Nazi air power utterly destroyed the winged warriors.


The Nazi German army 80% Horse Drawn.

You ignorant AHole.


Horses were used for transport. The Nazis were not mounting cavalry charges. The Poles were, and they were effective against the Russians. But the Nazis changed the game by having the Luftwaffe simply slaughter the Hussars. It's hard to ride down an airplane.

You're just like Asslips, puffed up on racist hyperbole.

What a dumb@$$.

German cavalry fought Polish cavalry.

Battle of Krasnobród (1939) - Wikipedia

Did you even read your own link?

{At approximately 7am a group of Polish cavalry of the Nowogródek Cavalry Brigade left the forests halfway between Zamość and Tomaszów Lubelski. The 25th Greater Poland Uhlan Regiment under Col. Bogdan Stachlewski formed the front guard of the formation and was entrusted with recapturing the pivotal town of Krasnobród. The German 8th Infantry Division}

They were fighting infantry.

You must have reading disability.

It says Cavalry on both sides & lists East Prussian heavy Cavalry on the Right.

It also says POLISH VICTORY.
Are you crazy? This is a trend all over Europe and now the US and you think Putin is behind it all? LOL. It was Merkel and the EU. Oh and all those Poles in the UK. Remember all the videos we used to watch years ago?

No I'm not crazy! There's proof Putin has done it. Why do you think extreme right winger Farage supports Putin! Putin wants to destroy the EU. What have Merkel and Polaks in the UK got to do with funding far right parties? Merkel is pro immigration!
The EU was formed to destroy the USA as the only economic superpower it failed


It wasn't and it may be a competitor to thr USA, but it's not it's enemy
Again kid the EU was designed to be an economic superpower to compete with the USA

Game over

The EU isn't finished yet and will get stronger even without the UK.
Time will tell, I still say the frank is coming back
Everything and anything you write about Russia! You just called Putin a Nazi too! I'm mad at you!!

Everything? Are you and Baron related? :)
So who has been funding all extreme right wing political parties in Europe, including Farage's. A clue his initials are VP. :)
Are you crazy? This is a trend all over Europe and now the US and you think Putin is behind it all? LOL. It was Merkel and the EU. Oh and all those Poles in the UK. Remember all the videos we used to watch years ago?

No I'm not crazy! There's proof Putin has done it. Why do you think extreme right winger Farage supports Putin! Putin wants to destroy the EU. What have Merkel and Polaks in the UK got to do with funding far right parties? Merkel is pro immigration!
The EU was formed to destroy the USA as the only economic superpower it failed


It wasn't and it may be a competitor to thr USA, but it's not it's enemy
The EU was designed to make Europe a collective superpower, it's failing because they all hate each other
such a BS article-----sobie dear

Yeah sure, because with names like Kopenstein, and Wittenberg creating the article.....

no matter who wrote the article-----from the standpoint of actual
sociology---it reveals NOTHING

Poland's never had more than a major minority as Communists.
Even a strong disproportionate amount of it's Communists, were Kosher, Ukrainian, or Belarussian.

A major minority? The major amount of commies in Poland were Polaks.

Stalin propped up anti-Polish traitors in Soviet Poland.

You know that.

Many of them had Kosher origins.
Like Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Roman Romkowski, Jozef Rozanski, Hillary Minc, Jozef Swiatlo, Maria Gurowska, Stefan Michnik, Helena Wolinska- Brus, Jozef Cyrankiewicz, Pawel Finder, Roman Zambrowski.

The majority were still Polaks.
Everything? Are you and Baron related? :)
So who has been funding all extreme right wing political parties in Europe, including Farage's. A clue his initials are VP. :)
Are you crazy? This is a trend all over Europe and now the US and you think Putin is behind it all? LOL. It was Merkel and the EU. Oh and all those Poles in the UK. Remember all the videos we used to watch years ago?

