Police Raid Man’s Home WITHOUT A WARRANT After He Criticized Them On Facebook


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
The real Thugs

The bizarre case of a police officer who seemed to be stalking a man who was standing in his own driveway. That man began filming the officer, who was circling around his block, in an obvious attempt to intimidate and harass. The officer then freaked out and actually drew his gun on the man, who had done nothing illegal whatsoever.

After the man posted the video to Facebook, along with statements criticizing the officer, police from the same department showed up to raid his house!

Police Raid Man’s Home WITHOUT A WARRANT After He Criticized Them On Facebook
The way police officers are targeted for assassination, I do not blame the cop in the slightest.
The police need to release the audio of the alleged 9-1-1 call. It sounds totally bogus.

The cop drawing his gun on the guy was also way out of line, and that cop should be fired.

One thing I am curious about is why the guy was filming the cop to begin with.

Time for a BIG lawsuit.
The way police officers are targeted for assassination, I do not blame the cop in the slightest.
If the cop was scared, he would not have sat in his car for a couple minutes first, he would not have then rolled down his window and sat for a while longer, and he would not have ambled out of his car the way he did.

He was not feeling threatened in the slightest.

He was doing his best to be threatening.
Anytime guano posts something I'm skeptical of it's value, and with sources that are as credible as the daily kos I'm sure it's loaded with bullshit.

If the story is exactly as written, the cops will certainly be liable for a lawsuit. Something tells me there is a lot more to the story though.

The real Thugs

The bizarre case of a police officer who seemed to be stalking a man who was standing in his own driveway. That man began filming the officer, who was circling around his block, in an obvious attempt to intimidate and harass. The officer then freaked out and actually drew his gun on the man, who had done nothing illegal whatsoever.

After the man posted the video to Facebook, along with statements criticizing the officer, police from the same department showed up to raid his house!

Police Raid Man’s Home WITHOUT A WARRANT After He Criticized Them On Facebook

Police Are More Dangerous To The Public Than Are Criminals
By Paul Craig Roberts

The goon thug psychopaths no longer only brutalize minorities–it is open season on all of us –the latest victim is a petite young white mother of two small children

Police Brutality -  Video - Shocking dashcam video shows cops in Tallahassee slam their pint-sized, female prisoner onto a patrol car and then the pavement. One cops mashes her face into the street as the woman howls in pain.

The worse threat every American faces comes from his/her own government.

At the state and local level every American faces brutal, armed psychopaths known as the police. The “law and order” conservatives and the “compassionate” liberals stand silent while police psychopaths brutalize children and grandmothers, murder double amputees in wheel chairs, break into the wrong homes, murder the family dogs, and terrify the occupants, pointing their automatic assault weapons in the faces of small children.

The police have been militarized and largely federalized by the Pentagon and the gestapo Homeland Security. The role of the federal government in equipping state and local police with military weapons, including tanks, and training in their use has essentially removed the police from state and local control. No matter how brutal any police officer, it is rare that any suffer more than a few months suspension, usually with full pay, while a report is concocted that clears them of any wrong doing."

LOL I just read another article on this , this part made me laugh

If you leave a comment on the department’s Facebook page, please make a screenshot in case they delete it, so we can prepare possible legal action against them for censorship.

Rohnert Park Cops Raid Home of Man who Criticized Them on FB Over Co-Worker's Viral Video Incident - PINAC

Are people really this stupid? The police department is under no legal obligation to let you post whatever you wish on their FB page :rofl:

Talk about missing the forest for the trees
The real Thugs

The bizarre case of a police officer who seemed to be stalking a man who was standing in his own driveway. That man began filming the officer, who was circling around his block, in an obvious attempt to intimidate and harass. The officer then freaked out and actually drew his gun on the man, who had done nothing illegal whatsoever.

After the man posted the video to Facebook, along with statements criticizing the officer, police from the same department showed up to raid his house!

Police Raid Man’s Home WITHOUT A WARRANT After He Criticized Them On Facebook

Get an attorney and file a civil suit. We have a serious nationwide problem within many police departments. If it is not addressed now, it is only going to get worse.
So, wait...They raided his house and said that he came out with his hands up and the police said THAT was a SUSPICIOUS behavior. They also said they dont need a warrant because a child there gave them permission. AND they were there about a 911 call but they WILL NOT RELEASE THE 911 CALL.

Now seriously, who can defend violating someones 4th amendment right based on an unconfirmed and unwilling to confirm story from cops who already acted seemingly unlawfully?
So, wait...They raided his house and said that he came out with his hands up and the police said THAT was a SUSPICIOUS behavior. They also said they dont need a warrant because a child there gave them permission. AND they were there about a 911 call but they WILL NOT RELEASE THE 911 CALL.

