Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

happening too often. what can i say. let's hope there aren't many casualties?

Just another day in the US.

They want guns, and they like the freedom and willing to see other people die to get it.

They don't want abortion and aren't willing to see fetuses die to get it.

The logic.
How many muppets in this thread that conceal carry that could've made a difference??
My educated guess is, NONE!

But, but, but someone made up a statistic about how good carry and conceal is, and how many crimes it's stopped.
Oh? One random asshole suddenly negates the thousands of violent scum who are continuously released to go kill again?

Go fuck yourself, loser.
You still are trying very hard to go off topic.......can't face that this murderer was a fellow traveler in the con-servative while male world?
You still are trying very hard to go off topic.......can't face that this murderer was a fellow traveler in the con-servative while male world?

Oh? Where did i suddenly say that? As usual you lie, because you are a scumbag. This asshole murdered innocent people. He hopefully will die in prison soon. That's the difference between sane people like me, and batshit crazy fucks, like you. We want the bad people to go away forever. You want to let them out so they can kill again.

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