Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

Post #961 ya dumbfuck.
I dont see weaver stance nor Wilsons name in that post.
Not true. if it hits you it can drop at your feet depending on where your hands are at.

Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Now I know you've never fired a pistol. Show me one pistol that ejects the casing at the shooter and I'll show you a failed gun manufacture.

I've certainly been hit by a few spent shell casings, being left handed can cause that, but when the casings do hit you they then go spinning off to somewhere else.
It was a hypothetical scenario. Dumbass was latching onto it because he was desperate for something after claiming it couldnt happen.
it had to be at least 20 feet

since brown is lying next to three bullet casings
I would take that to mean Wilson walked up on Brown and kept shooting him just like the eye witness described.

not according to the autopsy report
Can you quote that?

it has been posted

you continue to run around in circles
I never saw anything that indicated that. My guess is you are simply talking out your ass.
It is no guess on my part. YOU are talking out of your ass.
Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Now I know you've never fired a pistol. Show me one pistol that ejects the casing at the shooter and I'll show you a failed gun manufacture.
Stop deflecting. You have been caught claiming I said things I never said.

Than explain your statement in post #961.
Its already in english. Your inability to comprehend it is your problem not mine.
Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Now I know you've never fired a pistol. Show me one pistol that ejects the casing at the shooter and I'll show you a failed gun manufacture.
Stop deflecting. You have been caught claiming I said things I never said.

Than explain your statement in post #961.
Its already in english. Your inability to comprehend it is your problem not mine.

Dumbass cant even quote the correct post.:dunno:
it has already been posted

one day you claimed you couldnt read it

although everyone else could
No it hasnt. I am curious to see the autopsy report that claims Brown was the one that advanced on Wilson. If you have it cough it up. If not I will have to believe you are full of it and no longer worth conversing with.

No autopsy report said that because that isn't what autopsy reports are used to determine...


That's actually not correct. Autopsies ARE used to help determine angle and trajectory of rounds and such. Autopsies reveal much more than just cause of death.
There is no autopsy that can prove one person was advancing instead of the other party if they are facing each other. Didnt you say you were an MP?

Did I say "an autopsy can prove whether a shooter was advancing on the target or not?"

However, let me add this

They can point to the fact, maybe not PROVE, but yes a good medical examiner can you tell which rounds likely hit the target in which order, and ballistics can tell you within a reasonable certainty how far the shooter was from the target with each round.

So, yes a good medical examiner can make an educated guess as to whether or not the shooter was advancing as he fired.

but remember, that doesn't prove anything, because the ballistics would look similar whether Wilson was advancing on Brown or Brown was advancing on Wilson.
Thats pretty much my point. Beserk was claiming there was an autopsy report that proved Brown was advancing not Wilson.
Post #961 ya dumbfuck.
I dont see weaver stance nor Wilsons name in that post.
Not true. if it hits you it can drop at your feet depending on where your hands are at.

Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Now I know you've never fired a pistol. Show me one pistol that ejects the casing at the shooter and I'll show you a failed gun manufacture.

I've certainly been hit by a few spent shell casings, being left handed can cause that, but when the casings do hit you they then go spinning off to somewhere else.

Ask him to explain post #961.
I cant get him to,maybe you'll have better luck.
I would take that to mean Wilson walked up on Brown and kept shooting him just like the eye witness described.

not according to the autopsy report
Can you quote that?

it has been posted

you continue to run around in circles
I never saw anything that indicated that. My guess is you are simply talking out your ass.
It is no guess on my part. YOU are talking out of your ass.
So where is the autopsy report that says Brown was the one advancing?
I dont see weaver stance nor Wilsons name in that post.

Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Now I know you've never fired a pistol. Show me one pistol that ejects the casing at the shooter and I'll show you a failed gun manufacture.

I've certainly been hit by a few spent shell casings, being left handed can cause that, but when the casings do hit you they then go spinning off to somewhere else.

Ask him to explain post #961.
I cant get him to,maybe you'll have better luck.
I'm right here........I can see you typing.
Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Now I know you've never fired a pistol. Show me one pistol that ejects the casing at the shooter and I'll show you a failed gun manufacture.

I've certainly been hit by a few spent shell casings, being left handed can cause that, but when the casings do hit you they then go spinning off to somewhere else.

Ask him to explain post #961.
I cant get him to,maybe you'll have better luck.
I'm right here........I can see you typing.

I dont see you explaining your post..
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Now I know you've never fired a pistol. Show me one pistol that ejects the casing at the shooter and I'll show you a failed gun manufacture.

I've certainly been hit by a few spent shell casings, being left handed can cause that, but when the casings do hit you they then go spinning off to somewhere else.

Ask him to explain post #961.
I cant get him to,maybe you'll have better luck.
I'm right here........I can see you typing.

I dont see you explaining your post..
Have someone with an education read it to you.
I dont see weaver stance nor Wilsons name in that post.

Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Now I know you've never fired a pistol. Show me one pistol that ejects the casing at the shooter and I'll show you a failed gun manufacture.

I've certainly been hit by a few spent shell casings, being left handed can cause that, but when the casings do hit you they then go spinning off to somewhere else.

