Police raid wrong house.......again.

It just boggles my mind that people think they can give the police shit and not have a bad outcome. To this day, I don't really know what it is they hope to gain by giving the police shit. Maybe they just want someone to erect a statue of them for being a dead "hero".

I suspect it has to do with upbringing. If your parents brought you up to believe there is no authority over you, you grow up that way. I was brought up the opposite. My parents raised me to respect my teachers, adult neighbors and especially the police; if you need help, you can always trust a police officer if one is around.
I suspect it has to do with upbringing. If your parents brought you up to believe there is no authority over you, you grow up that way. I was brought up the opposite. My parents raised me to respect my teachers, adult neighbors and especially the police; if you need help, you can always trust a police officer if one is around.
so you respect cops that have 4 of their fellow officers hold you down while one kicks you in the head several times or holds you up while another punches you in the face several times??
cause thats what happened in this case
I'm not cop hater,, just dont like cops that murder people,,,

you do know some cops can be bad apples??

Yes I do and when they are found, I'll support actions against them. However in this case the individual officers are likely not the problem. The problem was whoever went to court for that warrant got it wrong. The officers were only doing what they were instructed to do by their superiors.
so you respect cops that have 4 of their fellow officers hold you down while one kicks you in the head several times or holds you up while another punches you in the face several times??
cause thats what happened in this case

Are you switching topics? I was talking about this case the OP posted.
Yes I do and when they are found, I'll support actions against them. However in this case the individual officers are likely not the problem. The problem was whoever went to court for that warrant got it wrong. The officers were only doing what they were instructed to do by their superiors.
sorry I am getting two threads mixed up,,,

if they are instructed to fire rubber bullets into a house without warning we need new instructions for cops,,
Are you switching topics? I was talking about this case the OP posted.
I am curious what your breaking point is,, what will you do if laws pass to collect guns from people and cops show up to your house in the middle of the night to collect your guns??

or to arrest you for something you said on social media??

or to take your kids cause youre a conservative??
so you paid for a crime you didnt commit,,, and admit he added MPH that you didnt do,,

sounds like a corrupt cop to me,, and you openly lick their boots,,

There were a bunch of cars whizzing by. He actually pulled three of us over all at the same time. I have to give him kudos for that. I don't believe he purposely added mph's onto my ticket. He was just mistaken in my case. The fact is, I WAS speeding and he got me. And, I drove away alive. Giving him shit at the time was only going to make matters worse. In fact, he told me that if he had wanted to, he could have also given me a ticket for reckless driving but he didn't. Do you believe my solution was to give him shit? How do you think that would have worked out for me?
so you respect cops that have 4 of their fellow officers hold you down while one kicks you in the head several times or holds you up while another punches you in the face several times??
cause thats what happened in this case
No, you don‘t respect the five murderous police. But it is 5 out of close to 1 million cops! Let’s not be so eager to demonize police as if this is some massive widespread problem.

1% of 1 million is 10,000. One-tenth of 1 % is 1,000. One-hundredth of 1% is 100. So, more than 99.99% are going to be demonized by the fewer than 0.001% of bad? Keep the numbers in perspective.
No, you don‘t respect the five murderous police. But it is 5 out of close to 1 million cops! Let’s not be so eager to demonize police as if this is some massive widespread problem.

1% of 1 million is 10,000. One-tenth of 1 % is 1,000. One-hundredth of 1% is 100. So, more than 99.99% are going to be demonized by the fewer than 0.001% of bad? Keep the numbers in perspective.
I was using someone elses numbers,, but thanks for a clarification,,
People know their rights and want them respected by law enforcement.

Is that too much to ask?
I ask again, how is giving the police shit going to benefit you? By the way, they know their rights because they are experienced criminals.
I suspect it has to do with upbringing. If your parents brought you up to believe there is no authority over you, you grow up that way. I was brought up the opposite. My parents raised me to respect my teachers, adult neighbors and especially the police; if you need help, you can always trust a police officer if one is around.
Totally. Blacks and the left have done a great disservice by indoctrinating blacks to think police are out to get them and should not be respected. It is the black community and the left who are actually responsible for a lot of the killings that we do have. These police do not hunt black people down to kill them.
The thing I have gotten from this is that you and a couple of others have not denied that 99.9% of interactions don't go bad.

The vast majority of people who go into a bank don't rob it. That isn't news. When someone does it is news and the ones who do so should be prosecuted.
I ask again, how is giving the police shit going to benefit you? By the way, they know their rights because they are experienced criminals.
I think everyone should know their rights. There is no requirement to be police to an officer. You have a right to be an asshole.

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