Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

They also say he walked up on Brown and continued shooting him. Shell casing dont always drop at your feet. Did you locate the quote for your claim?

it already has been posted
No it hasnt or you would link to it.

it has already been posted

one day you claimed you couldnt read it

although everyone else could
No it hasnt. I am curious to see the autopsy report that claims Brown was the one that advanced on Wilson. If you have it cough it up. If not I will have to believe you are full of it and no longer worth conversing with.

No autopsy report said that because that isn't what autopsy reports are used to determine...


That's actually not correct. Autopsies ARE used to help determine angle and trajectory of rounds and such. Autopsies reveal much more than just cause of death.
Shell casings never drop at your feet,they are ejected to the right and slightly back.
Not true. if it hits you it can drop at your feet depending on where your hands are at.

What a dumbfuck!!! If you have your hands over the ejection port your going to be taking a trip to the hospital for some stitches.
You dont know shit about firearms do you?
Who said anything about having your hands over the ejection port?

You've never shot a pistol have you?
No it hasnt. I am curious to see the autopsy report that claims Brown was the one that advanced on Wilson. If you have it cough it up. If not I will have to believe you are full of it and no longer worth conversing with.

No autopsy report said that because that isn't what autopsy reports are used to determine...


however the photographic evidence suggests it

Yes but he's asking for "proof" of it through the autopsy.The autopsy can't "prove" it one way or another.... that's just another distraction and dodge.

He's just agitating anyway, as we all know...racial solidarity is all that matters to negroes.
A day of reckoning approaches.
I didnt ask for it. He claimed it dumbass. You spoiled my fun. Thanks for nothing. He was sweating bullets trying to find an autopsy report to link to not realizing no such thing existed. :rofl:

I know you for the fraud you are, though. I saw through you long ago.
Like you just acknowledged...you aren't here for mature discussion..you're here to purposely agitate and inflame. I'm sure everyone who has read this can see it, too.
Carry on, though, negro...spin and twist...distort and deflect...it's all comedy to me.

It's all he's got. Being a professional victim doesnt leave much time for rational thought.
Pretty much everyone saw your confusion. Thanks for admitting to it finally.

Whats a porch monkey? The only monkeys I have seen with guns are cave monkeys.

You're a complete moron for claiming officer Wilson wasnt in the standard Weaver stance as he was trained to be when firing his weapon.
You are showing your ignorance about firearms and there proper use with every post.
Where did I claim that?

Post #961 ya dumbfuck.
I dont see weaver stance nor Wilsons name in that post.
Not true. if it hits you it can drop at your feet depending on where your hands are at.

Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.
it already has been posted
No it hasnt or you would link to it.

it has already been posted

one day you claimed you couldnt read it

although everyone else could
No it hasnt. I am curious to see the autopsy report that claims Brown was the one that advanced on Wilson. If you have it cough it up. If not I will have to believe you are full of it and no longer worth conversing with.

No autopsy report said that because that isn't what autopsy reports are used to determine...


That's actually not correct. Autopsies ARE used to help determine angle and trajectory of rounds and such. Autopsies reveal much more than just cause of death.
There is no autopsy that can prove one person was advancing instead of the other party if they are facing each other. Didnt you say you were an MP?
You're a complete moron for claiming officer Wilson wasnt in the standard Weaver stance as he was trained to be when firing his weapon.
You are showing your ignorance about firearms and there proper use with every post.
Where did I claim that?

Post #961 ya dumbfuck.
I dont see weaver stance nor Wilsons name in that post.
Not true. if it hits you it can drop at your feet depending on where your hands are at.

Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Wait what? You're claiming that there are circumstances where shell casings can be ejected and land right at the shooter's feet?
No it hasnt or you would link to it.

it has already been posted

one day you claimed you couldnt read it

although everyone else could
No it hasnt. I am curious to see the autopsy report that claims Brown was the one that advanced on Wilson. If you have it cough it up. If not I will have to believe you are full of it and no longer worth conversing with.