Now seriously, who can defend violating someones 4th amendment right based on an unconfirmed and unwilling to confirm story from cops who already acted seemingly unlawfully?

4th Amendment doesn't apply if the police believe someone is in danger .

For instance , you can't be beating on your wife and when the cops show up, tell them to get a warrant and slam the door in their face.

Now, let me explain how the law works here for you.

They claim they had exigent circumstances (a 911 caller says they had a woman crying for assistance) when they show up at your door and tell you that, you don't have a 4th Amendment to stand on. Regardless of whether they found said woman or not, because they acted in good faith.

Now , here is where it gets tricky, if they enter your home under such exigent circumstances, it doesn't matter if you have a kilo of a coke out on your living room table, they can not arrest you for that ( unless they could view it from plain site outside your home, but let's stick with basics.

The ONLY thing the police are entitled to look for is a woman in distress.

So why in the fuck would you argue with them? Let them in and be done with it.

ALso, my guess is this guy was a known entity to police. They don't just generally go around cuffing people.
So, wait...They raided his house and said that he came out with his hands up and the police said THAT was a SUSPICIOUS behavior. They also said they dont need a warrant because a child there gave them permission. AND they were there about a 911 call but they WILL NOT RELEASE THE 911 CALL.

Now seriously, who can defend violating someones 4th amendment right based on an unconfirmed and unwilling to confirm story from cops who already acted seemingly unlawfully?

4th Amendment doesn't apply if the police believe someone is in danger .

or if they make up a 911 call that doesnt exist.

For instance , you can't be beating on your wife and when the cops show up, tell them to get a warrant and slam the door in their face.

Now, let me explain how the law works here for you.

They claim they had exigent circumstances (a 911 caller says they had a woman crying for assistance) when they show up at your door and tell you that, you don't have a 4th Amendment to stand on. Regardless of whether they found said woman or not, because they acted in good faith.

I know but that wasnt the case here...We are talking about this case arent we?

Now , here is where it gets tricky, if they enter your home under such exigent circumstances, it doesn't matter if you have a kilo of a coke out on your living room table, they can not arrest you for that ( unless they could view it from plain site outside your home, but let's stick with basics.

The ONLY thing the police are entitled to look for is a woman in distress.

So why in the fuck would you argue with them? Let them in and be done with it.

He didnt argue, again...Are we talking about this case or not?

ALso, my guess is this guy was a known entity to police. They don't just generally go around cuffing people.

But they did just cuff him and said that him coming out the door with his hands up was suspicious. Now a universal sign of surrender is characterized as suspicious. Thats a deep dark slope you're about to go down
So, wait...They raided his house and said that he came out with his hands up and the police said THAT was a SUSPICIOUS behavior. They also said they dont need a warrant because a child there gave them permission. AND they were there about a 911 call but they WILL NOT RELEASE THE 911 CALL.

Now seriously, who can defend violating someones 4th amendment right based on an unconfirmed and unwilling to confirm story from cops who already acted seemingly unlawfully?

4th Amendment doesn't apply if the police believe someone is in danger .

or if they make up a 911 call that doesnt exist.

For instance , you can't be beating on your wife and when the cops show up, tell them to get a warrant and slam the door in their face.

Now, let me explain how the law works here for you.

They claim they had exigent circumstances (a 911 caller says they had a woman crying for assistance) when they show up at your door and tell you that, you don't have a 4th Amendment to stand on. Regardless of whether they found said woman or not, because they acted in good faith.

I know but that wasnt the case here...We are talking about this case arent we?

Now , here is where it gets tricky, if they enter your home under such exigent circumstances, it doesn't matter if you have a kilo of a coke out on your living room table, they can not arrest you for that ( unless they could view it from plain site outside your home, but let's stick with basics.

The ONLY thing the police are entitled to look for is a woman in distress.

So why in the fuck would you argue with them? Let them in and be done with it.

He didnt argue, again...Are we talking about this case or not?

ALso, my guess is this guy was a known entity to police. They don't just generally go around cuffing people.

But they did just cuff him and said that him coming out the door with his hands up was suspicious. Now a universal sign of surrender is characterized as suspicious. Thats a deep dark slope you're about to go down

So, the correct action is you ask them why they want entry, then you let them enter, they have a right to expediently enter if someone might be in danger, they don't even have to ask, let alone convince you they have a valid reason.

Then AFTER the incident is over you ask them to show why they felt someone was in danger in your home.

Do you get that the police put a person's health and life ahead of your fourth amendment rights, and the courts have ruled that that is just?

yes, in this case it turns out there was no one in danger, but the police didn't know that.

Now , after the incident is over if the police lied about a 911 call to gain entry, that's another matter entirely. As is if someone called 911 and lied about such.

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