Police Officer Stress

Yeah,and the cops probably own all of the labs. or get kickbacks for letting them thrive

Start with that.
Google it! Any search engine will do...here I will hep you get started:

Police Corruption | StoptheDrugWar.org

That doesn't make your case. Want to try again?
Nope. Nothing i say or do will be enough. You are just a disagreeable vixen with a bizarre fixation on me for some reason., The more you try to engage me with ad hominem BS that looks like some kind of vendetta, the closer my hand moves towards the ignore button. Before i kick you out of my world, I want you to know how silly your argument is. Here is the sentence you said I couldn't back up:

"Yeah,and the cops probably own all of the labs. or get kickbacks for letting them thrive"

Apparently your education level doesn't permit you to understand sentence structure and the use of adverbs in them. Did you miss the adverb ":probably" in the sentence you questioned?
I used that word on purpose to alert the reader that the statement was just a hunch. Had I omitted the word "probably" you would have a case. Now all you have is egg on your face, but I suspect you are too stupid to know it!

No. Let me slow this down for you because clearly you have an intellectual disability. When was the last time you dealt with a baby that had been used as a meth experiment? How about the last time you dealt with an individual that sold their children for drugs? Never? I didn't fucking think so.

There is no vendetta. You're a piece of shit. You have always been a piece of shit.
Yeah,and the cops probably own all of the labs. or get kickbacks for letting them thrive

Start with that.
Google it! Any search engine will do...here I will hep you get started:

Police Corruption | StoptheDrugWar.org

That doesn't make your case. Want to try again?
Nope. Nothing i say or do will be enough. You are just a disagreeable vixen with a bizarre fixation on me for some reason., The more you try to engage me with ad hominem BS that looks like some kind of vendetta, the closer my hand moves towards the ignore button. Before i kick you out of my world, I want you to know how silly your argument is. Here is the sentence you said I couldn't back up:

"Yeah,and the cops probably own all of the labs. or get kickbacks for letting them thrive"

Apparently your education level doesn't permit you to understand sentence structure and the use of adverbs in them. Did you miss the adverb ":probably" in the sentence you questioned?
I used that word on purpose to alert the reader that the statement was just a hunch. Had I omitted the word "probably" you would have a case. Now all you have is egg on your face, but I suspect you are too stupid to know it!

No. Let me slow this down for you because clearly you have an intellectual disability. When was the last time you dealt with a baby that had been used as a meth experiment? How about the last time you dealt with an individual that sold their children for drugs? Never? I didn't fucking think so.

There is no vendetta. You're a piece of shit. You have always been a piece of shit.

Paramedics, Doctors, Nurses, Councilors, Priests, Nuns, and Social Workers deal with it every day too. Yet, they don't go berserk and beat someone near to death over it. Why is it that these people can remain professional, but the police can't? Are you suggesting that the Police are more immature, less professional than any of them? Perhaps you are suggesting that the police are more psychologically or emotionally unstable than the rest of the people.

There was an old saying when I was in the army. The maximum effective range of an excuse is zero.
Start with that.
Google it! Any search engine will do...here I will hep you get started:

Police Corruption | StoptheDrugWar.org

That doesn't make your case. Want to try again?
Nope. Nothing i say or do will be enough. You are just a disagreeable vixen with a bizarre fixation on me for some reason., The more you try to engage me with ad hominem BS that looks like some kind of vendetta, the closer my hand moves towards the ignore button. Before i kick you out of my world, I want you to know how silly your argument is. Here is the sentence you said I couldn't back up:

"Yeah,and the cops probably own all of the labs. or get kickbacks for letting them thrive"

Apparently your education level doesn't permit you to understand sentence structure and the use of adverbs in them. Did you miss the adverb ":probably" in the sentence you questioned?
I used that word on purpose to alert the reader that the statement was just a hunch. Had I omitted the word "probably" you would have a case. Now all you have is egg on your face, but I suspect you are too stupid to know it!

No. Let me slow this down for you because clearly you have an intellectual disability. When was the last time you dealt with a baby that had been used as a meth experiment? How about the last time you dealt with an individual that sold their children for drugs? Never? I didn't fucking think so.

There is no vendetta. You're a piece of shit. You have always been a piece of shit.

Paramedics, Doctors, Nurses, Councilors, Priests, Nuns, and Social Workers deal with it every day too. Yet, they don't go berserk and beat someone near to death over it. Why is it that these people can remain professional, but the police can't? Are you suggesting that the Police are more immature, less professional than any of them? Perhaps you are suggesting that the police are more psychologically or emotionally unstable than the rest of the people.

