Poland saved Europe many times.

Liar. You didn't on Topix.

That's true. Limpy never attacked Russians or Russia on Topix. He even supported Russia's annexation of Crimea. He's a Ukrainophobe.

I always pointed out Russia's high murder rate, and Soviet crimes like Katyn Massacre, the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937-1938 & the Holodomor.

Do you support Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea or not?

Crimea was historically Tatar territories, and it is in fact more Russian, than Ukrainian, but ONLY because the Russians deported Tatars in WW2, and then brought in Russian settlers.

You didn't answer the question.

If the Zion can invade Palestine for 70+ years.
I fail to see why Russia can't invade majority Russian Crimea.
That's true. Limpy never attacked Russians or Russia on Topix. He even supported Russia's annexation of Crimea. He's a Ukrainophobe.

I always pointed out Russia's high murder rate, and Soviet crimes like Katyn Massacre, the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937-1938 & the Holodomor.

Do you support Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea or not?

Crimea was historically Tatar territories, and it is in fact more Russian, than Ukrainian, but ONLY because the Russians deported Tatars in WW2, and then brought in Russian settlers.

You didn't answer the question.

If the Zion can invade Palestine for 70+ years.
I fail to see why Russia can't invade majority Russian Crimea.

As I suspected. Ukrainophobe.
I always pointed out Russia's high murder rate, and Soviet crimes like Katyn Massacre, the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937-1938 & the Holodomor.

Do you support Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea or not?

Crimea was historically Tatar territories, and it is in fact more Russian, than Ukrainian, but ONLY because the Russians deported Tatars in WW2, and then brought in Russian settlers.

You didn't answer the question.

If the Zion can invade Palestine for 70+ years.
I fail to see why Russia can't invade majority Russian Crimea.

As I suspected. Ukrainophobe.

So, do you support the Zionist invaders?

Do they call you Kosher Moshe?
Are you crazy? This is a trend all over Europe and now the US and you think Putin is behind it all? LOL. It was Merkel and the EU. Oh and all those Poles in the UK. Remember all the videos we used to watch years ago?

No I'm not crazy! There's proof Putin has done it. Why do you think extreme right winger Farage supports Putin! Putin wants to destroy the EU. What have Merkel and Polaks in the UK got to do with funding far right parties? Merkel is pro immigration!
The EU was formed to destroy the USA as the only economic superpower it failed


It wasn't and it may be a competitor to thr USA, but it's not it's enemy
The EU was designed to make Europe a collective superpower, it's failing because they all hate each other

It is a collective superpower. The Euro is one of the two most important currencies. They don't all hate each other, why do you think that?
The Euro is a joke, soon to be gone
Do you support Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea or not?

Crimea was historically Tatar territories, and it is in fact more Russian, than Ukrainian, but ONLY because the Russians deported Tatars in WW2, and then brought in Russian settlers.

You didn't answer the question.

If the Zion can invade Palestine for 70+ years.
I fail to see why Russia can't invade majority Russian Crimea.

As I suspected. Ukrainophobe.

So, do you support the Zionist invaders?

Do they call you Kosher Moshe?
Do you own any weapons?
Do you support Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea or not?

Crimea was historically Tatar territories, and it is in fact more Russian, than Ukrainian, but ONLY because the Russians deported Tatars in WW2, and then brought in Russian settlers.

You didn't answer the question.

If the Zion can invade Palestine for 70+ years.
I fail to see why Russia can't invade majority Russian Crimea.

As I suspected. Ukrainophobe.

So, do you support the Zionist invaders?

Do they call you Kosher Moshe?

That's got nothing to do with the Crimea situation. Why you always have to bring your fellow Jews into everything I don't know.

In reply to your question no I don't.

Is that the name of your rabbi? :)
No I'm not crazy! There's proof Putin has done it. Why do you think extreme right winger Farage supports Putin! Putin wants to destroy the EU. What have Merkel and Polaks in the UK got to do with funding far right parties? Merkel is pro immigration!
The EU was formed to destroy the USA as the only economic superpower it failed


It wasn't and it may be a competitor to thr USA, but it's not it's enemy
The EU was designed to make Europe a collective superpower, it's failing because they all hate each other

It is a collective superpower. The Euro is one of the two most important currencies. They don't all hate each other, why do you think that?
The Euro is a joke, soon to be gone

In your dreams.
The EU was formed to destroy the USA as the only economic superpower it failed


It wasn't and it may be a competitor to thr USA, but it's not it's enemy
The EU was designed to make Europe a collective superpower, it's failing because they all hate each other

It is a collective superpower. The Euro is one of the two most important currencies. They don't all hate each other, why do you think that?
The Euro is a joke, soon to be gone

In your dreams.
We shall see, the dominoes are about to fall
Are you crazy? This is a trend all over Europe and now the US and you think Putin is behind it all? LOL. It was Merkel and the EU. Oh and all those Poles in the UK. Remember all the videos we used to watch years ago?