Ask him to explain post #961.
I cant get him to,maybe you'll have better luck.

Here's the link

Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged. Page 49 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Look, I hesitate to say this in public, but as hateful and racist as Asclepias is, he seems fairly intelligent, and he CLEARLY said that they COULD land at your feet. And I mean anything is possible, no matter how unlikely.

He's wrong about Wilson's guilt of wrong doing in this matter, but he has you chasing unicorns on that point
not according to the autopsy report
Can you quote that?

it has been posted

you continue to run around in circles
I never saw anything that indicated that. My guess is you are simply talking out your ass.
It is no guess on my part. YOU are talking out of your ass.
So where is the autopsy report that says Brown was the one advancing?
The forensic evidence at the scene shows that Brown was approaching the officer as he was being fired upon. Read the posted autopsy report. Read it COMPLETELY from top to bottom.

Don't reply to this post until you are willing to swear that you have read every word of it.
Can you quote that?

it has been posted

you continue to run around in circles
I never saw anything that indicated that. My guess is you are simply talking out your ass.
It is no guess on my part. YOU are talking out of your ass.
So where is the autopsy report that says Brown was the one advancing?
The forensic evidence at the scene shows that Brown was approaching the officer as he was being fired upon. Read the posted autopsy report. Read it COMPLETELY from top to bottom.

Don't reply to this post until you are willing to swear that you have read every word of it.

at this point, it's obvious who the trolls are.... :trolls: /thread
Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Now I know you've never fired a pistol. Show me one pistol that ejects the casing at the shooter and I'll show you a failed gun manufacture.

I've certainly been hit by a few spent shell casings, being left handed can cause that, but when the casings do hit you they then go spinning off to somewhere else.

Ask him to explain post #961.
I cant get him to,maybe you'll have better luck.

Here's the link

Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged. Page 49 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Look, I hesitate to say this in public, but as hateful and racist as Asclepias is, he seems fairly intelligent, and he CLEARLY said that they COULD land at your feet. And I mean anything is possible, no matter how unlikely.

He's wrong about Wilson's guilt of wrong doing in this matter, but he has you chasing unicorns on that point

Considering Wilson would be using the Weaver Stance as trained,the idea that casings would land at his feet is nothing but a dodge while trying to explain the location of the casings to determine where office Wilson fired from.
Meh, ive seen articles that say he was 350, but lets go with this one that says he was 292. Does it really make a difference? He was a fucking fat son of a bitch. Black people need to learn how to eat right. More than 2/3 of black people in the US over 20 are obese. Fat lazy and stupid is no way to live.

Dont try to deflect. You were afraid and embellished the story like a 5 year old telling his dad about the monster in the closet. Mark my words. You racist white guys are going to claim Brown was the size of Goliath by next year. Gives you a thrill like a scary movie. :laugh:

If the negro had kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot...that day, anyway.
Doesn't matter if he's 6'6" or 5' 2".
Punch a cop and try to take his gun and you'll end up just like brown....doesn't matter if you're negro or caucasian.
I think you meant if Wilson had of been a man instead of a wimp Brown wouldnt have been shot and Brown would be attending vocation college right now. You too are deflecting for the white racist penchant for over exaggeration due to fear.

Unlikely. First, he would have to make bail for the strong armed robbery he committed.

What robbery? There was no reported robbery. If there was you should be able to provide proof of that.

Ferguson police say Michael Brown was a robbery suspect identify Darren Wilson as officer who shot him - The Washington Post

Police on Friday said that Darren Wilson, the officer who shot and killed Michael Brown last weekend, confronted Brown after the teenager was identified as the main suspect in a convenience store robbery that occurred Saturday morning.

So, a robbery was called in.

Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Now I know you've never fired a pistol. Show me one pistol that ejects the casing at the shooter and I'll show you a failed gun manufacture.

I've certainly been hit by a few spent shell casings, being left handed can cause that, but when the casings do hit you they then go spinning off to somewhere else.

Ask him to explain post #961.
I cant get him to,maybe you'll have better luck.

Here's the link

Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged. Page 49 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Look, I hesitate to say this in public, but as hateful and racist as Asclepias is, he seems fairly intelligent, and he CLEARLY said that they COULD land at your feet. And I mean anything is possible, no matter how unlikely.

He's wrong about Wilson's guilt of wrong doing in this matter, but he has you chasing unicorns on that point

Considering Wilson would be using the Weaver Stance as trained,the idea that casings would land at his feet is nothing but a dodge while trying to explain the location of the casings to determine where office Wilson fired from.

Actually, if I had to guess, Wilson was probably in the Isosceles Stance. It is a much more natural stance to flow into when attempting to apprehend a suspect

In either case however,shell casings probably would not have landed at his feet. Especially if he was advancing as he fired,they would be in a trail behind him.
the photographic evidence at the scene demonstrates

that brown was not only facing the officer but rather advancing on the officer

and that the officer was backing away from brown
Define advancing. Taking a step or two after being shot or a head down rush like he was a linebacker? Mind you this is after he ran away from the cop.

it had to be at least 20 feet

since brown is lying next to three bullet casings
I would take that to mean Wilson walked up on Brown and kept shooting him just like the eye witness described.