There was an old saying when I was in the army. The maximum effective range of an excuse is zero.

You are suggesting they all do. They don't. You know it. You have an ulterior motive. Come clean and tell the class.
Yeah,and the cops probably own all of the labs. or get kickbacks for letting them thrive

Start with that.
Google it! Any search engine will do...here I will hep you get started:

Police Corruption | StoptheDrugWar.org
Stop the drug war? LOL!!!

Mystery solved!
Read the part about police corruption, you might learn something. You might also invest in an english course so that you can interpret the sentence structure of simple posts that seem to stymie you from time to time... words like "probably" seem to give you trouble... If I can help you understand just let me know... :lol:
I understand asshole just fine. Your posts reek of it.

Sure corruption exists, some cops are not up to snuff but there are some 800,000 on the streets interacting daily with troublemakers and we only have afew examples of bad behavior that get looped endlessly by leftists in the media to forward their agenda.

That proves most of them are doing an ugly job pretty well. Like I said, IF you ever really were a cop you were one of those problem cops that got shit canned. You smarmy attitude and low brow way of thinking speaks volumes.
Paramedics, Doctors, Nurses, Councilors, Priests, Nuns, and Social Workers deal with it every day too. Yet, they don't go berserk and beat someone near to death over it. Why is it that these people can remain professional, but the police can't? Are you suggesting that the Police are more immature, less professional than any of them? Perhaps you are suggesting that the police are more psychologically or emotionally unstable than the rest of the people.

There was an old saying when I was in the army. The maximum effective range of an excuse is zero.
As mentioned above there are only a few examples replayed in the msm to fuel boners for people like you. It's off the charts stupid to compare the professions, emergency and medical services are far different than law enforcement.
Paramedics, Doctors, Nurses, Councilors, Priests, Nuns, and Social Workers deal with it every day too. Yet, they don't go berserk and beat someone near to death over it. Why is it that these people can remain professional, but the police can't? Are you suggesting that the Police are more immature, less professional than any of them? Perhaps you are suggesting that the police are more psychologically or emotionally unstable than the rest of the people.

There was an old saying when I was in the army. The maximum effective range of an excuse is zero.
As mentioned above there are only a few examples replayed in the msm to fuel boners for people like you. It's off the charts stupid to compare the professions, emergency and medical services are far different than law enforcement.

But the stress is supposedly what pushes the cops over the edge. Yet, others are exposed to that stress, and much much more. They don't go over the edge. Veterinarians have one of the toughest jobs. They become Vets to help the animals they love, and all too often all they can do is put the animal down because it is suffering and there is little else we can do.

Veterinarians don't go nuts for a few minutes and throw a beating on someone.

Social Workers deal in broken families where drugs, abuse, and violence is the norm. They wade through it day in and out. Yet they don't lose it and go full blown violent for no reason and claim it was the stress of seeing the abuse that drove them around the bend.

Doctors in the Emergency Room in your local hospital will see abuse victims today. They will see them. The Doctor doesn't pick up the paddles and zap the adult standing there with the cardiac jump starter because they just couldn't take it anymore.

They see the same victims. Only the Doctor knows the physical damage, and the fact that the damage won't heal ever. The Doctor looks at little girls and knows that they were raped, and that they were damaged permenantly, and that this little girl will never grow up and have a baby because of the thoughtless actions of a man.

So why do the Police lose it and why is it understandable that they do? Why are the Doctors, Nurses, Social Workers, and the rest so much more professional, able to manage their feelings without resorting to violent impulses? Tell me how it is different? Tell me the Nurse who is standing by the bed watching a little girl bleed to death as the Doctors work feverishly to save her life is not affected by that. Tell me how the Doctor who finally looks up and calls the time from the clock with the hated words time of death is not saddened by this.

The difference is that the Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, and the rest are professionals, and accept that they will do everything in their power to help whoever is on the bed. They even help the bastard who did it to that poor child, as they try and heal the injuries inflicted by the Police Officer who lost control of their emotions.

I can tell you the difference. The Doctor became one because they wanted to help people, save lives. The same is true of the nurses, and paramedics. The Social Worker wants to help people too. The cop wants to punish people. To make them pay for whatever they did. The Doctors and Nurses and Paremedics do their jobs, and try to live up to the reason they went into that line of work. The cop finds he isn't supposed to punish people, and that frustrates him. He doesn't like it very much.
Paramedics, Doctors, Nurses, Councilors, Priests, Nuns, and Social Workers deal with it every day too. Yet, they don't go berserk and beat someone near to death over it. Why is it that these people can remain professional, but the police can't? Are you suggesting that the Police are more immature, less professional than any of them? Perhaps you are suggesting that the police are more psychologically or emotionally unstable than the rest of the people.

