Police Shoot and Kill Teen

The cops didn't create shit ... The criminal did.
For all the cops know, the criminal could have stolen the car two blocks over 5 minutes ago, and has a woman locked in the trunk.

He could also be rushing home because his mom had a heart attack. We can't let cops go around shooting people for what they MIGHT have done.

Allowing dangerous high speed chases and shootings over traffic violations goes against any kind of common sense. The actual offense just isn't that big of a deal.

You got his license plate number, write him a ticket, just like if he blew through a red light camera.

I mean seriously ... You will do anything to aid and abed a criminal.
Then your sorry ass will whine about crime, mismanagement by the government, and other utter nonsense.

Guy, I'd be happier if the cops spent less time chasing speeders and more time investigating real crimes.

Chicago wrote up 490,000 traffic violations in 2018. That same year, they spent $113,000,000 settling cases of police brutality and abuse. However, their murder rate clearance was only 17%.

I think their priorities are in the wrong places.

The cops didn't create shit ... The criminal did.
For all the cops know, the criminal could have stolen the car two blocks over 5 minutes ago, and has a woman locked in the trunk.

He could also be rushing home because his mom had a heart attack. We can't let cops go around shooting people for what they MIGHT have done.

Allowing dangerous high speed chases and shootings over traffic violations goes against any kind of common sense. The actual offense just isn't that big of a deal.

You got his license plate number, write him a ticket, just like if he blew through a red light camera.

I mean seriously ... You will do anything to aid and abed a criminal.
Then your sorry ass will whine about crime, mismanagement by the government, and other utter nonsense.

Guy, I'd be happier if the cops spent less time chasing speeders and more time investigating real crimes.

Chicago wrote up 490,000 traffic violations in 2018. That same year, they spent $113,000,000 settling cases of police brutality and abuse. However, their murder rate clearance was only 17%.

I think their priorities are in the wrong places.


He could have a winning lottery ticket and be rushing to the Sisters of the Holy Rosery School for the Blind to donate it all.
The cops don't know that you stupid fuck ... :auiqs.jpg:

He could have a winning lottery ticket and be rushing to the Sisters of the Holy Rosery School for the Blind to donate it all.
The cops don't know that you stupid fuck ...

No, they don't, which is why they shouldn't be recklessly endangering the public with a high-speed chase.
No, they don't, which is why they shouldn't be recklessly endangering the public with a high-speed chase.

Of course they don't ...
That's why the stupid fucker should pull over and try telling them something.

They need to understand what is going on ...
And the criminal has already demonstrated the propensity for making poor decisions, endangering others.

Stop making excuse for criminals you nit-wit ... :thup:
If you want to create policy that restricts the ability for cops to pursue a criminal ...
All you are doing is encouraging and giving a criminal the permission to make another stupid decision.

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Of course they don't ...
That's why the stupid fucker should pull over and try telling them something.

They need to understand what is going on ...
And the criminal has already demonstrated the propensity for making poor decisions, endangering others.

Stop making excuse for criminals you nit-wit ... :thup:
If you want to create policy that restricts the ability for cops to pursue a criminal ...
All you are doing is encouraging and giving a criminal the permission to make another stupid decision.
Trump supporters don't get to lecture anyone on "Stupid decisions".

But any, it has to do with proportion. All they know is he was driving too fast. They have his license plate number. They don't need to do a hi-speed chase and then show up with guns drawn.

Yes, I want policies that restrict cops ability to abuse the rest of us. This was an unncessary chase that led to an unncessary death.
Trump supporters don't get to lecture anyone on "Stupid decisions".

But any, it has to do with proportion. All they know is he was driving too fast. They have his license plate number. They don't need to do a hi-speed chase and then show up with guns drawn.

Yes, I want policies that restrict cops ability to abuse the rest of us. This was an unncessary chase that led to an unncessary death.

Look nit-wit ... I didn't suggest that you trying to make it Former President Trump's or my fault ...
Was going to make your position worth a damn.

Don't pretend you are making any sense ... Or that you have an excuse worth shit.
Stop making excuses for criminals ... You are not helping anyone but criminals.

Look nit-wit ... I didn't suggest that you trying to make it Former President Trump's or my fault ...
Was going to make your position worth a damn.

Don't pretend you are making any sense ... Or that you have an excuse worth shit.
Stop making excuses for criminals ... You are not helping anyone but criminals.

