Police Sergeant Chokes Subordinate Officer -- Was He Wrong?

"A police sergeant in Florida has been placed on desk duty after video showed him assaulting a fellow officer who was trying to de-escalate a man's arrest. The body cam video shows Sunrise police Sgt. Christopher Pullease threatening the suspect with pepper spray, and engaging in a verbal altercation with him, after he'd already been taken into custody and placed in the back of a patrol car.

A 28-year-old female officer grabs Pullease by the back of his belt and tries to pull him away, he turns around and briefly puts his hand around her throat, before grabbing her by the vest and pushing her against another patrol car. In an interview with Miami's Channel 7, Sunrise Police Chief Anthony Rosa said Pullease's behavior was "disgusting," adding that "the video speaks for itself.”
“I’m very proud of this police officer," Rosa said. "She took some definitive action. I can only imagine what she must be feeling. She’s a newer officer, and he’s a very senior sergeant.”

This is why I understand why many of the Conservatives on this message board feel we shouldn't have any broads on the police force...because as this cop has showed, these women don't know how to stay in their place...How are you going to try to disrespect your superior officer like that?? and for what?? Because you were worried about him pepper spraying some thug? Who cares....and he barely even grabbed her throat to be honest...I mean, you or I couldn't do that to her without at the very least being charged with assault; if not shot dead -- but you and I are not police, we don't deal with the pressures they have to deal with....Obviously this guy was stressed and as usual, its some nagging broad that comes along and makes a man snap..
She showed Bad BAD judgement going after the male cop. He was dealing with a violent criminal and she attacked him for no reason. The criminal being threatened with being sprayed in order to get him comply was not assault on the criminal. So why did she attack--two her pulling on the other cop put everyone in danger--and three she doesn't have the size or skills to deal with another cop much less a violent criminal.

Her sex has nothing to do with the cop pushing her back -----If his hand was any lower, she would be screaming sexual contact with her chest. The male cop was stressed--dealing with a violent criminal with crazy inept rookie trying to get involved...I am going say she is the one who shouldn't be a cop due to mental woke issues. She was probably an affirmative woke hire---to stupid to be a mcDs worker much less a cop.
Those are the "politics" that i mentioned earlier. After the investigation, that woman will be in more trouble than him.
Maybe in your little fantasy world where punching a woman who yanks on your belt is the 'manly' thing to do. Lol
Why do you care about violent criminals having rights----at the cost of society.
Because I care about the Constitution.....

And I don't believe in allowing officers or anyone one else in authority to decide who and who aren't allowed to have constitutional protections -- just because they have the force of a gun...

This is why all of that talk of liberty and freedom by you reactionary right-wing cucks has and always was bullshit....there are whole entire populations of Americans you have no problem denying rights too...you only complain when you make believe your rights are being infringed upon....

Which is why I think its funny that it took Jan 6th rioters being locked up for idiots like you to start caring about solitary confinement and other conditions inside of jails..
He was put on desk duty from what I read.
Why did the chief say what he did was disgusting and praised the female cop's actions??

Was he lying?? Should he be fired for defending that female cop?? Should he had instead suspended her and praise the sergeant?
WHAT MISCONDUCT?!!!!! What did he do that was wrong?
Escalate a situation that didn't need to be escalated and threatened to pepper spray a person who didn't need to be pepper sprayed...

The female officer, who took her oath seriously and probably took the time to read the state law requiring her to intervene -- did what she felt was right..

And your fantasy that she is going to be in more trouble than the sergeant will remain a fantasy....but who knows, maybe the other cops who think like you will make her job harder..and she will quit...that would be pretty cool huh -- guess all of that police reform talk is always just talk from you folks
Who ever said its manly to punch a woman? :cuckoo:
If she yanks him backwards, that is assault. At that point he can punch her in the mouth.

Assault is assault, self defense is self defense. She is lucky he was nice enough to not respond with a punch.

No, youre throwing out weird comments that just sticking. Soy boy, lib cuck, pajama boy, etc, those are all terms for you sissy left wing losers. Using those terms on real men (aka conservatives) doesnt work.
If you're going to advocate punching women and that you're a "real" man why do it in the most cowardly way imaginable? Lol
Politics, obviously.
Police chiefs are not elected, so what would politics have to do with it?? He didn't run for office to become chief....

But fine....let's say the chief decided to fire the lady cop and promote the sergeant and talk about what she did was disgusting -- why wouldn't that be a political benefit to him??

Wouldn't insecure cucks like you praise his actions?? Or are you saying there are less people like you than everyone else?? So catering to you fragile minded cucks wouldn't benefit him much politically
I know sunrise, fl---some very very violent criminals over there. The male cop was trying to arrest ANOTHER violent Black criminal and she was interfering. Putting everyone in danger.

The criminal wasn't being abused so why was she interfering is another question?

Ok. True or false. The bad guy was in cuffs and in the back of the car.
Police chiefs are not elected, so what would politics have to do with it??
What an idiotic thing to say. Either you are this ignorant of the world in which you live, or you are just too stupid to come up with a better argument. Either way, its embarrassing.
Ok. True or false. The bad guy was in cuffs and in the back of the car.
Yes, but he was mouthing off....which could possibly be seen as a threat to the other officers on the scene...so he had to be pepper sprayed at the very least....

I predict that will be the general conservative response
Yes, but he was mouthing off....which could possibly be seen as a threat to the other officers on the scene...so he had to be pepper sprayed at the very least....

I predict that will be the general conservative response

Ok. What words can I shout that would cause you physical pain or injury?
Stop making shit up---he didn't punch her fool. YOu lie.
I never said he did punch her you moron. That poster did suggest that he would of and that the officer is lucky she didn't get punched and that he was a "real" man. I didn't know "real" men fantasized about punching women who pull on their belts. I did know though that he was a coward who'd say it and then shy away from it like soft ass soy boy.
What an idiotic thing to say. Either you are this ignorant of the world in which you live, or you are just too stupid to come up with a better argument. Either way, its embarrassing.

"A chief of police is the title given to an appointed official or an elected one in the chain of command of a police department, particularly in North America. ... A police chief is appointed by and answerable to a national or local government, with the main exception being elected sheriffs in the United States."

I am at a point where I think you like getting your ass kicked all up and down these comment sections...but hey, maybe he is a special kind of police chief that was elected instead of appointed...in your city, who did you vote for in the police chief election??

or maybe you have him mistaken for a sheriff....

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