Police commish calls Obama the n-word. Refuses to apologize.

Words affect everyone retard. Pretending they dont is a sure sign low intellect.

A black man calling me a cracker has no affect on me. So you are incorrect.

Yeah it does. It releases a chemical in your brain cracka. You then have a reaction whether you want to admit it or not. You cant control it. Its how the brain works. How do you think interrogators can tell when you are stressed?

No it doesn't. BTW what the hell is a "cracka"?
I certainly hope his constituency lets him know how they feel about it but indeed it is up to them.
As a matter of legality it is a matter of free speech and no one here has said the guy violated any laws by being a stupid bigot. That said, everyone has that 1st Amendment right and we are exercising it right here to trash him. Got a prob with that? :D

Why does his opinion or choice of words bother you so much?

I like to believe that we've come a long way from finding his words, his opinions and his blatant bigotry as appropriate from officers of our justice system.
Evidently that isn't the case for some.

His opinions are his opinions and unless they affect his job then I don't see why he should alter his opinion because you are offended by them.

What exactly did he say? To whom did he say it? These are things that we should know before we determine his fate.

Personally I don't see why ****** is so offensive. I mean if it was truly an offensive word to blacks, you wouldn't be hearing them using it.
We didn't. They did.

And that Sherriff has to deal with black deputies and employees. He also has to deal with blacks who are accused of crimes as well as black victims of crime

His ability to be impartial is questionable. He needs to resign

Only because the black deputies and employees choose to let a word offend them. It says more about their low self esteem than it does about the Sheriff.

To be fair, I'd have to hear what he said and in what context before I would say he needed to resign. But you liberal pukes simply apply guilt without knowing all the specifics. It's in your DNA, that along with dishonesty.

One need not be a "liberal puke" to find the words of that sheriff offensive and his bigotry unacceptable in an officer of the court. I find the casual acceptance and defense of his racist attitude from conservatives to be an anchor which runs our message aground.
There isn't an automatic behavior to words.

Flight or fright has nothing to do with words. That has to do with how the body reacts to threats.

What does "fight or flight" mean?

The term "fight or flight" describes a mechanism in the body that enables humans and animals to mobilize a lot of energy rapidly in order to cope with threats to survival.

Being insulted by a word is not a threat to survival.

Again you show your lack of intellect and education. You simply dont know what you are talking about.

What Causes Adrenaline Rushes? | LIVESTRONG.COM

This leads to increased blood flow to the muscles and the brain, which helps the person eliminate the threat or escape from it. Some conditions resemble physical threats well enough to create a similar fight-or-flight response. These include extreme physical exercise and verbal threats and abuse.

Are you saying that being called a ****** is an extreme verbal threat and/or abuse?

At least you admit to being controlled by your emotions and have low self-esteem.

What other words trigger your fight or flight response?

Anything can be perceived as a threat. As a Black man I can tell you lots of Black people perceive the n word as a threat whether they admit it or not. Why do you think so many white boys get their ass kicked when they use the word?
Words Have Power | Psychology Today

Words cannot change reality, but they can change how people perceive reality. Words create filters through which people view the world around them. A single word can make the difference between liking a person and disliking that person. If a friend describes the person you are about to meet for the first time as untrustworthy, you will be predisposed to view that person as untrustworthy, regardless of the person's actual level of trustworthiness. The single word "untrustworthy" creates a filter, or primacy effect, that predisposes you to view the person you are about to meet as untrustworthy. Thereafter, you will tend to view everything that person says or does as untrustworthy.

It depends on how you perceive the word. A word in itself doesn't have much meaning without context or emotion attached to it.

That only works if you dont understand the word. For instance if I told you "Nimi shimi peck-pogi da" and you did not understand the words you may or may not get angry even momentarily if you could not ascertain my intent. This word would most likely cause curiosity. Now if you understood it that would cause you some stress at least for an instant.
A black man calling me a cracker has no affect on me. So you are incorrect.

Yeah it does. It releases a chemical in your brain cracka. You then have a reaction whether you want to admit it or not. You cant control it. Its how the brain works. How do you think interrogators can tell when you are stressed?

No it doesn't. BTW what the hell is a "cracka"?

Yeah it does. You know what cracka means. I just remembered you were in prison as a convict so they must not have made you go to the classes to learn this concept.
Why do you think so many white boys get their ass kicked when they use the word?

Any excuse to claim victimhood and be violent

I think the point is that they are showing they will not be a victim and thats why the white boy gets his ass kicked. Now if you can point me to class in school that teaches kids how to mitigate those reactions then you may have a case.
And that Sherriff has to deal with black deputies and employees. He also has to deal with blacks who are accused of crimes as well as black victims of crime

His ability to be impartial is questionable. He needs to resign

Only because the black deputies and employees choose to let a word offend them. It says more about their low self esteem than it does about the Sheriff.

To be fair, I'd have to hear what he said and in what context before I would say he needed to resign. But you liberal pukes simply apply guilt without knowing all the specifics. It's in your DNA, that along with dishonesty.

One need not be a "liberal puke" to find the words of that sheriff offensive and his bigotry unacceptable in an officer of the court. I find the casual acceptance and defense of his racist attitude from conservatives to be an anchor which runs our message aground.

You're right, however that was directed at RW and his ilk. Don't let words offend you and I won't call you a liberal puke.

I think in a free society a person has the right to be as bigoted or as racist as they want. Liberals are some of the most bigoted people I know and that's their choice, I'm not offended by it, I've come to accept it as their normal behavior.
Again you show your lack of intellect and education. You simply dont know what you are talking about.

What Causes Adrenaline Rushes? | LIVESTRONG.COM

Are you saying that being called a ****** is an extreme verbal threat and/or abuse?

At least you admit to being controlled by your emotions and have low self-esteem.

What other words trigger your fight or flight response?

Anything can be perceived as a threat. As a Black man I can tell you lots of Black people perceive the n word as a threat whether they admit it or not. Why do you think so many white boys get their ass kicked when they use the word?

Then why do they threaten each other with it so much?

I've never seen a white boy get his ass kicked for saying ******, not even when I was incarcerated and that word was used by all races.

It depends on how you perceive the word. A word in itself doesn't have much meaning without context or emotion attached to it.

That only works if you dont understand the word. For instance if I told you "Nimi shimi peck-pogi da" and you did not understand the words you may or may not get angry even momentarily if you could not ascertain my intent. This word would most likely cause curiosity. Now if you understood it that would cause you some stress at least for an instant.

I understand the word "cracker" and it doesn't offend me nor do I stress over it no matter who uses the word.
Are you saying that being called a ****** is an extreme verbal threat and/or abuse?

At least you admit to being controlled by your emotions and have low self-esteem.

What other words trigger your fight or flight response?

Anything can be perceived as a threat. As a Black man I can tell you lots of Black people perceive the n word as a threat whether they admit it or not. Why do you think so many white boys get their ass kicked when they use the word?

Then why do they threaten each other with it so much?

I've never seen a white boy get his ass kicked for saying ******, not even when I was incarcerated and that word was used by all races.

Black people dont call each other ******. I've seen plenty of white boys get their ass kicked over it.
Yeah it does. It releases a chemical in your brain cracka. You then have a reaction whether you want to admit it or not. You cant control it. Its how the brain works. How do you think interrogators can tell when you are stressed?

No it doesn't. BTW what the hell is a "cracka"?

Yeah it does. You know what cracka means. I just remembered you were in prison as a convict so they must not have made you go to the classes to learn this concept.

So not only can't you say the word correctly, you can't even spell it correctly. No they didn't teach us to be illiterate.

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