Police arrest man who threatened to "shoot every black kid in campus" (Arestee is black)

And to support that you list one example?

Link to support your claim please.
How many examples are provided by you....zero ...which number is bigger one or zero

I'm not the one making claims about who is making the majority of false accusations.

You are.

And you cannot support your claim at all.

This is where you should admit that you cannot support your claim. You lost this one. It doesn't have to destroy your world view and self image.

Admit it and walk away.
This is where you should admit that you cannot support your claim. You lost this one. It doesn't have to destroy your world view and self image.

Admit it and walk away.
Declaring victory already LOl...you are an entitled white PUNK...the thread tries to make it seem that poor white folks are being victimized by being blamed for black actions ....you support that claim...I am showing you with numerous examples . Examples that are both Current and Historical showing its the other way around but you claim victory based on what ? you are nothing...
This is where you should admit that you cannot support your claim. You lost this one. It doesn't have to destroy your world view and self image.

Admit it and walk away.
Declaring victory already LOl...you are an entitled white PUNK...the thread tries to make it seem that poor white folks are being victimized by being blamed for black actions ....you support that claim...I am showing you with numerous examples . Examples that are both Current and Historical showing its the other way around but you claim victory based on what ? you are nothing...

You made a claim that whites commit the majority of false accusations, a very serious claim that you have not been able to support at all.

Which is what the meat of my post that you cut before you replied to it.

Almost as though you wanted to hide that fact.
YOu weren't trying to confuse the issue were you?
You do not need any help getting confused on issues ...you live confused and frightened and constantly feeling victimized by Blacks in short you are a combination of moron and asshole ...whining like ninnies about Blacks....

So, no idea what percentage of the false accusations against blacks are made by whites?

you are a total loser and an asshole LOL I am coming up with example after example and you come up with what ...NOTHING
Sex, Race, and Wrongful Conviction
October 3, 2013 06:32:00 am

Sex, Race, and Wrongful Conviction

In the late 1980s, a white woman was raped and beaten so severely that she could not identify her attackers. As fear and outrage gripped the city, police investigators focused on Black teen suspects.

Interrogation produced “confessions” which led to convictions and years of imprisonment.

Subsequent investigation, however, revealed the defendants were innocent and the “confessions” were false.

If you are thinking about the April 1989 brutal attack on Trisha Ellen Meili in New York’s Central Park, notoriously known as the “Central Park Jogger” case, in which five young defendants were falsely accused and imprisoned, think again.

The facts in the above case correspond to four Black Chicago youths (Calvin Ollins, Larry Ollins, Omar Saunders, and Marcellius Bradford), who were wrongfully convicted in 1988.

Sarah Burns’ Academy Award nominated documentary,The Central Park Five, helped give the ‘Central Park Jogger’ case national visibility. But while the film commendably provides the perspective of the youthful defendants and their families, it unfortunately presents the case as though it were the result of unique racial and criminal justice peculiarities of New York City in the late 1980s.

The Central Park Jogger defendants, in fact, are among a long series of African-Americans wrongfully convicted of sexual assaults against whites.

Just to name some examples: In North Carolina, the case ofDarryl Hunt(1984) case and theRonald Cotton(1984) case; New Jersey cases wereMcKinley Cromedy(1992),David Shephard (1983) andNate Walker(1974). Possibly the most egregious, among a host of Texas cases, wasTimothy Cole (1985) who died in prison before he was exonerated.

In California it was Herman Atkins(1986) and Albert Johnson (1992). In Atlanta, three white women misidentified Calvin Johnson, Jr. (1983) as the rapist, and in Maryland four people misidentified Bernard Webster(1982) as a rapist.

The list continues with countless reports from across the nation about individuals released from prison after serving lengthy sentences for crimes they did not commit.
You made a claim that whites commit the majority of false accusations, a very serious claim that you have not been able to support at all.

I have come up with countless examples and will continue to come up with more ...your job is to counter and show how its actually Blacks have stereotyped whites as criminals ...do that show that its Blacks who are stereotyping whites you are an asshole LOl
You made a claim that whites commit the majority of false accusations, a very serious claim that you have not been able to support at all.

I have come up with countless examples and will continue to come up with more ...your job is to counter and show how its actually Blacks have stereotyped whites as criminals ...do that show that its Blacks who are stereotyping whites you are an asshole LOl

Nope. YOu've come up with several examples, which makes your case not at all.

