Police Shoot and Kill Teen

He looks white to me. Is this legal though? Shooting someone fleeing when there is no immediate threat to the cop?

Here is why whites are not really wacists.

I don't care what color you are, you get what you deserve. Next time he'll think more carefully about doing it again.
The evidence of the crime is when one runs from the law. Why run, otherwise why resist ??? What if the perp just committed a murder, robbed a bank, kidnapped a little child ?? Just let them go eh ? Do you realize that time is of the essence if a child abduction just took place, a bank heist or a murderer is on the loose trying to flea. I know, how about idiot's understand that if they run, then they are putting themselves in a very dangerous situation, because the law ain't social workers, and they don't have a clue as to who you are or why you might run. What you advocate for, and on a very small number of cases in relation to very dangerous villains, is to just cease and stop going after criminal's ???? You are living in la,la, land bud.

Uh, we don't let the cops go around killing people because they MIGHT have done something.

How hard is it for idiot's to learn that resisting arrest or not stoping for the law if commit an infraction of the law, can lead to endangering the officer's lives in which they don't take kindly too, and endangers the public in the worst ways imaginable.

Wow. People panic and make bad decisions. That shouldn't be a license for law enforcement to murder them.

The only solution is for a switch to be created, and then it would be made mandatory on all vehicles to have it, and it would allow only law enforcement to shut the vehicle off as soon as the vehicle driver indicates that he or she is going to run. That is the best solution.

Here's a better solution. Train cops to show judgement, so you aren't shooting jaywalkers or running speeders off the road
You and your bullcrap Joby.... You sound like your uncle Joe Biden now (can't cha just shoot'em in the leg), Rotflmbo.

You are part of the problem why law enforcement don't hardly work anymore Joby, and you are part of the reason why they are now the hunted instead of the hunters, because just like your idiot leftist bud's, you have an excuse for anything (all though lame most times), but an excuse none the less, even if it's not based in reality.

There are hundreds if not thousands of video's on the internet of police putting their lives on the lines daily for the citizen's of this nation, but all of a sudden in la,la land in which this nation has become now that the Democrats are running things, those same Democrat's are doing everything possible to make the bad guy's the good guy's, and the good guy's the bad guy's. It's a political move, but why is this being done is the 69 million dollar question now.

We have the technology to stop these drivers but I'm sure it's expensive

Every cruiser in the country needs this technology yesterday.

We can't since we're defunding police

Yep, I didn't think about that one... The money needs to go towards buying more cell phones, and putting them in the hands of sidewalk drug dealers so they can alert when 5-0 rolls around. Obama was the biggest idiot we have ever had as a president, and now we get his number two who is giving us a return to the idiocy ?
He looks white to me. Is this legal though? Shooting someone fleeing when there is no immediate threat to the cop?

Kid was white. Is it legal? Yes because they claim the kid was using the car as a weapon and they fired in self-defense. Question is, was he?
Didn't he lead them on a very dangerous chase that endangered the public and the officer's ?? I know that in the heat of it all mistakes are made, but the idiot driver has to assume a large part of the responsibility in it all. If the cop made a mistake, then he'll live with that the rest of his life.
You are part of the problem why law enforcement don't hardly work anymore Joby, and you are part of the reason why they are now the hunted instead of the hunters, because just like your idiot leftist bud's, you have an excuse for anything (all though lame most times), but an excuse none the less, even if it's not based in reality.

Uh, guy, the cops still manage to kill 1000 Americans every year, while only 50 or so cops a year are shot in the line of duty. This crap of "We have to be trigger happy maniacs because we want to go home tonight" is bullshit.

There are hundreds if not thousands of video's on the internet of police putting their lives on the lines daily for the citizen's of this nation, but all of a sudden in la,la land in which this nation has become now that the Democrats are running things, those same Democrat's are doing everything possible to make the bad guy's the good guy's, and the good guy's the bad guy's. It's a political move, but why is this being done is the 69 million dollar question now.

No, guy, the problem is, as we used to say in the Army, One Oh Shit erases 100 Attaboys.

Most cops are good guys. That doesn't excuse the 1% of bad apples who recklessly endanger lives.

Most priests are good guys. It doesn't excuse the 1% who were molesting altar boys.

The only thing that has changed is now we have video of them doing their jobs, and the "He totally had it coming" excuse doesn't fly anymore.
The evidence of the crime is when one runs from the law. Why run, otherwise why resist ??? What if the perp just committed a murder, robbed a bank, kidnapped a little child ?? Just let them go eh ? Do you realize that time is of the essence if a child abduction just took place, a bank heist or a murderer is on the loose trying to flea. I know, how about idiot's understand that if they run, then they are putting themselves in a very dangerous situation, because the law ain't social workers, and they don't have a clue as to who you are or why you might run. What you advocate for, and on a very small number of cases in relation to very dangerous villains, is to just cease and stop going after criminal's ???? You are living in la,la, land bud.