There was an old saying when I was in the army. The maximum effective range of an excuse is zero.
As mentioned above there are only a few examples replayed in the msm to fuel boners for people like you. It's off the charts stupid to compare the professions, emergency and medical services are far different than law enforcement.

But the stress is supposedly what pushes the cops over the edge. Yet, others are exposed to that stress, and much much more. They don't go over the edge. Veterinarians have one of the toughest jobs. They become Vets to help the animals they love, and all too often all they can do is put the animal down because it is suffering and there is little else we can do.

Veterinarians don't go nuts for a few minutes and throw a beating on someone.

Social Workers deal in broken families where drugs, abuse, and violence is the norm. They wade through it day in and out. Yet they don't lose it and go full blown violent for no reason and claim it was the stress of seeing the abuse that drove them around the bend.

Doctors in the Emergency Room in your local hospital will see abuse victims today. They will see them. The Doctor doesn't pick up the paddles and zap the adult standing there with the cardiac jump starter because they just couldn't take it anymore.

They see the same victims. Only the Doctor knows the physical damage, and the fact that the damage won't heal ever. The Doctor looks at little girls and knows that they were raped, and that they were damaged permenantly, and that this little girl will never grow up and have a baby because of the thoughtless actions of a man.

So why do the Police lose it and why is it understandable that they do? Why are the Doctors, Nurses, Social Workers, and the rest so much more professional, able to manage their feelings without resorting to violent impulses? Tell me how it is different? Tell me the Nurse who is standing by the bed watching a little girl bleed to death as the Doctors work feverishly to save her life is not affected by that. Tell me how the Doctor who finally looks up and calls the time from the clock with the hated words time of death is not saddened by this.

The difference is that the Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, and the rest are professionals, and accept that they will do everything in their power to help whoever is on the bed. They even help the bastard who did it to that poor child, as they try and heal the injuries inflicted by the Police Officer who lost control of their emotions.

I can tell you the difference. The Doctor became one because they wanted to help people, save lives. The same is true of the nurses, and paramedics. The Social Worker wants to help people too. The cop wants to punish people. To make them pay for whatever they did. The Doctors and Nurses and Paremedics do their jobs, and try to live up to the reason they went into that line of work. The cop finds he isn't supposed to punish people, and that frustrates him. He doesn't like it very much.

So, you got nothing. Everybody goes in to be a superhero. Every single one of those careers attracts that. Cops are no different. They are first responders.
But the stress is supposedly what pushes the cops over the edge. Yet, others are exposed to that stress, and much much more.
Much much more? You're insane. Pulling turds out of your ass over and over isn't going to get you different results. While EMT services are stressful, the patient isn't trying to kill you.

You are one of those incapable of learning. Your only option is pain compliance. You need to associate certain behaviors with pain, physical and financial. It's our only hope.
But the stress is supposedly what pushes the cops over the edge. Yet, others are exposed to that stress, and much much more.
Much much more? You're insane. Pulling turds out of your ass over and over isn't going to get you different results. While EMT services are stressful, the patient isn't trying to kill you.

You are one of those incapable of learning. Your only option is pain compliance. You need to associate certain behaviors with pain, physical and financial. It's our only hope.

Context is missing. The reply I answered said it was the stress of seeing a baby that had been used as a meth experiment. I said Doctors and Nurses saw much more of that. Now we are moving on to someone trying to kill them.

The house you are building isn't on sand, but on swamp slime if you keep changing the point of discussion.

If you can't keep up, find a new hobby. Debate isn't your cup of tea.
But the stress is supposedly what pushes the cops over the edge. Yet, others are exposed to that stress, and much much more.
Much much more? You're insane. Pulling turds out of your ass over and over isn't going to get you different results. While EMT services are stressful, the patient isn't trying to kill you.

You are one of those incapable of learning. Your only option is pain compliance. You need to associate certain behaviors with pain, physical and financial. It's our only hope.

Context is missing. The reply I answered said it was the stress of seeing a baby that had been used as a meth experiment. I said Doctors and Nurses saw much more of that. Now we are moving on to someone trying to kill them.

