Polar opposites

Neither of which are happened or will happen.
The retreat from campaign promises that have to be abandoned has already started.
proof please.

kept Carrier here in the US. That is more jobs created than Obummer after eight years.

Unemployment is about 1/2 of what it was when President Obama took office. A job that was there long before Mr. Trump began to think he was Presidential material that is still there today isn’t a “creation” by the way.
If you consider part time to be a real job. Only if you want to work part time will be be a real job.
Obama wins and does an apology tour around the world.

Trump wins and plans a Thank You tour in the United States.

Who did Obama apologize to? What did he apologize for?

We both know you can't answer these questions, but it's funny to watch you skirt around the question.

.....Aaaaaaaaaand go!
he went to Europe and Asia bubba, you should read up on history. he apologized for the US being a dominant player in Global activities and not playing nicely with global socialism. Vowed to change that and now the reason Trump is in.

badda-bing your answer.

Link? Or are you an authority that should be trusted implicitly?
Is your love for Obama make you that blind?
View attachment 100506
Obama wins and does an apology tour around the world.

Trump wins and plans a Thank You tour in the United States.

Too many are angry at Trump for his lies and picks for his cabinet..

His ego will get too bruised so he will probably do 2 stops with just the people who worked on his campaign...

I hear a tiny bit of rumbling about Romney. Outside of that the only anger or complaining I hear is 100% from the left so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
Obama wins and does an apology tour around the world.

Trump wins and plans a Thank You tour in the United States.

Who did Obama apologize to? What did he apologize for?

We both know you can't answer these questions, but it's funny to watch you skirt around the question.

.....Aaaaaaaaaand go!
he went to Europe and Asia bubba, you should read up on history. he apologized for the US being a dominant player in Global activities and not playing nicely with global socialism. Vowed to change that and now the reason Trump is in.

badda-bing your answer.

Link? Or are you an authority that should be trusted implicitly?
Is your love for Obama make you that blind?

So not a single link outlining his apologies? Is that what you're saying?
Neither of which are happened or will happen.
The retreat from campaign promises that have to be abandoned has already started.
Candidates backing off campaign promises after getting elected is hardly anything new Obama did it so did Bush so will whoever follows Trump. The vast majority know a candidate is not going to keep most of the promises they make.

Well, the difference is this:

Obama tried to close GITMO. He tried a few times. In all likelihood, he probably realized that it was probably a 1 out of 5 proposition. But he tried. And it was/still is possible to do it. You simply close the prison and transfer the inmates over here. It’s doable. The politics won’t allow for it, of course.

Here is a quote from the opposition by the GOP (6 democrats voted against funding the closure of GITMO as well)

“The American people don’t want these men walking the streets of America’s neighborhoods,” said Senator John Thune, Republican of South Dakota. “The American people don’t want these detainees held at a military base or federal prison in their back yard, either.”

There is a minuscule chance of escape from either place and at no time would they be allowed to “walk the streets” of neighborhoods.

Anyway, he said he would do it, took his chances and lost. That is what a political promise is. Or was.

Trump’s promises (thus far) appear to be completely unattainable. Making the military so strong “nobody will mess with us” is a great sales pitch. However, those who “mess with us” are almost always on a suicide mission. As if some guy driving a boat full of explosives up to the USS Cole that he was going to detonate cared about how often he would be shot after he detonated it or a truck full of explosives into an embassy or whatever. Mexico will not pay for the wall as he has demonstrated. I’ll give the man a chance to prove me wrong on bringing back jobs. I underestimated him twice and was wrong both times.

Promises not attained are one thing. Promises abandoned before you take office? Something different.
Obama wins and does an apology tour around the world.

Trump wins and plans a Thank You tour in the United States.

Who did Obama apologize to? What did he apologize for?

We both know you can't answer these questions, but it's funny to watch you skirt around the question.

.....Aaaaaaaaaand go!
he went to Europe and Asia bubba, you should read up on history. he apologized for the US being a dominant player in Global activities and not playing nicely with global socialism. Vowed to change that and now the reason Trump is in.

badda-bing your answer.

Link? Or are you an authority that should be trusted implicitly?
Is your love for Obama make you that blind?

So not a single link outlining his apologies? Is that what you're saying?
Google it.
Neither of which are happened or will happen.
The retreat from campaign promises that have to be abandoned has already started.
proof please.

kept Carrier here in the US. That is more jobs created than Obummer after eight years.

Unemployment is about 1/2 of what it was when President Obama took office. A job that was there long before Mr. Trump began to think he was Presidential material that is still there today isn’t a “creation” by the way.
so no proof, figures. blah, blah, blah.

unemployment figures are proof. Sorry to confuse you with facts (I could have done it with shiny objects too I suppose).
post them bubba. post bush's and then obummers.

Obama wins and does an apology tour around the world.

Trump wins and plans a Thank You tour in the United States.

Who did Obama apologize to? What did he apologize for?

We both know you can't answer these questions, but it's funny to watch you skirt around the question.