No I'm not crazy! There's proof Putin has done it. Why do you think extreme right winger Farage supports Putin! Putin wants to destroy the EU. What have Merkel and Polaks in the UK got to do with funding far right parties? Merkel is pro immigration!
You are! Where's your proof? Post it here so we can see. You want the far left to support Putin?? LOL Putin just wants more friendly relations with EU countries. He's been trying to pull them away individually for at least 10 yrs now. He wants them to end those sanctions so of course he wouldn't mind seeing an end to the EU.

OMG Polaks are far right! Haven't you been seeing the news about it?!

Poland is pushing the EU into crisis

EU weighs costs of punishing Poland | DW | 19.07.2019

Poland is anti immigration! They w
on't let any muslims in! We argued about this already!

I will! I don't want anyone to support Putin. :) Of course he does ...n't! He'd just get individual sanctions from each of the countries which left the EU. :)

They're not the only country in that doesn't want muslims! Trump is anti immigration!
You will what? You will be crazy? Too late! :) Aww! :boo_hoo14: LOL and how effective would individual sanctions be? All he needs is one country to vote against extending those sanctions and it's over.

No Trump is anti illegal immigration.

I will provide a link! Very funny!

As effective as EU sanctions are now, of course Macron the rat would drop sanctions, but that won't happen, because France won't be leaving the EU. :)

He's anti immigration and pro resettlement. LOL!
A link proving you're crazy? We don't need one!

I would guess Italy or maybe Austria. They aren't leaving the EU either.

He's anti illegal immigration and he's pro Israel.
OMG you aren't that dumb!

You said "So who has been funding all extreme right wing political parties in Europe" and I showed you a potential source.

I didn't watch your video.

Even if they have, Putin has funded them much more.
Of course not, you think CNN is run by the KGB!

How much has Putin given them then? You have no idea! Because you're making it all up!

No I don't, that's Bloomberg. :)

Millions. I'm not making it up!
And who else?" The NYT and Fox and...? I forgot them all :)

Then post a link to prove it please!

Oh yes, I forgot those. :)

Why Putin Is Bolstering Europe's Far-Right Populism

Putin’s far-right ambition: Think-tank reveals how Russian President

You don't even like the Independent lol
I'm ethnically Jewish though!

Your great grandfathers fifth cousin doesn't qualify you as being Jewish. :)
I'm 3% Ashkenazi and 5% Sephardic! I have a 5th cousin in Israel!

What's his or her name? :)
I don't have one and you know it! I can't spell that, you can though! Is that something made with fish??

You claimed you were Jewish, so why don't you have one? A Jew would know how to spell it! I think it's the Jewish festival of fish. :)
Why would I have one when I was raised Catholic?! Much like your "Polish Jewish" buddy Abe or your friend Limpy :) You know how to spell it! Does that mean you're Jewish?! OMG! LOL. I have no idea but thanks for the info, Jewish Trizub :21:

Limpy isn't my friend and he was raised Jewish! No, it just means I'm better at spelling than you are. :) I said "I think"! If you want to know what it is ask Limpy. :)
He is though! He's attacking Russia and defending Ukraine! You said only a Jew could spell his name and I know for a fact that you can! You ask him! He always liked you better! :)

No he's not! Where? He voted your anti Ukrainian comment funny! Where did I say that? I copied and pasted it anyway. :) You ask him, you want to know! No he didn't! You were his favourite. :)
He is your friend! You were so happy to see him again! :11_2_1043:
My comment was funny! You said that on the other site! So you admit you can't spell?! I'm not the one who brought up kippers, you did! I don't even know what that is! I was never anyone's favorite :boo_hoo14:
I'm ethnically Jewish though!

Your great grandfathers fifth cousin doesn't qualify you as being Jewish. :)
I'm 3% Ashkenazi and 5% Sephardic! I have a 5th cousin in Israel!

What's his or her name? :)

Oh yes your fifth cousin Haim. :)
You made that up. LOL!
No I didn't make it up. I did that dna test and he wrote to me. He said "Shalom" and it freaked me out. Do I say Shalom back even though I'm not Jewish?! Is that like Aloha? So that's what I wrote back, Aloha.
Are you crazy? This is a trend all over Europe and now the US and you think Putin is behind it all? LOL. It was Merkel and the EU. Oh and all those Poles in the UK. Remember all the videos we used to watch years ago?

No I'm not crazy! There's proof Putin has done it. Why do you think extreme right winger Farage supports Putin! Putin wants to destroy the EU. What have Merkel and Polaks in the UK got to do with funding far right parties? Merkel is pro immigration!
The EU was formed to destroy the USA as the only economic superpower it failed

Let's see what happens after Brexit.
It's over they all hate each other

The way the UK has handled Brexit means no other country will be leaving soon.
Yeah but you said Brits are retarded.
no matter who wrote the article-----from the standpoint of actual
sociology---it reveals NOTHING

Poland's never had more than a major minority as Communists.
Even a strong disproportionate amount of it's Communists, were Kosher, Ukrainian, or Belarussian.