Except this kid wasn't a criminal. He's a kid who panicked when a cop caught him speeding.

If the community no longer trusts the police to show good judgement, the criminal is the only one who benefits.
Except this kid wasn't a criminal. He's a kid who panicked when a cop caught him speeding.

If the community no longer trusts the police to show good judgement, the criminal is the only one who benefits.

He was breaking the law when the cop tried to stop him ... He chose to make another very bad decision.
Quit pretending otherwise ... The police are not obligated to let the criminal run around making stupid decisions.
It's their job to keep them from doing so ... And your making excuses doesn't help.

Not to be confused with the stupid idea I may not understand that you may not trust them.
You are thinking the wrong fucking thing to start with, making another poor excuse won't help.

He was breaking the law when the cop tried to stop him ... He chose to make another very bad decision.
Quit pretending otherwise ... The police are not obligated to let the criminal run around making stupid decisions.

No, but they also need to show restraint and use reasonable force proporianate to the situation. This is why we have a BLM. If Tamir RIce or Geo. Floyd were ax-murderers, no one would have a problem with the cops killing them.

They made very minor mistakes. That's why people are upset.

Not to be confused with the stupid idea I may not understand that you may not trust them.
You are thinking the wrong fucking thing to start with, making another poor excuse won't help.

Nope. Frankly, I'll wait for the whole story, but what we have right now is they engaged in a hi-speed chase with a teenager, a crash ensued and then somehow the kid got shot AFTER the crash.

The police endangered all the passengers in that vehicle plus anyone else on the road that night... for a traffic violation.
He was breaking the law when the cop tried to stop him ... He chose to make another very bad decision.
Quit pretending otherwise ... The police are not obligated to let the criminal run around making stupid decisions.

No, but they also need to show restraint and use reasonable force proporianate to the situation. This is why we have a BLM. If Tamir RIce or Geo. Floyd were ax-murderers, no one would have a problem with the cops killing them.

They made very minor mistakes. That's why people are upset.

Not to be confused with the stupid idea I may not understand that you may not trust them.
You are thinking the wrong fucking thing to start with, making another poor excuse won't help.

Nope. Frankly, I'll wait for the whole story, but what we have right now is they engaged in a hi-speed chase with a teenager, a crash ensued and then somehow the kid got shot AFTER the crash.

The police endangered all the passengers in that vehicle plus anyone else on the road that night... for a traffic violation.

Just when I was convinced that you had posted the most stupid thing someone could post ...
You turn around and outdo yourself.

Your excuses are even dumb ... Like the one about trusting the police.
Trying to use policy to do something stupid, and giving the criminal an excuse to run claiming distrust of the police could be a reason ...
Does absolutely nothing to foster trust in the police, or encourage responsibility in the young person.

Furthermore, you wouldn't ever know the full story until they apprehend the criminal.
There is no reason to encourage the person to run from the police, which is what causes the danger to others.
If the criminal is only guilty of a minor traffic violation, that is no reason they shouldn't just pull over.

You making excuse after excuse won't change that ...
And just proves you are absolutely wrong about everything you think and anything your stupid ass could associate with it.

You are just damn lucky breathing is on autopilot.

Just when I was convinced that you had posted the most stupid thing someone could post ...
You turn around and outdo yourself.

Your excuses are even dumb ... Like the one about trusting the police.
Trying to use policy to do something stupid, and giving the criminal an excuse to run claiming distrust of the police could be a reason ...
Uh, actually, given how many people the cops kill every year, it's probably a good reason. The cops need to rebuild trust. They can start by not being reckless.

Furthermore, you wouldn't ever know the full story until they apprehend the criminal.
There is no reason to encourage the person to run from the police, which is what causes the danger to others.
If the criminal is only guilty of a minor traffic violation, that is no reason they shouldn't just pull over.

That's what Sandra Bland thought. She ended up dying in a jail cell.

You making excuse after excuse won't change that ...
And just proves you are absolutely wrong about everything you think and anything your stupid ass could associate with it.

The only person I see making excuses here is you. The cops took a routine moving violation and someone ended up dead.
Just when I was convinced that you had posted the most stupid thing someone could post ...
You turn around and outdo yourself.