The house you are building isn't on sand, but on swamp slime if you keep changing the point of discussion.

If you can't keep up, find a new hobby. Debate isn't your cup of tea.

The reply you answered did not excuse police misconduct. It was pointing out the piece of shit I was responding to does not have the experience he claimed and could not wrap the melon around what actually happens versus what he likes to pretend is happening everywhere. Try again.
But the stress is supposedly what pushes the cops over the edge. Yet, others are exposed to that stress, and much much more.
Much much more? You're insane. Pulling turds out of your ass over and over isn't going to get you different results. While EMT services are stressful, the patient isn't trying to kill you.

You are one of those incapable of learning. Your only option is pain compliance. You need to associate certain behaviors with pain, physical and financial. It's our only hope.

Context is missing. The reply I answered said it was the stress of seeing a baby that had been used as a meth experiment. I said Doctors and Nurses saw much more of that. Now we are moving on to someone trying to kill them.

The house you are building isn't on sand, but on swamp slime if you keep changing the point of discussion.

If you can't keep up, find a new hobby. Debate isn't your cup of tea.
Yep, cops face it daily and much more stressful stuff than seeing a meth baby on occasion. Your brain is gone.
Yeah,and the cops probably own all of the labs. or get kickbacks for letting them thrive

Start with that.
Google it! Any search engine will do...here I will hep you get started:

Police Corruption | StoptheDrugWar.org

That doesn't make your case. Want to try again?
Nope. Nothing i say or do will be enough. You are just a disagreeable vixen with a bizarre fixation on me for some reason., The more you try to engage me with ad hominem BS that looks like some kind of vendetta, the closer my hand moves towards the ignore button. Before i kick you out of my world, I want you to know how silly your argument is. Here is the sentence you said I couldn't back up:

"Yeah,and the cops probably own all of the labs. or get kickbacks for letting them thrive"

Apparently your education level doesn't permit you to understand sentence structure and the use of adverbs in them. Did you miss the adverb ":probably" in the sentence you questioned?
I used that word on purpose to alert the reader that the statement was just a hunch. Had I omitted the word "probably" you would have a case. Now all you have is egg on your face, but I suspect you are too stupid to know it!

No. Let me slow this down for you because clearly you have an intellectual disability. When was the last time you dealt with a baby that had been used as a meth experiment? How about the last time you dealt with an individual that sold their children for drugs? Never? I didn't fucking think so.

There is no vendetta. You're a piece of shit. You have always been a piece of shit.
I could trade insults with you all day but to what ends? It will afford me no benefit. I shall take the high road and leave you wallowing in your fetid cesspool of anger. You don't know me and I don't want to know you! good bye....

BTW, you have no idea what I have seen while in the service of my country as a cop and as a soldier.
Yeah,and the cops probably own all of the labs. or get kickbacks for letting them thrive

Start with that.
Google it! Any search engine will do...here I will hep you get started:

Police Corruption | StoptheDrugWar.org
Stop the drug war? LOL!!!

Mystery solved!
Read the part about police corruption, you might learn something. You might also invest in an english course so that you can interpret the sentence structure of simple posts that seem to stymie you from time to time... words like "probably" seem to give you trouble... If I can help you understand just let me know... :lol:
I understand asshole just fine. Your posts reek of it.

Sure corruption exists, some cops are not up to snuff but there are some 800,000 on the streets interacting daily with troublemakers and we only have afew examples of bad behavior that get looped endlessly by leftists in the media to forward their agenda.

That proves most of them are doing an ugly job pretty well. Like I said, IF you ever really were a cop you were one of those problem cops that got shit canned. You smarmy attitude and low brow way of thinking speaks volumes.
I see what you are doing. You are trying to squeeze all the information out of me you can about myself while mentioning nothing about what you do for a living. I'm not falling into that trap. I am not here to discuss ME. give it up... you are wasting your time.

I gave a brief mention of my experience with RW cops to illustrate a point. You and Disir took that wee bit of info and used it to launch spurious accusations that have no basis in fact.
You don't know me yet you construct lies based on faulty logic and reasoning about me.
I've had enough...move on or get reported.
Paramedics, Doctors, Nurses, Councilors, Priests, Nuns, and Social Workers deal with it every day too. Yet, they don't go berserk and beat someone near to death over it. Why is it that these people can remain professional, but the police can't? Are you suggesting that the Police are more immature, less professional than any of them? Perhaps you are suggesting that the police are more psychologically or emotionally unstable than the rest of the people.