A major minority? The major amount of commies in Poland were Polaks.

Stalin propped up anti-Polish traitors in Soviet Poland.

You know that.

Many of them had Kosher origins.
Like Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Roman Romkowski, Jozef Rozanski, Hillary Minc, Jozef Swiatlo, Maria Gurowska, Stefan Michnik, Helena Wolinska- Brus, Jozef Cyrankiewicz, Pawel Finder, Roman Zambrowski.

The majority were still Polaks.

So, Poland went from 2.5% voting Communist in 1928, to 80.1% voting Communist in 1947?

Wow, you really are an anti-Polish, idiot.

In the highest ranks of early Poland, a lot of the high ranking leaders were in fact of Kosher origins.

It's a fact.
No, it went from 2.5% communist in 1928 to 39% communist in 1947. Majority of the commies I believe were in eastern Poland.

The Jews were all dead. What was the Jewish population of Poland after WW2? 10,000?

of early Poland
How early? When Poland reached the height of its power?
I've always attacked Russians, and Russia.
Liar. You didn't on Topix.

That's true. Limpy never attacked Russians or Russia on Topix. He even supported Russia's annexation of Crimea. He's a Ukrainophobe.

I always pointed out Russia's high murder rate, and Soviet crimes like Katyn Massacre, the Polish Operation of the NKVD 1937-1938 & the Holodomor.

Do you support Russia's illegal annexation of Crimea or not?

Crimea was historically Tatar territories, and it is in fact more Russian, than Ukrainian, but ONLY because the Russians deported Tatars in WW2, and then brought in Russian settlers.
Tatars, Turkic nomads leftover from the Mongolian invasion.

You really support that?!

Russians settled that land after defeating the Ottomans, not Ukrainians. Russians.
Crimea was historically Tatar territories, and it is in fact more Russian, than Ukrainian, but ONLY because the Russians deported Tatars in WW2, and then brought in Russian settlers.

You didn't answer the question.

If the Zion can invade Palestine for 70+ years.
I fail to see why Russia can't invade majority Russian Crimea.

As I suspected. Ukrainophobe.

So, do you support the Zionist invaders?

Do they call you Kosher Moshe?
Do you own any weapons?
We asked him that years ago, trust me. He was worse then.
It wasn't and it may be a competitor to thr USA, but it's not it's enemy
The EU was designed to make Europe a collective superpower, it's failing because they all hate each other

It is a collective superpower. The Euro is one of the two most important currencies. They don't all hate each other, why do you think that?
The Euro is a joke, soon to be gone

In your dreams.
We shall see, the dominoes are about to fall

I don't think they are.
No I'm not crazy! There's proof Putin has done it. Why do you think extreme right winger Farage supports Putin! Putin wants to destroy the EU. What have Merkel and Polaks in the UK got to do with funding far right parties? Merkel is pro immigration!
You are! Where's your proof? Post it here so we can see. You want the far left to support Putin?? LOL Putin just wants more friendly relations with EU countries. He's been trying to pull them away individually for at least 10 yrs now. He wants them to end those sanctions so of course he wouldn't mind seeing an end to the EU.

OMG Polaks are far right! Haven't you been seeing the news about it?!

Poland is pushing the EU into crisis

EU weighs costs of punishing Poland | DW | 19.07.2019

Poland is anti immigration! They w
on't let any muslims in! We argued about this already!

I will! I don't want anyone to support Putin. :) Of course he does ...n't! He'd just get individual sanctions from each of the countries which left the EU. :)

They're not the only country in that doesn't want muslims! Trump is anti immigration!
You will what? You will be crazy? Too late! :) Aww! :boo_hoo14: LOL and how effective would individual sanctions be? All he needs is one country to vote against extending those sanctions and it's over.

No Trump is anti illegal immigration.

I will provide a link! Very funny!

As effective as EU sanctions are now, of course Macron the rat would drop sanctions, but that won't happen, because France won't be leaving the EU. :)

He's anti immigration and pro resettlement. LOL!
A link proving you're crazy? We don't need one!

I would guess Italy or maybe Austria. They aren't leaving the EU either.

He's anti illegal immigration and he's pro Israel.

The link I provided in the following message!

So sanctions will remain. :)

You'd better worry about him sending you back home to Russia then. :)
Last edited:
I didn't watch your video.

Even if they have, Putin has funded them much more.
Of course not, you think CNN is run by the KGB!

How much has Putin given them then? You have no idea! Because you're making it all up!

No I don't, that's Bloomberg. :)

Millions. I'm not making it up!
And who else?" The NYT and Fox and...? I forgot them all :)

Then post a link to prove it please!

Oh yes, I forgot those. :)

Why Putin Is Bolstering Europe's Far-Right Populism

Putin’s far-right ambition: Think-tank reveals how Russian President

You don't even like the Independent lol

It's NBC not CBS. ;)

When did I say that?

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