No autopsy report said that because that isn't what autopsy reports are used to determine...


That's actually not correct. Autopsies ARE used to help determine angle and trajectory of rounds and such. Autopsies reveal much more than just cause of death.
There is no autopsy that can prove one person was advancing instead of the other party if they are facing each other. Didnt you say you were an MP?

Did I say "an autopsy can prove whether a shooter was advancing on the target or not?"

However, let me add this

They can point to the fact, maybe not PROVE, but yes a good medical examiner can you tell which rounds likely hit the target in which order, and ballistics can tell you within a reasonable certainty how far the shooter was from the target with each round.

So, yes a good medical examiner can make an educated guess as to whether or not the shooter was advancing as he fired.

but remember, that doesn't prove anything, because the ballistics would look similar whether Wilson was advancing on Brown or Brown was advancing on Wilson.
Last edited:
You're a complete moron for claiming officer Wilson wasnt in the standard Weaver stance as he was trained to be when firing his weapon.
You are showing your ignorance about firearms and there proper use with every post.
Where did I claim that?

Post #961 ya dumbfuck.
I dont see weaver stance nor Wilsons name in that post.
Not true. if it hits you it can drop at your feet depending on where your hands are at.

Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Now I know you've never fired a pistol. Show me one pistol that ejects the casing at the shooter and I'll show you a failed gun manufacture.
Where did I claim that?

Post #961 ya dumbfuck.
I dont see weaver stance nor Wilsons name in that post.
Not true. if it hits you it can drop at your feet depending on where your hands are at.

Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Wait what? You're claiming that there are circumstances where shell casings can be ejected and land right at the shooter's feet?

Thats exactly what he's claiming.
it already has been posted
No it hasnt or you would link to it.

it has already been posted

one day you claimed you couldnt read it

although everyone else could
No it hasnt. I am curious to see the autopsy report that claims Brown was the one that advanced on Wilson. If you have it cough it up. If not I will have to believe you are full of it and no longer worth conversing with.

No autopsy report said that because that isn't what autopsy reports are used to determine...


That's actually not correct. Autopsies ARE used to help determine angle and trajectory of rounds and such. Autopsies reveal much more than just cause of death.

An autopsy can't tell which party was advancing or retreating when the shots were fired...
it has already been posted

one day you claimed you couldnt read it

although everyone else could
No it hasnt. I am curious to see the autopsy report that claims Brown was the one that advanced on Wilson. If you have it cough it up. If not I will have to believe you are full of it and no longer worth conversing with.

No autopsy report said that because that isn't what autopsy reports are used to determine...


That's actually not correct. Autopsies ARE used to help determine angle and trajectory of rounds and such. Autopsies reveal much more than just cause of death.
There is no autopsy that can prove one person was advancing instead of the other party if they are facing each other. Didnt you say you were an MP?

Did I say "an autopsy can prove whether a shooter was advancing on the target or not?"

You must not be up on current events. Thats exactly what Jon Berserk claimed.
Where did I claim that?

Post #961 ya dumbfuck.
I dont see weaver stance nor Wilsons name in that post.
Not true. if it hits you it can drop at your feet depending on where your hands are at.

Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Now I know you've never fired a pistol. Show me one pistol that ejects the casing at the shooter and I'll show you a failed gun manufacture.
Stop deflecting. You have been caught claiming I said things I never said.
No it hasnt. I am curious to see the autopsy report that claims Brown was the one that advanced on Wilson. If you have it cough it up. If not I will have to believe you are full of it and no longer worth conversing with.

No autopsy report said that because that isn't what autopsy reports are used to determine...


That's actually not correct. Autopsies ARE used to help determine angle and trajectory of rounds and such. Autopsies reveal much more than just cause of death.
There is no autopsy that can prove one person was advancing instead of the other party if they are facing each other. Didnt you say you were an MP?