There was an old saying when I was in the army. The maximum effective range of an excuse is zero.
As mentioned above there are only a few examples replayed in the msm to fuel boners for people like you. It's off the charts stupid to compare the professions, emergency and medical services are far different than law enforcement.

But the stress is supposedly what pushes the cops over the edge. Yet, others are exposed to that stress, and much much more. They don't go over the edge. Veterinarians have one of the toughest jobs. They become Vets to help the animals they love, and all too often all they can do is put the animal down because it is suffering and there is little else we can do.

Veterinarians don't go nuts for a few minutes and throw a beating on someone.

Social Workers deal in broken families where drugs, abuse, and violence is the norm. They wade through it day in and out. Yet they don't lose it and go full blown violent for no reason and claim it was the stress of seeing the abuse that drove them around the bend.

Doctors in the Emergency Room in your local hospital will see abuse victims today. They will see them. The Doctor doesn't pick up the paddles and zap the adult standing there with the cardiac jump starter because they just couldn't take it anymore.

They see the same victims. Only the Doctor knows the physical damage, and the fact that the damage won't heal ever. The Doctor looks at little girls and knows that they were raped, and that they were damaged permenantly, and that this little girl will never grow up and have a baby because of the thoughtless actions of a man.

So why do the Police lose it and why is it understandable that they do? Why are the Doctors, Nurses, Social Workers, and the rest so much more professional, able to manage their feelings without resorting to violent impulses? Tell me how it is different? Tell me the Nurse who is standing by the bed watching a little girl bleed to death as the Doctors work feverishly to save her life is not affected by that. Tell me how the Doctor who finally looks up and calls the time from the clock with the hated words time of death is not saddened by this.

The difference is that the Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, and the rest are professionals, and accept that they will do everything in their power to help whoever is on the bed. They even help the bastard who did it to that poor child, as they try and heal the injuries inflicted by the Police Officer who lost control of their emotions.

I can tell you the difference. The Doctor became one because they wanted to help people, save lives. The same is true of the nurses, and paramedics. The Social Worker wants to help people too. The cop wants to punish people. To make them pay for whatever they did. The Doctors and Nurses and Paremedics do their jobs, and try to live up to the reason they went into that line of work. The cop finds he isn't supposed to punish people, and that frustrates him. He doesn't like it very much.

So, you got nothing. Everybody goes in to be a superhero. Every single one of those careers attracts that. Cops are no different. They are first responders.

Pfui. The cops went into it because they were picked on in high school. They want revenge, and they want to be certain no one can pick on them again.
Paramedics, Doctors, Nurses, Councilors, Priests, Nuns, and Social Workers deal with it every day too. Yet, they don't go berserk and beat someone near to death over it. Why is it that these people can remain professional, but the police can't? Are you suggesting that the Police are more immature, less professional than any of them? Perhaps you are suggesting that the police are more psychologically or emotionally unstable than the rest of the people.

There was an old saying when I was in the army. The maximum effective range of an excuse is zero.
As mentioned above there are only a few examples replayed in the msm to fuel boners for people like you. It's off the charts stupid to compare the professions, emergency and medical services are far different than law enforcement.

But the stress is supposedly what pushes the cops over the edge. Yet, others are exposed to that stress, and much much more. They don't go over the edge. Veterinarians have one of the toughest jobs. They become Vets to help the animals they love, and all too often all they can do is put the animal down because it is suffering and there is little else we can do.

Veterinarians don't go nuts for a few minutes and throw a beating on someone.

Social Workers deal in broken families where drugs, abuse, and violence is the norm. They wade through it day in and out. Yet they don't lose it and go full blown violent for no reason and claim it was the stress of seeing the abuse that drove them around the bend.

Doctors in the Emergency Room in your local hospital will see abuse victims today. They will see them. The Doctor doesn't pick up the paddles and zap the adult standing there with the cardiac jump starter because they just couldn't take it anymore.

They see the same victims. Only the Doctor knows the physical damage, and the fact that the damage won't heal ever. The Doctor looks at little girls and knows that they were raped, and that they were damaged permenantly, and that this little girl will never grow up and have a baby because of the thoughtless actions of a man.

So why do the Police lose it and why is it understandable that they do? Why are the Doctors, Nurses, Social Workers, and the rest so much more professional, able to manage their feelings without resorting to violent impulses? Tell me how it is different? Tell me the Nurse who is standing by the bed watching a little girl bleed to death as the Doctors work feverishly to save her life is not affected by that. Tell me how the Doctor who finally looks up and calls the time from the clock with the hated words time of death is not saddened by this.