No I'm not crazy! There's proof Putin has done it. Why do you think extreme right winger Farage supports Putin! Putin wants to destroy the EU. What have Merkel and Polaks in the UK got to do with funding far right parties? Merkel is pro immigration!
The EU was formed to destroy the USA as the only economic superpower it failed


It wasn't and it may be a competitor to thr USA, but it's not it's enemy
The EU was designed to make Europe a collective superpower, it's failing because they all hate each other

It is a collective superpower. The Euro is one of the two most important currencies. They don't all hate each other, why do you think that?
Yeah sure, because with names like Kopenstein, and Wittenberg creating the article.....

no matter who wrote the article-----from the standpoint of actual
sociology---it reveals NOTHING

Poland's never had more than a major minority as Communists.
Even a strong disproportionate amount of it's Communists, were Kosher, Ukrainian, or Belarussian.

A major minority? The major amount of commies in Poland were Polaks.

Stalin propped up anti-Polish traitors in Soviet Poland.

You know that.

Many of them had Kosher origins.
Like Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Roman Romkowski, Jozef Rozanski, Hillary Minc, Jozef Swiatlo, Maria Gurowska, Stefan Michnik, Helena Wolinska- Brus, Jozef Cyrankiewicz, Pawel Finder, Roman Zambrowski.

The majority were still Polaks.

the searching of family trees for a remote jewish relative is a time
honored and holy custom in the great land of Poland. It is just
about the only biology lesson offered in the basic education of polish
kids in High School
Tell that to Trizub he has long thought I was pro-Russia / pro- Russian.

You used to be. You always supported Russia over Ukraine, even after it invaded.

I've always attacked Russians, and Russia.
Liar. You didn't on Topix.

That's true. Limpy never attacked Russians or Russia on Topix. He even supported Russia's annexation of Crimea. He's a Ukrainophobe.

I always pointed out Russia's high murder rate, and Soviet crimes like Katyn Massacre, the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937-1938 & the Holodomor.

Do you support Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea or not?
Yeah sure, because with names like Kopenstein, and Wittenberg creating the article.....

no matter who wrote the article-----from the standpoint of actual
sociology---it reveals NOTHING

Poland's never had more than a major minority as Communists.
Even a strong disproportionate amount of it's Communists, were Kosher, Ukrainian, or Belarussian.

A major minority? The major amount of commies in Poland were Polaks.

Stalin propped up anti-Polish traitors in Soviet Poland.

You know that.

Many of them had Kosher origins.
Like Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Roman Romkowski, Jozef Rozanski, Hillary Minc, Jozef Swiatlo, Maria Gurowska, Stefan Michnik, Helena Wolinska- Brus, Jozef Cyrankiewicz, Pawel Finder, Roman Zambrowski.

The majority were still Polaks.

So, Poland went from 2.5% voting Communist in 1928, to 80.1% voting Communist in 1947?

Wow, you really are an anti-Polish, idiot.

In the highest ranks of early Poland, a lot of the high ranking leaders were in fact of Kosher origins.

It's a fact.
no matter who wrote the article-----from the standpoint of actual
sociology---it reveals NOTHING

Poland's never had more than a major minority as Communists.
Even a strong disproportionate amount of it's Communists, were Kosher, Ukrainian, or Belarussian.

A major minority? The major amount of commies in Poland were Polaks.

Stalin propped up anti-Polish traitors in Soviet Poland.

You know that.

Many of them had Kosher origins.
Like Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Roman Romkowski, Jozef Rozanski, Hillary Minc, Jozef Swiatlo, Maria Gurowska, Stefan Michnik, Helena Wolinska- Brus, Jozef Cyrankiewicz, Pawel Finder, Roman Zambrowski.

The majority were still Polaks.

So, Poland went from 2.5% voting Communist in 1928, to 80.1% voting Communist in 1947?

Wow, you really are an anti-Polish, idiot.

In the highest ranks of early Poland, a lot of the high ranking leaders were in fact of Kosher origins.