.....Aaaaaaaaaand go!
he went to Europe and Asia bubba, you should read up on history. he apologized for the US being a dominant player in Global activities and not playing nicely with global socialism. Vowed to change that and now the reason Trump is in.

badda-bing your answer.

Would be nice if you could quote what your President said… But you won’t, of course.
you have to go to the library, he gave many of those speeches apologizing for the US being wealthy. his sole intent was to take America down. sorry your libturd eyes, don't see that. Or, you want the US to die.

so no proof, figures. blah, blah, blah.
Obama wins and does an apology tour around the world.

Trump wins and plans a Thank You tour in the United States.

Who did Obama apologize to? What did he apologize for?

We both know you can't answer these questions, but it's funny to watch you skirt around the question.

.....Aaaaaaaaaand go!
he went to Europe and Asia bubba, you should read up on history. he apologized for the US being a dominant player in Global activities and not playing nicely with global socialism. Vowed to change that and now the reason Trump is in.

badda-bing your answer.

Link? Or are you an authority that should be trusted implicitly?
Is your love for Obama make you that blind?

So not a single link outlining his apologies? Is that what you're saying?
First video offered on YouTube when typing in Obama Apology Tour

Obama Apology Tour Revisited - See Video. Do you Remember This? - Hannity - YouTube
Who did Obama apologize to? What did he apologize for?

We both know you can't answer these questions, but it's funny to watch you skirt around the question.

.....Aaaaaaaaaand go!
he went to Europe and Asia bubba, you should read up on history. he apologized for the US being a dominant player in Global activities and not playing nicely with global socialism. Vowed to change that and now the reason Trump is in.

badda-bing your answer.

Link? Or are you an authority that should be trusted implicitly?
Is your love for Obama make you that blind?

So not a single link outlining his apologies? Is that what you're saying?
Google it.
His Google is typically broken
View attachment 100506
Obama wins and does an apology tour around the world.

Trump wins and plans a Thank You tour in the United States.

Too many are angry at Trump for his lies and picks for his cabinet..

His ego will get too bruised so he will probably do 2 stops with just the people who worked on his campaign...

I hear a tiny bit of rumbling about Romney. Outside of that the only anger or complaining I hear is 100% from the left so I'm not sure what you're talking about.

He’s still on the honeymoon with his knob polishers. Of course you guys aren’t going to complain (yet—if ever). I think complaints at this stage are too early. He hasn’t even taken office yet.

Will you hold him accountable when your son or daughter who are just starting out and making less than $25K are still paying taxes in a few years—he said they wouldn’t be. Will you hold him accountable when we still have illegal aliens lined up for work over off of the westside highway looking for day labor? He said they wouldn’t be. Will you guys hold him accountable when ISIS or whomever takes their place is still lopping off heads in the ME? He said they wouldn’t be.
Who did Obama apologize to? What did he apologize for?

We both know you can't answer these questions, but it's funny to watch you skirt around the question.

.....Aaaaaaaaaand go!
he went to Europe and Asia bubba, you should read up on history. he apologized for the US being a dominant player in Global activities and not playing nicely with global socialism. Vowed to change that and now the reason Trump is in.

badda-bing your answer.

Link? Or are you an authority that should be trusted implicitly?
Is your love for Obama make you that blind?

So not a single link outlining his apologies? Is that what you're saying?
First video offered on YouTube when typing in Obama Apology Tour

Obama Apology Tour Revisited - See Video. Do you Remember This? - Hannity - YouTube

Hannity? LOL
Neither of which are happened or will happen.
The retreat from campaign promises that have to be abandoned has already started.
Candidates backing off campaign promises after getting elected is hardly anything new Obama did it so did Bush so will whoever follows Trump. The vast majority know a candidate is not going to keep most of the promises they make.

Well, the difference is this:

Obama tried to close GITMO. He tried a few times. In all likelihood, he probably realized that it was probably a 1 out of 5 proposition. But he tried. And it was/still is possible to do it. You simply close the prison and transfer the inmates over here. It’s doable. The politics won’t allow for it, of course.

Here is a quote from the opposition by the GOP (6 democrats voted against funding the closure of GITMO as well)

“The American people don’t want these men walking the streets of America’s neighborhoods,” said Senator John Thune, Republican of South Dakota. “The American people don’t want these detainees held at a military base or federal prison in their back yard, either.”

There is a minuscule chance of escape from either place and at no time would they be allowed to “walk the streets” of neighborhoods.

Anyway, he said he would do it, took his chances and lost. That is what a political promise is. Or was.

Trump’s promises (thus far) appear to be completely unattainable. Making the military so strong “nobody will mess with us” is a great sales pitch. However, those who “mess with us” are almost always on a suicide mission. As if some guy driving a boat full of explosives up to the USS Cole that he was going to detonate cared about how often he would be shot after he detonated it or a truck full of explosives into an embassy or whatever. Mexico will not pay for the wall as he has demonstrated. I’ll give the man a chance to prove me wrong on bringing back jobs. I underestimated him twice and was wrong both times.