The difference is that the Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics, and the rest are professionals, and accept that they will do everything in their power to help whoever is on the bed. They even help the bastard who did it to that poor child, as they try and heal the injuries inflicted by the Police Officer who lost control of their emotions.

I can tell you the difference. The Doctor became one because they wanted to help people, save lives. The same is true of the nurses, and paramedics. The Social Worker wants to help people too. The cop wants to punish people. To make them pay for whatever they did. The Doctors and Nurses and Paremedics do their jobs, and try to live up to the reason they went into that line of work. The cop finds he isn't supposed to punish people, and that frustrates him. He doesn't like it very much.

So, you got nothing. Everybody goes in to be a superhero. Every single one of those careers attracts that. Cops are no different. They are first responders.

Pfui. The cops went into it because they were picked on in high school. They want revenge, and they want to be certain no one can pick on them again.

You can back that up right?

Everybody goes in to be a superhero.
Bein' a cop can make ya sick...

Study: Stress Can Leave Police Officers More Vulnerable to Disease
February 7, 2017 - A study of more than 300 Buffalo police officers suggests that the high-stress environment can leave the officers more vulnerable to disease.
For most people, cortisol, the vital hormone that controls stress, increases when they wake up. It’s the body’s way of preparing us for the day. But in police officers who’ve experienced intense stress on the job, cortisol functions much differently, according to recent research from the University at Buffalo and funded by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).


John Violanti, PhD -- who served with the New York State Police for 23 years and is now a research professor of epidemiology and environmental health at the University at Buffalo School of Public Health and Health Professions -- says a study of more than 300 members of the Buffalo Police Department suggests that the high-stress working environment can leave officers vulnerable to disease.​

A study of more than 300 members of the Buffalo Police Department suggests that police events or conditions considered highly stressful by the officers may be associated with disturbances of the normal awakening cortisol pattern. That can leave the officers vulnerable to disease, particularly cardiovascular disease, which already affects a large number of officers. “We wanted to look at what stressors most affect police officers in their work and what affect that has in the dysregulation of this awakening cortisol pattern,” said John Violanti, PhD, research professor of epidemiology and environmental health in UB’s School of Public Health and Health Professions.“Past studies haven’t really looked at the intensity of the stressor and how it affected this cortisol pattern. Here we looked at actual intensity,” adds Violanti, lead author on the paper, published in the January issue of the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology. The study included 338 Buffalo officers who were enrolled in the Buffalo Cardio-Metabolic Occupational Police Stress (BCOPS) study, a long-term study Violanti began in 1999.

What stresses officers the most?

For this study, participating officers assessed a variety of on-the-job stressors using a questionnaire that asks officers to rate 60 police-related events with a “stress rating.” Events perceived as very stressful are assigned a higher rating. Exposure to battered or dead children ranked as the most stressful event, followed by: killing someone in the line of duty; having a fellow officer killed on duty; a situation requiring the use of force; and being physically attacked.

Identifying the five most intense stressors police can face was significant, Violanti said. “When we talk about interventions to help prevent disease, it’s tricky because these stressors are things that can’t be prevented,” he said. “That’s why the availability of peer support programs within police departments is important. ”The survey showed that the officers experienced one of the five major stressors, on average, 2.4 times during the month before the survey was completed.

Stressed officers see blunted cortisol pattern

Enlisted military stress levels are much higher. They know stress is a big part of the job before they get the badge. If they can't handle it, they should get another job.
Enlisted military stress levels are much higher. They know stress is a big part of the job before they get the badge. If they can't handle it, they should get another job.
Some do. Some eat a gun. Most handle it just fine. But I'm curious where your information comes from?
Enlisted military stress levels are much higher. They know stress is a big part of the job before they get the badge. If they can't handle it, they should get another job.
Some do. Some eat a gun. Most handle it just fine. But I'm curious where your information comes from?

Comparable charts of stress levels for different occupations, from credible sources, are easily found, and they are all pretty much consistent. A cops stress level is not an excuse for unprofessional behavior.
Enlisted military stress levels are much higher. They know stress is a big part of the job before they get the badge. If they can't handle it, they should get another job.
Some do. Some eat a gun. Most handle it just fine. But I'm curious where your information comes from?

Comparable charts of stress levels for different occupations, from credible sources, are easily found, and they are all pretty much consistent. A cops stress level is not an excuse for unprofessional behavior.
In other words you're full of shit. Just what I thought.

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