Police on the scene of "active multiple shooting" at Buffalo supermarket, 9 people shot : Multiple people are injured & 'several dead'

The more I read about this guy the worse it get's. This MF'ER in his manifesto states he hates "blacks that choose to INVADE our lands..live on our soil."

WTF? This asshole has only been on earth 18 years and thinks everything is HIS!

Entitled sociopathic bastard. Shows you the depth of his evil and hate to live stream the killings. So even if they try to erase all images and video from the net they will not get all of it. It will always be floating somewhere. That is what he wanted.
It shows the power of bad ideas and nonsense. What do you do about bad ideas? You can't blow them up. You can't shoot them.

You drag them into the light.
"Why didn't the police SHOOT him POINT BLANK in the head like they do Black Men and Women during traffic stops and unarmed jogs through the neighborhood?!!!"

You mean like this?

The police go out of there way to not shoot white people no matter how aggressive they act even if they have a gun in their hand. Just stop it.

Read it for your self...

That link will take you to his manifesto...
I'm not reading a fucking thing that racist POS wrote. I just found it humorous that gun humper jumps in and calls him both "left wing" and an "eco terrorist"

I'm almost surprised he didn't say he killed those people because we don't have strict enough gun laws.
The more I read about this guy the worse it get's. This MF'ER in his manifesto states he hates "blacks that choose to INVADE our lands..live on our soil."

WTF? This asshole has only been on earth 18 years and thinks everything is HIS!

Entitled sociopathic bastard. Shows you the depth of his evil and hate to live stream the killings. So even if they try to erase all images and video from the net they will not get all of it. It will always be floating somewhere. That is what he wanted.
I've been saying for years social media will end up being the death of all of us. Everything this pos is, is directly a product of social media.
Big Bend Texas
They destroyed the black family in just two generations and blacks today are 4-7x more likely to commit violent crimes and property crimes than whites as a result.

What violent crimes do we commit ?
The same violent and property crimes everyone else commits, just at much higher rates than whites or even Hispanics.

In his tiny world, he may have been taught or fed the lie's he used to justify his actions to himself or he actually heard the voice's coming to him in his head. The very definition of mental instability, but he still should be cognizant enough to be tried and executed for his actions.

Here's the old "mentally ill" line they only give white dude

You say he was mentally ill even though he stock piled ammunition and the use of multiple weapons just so he could ensure an uninterrupted hail of gunfire.

One gun runs out of ammo, switch to the next one. That’s architecture. That's engineering. His intent was to kill as many blk ppl as possible in the shortest amount of time and had the security guard not fired bk and held him up. It would have been more. That was his objective.

I've been saying for years social media will end up being the death of all of us. Everything this pos is, is directly a product of social media.
Social media is pretty well driving every aspect of our lives today.

We've got two generations of loudmouthed entitled brats who all think they are something special who now have a national, even international platform.
I'm not reading a fucking thing that racist POS wrote. I just found it humorous that gun humper jumps in and calls him both "left wing" and an "eco terrorist"

I'm almost surprised he didn't say he killed those people because we don't have strict enough gun laws.
sounds like an Abortion loving Democrat to me
In his tiny world, he may have been taught or fed the lie's he used to justify his actions to himself or he actually heard the voice's coming to him in his head. The very definition of mental instability, but he still should be cognizant enough to be tried and executed for his actions.

He were the old mentally ill line they give white dude even he stock piled of ammunition and the use of multiple weapons just so he could ensure an uninterrupted hail of gunfire.

One gun runs out of ammo, switch to the next one. That’s architecture. That's engineering. His intent was to kill as many blk ppl as possible in the shortest amount of time and had the security guard not fired bk and held him up. It would have been more. That was his objective.

View attachment 644664
There's not a hell of a lot we can do to disarm the mentally ill today unless they are so far gone as to be committable.

A series of court decisions in the sixties, seventies, and eighties have made involuntary commitments very difficult to obtain and as soon as they are deemed to no longer be a threat to themselves or others they have to be released even if that status is dependent on them sticking to a regime of prescription meds which of course few do.

The end result is a revolving door so police, prosecutors, and judges in most cases are loathe to force anyone into an involuntary commitment and because of those rulings there are very few beds available in lockdown facilities to house them.

For these and many other reasons Mental Health is something we as a country really seem to not want to discuss because the answers are complex.
Big Bend Texas
The same violent and property crimes everyone else commits, just at much higher rates than whites or even Hispanics.

I'll ask you for the second time. What crimes are we commiting ?

Using stats about black crime from white ppl is like using stats from Ronald McDonald about vegetarians
Social media is pretty well driving every aspect of our lives today.

We've got two generations of loudmouthed entitled brats who all think they are something special who now have a national, even international platform.

And they all are convinced if they become a presence online, they will become stars and be relevant.
On another thread they quoted from the guys manifesto....he is a self described, leftist authoritarian, and eco-fascist.......
Looked like an antifa turd in camo to me.

Regardless, it's more evidence that someone willing to MURDER people is not all that concerned with laws that "prevent" (They don't) access to weapons.
Big Bend Texas
The same violent and property crimes everyone else commits, just at much higher rates than whites or even Hispanics.

I'll ask you for the second time. What crimes are we commiting ?

Using stats about black crime from white ppl is like using stats from Ronald McDonald about vegetarians

Denial is not a river in Egypt, but it is a junction in Nevada. Well, sort of.
Police kill more whites than they do blacks.......every year.

And how many of the white ppl killed were unarmed ? Very few,

When we talk about police killings we are talking about unarmed blk ppl. George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, Freddie Gray, Tamir Rice, Laquan McDonald (and many more) were all unarmed

You don't have white versions of Aiyanna Jones in the white comunity


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