It's a fact.

sheeeesh my poor little obsessed pierogi--------try to get over the teachings
of that little old catechism-----uhm---"person"
Surrendered to the germans in a record 20 minutes

That's Czechoslovakia.
Poland lasted 1 month & 5 days against the 2 biggest countries in Europe at the time, Nazi Germany & the Soviet Union.

Only about about a week less than much bigger France
Who had help from Britain & didn't have Soviets also invade.
The polish air force was defeated in under an hour

Yes, Poland had failed to modernize their forces after WWI. They used both tactics and equipment for the 19th century. Even so, the Hussars drove fear into invading Russian troops who never expected mounted cavalry charges. Unfortunately, Nazi air power utterly destroyed the winged warriors.


The Nazi German army 80% Horse Drawn.

You ignorant AHole.


Horses were used for transport. The Nazis were not mounting cavalry charges. The Poles were, and they were effective against the Russians. But the Nazis changed the game by having the Luftwaffe simply slaughter the Hussars. It's hard to ride down an airplane.

You're just like Asslips, puffed up on racist hyperbole.

BTW, What Hussars?
Just like with German, or Soviet, or French etc. Cavalry in WW2, Polish Cavalry was armed with advanced weaponry.

Polish Cavalry often had Wz-35 anti-Tank guns, or Bofors 37mm field guns.

Also Poland had tanks in WW2, like the 7TP, with the first Tank Periscope in the World, and the first Diesel Tank in Europe.

Although, this Polish Tank was better armed & armored than German Panzers at the time, except maybe the Czech Skoda 38(T) Panzer, they stole from Czechoslovakia.

These Polish Tanks often ran out Gas.

Unlike Nazi Germany which had a steady supply of Soviet Oil & other resources fueling their war effort, in the German - Soviet Credit Agreement / German - Soviet Commercial Agreement.
You used to be. You always supported Russia over Ukraine, even after it invaded.

I've always attacked Russians, and Russia.
Liar. You didn't on Topix.

That's true. Limpy never attacked Russians or Russia on Topix. He even supported Russia's annexation of Crimea. He's a Ukrainophobe.

I always pointed out Russia's high murder rate, and Soviet crimes like Katyn Massacre, the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937-1938 & the Holodomor.

Do you support Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea or not?

Crimea was historically Tatar territories, and it is in fact more Russian, than Ukrainian, but ONLY because the Russians deported Tatars in WW2, and then brought in Russian settlers.
no matter who wrote the article-----from the standpoint of actual
sociology---it reveals NOTHING

Poland's never had more than a major minority as Communists.
Even a strong disproportionate amount of it's Communists, were Kosher, Ukrainian, or Belarussian.

A major minority? The major amount of commies in Poland were Polaks.

Stalin propped up anti-Polish traitors in Soviet Poland.

You know that.

Many of them had Kosher origins.
Like Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Roman Romkowski, Jozef Rozanski, Hillary Minc, Jozef Swiatlo, Maria Gurowska, Stefan Michnik, Helena Wolinska- Brus, Jozef Cyrankiewicz, Pawel Finder, Roman Zambrowski.

The majority were still Polaks.

So, Poland went from 2.5% voting Communist in 1928, to 80.1% voting Communist in 1947?

Wow, you really are an anti-Polish, idiot.

In the highest ranks of early Poland, a lot of the high ranking leaders were in fact of Kosher origins.

It's a fact.

I'm actually not that anti Polish. You are very anti Ukrainian though. I remember all the anti Ukrainian things you wrote on Topix.
I've always attacked Russians, and Russia.
Liar. You didn't on Topix.

That's true. Limpy never attacked Russians or Russia on Topix. He even supported Russia's annexation of Crimea. He's a Ukrainophobe.

I always pointed out Russia's high murder rate, and Soviet crimes like Katyn Massacre, the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937-1938 & the Holodomor.

Do you support Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea or not?

Crimea was historically Tatar territories, and it is in fact more Russian, than Ukrainian, but ONLY because the Russians deported Tatars in WW2, and then brought in Russian settlers.

You didn't answer the question.

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