How close do you think Wilson was to the suspect when he fired his last shot?
I dont know. I only have the eyewitness account to go on. Even if he never walked up on him how hard would it be to drop 3 shell casings near Brown?
Dont try to deflect. You were afraid and embellished the story like a 5 year old telling his dad about the monster in the closet. Mark my words. You racist white guys are going to claim Brown was the size of Goliath by next year. Gives you a thrill like a scary movie. :laugh:

If the negro had kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot...that day, anyway.
Doesn't matter if he's 6'6" or 5' 2".
Punch a cop and try to take his gun and you'll end up just like brown....doesn't matter if you're negro or caucasian.
I think you meant if Wilson had of been a man instead of a wimp Brown wouldnt have been shot and Brown would be attending vocation college right now. You too are deflecting for the white racist penchant for over exaggeration due to fear.

Unlikely. First, he would have to make bail for the strong armed robbery he committed.

What robbery? There was no reported robbery. If there was you should be able to provide proof of that.

Ferguson police say Michael Brown was a robbery suspect identify Darren Wilson as officer who shot him - The Washington Post

Police on Friday said that Darren Wilson, the officer who shot and killed Michael Brown last weekend, confronted Brown after the teenager was identified as the main suspect in a convenience store robbery that occurred Saturday morning.

So, a robbery was called in.


Yes, this part is confirmed and the Brown defenders are wrong on this point. Recorded audio PROVES that Wilson radiod for backup before the confrontation reporting a suspect who was wearing clothing that matched those of a robbery suspect.
Dont try to deflect. You were afraid and embellished the story like a 5 year old telling his dad about the monster in the closet. Mark my words. You racist white guys are going to claim Brown was the size of Goliath by next year. Gives you a thrill like a scary movie. :laugh:

If the negro had kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot...that day, anyway.
Doesn't matter if he's 6'6" or 5' 2".
Punch a cop and try to take his gun and you'll end up just like brown....doesn't matter if you're negro or caucasian.
I think you meant if Wilson had of been a man instead of a wimp Brown wouldnt have been shot and Brown would be attending vocation college right now. You too are deflecting for the white racist penchant for over exaggeration due to fear.

Unlikely. First, he would have to make bail for the strong armed robbery he committed.

What robbery? There was no reported robbery. If there was you should be able to provide proof of that.

Ferguson police say Michael Brown was a robbery suspect identify Darren Wilson as officer who shot him - The Washington Post

Police on Friday said that Darren Wilson, the officer who shot and killed Michael Brown last weekend, confronted Brown after the teenager was identified as the main suspect in a convenience store robbery that occurred Saturday morning.

So, a robbery was called in.

Sorry dude. The cops lied from the beginning. All this was compiled after the fact. It was a smear campaign.

Attorney For Ferguson Market NO ONE From His Store Called 911 To Report Cigar Theft

St. Louis local news is reporting that the Attorney for the Ferguson store, Jake Kanzler said the the Ferguson store owner, nor any store employee called the police to report any shoplifting of cigars, but, rather, a customer called the police.
Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Now I know you've never fired a pistol. Show me one pistol that ejects the casing at the shooter and I'll show you a failed gun manufacture.

I've certainly been hit by a few spent shell casings, being left handed can cause that, but when the casings do hit you they then go spinning off to somewhere else.

Ask him to explain post #961.
I cant get him to,maybe you'll have better luck.

Here's the link

Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged. Page 49 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Look, I hesitate to say this in public, but as hateful and racist as Asclepias is, he seems fairly intelligent, and he CLEARLY said that they COULD land at your feet. And I mean anything is possible, no matter how unlikely.

He's wrong about Wilson's guilt of wrong doing in this matter, but he has you chasing unicorns on that point
I'm not hateful and racist. I just dont sit idly by while cave apes run around making racist remarks.

You are wrong about Wilsons innocence but I dont have a problem with respectful disagreement.
If the negro had kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot...that day, anyway.
Doesn't matter if he's 6'6" or 5' 2".
Punch a cop and try to take his gun and you'll end up just like brown....doesn't matter if you're negro or caucasian.
I think you meant if Wilson had of been a man instead of a wimp Brown wouldnt have been shot and Brown would be attending vocation college right now. You too are deflecting for the white racist penchant for over exaggeration due to fear.

Unlikely. First, he would have to make bail for the strong armed robbery he committed.

What robbery? There was no reported robbery. If there was you should be able to provide proof of that.

Ferguson police say Michael Brown was a robbery suspect identify Darren Wilson as officer who shot him - The Washington Post

Police on Friday said that Darren Wilson, the officer who shot and killed Michael Brown last weekend, confronted Brown after the teenager was identified as the main suspect in a convenience store robbery that occurred Saturday morning.

So, a robbery was called in.


Yes, this part is confirmed and the Brown defenders are wrong on this point. Recorded audio PROVES that Wilson radiod for backup before the confrontation reporting a suspect who was wearing clothing that matched those of a robbery suspect.
Do you have a link to that audio?

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