Promises not attained are one thing. Promises abandoned before you take office? Something different.
That's a very impressive partisan rationalization.
Neither of which are happened or will happen.
The retreat from campaign promises that have to be abandoned has already started.
Candidates backing off campaign promises after getting elected is hardly anything new Obama did it so did Bush so will whoever follows Trump. The vast majority know a candidate is not going to keep most of the promises they make.

Well, the difference is this:

Obama tried to close GITMO. He tried a few times. In all likelihood, he probably realized that it was probably a 1 out of 5 proposition. But he tried. And it was/still is possible to do it. You simply close the prison and transfer the inmates over here. It’s doable. The politics won’t allow for it, of course.

Here is a quote from the opposition by the GOP (6 democrats voted against funding the closure of GITMO as well)

“The American people don’t want these men walking the streets of America’s neighborhoods,” said Senator John Thune, Republican of South Dakota. “The American people don’t want these detainees held at a military base or federal prison in their back yard, either.”

There is a minuscule chance of escape from either place and at no time would they be allowed to “walk the streets” of neighborhoods.

Anyway, he said he would do it, took his chances and lost. That is what a political promise is. Or was.

Trump’s promises (thus far) appear to be completely unattainable. Making the military so strong “nobody will mess with us” is a great sales pitch. However, those who “mess with us” are almost always on a suicide mission. As if some guy driving a boat full of explosives up to the USS Cole that he was going to detonate cared about how often he would be shot after he detonated it or a truck full of explosives into an embassy or whatever. Mexico will not pay for the wall as he has demonstrated. I’ll give the man a chance to prove me wrong on bringing back jobs. I underestimated him twice and was wrong both times.

Promises not attained are one thing. Promises abandoned before you take office? Something different.
That's a very impressive partisan rationalization.

It remains to be seen what he fights for and what campaign trail promises are left on the campaign trail. In the end, I hope you guys are as pissed off as you guys say you are. If that is the case, you’ll be running him out of town if he turns his back on you.
Obama wins and does an apology tour around the world.

Trump wins and plans a Thank You tour in the United States.

Who did Obama apologize to? What did he apologize for?

We both know you can't answer these questions, but it's funny to watch you skirt around the question.

.....Aaaaaaaaaand go!
he went to Europe and Asia bubba, you should read up on history. he apologized for the US being a dominant player in Global activities and not playing nicely with global socialism. Vowed to change that and now the reason Trump is in.

badda-bing your answer.

Link? Or are you an authority that should be trusted implicitly?
We all know that is true. He has been called the Apologist in Chief for that reason.
Neither of which are happened or will happen.
The retreat from campaign promises that have to be abandoned has already started.
Candidates backing off campaign promises after getting elected is hardly anything new Obama did it so did Bush so will whoever follows Trump. The vast majority know a candidate is not going to keep most of the promises they make.

Well, the difference is this:

Obama tried to close GITMO. He tried a few times. In all likelihood, he probably realized that it was probably a 1 out of 5 proposition. But he tried. And it was/still is possible to do it. You simply close the prison and transfer the inmates over here. It’s doable. The politics won’t allow for it, of course.

Here is a quote from the opposition by the GOP (6 democrats voted against funding the closure of GITMO as well)

“The American people don’t want these men walking the streets of America’s neighborhoods,” said Senator John Thune, Republican of South Dakota. “The American people don’t want these detainees held at a military base or federal prison in their back yard, either.”

There is a minuscule chance of escape from either place and at no time would they be allowed to “walk the streets” of neighborhoods.

Anyway, he said he would do it, took his chances and lost. That is what a political promise is. Or was.

Trump’s promises (thus far) appear to be completely unattainable. Making the military so strong “nobody will mess with us” is a great sales pitch. However, those who “mess with us” are almost always on a suicide mission. As if some guy driving a boat full of explosives up to the USS Cole that he was going to detonate cared about how often he would be shot after he detonated it or a truck full of explosives into an embassy or whatever. Mexico will not pay for the wall as he has demonstrated. I’ll give the man a chance to prove me wrong on bringing back jobs. I underestimated him twice and was wrong both times.

Promises not attained are one thing. Promises abandoned before you take office? Something different.
That's a very impressive partisan rationalization.

It remains to be seen what he fights for and what campaign trail promises are left on the campaign trail. In the end, I hope you guys are as pissed off as you guys say you are. If that is the case, you’ll be running him out of town if he turns his back on you.
I'm not pissed off and don't plan to be because I understand politics and politicians if one does what they say I'm happy if they don't I'm not surprised.
Obama wins and does an apology tour around the world.

Trump wins and plans a Thank You tour in the United States.

Who did Obama apologize to? What did he apologize for?

We both know you can't answer these questions, but it's funny to watch you skirt around the question.

.....Aaaaaaaaaand go!

Obozo is a Marxist. He was apologizing to the rest of the world for US imperialism on his apology tour.

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