Uh, we don't let the cops go around killing people because they MIGHT have done something.

How hard is it for idiot's to learn that resisting arrest or not stoping for the law if commit an infraction of the law, can lead to endangering the officer's lives in which they don't take kindly too, and endangers the public in the worst ways imaginable.

Wow. People panic and make bad decisions. That shouldn't be a license for law enforcement to murder them.

The only solution is for a switch to be created, and then it would be made mandatory on all vehicles to have it, and it would allow only law enforcement to shut the vehicle off as soon as the vehicle driver indicates that he or she is going to run. That is the best solution.

Here's a better solution. Train cops to show judgement, so you aren't shooting jaywalkers or running speeders off the road
Let me see. You believe the lyin' cheatin' press helping Democrat lies published, but you don't believe the police who are trained to recall details of a crime in the minutia and who are accepted on the force for serving the needs of the community as well as giving correct information on their written assignments as close to 100% or are discharged from the force if they ever provide falsified evidence of a crime a bad person did to someone else. Got it.
You are part of the problem why law enforcement don't hardly work anymore Joby, and you are part of the reason why they are now the hunted instead of the hunters, because just like your idiot leftist bud's, you have an excuse for anything (all though lame most times), but an excuse none the less, even if it's not based in reality.

Uh, guy, the cops still manage to kill 1000 Americans every year, while only 50 or so cops a year are shot in the line of duty. This crap of "We have to be trigger happy maniacs because we want to go home tonight" is bullshit.

There are hundreds if not thousands of video's on the internet of police putting their lives on the lines daily for the citizen's of this nation, but all of a sudden in la,la land in which this nation has become now that the Democrats are running things, those same Democrat's are doing everything possible to make the bad guy's the good guy's, and the good guy's the bad guy's. It's a political move, but why is this being done is the 69 million dollar question now.

No, guy, the problem is, as we used to say in the Army, One Oh Shit erases 100 Attaboys.

Most cops are good guys. That doesn't excuse the 1% of bad apples who recklessly endanger lives.

Most priests are good guys. It doesn't excuse the 1% who were molesting altar boys.

The only thing that has changed is now we have video of them doing their jobs, and the "He totally had it coming" excuse doesn't fly anymore.
Let me see. You believe the lyin' cheatin' press helping Democrat lies published, but you don't believe the police who are trained to recall details of a crime in the minutia and who are accepted on the force for serving the needs of the community as well as giving correct information on their written assignments as close to 100% or are discharged from the force if they ever provide falsified evidence of a crime a bad person did to someone else. Got it.

Uh, Butt-head, the police aren't fired for lying. That's the problem. "Testilying" is a common thing. We've had a whole bunch of cases of cops lying in official reports, such as the Walter Scott Case, the Laquan McDonald Case, and the Tamir Rice case.

Now, that said, 99% of cops are good guys. That 1% aren't, and departments feel a strange need to protect them from consequences.
Let me see. You believe the lyin' cheatin' press helping Democrat lies published, but you don't believe the police who are trained to recall details of a crime in the minutia and who are accepted on the force for serving the needs of the community as well as giving correct information on their written assignments as close to 100% or are discharged from the force if they ever provide falsified evidence of a crime a bad person did to someone else. Got it.

Uh, Butt-head, the police aren't fired for lying. That's the problem. "Testilying" is a common thing. We've had a whole bunch of cases of cops lying in official reports, such as the Walter Scott Case, the Laquan McDonald Case, and the Tamir Rice case.

Now, that said, 99% of cops are good guys. That 1% aren't, and departments feel a strange need to protect them from consequences.
you can not prove that so you are in fact lying.
you can not prove that so you are in fact lying.

Uh, guy, I gave two specific cases where police officers lied about what happened.

Here. Let me help you out. Michael Slager, the cop who shot Walter Scott, claimed Scott had stolen his Taser and he was shot because Slager was defending himself. Roll that beautiful bean footage.

Jason van Dyke, the officer who shot Laquan McDonald, claimed he shot him because he was charging him. Other cops submitted statements supporting that contention. Then this video turned up.

Hey, one more for you. the officer who arrested Sandra Bland (who was later found dead in jail), claimed she assaulted him.

We don't see the actual shooting, so it's hard to judge.

My first take. This kid didn't do anything that rationalized shooting him.
How on earth can that be your "first take" when you just admitted you didnt see the actual shooting?
Except that the cops created the dangerous situation by engaging in a high speed chase, when they really didn't have any evidence of an actual crime.

This is one of those things that actually needs to change. A high-speed chase is not always necessary. They are actually kind of reckless.

The cops didn't create shit ... The criminal did.
For all the cops know, the criminal could have stolen the car two blocks over 5 minutes ago, and has a woman locked in the trunk.

I mean seriously ... You will do anything to aid and abed a criminal.
Then your sorry ass will whine about crime, mismanagement by the government, and other utter nonsense.


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