You claimed MAJORITY.

Back it up, or admit that you cannot.

THe OP pointed out correctly that reports of racist behavior in the case of the OP was false.

And that we should beware of such false reports in the future.

Completely reasonable.

That it upset you is very revealing about you.

If the OP had claimed that ONLY BLACKS made false accusations, then your several examples would have proved him wrong.
I recall a case were a Black woman Tawana Bradley falsely accused a white Police man and others of gang rape .............
The Hoax Project, Philip Merrill College of Journalism, University of Maryland, College Park
In 1987, Tawana Brawley, a black 16-year-old, charged that she was sexually abducted and sexually assaulted by six white men, sparking protest marches and national attention before a report by the state attorney general concluded she fabricated the incident.

The problem is as old as racism in America, she said, citing, among other incidents, the infamous case of the Scottsboro Boys in 1931, in which two white women were discovered riding a freight train in Alabama with nine black men. The women claimed they were raped, and ultimately admitted they were lying but not before the case went to the U.S. Supreme Court and several of the youths had been given lengthy jail sentences.

"Based on the racial stereotypes, especially in the Deep South, no one doubted that story," Bailey said.

The Tawana Brawley case, she said, involves the same poisonous tendency of people to think in racial, if not racist, terms, but added it had far different impact than cases of whites accusing blacks.

"When a member of the minority community makes an accusation against the dominant community it has less impact simply because of the power ratios," Bailey said.

Generally speaking, whites are not as a group perceived of as criminal. Even though she might make a false accusation, it would not have as much impact on all white males as the same accusation by a white woman against black males
You claimed MAJORITY.

My claim of majority is supported by your utter inability to come up with any cases to counter my information...you are losing so badly I HAD TO COME UP WITH A CASE of a Black falsely accusing a white ..Twana Bradley...why ? because with there NOT BEING A STEREOTYPE OF WHITES BEING CRIMINAL it does not work to falsely accuse whites LOL
You claimed MAJORITY.

Back it up, or admit that you cannot.
Here are stats on who gets exonerated after being falsely convicted ...PAY CLOSE ATTENTION

There have been 333 post-conviction DNA exonerations in the United States.

• The first DNA exoneration took place in 1989. Exonerations have been won in 37 states; since 2000, there have been 263 exonerations.

• 20 of the 333 people exonerated through DNA served time on death row. Another 16 were charged with capital crimes but not sentenced to death.

• The average length of time served by exonerees is 14 years. The total number of years served is approximately 4,563.

• The average age of exonerees at the time of their wrongful convictions was 26.5.

Races of the 333 exonerees:

206 African Americans
101 Caucasians
24 Latinos
2 Asian American

- See more at: DNA Exonerations Nationwide
You claimed MAJORITY.

My claim of majority is supported by your utter inability to come up with any cases to counter my information...you are losing so badly I HAD TO COME UP WITH A CASE of a Black falsely accusing a white ..Twana Bradley...why ? because with there NOT BEING A STEREOTYPE OF WHITES BEING CRIMINAL it does not work to falsely accuse whites LOL

I'm not bringing up several examples because that does not prove anything.

You stated majority by whites. Support that or admit that you cannot.
You claimed MAJORITY.

Back it up, or admit that you cannot.
Here are stats on who gets exonerated after being falsely convicted ...PAY CLOSE ATTENTION

There have been 333 post-conviction DNA exonerations in the United States.

• The first DNA exoneration took place in 1989. Exonerations have been won in 37 states; since 2000, there have been 263 exonerations.

• 20 of the 333 people exonerated through DNA served time on death row. Another 16 were charged with capital crimes but not sentenced to death.

• The average length of time served by exonerees is 14 years. The total number of years served is approximately 4,563.

• The average age of exonerees at the time of their wrongful convictions was 26.5.

Races of the 333 exonerees:

206 African Americans
101 Caucasians
24 Latinos
2 Asian American

- See more at: DNA Exonerations Nationwide

And the race of the accusers?
You've claimed the accusations are mostly made by whites, so you seem to think it very important.

Yet you cannot support your claim.

How did you come to this conclusion?

Cause considering what a knee jerk leftist you are, I'm kind of thinking you just assume the worst about white people and that's the extent of your thinking on most matters.

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