Did I say "an autopsy can prove whether a shooter was advancing on the target or not?"

You must not be up on current events. Thats exactly what Jon Berserk claimed.

Show us the post.
Where did I claim that?

Post #961 ya dumbfuck.
I dont see weaver stance nor Wilsons name in that post.
Not true. if it hits you it can drop at your feet depending on where your hands are at.

Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Wait what? You're claiming that there are circumstances where shell casings can be ejected and land right at the shooter's feet?
Yes. Are you claiming there are none?
Post #961 ya dumbfuck.
I dont see weaver stance nor Wilsons name in that post.
Not true. if it hits you it can drop at your feet depending on where your hands are at.

Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Now I know you've never fired a pistol. Show me one pistol that ejects the casing at the shooter and I'll show you a failed gun manufacture.
Stop deflecting. You have been caught claiming I said things I never said.

Than explain your statement in post #961.
Post #961 ya dumbfuck.
I dont see weaver stance nor Wilsons name in that post.
Not true. if it hits you it can drop at your feet depending on where your hands are at.

Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Wait what? You're claiming that there are circumstances where shell casings can be ejected and land right at the shooter's feet?
Yes. Are you claim there are none?

Once more in english please.
No autopsy report said that because that isn't what autopsy reports are used to determine...


That's actually not correct. Autopsies ARE used to help determine angle and trajectory of rounds and such. Autopsies reveal much more than just cause of death.
There is no autopsy that can prove one person was advancing instead of the other party if they are facing each other. Didnt you say you were an MP?

Did I say "an autopsy can prove whether a shooter was advancing on the target or not?"

You must not be up on current events. Thats exactly what Jon Berserk claimed.

Show us the post.
Go look for it.
I dont see weaver stance nor Wilsons name in that post.

Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Now I know you've never fired a pistol. Show me one pistol that ejects the casing at the shooter and I'll show you a failed gun manufacture.
Stop deflecting. You have been caught claiming I said things I never said.

Than explain your statement in post #961.
Its already in english. Your inability to comprehend it is your problem not mine.
That's actually not correct. Autopsies ARE used to help determine angle and trajectory of rounds and such. Autopsies reveal much more than just cause of death.
There is no autopsy that can prove one person was advancing instead of the other party if they are facing each other. Didnt you say you were an MP?

Did I say "an autopsy can prove whether a shooter was advancing on the target or not?"

You must not be up on current events. Thats exactly what Jon Berserk claimed.

Show us the post.
Go look for it.

You're the one making the claim you retrieve it.
I retrieved your ignorant post for you,you can do the same.
Where did I claim that?

Post #961 ya dumbfuck.
I dont see weaver stance nor Wilsons name in that post.
Not true. if it hits you it can drop at your feet depending on where your hands are at.

Than explain this grip you claim Officer Wilson was using in order to put the casings at his feet.
This should be good...
Again I must ask you to post where I claimed this. I said nothing about Wilson. I disagreed with your ignorant post claiming the shells never drop at your feet. Its obvious you have never fired a weapon before.

Now I know you've never fired a pistol. Show me one pistol that ejects the casing at the shooter and I'll show you a failed gun manufacture.

I've certainly been hit by a few spent shell casings, being left handed can cause that, but when the casings do hit you they then go spinning off to somewhere else.
There is no autopsy that can prove one person was advancing instead of the other party if they are facing each other. Didnt you say you were an MP?

Did I say "an autopsy can prove whether a shooter was advancing on the target or not?"

You must not be up on current events. Thats exactly what Jon Berserk claimed.

Show us the post.
Go look for it.

You're the one making the claim you retrieve it.
I retrieved your ignorant post for you,you can do the same.
Jon beserk made the claim. Ask him to retrieve it for you if he is not too embarrassed at his error. If you were worthy of me posting the link I would but you lie too much.

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