Your excuses are even dumb ... Like the one about trusting the police.
Trying to use policy to do something stupid, and giving the criminal an excuse to run claiming distrust of the police could be a reason ...
Uh, actually, given how many people the cops kill every year, it's probably a good reason. The cops need to rebuild trust. They can start by not being reckless.

Furthermore, you wouldn't ever know the full story until they apprehend the criminal.
There is no reason to encourage the person to run from the police, which is what causes the danger to others.
If the criminal is only guilty of a minor traffic violation, that is no reason they shouldn't just pull over.

That's what Sandra Bland thought. She ended up dying in a jail cell.

You making excuse after excuse won't change that ...
And just proves you are absolutely wrong about everything you think and anything your stupid ass could associate with it.

The only person I see making excuses here is you. The cops took a routine moving violation and someone ended up dead.

You trying to provide them with a excuse to run from the cops.
Thus causing the situations where the cops are forced to make decisions they shouldn't have to, and trying to make that policy ...
Does absolutely nothing to foster trust in the police.

It's like you are setting yourself on fire and bitching about it being hot ... :auiqs.jpg:

I am not really trying to convince you that you are a dumbass, and you really don't need to keep proving it.
Just about everything you think is wrong and the result of a poor decision process.


You trying to provide them with a excuse to run from the cops.
Thus causing the situations where the cops are forced to make decisions they shouldn't have to, and trying to make that policy ...
Does absolutely nothing to foster trust in the police.

I think you are confusing "trust" with "Fear".

yes, people in minority communities FEAR the cops.

They don't trust them.

Incidents like this DON'T HELP.
You trying to provide them with a excuse to run from the cops.
Thus causing the situations where the cops are forced to make decisions they shouldn't have to, and trying to make that policy ...
Does absolutely nothing to foster trust in the police.

I think you are confusing "trust" with "Fear".

yes, people in minority communities FEAR the cops.

They don't trust them.

Incidents like this DON'T HELP.

I didn't confuse shit ... Fear spurs distrust.
Stop pretending ... Stop making excuses.

I'll give you kudos for at least trying to think.

I didn't confuse shit ... Fear spurs distrust.
Stop pretending ... Stop making excuses.

I'll give you kudos for at least trying to think.

Actually, I spend a lot of time on this, and frankly, we need serious police reform.
It is never legal to shoot someone no matter how they are driving.
The car was in the street, so it is illegal for a cop to being the street, and the claim the car was used as a weapon obviously is a total lie.
There also appeared to be other passengers, so the police are guilty of additional charges as well.
When police shoot that is always a crime unless they are stopping someone else from shooting.
That is because shooting can go for a mile, so must be stopped.
Driving a car dangerously does not have to be stopped, because you can just get out of their path.
Actually, I spend a lot of time on this, and frankly, we need serious police reform.

I too am actively interested and proactive in addressing and combating the militarization of law enforcement at the Parish Level.
But I am not interested in doing so by providing excuses for criminals, or using the criminal's misbehavior as an excuse.

When I hold law enforcement accountable, it is for what they have done, or intend to do with poor policy.
I don't even have to like the laws they are tasked to enforce ... They are not the judge and jury, and need to just enforce the law.

They are not going to be able to do that if people just keep changing the rules.
The more doubt or distrust we may force on the system, the less chance the job can be properly completed in the process of accomplishing it's goals.

Weakening the actual law or policies, doesn't necessarily promote better policing ...
It just creates an environment where good cops are fed up with the bullshit, and you will be left with nothing but the bad or poorly trained.

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You trying to provide them with a excuse to run from the cops.
Thus causing the situations where the cops are forced to make decisions they shouldn't have to, and trying to make that policy ...
Does absolutely nothing to foster trust in the police.

I think you are confusing "trust" with "Fear".

yes, people in minority communities FEAR the cops.

They don't trust them.

Incidents like this DON'T HELP.

I didn't confuse shit ... Fear spurs distrust.
Stop pretending ... Stop making excuses.

I'll give you kudos for at least trying to think.


The natural reaction to police these days is fear, and once the "fight or flight" adrenalin kicks in, it is hard for humans to do anything but try to run away.
The fault is with the police, because they have deliberately fostered the atmosphere of fear.
Police constantly commit crimes, like pointing guns at unarmed innocents, no-knock warrants, illegal War on Drugs, asset forfeiture, etc.
We would be much better off without police, like it was around 1900.

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